Virtue and Drama (?)
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
<generous not-let-go hugs>
We have drama, RP drama that is. Check out Pocket D for all the catgirl slaughtering and other weird stuff that goes on. But I will agree that we are NOTHING like the trolls in WoW.
-Looks at join date, then post count-
Give it time, son... Just give it time...
Virtue and Drama (?)
I just decided to weigh in my personal opinion on the apparent level of drama on this server.. . There isnt any. At least not a lot of drama that I can see or feel. Seriously, this is perhaps one of the friendliest gaming experiences I have ever had. Perhaps it is because I am still a new player here. Perhaps it is because I am usually up front about my newness to the game with other people. Perhaps it is just that the player community here is significantly more respectful then the communities I have encountered in the past. My previous game was World of Warcraft, and I played it heavily for three years. Now if you want to talk about drama, and griefing, and general overall harassment, then we can discuss my experiences in that game. I can regale you with tales of openly hateful racism, homophobic rage filled rants, and individuals specifically targeted by a large number of players for all sorts of nasty bullying. ![]() City of Heroes is a much friendlier environment that is entirely the result of how the players conduct themselves. Perhaps the moderators in this game actually police their servers, or perhaps the game mechanics themselves help as this game is not anywhere near as competitive and openly hostile as WoW. Regardless, it is the players that form the community, and it is the players in CoH that are (in my opinion) exceptional! Therefore, I would like to direct the rest of this post to the Player Base on Virtue: Thanks for letting me join your game, and helping my character to learn and grow in a system that many of you have mastered for years now. Thank you for your patience and your generosity! (I have twice been given large amounts of INF from a random high level character.. and this sort of generosity never happened in WoW). Thank you for the regular community-run Costume Contests (that I never win, but absolutely enjoy attending to see all the creative and cool costume ideas). Thank you for giving my virtual characters a home after having to leave my previous game. And thank you for making them so warmly welcomed. Excelsior! ![]() |
I think partially it's due to the fact that when people play a superhero game, it tends to bring out the best nature out of some people. Call it role play, call it immersion, but hero players have been known to act heroically.
No Drama.... NO DRAMA!?!?
*runs into the bathroom and sobs, while twittering how much he hates life*
... Hit it ...

We're pretty damn open about accepting folks and things like that. So someone running around in broadcast shouting racist and hateul things would quickly be dealt with, either by a mass petitioning of this individual (the chat mods actually work here.) or by carpet bombing counter-spam.
Virtue has a different kind of drama. Mostly it comes from self-righteous, pretentious jackasses and their "all about me" type of attitudes. Usually, this is mainly in the Pocket D groups. Avoid that place and you should be happy. Also, joining good supergroup helps.
I shamelessly promote the Palladium Sentry. Good folks. Damn good folks.
What Spartan said. Wait around long enough and some rear-end-in-a-top-hat will eventually pop up, but by and large everyone in these parts are good people. Welcome.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I'm not gonna just need time and it will come.
Maybe I have just had terrible luck but when I first came to Virtue is was seriously the worst experience I have ever had in an MMO. See in WoW there are so many people that if you don't like one group you can find another. Here you are stuck with the same small group of players and chances are past drama will ALWAYS come back.
True things have been getting better but maybe that is because I am becoming more and more reclusive in game...
No relation to Arachnos!
Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
I've expereinced drama, and been the subject of some myself, but in my defensse I was seriously depressed during that time, so I wasn't really myself.
That said, I've never experienced anything the likes of which I put up with back in WoW in any other game, let alone here. Virtue has its idiots like any game, but with the implementation of stuff like per-global player rating and avoidance of Pocket D, my idiot-to-awesome ratio is heavily weighted toward the latter these days.
I've said it before, but the worst thing that's ever happened to me in this game was the time a stalker tried to mug me as I was flying across a PVP zone back in, like, I7 or so. He was using Super Jump to try and keep up, landed on a Longbow Warden, and accused me of cheating. /Broadcast had a good laugh at his expense considering I apologized for his landing on said warden even before he started spewing crap at me for it (Despite it not being my fault to begin with )
Now, I'm at a unique position right now where I literally have one person still playing that I keep in contact with. My old SGs are all dead, or people log in once a week for thirty seconds then run off again, so I'm in the process of trying to find my place on the server again, but I still agree on the whole. It just feels more pleasant here, IMO.
What Spartan said. Wait around long enough and some rear-end-in-a-top-hat will eventually pop up, but by and large everyone in these parts are good people. Welcome.
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there is drama but nowhere near the amounts found in alot of other online communities
*Climbs up onto Deeb's shoulders and rests on the top hat*
Zero drama would be boring, I like to think Virtue has just the right amount to remain interesting while not taking itself seriously enough (anymore) to enter into the realms of server warfare.
*Knocks on top of the tophat*
Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!
-nods with Spartan's comment-
Give it time, you'll see it
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
But drama is fun! there's character development, plotting out and moving storylines forward, conflict, resolution, heroism, villiany, I mean its...what? not that kind of drama? oh uh...
never mind ^.^
I don't like drama. Maybe because so many people I know bring the drama from IC to OOC. Otherwise it's the same boring and inconceivable drama sort that I tend to observe. Look at it as I've been traumatized, because either those I've engaged with drama were just that bad or it sprout out at the worst time in the worst kind of fashion... it's just not me. I have plenty of things to stress out about in real life, I don't need it invading my fantasies. :P
But drama is fun! there's character development, plotting out and moving storylines forward, conflict, resolution, heroism, villiany, I mean its...what? not that kind of drama? oh uh...
never mind ^.^ |

Virtue has drama but we have enough ballz to moderate ourselves, however ask and ye shall receive! :awaits the quarrelsome debate Ironically about to ensue over how much dramalamas are in our arpees server:
Meh, I think a few of you missed OP's point.
Are there individuals on the server most of us would happily Boot to the Head! ? Yes.
But by and large, with the exception of a few individuals in the first SG I joined 2.5 years ago, I've found the overwhelming player base on Virtue to be fun, willing to take a joke, and here to enjoy the game.
One of the probable reasons is the player base itself. Perhaps by accident, that first SG I joined was populated mostly by late 20-somethings or older. The SG leadership was mostly 30-somethings or older. The player base I've gravitated towards as of late also fits that description. Often with significant others/spouses/partners/pink fuzzy bunnies, etc.
Ok, Cien is a perpetual teenager, regardless of what temporal reality states, but hey.
Compared to what I've heard about the age of the primary player base in WoW, in terms of *coughs* life experience and academic achievement, it really shouldn't be surprising that, again, barring a relatively small percentage of individuals, most of us are 'sane' mostly tolerable people.
That, and 5.50 INF will get you a small coffee at an Up and Away Burger...
Virtue and Drama (?)
And all of that happening in the server wide trade chat channels. (Imagine someone running around for hours in Broadcast spewing hateful and racially insulting filth… for hours… )
I just decided to weigh in my personal opinion on the apparent level of drama on this server.. .
There isn’t any.
At least not a lot of drama that I can see or feel. Seriously, this is perhaps one of the friendliest gaming experiences I have ever had. Perhaps it is because I am still a new player here. Perhaps it is because I am usually up front about my newness to the game with other people. Perhaps it is just that the player community here is significantly more respectful then the communities I have encountered in the past.
My previous game was World of Warcraft, and I played it heavily for three years. Now if you want to talk about drama, and griefing, and general overall harassment, then we can discuss my experiences in that game. I can regale you with tales of openly hateful racism, homophobic rage filled rants, and individuals specifically targeted by a large number of players for all sorts of nasty bullying.
City of Heroes is a much friendlier environment that is entirely the result of how the players conduct themselves.
Perhaps the moderators in this game actually police their servers, or perhaps the game mechanics themselves help as this game is not anywhere near as competitive and openly hostile as WoW. Regardless, it is the players that form the community, and it is the players in CoH that are (in my opinion) exceptional!
Therefore, I would like to direct the rest of this post to the Player Base on Virtue:
Thanks for letting me join your game, and helping my character to learn and grow in a system that many of you have mastered for years now. Thank you for your patience and your generosity! (I have twice been given large amounts of INF from a random high level character.. and this sort of generosity never happened in WoW). Thank you for the regular community-run Costume Contests (that I never win, but absolutely enjoy attending to see all the creative and cool costume ideas).
Thank you for giving my virtual characters a home after having to leave my previous game. And thank you for making them so warmly welcomed.