Who are our regular 'raid' leaders?
Hrm. I'm not a raid leader but I generally lead Assault Teams during the Hami Raids.
Does that count?
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im gonna say its that guy that guy and that guy, but that would be agains this forum rules. Oups, i did used names in the past... nvrm ignore me!
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Why do you wanna know?
It's typically the same few people at hami raids... ship raids can be just about anyone willing to lead. "Public" CoP raids have been getting lead by the Angry Angels, though there are a few others.

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Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
ooo I'm sure he has his reasons...
But yeah there are several people that do it, and many more that can/have/willing. Come to the raids to find out

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I have been trying to be the leader for the CoP. Its still new and getting people interested is where we are with it now so i hesitate to say that im like the offical leader. Time and interest willing We will start doing these weekly.
Just to amend. I am the one that sets the place to meet, forms the teams, and yells things in request. If that is what you are asking...
--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox
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Haile Korhal leads the bulk of the Mothership raids on Mothership Mondays.
There's a handful of regulars at the Hami raids and one of a couple step up to lead.
Still waiting to do a CoP (going to try and be there this Saturday).
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
Halie does Mothership Mondays and Posthaste does the Cape's Monthly Mothership Raid.
I have no clue who does Hami or CoT though, as I have yet to go on either.
I think?

Shimmer-Strike regularly leads ship raids. Those are the only raids I find merely tedious instead of mind-numbingly boring, so I can't say much about the others.
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Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
Haile Korhal leads the bulk of the Mothership raids on Mothership Mondays.
There's a handful of regulars at the Hami raids and one of a couple step up to lead. Still waiting to do a CoP (going to try and be there this Saturday). |
Halie does Mothership Mondays and Posthaste does the Cape's Monthly Mothership Raid.
I have no clue who does Hami or CoT though, as I have yet to go on either. |
Shimmer-Strike regularly leads ship raids. Those are the only raids I find merely tedious instead of mind-numbingly boring, so I can't say much about the others.
Does anyone have a definite forum name or global name for them? (Thanks in advance!)
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I18 Hamidon raiding guide
@Blazing Tiger and @Xeaon (and his VG - officers) CoP seperately. Their methods for the Obelisks are different but both effective.
My group also runs CoP (we run our own and with others, host meetings and offer our bases and officers for others) my SG has: @Sandolphan, @Andra, @Dogma, @Kegan, @Nutek, @Dinah and myself all lead teams and contribute to pre-planning and post-trial strategy meetings as we work on eliminating more and more training wheels (our success so far has not been entirely temp power free but will be soon). I enjoy organizing these with them as a team building experience for us. We still use Skype so it's a lot of casual fun.
You write and promote guides, yes? If you are looking for help with guides or tutorials specifically on CoP, Blazing Tiger has posted one here in forums. Sandy will be writing a comprehensive tutorial once we accomplish the Storm AV (we're really solid/successful on the Red AV). Another team lead is interested in a video tutorial for others; we'll definitely post.
As for Hamidon, currently, I still see @Robokitty and @Photonstorm consistently leading them. There are quite a few others that step up when needed. They make it look effortless. Good stuff.
If your interest is also in folks who placed a great deal of time over the years for advice or potential teammates for any incoming endgame content, in addition to the globals above > @Andra led the first redside raids for over a year with @Operative Bane and is still available when needed. She does step in when no one is free. I can't say how much I appreciate the time she put in on raids villainside since they were less frequent than blueside raids. Sandy and @Nucess put alot of time into leading the first year blueside. I'm pretty sure Nucess still plays though less frequently if you are looking for folks to plan things with. There's a lot of people in my group who enjoy new challenges.
If you're looking for a little fun with those specialty raids that are seldom done but a great deal of fun contact Sandy or myself:
There hasn't been a Dropship Raid in some time. We enjoyed putting those together for the server when there were scheduled Rikti weeks and cross server Dropship Challenges. We're proud that we came out with great numbers each time. 3 nights w/ a little over 100 ships. @Kegan also helped on our only redside run. She's still a moderator in VirtueUnited (the server's unofficial/official publically run raid channel) and encourages folks with reminders and information on raid schedules.
We also put together the blueside Hamidon nuke. 9 minutes from launch at saferock to completion. It was a riot.
I could be wrong but I'm nearly positive @Robokitty had a successful redside Hamidon nuke raid as well. RK?
As for Mothership Raids, just about everyone has run these. My hats off to Haile for consistently running them. I'm pretty sure Arkyeon also ran raids and promotes raid attendance - especially with so many new and returning folks, I appreciate that. One of the reasons Virtue runs as many raids and taken place aside Freedom for population. It's friendly and active for all playstyles. I remember seeing a post on [server name omitted] once where a guy posted, "Must Virtue beat us on everything?" No but we're a good server for anyone looking for regular ongoing raids, unique raids and usual organizers who consistently hit the new content the second it comes out.
Are you only interested in Virtue raid leaders or would raid leaders from other servers be of help too?
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--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox
I could be wrong but I'm nearly positive @Robokitty had a successful redside Hamidon nuke raid as well. RK?
@Psintorallikaro (aka Greek) and @Arkyaeon also lead blueside raids regularly.
I18 Hamidon raiding guide
Hey.. isn't here someone who runs Mothership at 2 am these days? I could have sworn there was someone hitting the crazy hours for our friends in other time zones. Anyone know about this?
[QUOTE=ROBOKiTTY;3204322]yup ^o^
Good work! <salutes>
You know, the ones that regular herd the catgirls into doing successful Hami, CoP, and Mothership Raids?
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