New Venture Brothers! 9/12




The rest of the season starts tonight. Discuss!



To quote the wisdom of Brock Samson, "BIGFOOT IS SOMETHING I HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE!"

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



When we say, "Jump!", they say, "Which shark?"!

Butter glider song = awesome.



Man, I just love what they've done with 21.



Good episode.

The fate of the #7 clones was funny and Sgt Hatred injecting himself with adrenaline and tranquilizers was awesome.



arrgh I missed it. Guess I have to wit till next week to see it.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



It's a Wednesday. Like a light Wednesday.



The fate of the X3 was hilarious and ironic.



"I'm out of gun-food!" <-- Must make this a battle cry for one of my alts...



"On your metal wings, astride! With your glistening extra parts, you glide!"

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
The fate of the X3 was hilarious and ironic.
But it raises the question of who helped them do it since eveyone else was surprized.
The obvious answer would be H.E.L.P.eR., but that raises further questions.




WARGH!!! I think I might be having a heart attack!!! I am over-weight, over 50 and I am speed balling on tranq darts and pure adreneline!!!

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Doc Hammer: Jackson and I hold every episode like a white-hot danger-baby and put it up for adoption on your TV with the caveat: "Here, take our child. But seriously, be careful. It might set your couch on fire. Super sorry."



The day that the last Venture Brothers episode airs, the Earth will be a sad, sad place. It's amazing that the show continues to be funny as hell after four seasons. Here's to as many seasons as the Simpsons, but with more than 8 actual funny seasons!



Pete and Billy spent all their seed money on that Tron bike. Seems like a good investment.



Another brilliant episode, full of win - and a fantastic soundtrack too.



Originally Posted by bluepotatosack View Post
Pete and Billy spent all their seed money on that Tron bike. Seems like a good investment.
For those two? Ya, that's a pretty good investment.

Though they could've sprung for a double-wide trailer rather than keep the pull-behind.



I was on a business trip the last few days BUT was able to dowload and watch the episode in an airport terminal. Gotta love the 21st century!

Great to see the writing has not slipped at all on this show. The small nods to continuity make me smile (The White Room, the reattached arm) but do not alienate a new viewer.

The funniest part for me was ShoreLeave joining in the Operation discussion.

Go Team Venture!




Looks like something cool is coming down the road for us.

Originally Posted by Jackson Publick
P.S. FUN SPOILER: Speaking of the west coast, I've just returned from a quick, last minute trip to Los Angeles, where I had the pleasure of recording TV's Nathan Fillion for an episode which will air later this season. Despite having a penchant for vaguely sadistic party games, Mr. Fillion was an absolute blast to work with, and it was my pleasure to put myself out of an acting gig by having him replace my uncharismatic scratch track.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post

Looks like something cool is coming down the road for us.
The Good Captain had this to say:

NathanFillion: My Venture Bros voice work started in a studio in Hollywood, and ended with hooking Chris McCulloch to a shock therapy device.

EntityFlux: @NathanFillion Sweetness! My Uncle Steven voices Dr. Orpheus. #VentureBros

NathanFillion: @entityflux then I'm a fan of YOUR UUUNNNCLE STEEEEVENNN. (in Orpheous voice.)
...could the world please now acknowledge the greatness that is Fillion? kthxbai.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?