How will the new inherent fitness pool be for Khelds?




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
To be perfectly honest, I would prefer that the toggle dam-res shields all be turned into passives, even with the necessary reduction in mitigation values.

Ditto. Much's I like that we're renegades of (various shades of) funk, a lot of a Kheld's endurance issues prior to Stygian et cetera would be solved by this. Dark Armor got tweaked to cutdown on the "all armors on" drain, but Khelds were left as is.

Plus, it's the whole "what costume I spent hours on?" thing when all toggles are running. Maybe we can get a Minimal FX option at the least.

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Huh. I'm finding it a tiny bit difficult to be excited for Stamina in Forms. I've never even wanted Stamina on my 'Shade because of how awesome Stygian Circle is. Instant Rest after each spawn - who needs Stamina?

Now, Swift and Hurdle for Dwarf Form is something I can be excited for.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
It's been nearly two years since the Kheld changes, and I still don't buy this. Sure, you get mez protection in Dwarf form, but as a tradeoff you lose access to all Nova and human abilities, and if there's a non-Dwarf power you need to activate, you'll get mezzed as soon as you drop out of Dwarf. Being able to toggle on Dwarf form while mezzed is a passable and welcome solution, but it is by no means a good one (for example if you get mezzed during the activation time of Dwarf, it'll detoggle and you'll have to activate it again) because of the limitations. No other AT with mez protection has the silly restriction of being able to access only a subset of its powers while mezzed, and if anything Crabs and Fortunatas should be the prime example of why human form, at least, should have basic mez protection (both Crabs and Fortunatas can pump out ranged damage very safely and have non-limiting mez protection to go with it).

*ducks back into shadows*


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Not overly bothered by inherent Fitness. The only pool power either of my Khelds has (or had planned to get) is Hasten, and that's only to help counter Nictus and Nova/Dwarf mobs within mission maps.

If I get Fitness as inherent, fine. If not, it's no loss for my Khelds. It's going to screw up all my other character's builds, though. Most of them took Fitness partly because there aren't many other powers I like enough to bother with. My Corruptor isn't even going to get more than the 4 Storm Summoning powers she already has, since the other 5 don't fit her basic concept. I'm having to fill up with CJ/Athletics and Tough/Weave as it is. If I get 3-4 extra power choices, I'm going to have to pick powers that don't suit her or ones I'll never even use.

I see people raving about the Numina and Miracle IO procs, but quite frankly, I don't see them giving enough of a bonus for me to spend a fortune to get them for each character. The only time I have endurance problems on my Tanker (Invul/SS) is when I use Hasten, which I can usually do without.



I wish you could turn a power pick into more slots. Even just one more slot. There are a lot of powers on my WS build I took just because I had to take a power, but adding a slot somewhere else would be preferred.

Regarding the thread topic of Stamina, though, WS Stygian Circle solves stamina, except in AV fights, where there's nothing to drain, so I'll be looking forward to Stamina for that.



Castle hath spoken; the new version of Stamina will work for Kheldians in forms.

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, these powers will work while in Crab or Squid form as a Kheldian, which is different from the Pool versions of the powers.

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Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Castle hath spoken; the new version of Stamina will work for Kheldians in forms.
With this in mind, we are actually getting 4 more slots for Kheldians...

Here's my thinking. Instead of slotting 3 end mods in Nova and Dwarf, I put 2 in Stamina (3+3-2=4). That gives 4 extra slots to Kheldians (with both forms) by default!

So it's actually a bonus addition to I19. Kheldians get more slots...LOL


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Won't this change remove most of the reasons to have a human form only build? I've just been playing around with Mids and it looks like with the help of IO's my triform PB will be able to pick up and 4 slot another human form melee attack which means it will go from being a good scrapper to a great one (especially when those Alpha Slot Cardiac things which give another 20% damage resistance become available!) and it can already blast and tank pretty effectively.

Also, Group Energy Flight and Quantum Flight actually might be worth taking now, amazingly enough.



Has anyone tested Dwarf form with 3-slotted swift yet to see if it moves at a reasonable rate?



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
Has anyone tested Dwarf form with 3-slotted swift yet to see if it moves at a reasonable rate?
Well, I can get up to 38 miles an hour jumping speed (23' jumping height!) from Hurdle with a SO Jump enhancement in the form and 21 mph running speed with single slotted Swift. If you can stand the noise it's pretty awesome. Who wants to organize the first Lobster race in Perez or Steel Canyon to celebrate?



That's a great idea. We should organize a "rhino stampede" with a bunch of Dwarves who have 3 slotted leaping and swift.

This is a great addition to my other dream of a Nova armada (20 or more) floating around in a PvP zone blasting non-stop at anything that moves.



So I got on test to see how this was...

With a 3-slotted (with running) Swift, Dwarf runs about as fast as your regular model without sprint on. A definite upgrade, but maybe not worth the extra slots. I'll probably stick with the one slot and call it good.

With 3-slotted (with jumping) Leaping, Dwarf jumps pretty high and pretty fast...I'd say as fast and high as a well-slotted Combat Jumping.

It's nice to have the Inherent Fitness carry over into forms...



The increased movement in dwarf is especially nice, since one of the things I've always hated about him is how slow he feels simply because of his lower run speed.

I'd be a little concerned that a faster-flying nova form (from swift) and no access to combat jumping will cause more 'drift' as I stop moving, and leave me slightly 'off' my intended position. This isn't a huge deal except for aiming the nova scatter attack, since the difference in outcomes between a well-aimed cone and a badly-aimed one is pretty big.

On the topic of more slots - don't forget that the 3 new powers will make excellent places to take the Stealth pool for Luck of the Gambler +recharge mule powers, or grab another travel power (having superspeed is very nice on anyone), or the Leadership pool (kheldians have a pretty good leadership mod), or to fill in your build if you skipped things like conserve power or starless step, or your self-rez.

On the topic of dwarf form and mez protection: Mez protection shouldn't be your reason to go dwarf. Tanking for a team should be your reason to go dwarf. If tanking for a team isn't enough of a reason to dwarf up, then maybe the problem's not with dwarf/khelds/mez protection, and more with tanking in City of Heroes.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



I've always loved playing my Tri-form PB and enjoy tanking for teams when necessary. The biggest drawback to me was the lack of movement speed, and this is really going to change that. I used to only like it when I'd have someone to SB me...

And yes, the extra slots to put uniques and other IOs in is going to be a nice benefit.



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
That's a great idea. We should organize a "rhino stampede" with a bunch of Dwarves who have 3 slotted leaping and swift.

This is a great addition to my other dream of a Nova armada (20 or more) floating around in a PvP zone blasting non-stop at anything that moves.
You are on! I think I can manage to fit that in for one of my 3 builds.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
It's a new change that could be applied to Kheldians in a way that could make them better.

So, no, it won't happen.
10 Internets for this man right here! It's been a while since I literally laughed out loud at my computer screen, thank you.



No one has posted anything post I19 to point out that the inherent fitness that we were told would be available in Kheldian forms is not actually working that way.

The buff icons drop when you change forms, and the numbers drop from combat attributes. So, did Castle actually screw up , or is this working as intended? Maybe this is a known bug?

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Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
No one has posted anything post I19 to point out that the inherent fitness that we were told would be available in Kheldian forms is not actually working that way.

The buff icons drop when you change forms, and the numbers drop from combat attributes. So, did Castle actually screw up , or is this working as intended? Maybe this is a known bug?
Just tested this; you are incorrect. My Warshade has inherent fitness, and I was able to shift into both forms and keep my fitness powers, both in my buff bar and in my combat attributes.

Are you sure you respeced and got the inherent version of the powers?

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Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
No one has posted anything post I19 to point out that the inherent fitness that we were told would be available in Kheldian forms is not actually working that way.

The buff icons drop when you change forms, and the numbers drop from combat attributes. So, did Castle actually screw up , or is this working as intended? Maybe this is a known bug?
I just logged in on my Warshade, and the buff icons stay while in forms, and the numbers are still in the combat attributes. It's not Castle that screwded up here.



Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
No one has posted anything post I19 to point out that the inherent fitness that we were told would be available in Kheldian forms is not actually working that way.

The buff icons drop when you change forms, and the numbers drop from combat attributes. So, did Castle actually screw up , or is this working as intended? Maybe this is a known bug?
Did you do a respec? I think mine dropped until I did a respec and now its on all the time.



My warshade was the first toon I went for when i19 came out..

I have done a respec and I do not see inherent fitness functioning in forms.

Combat attributes or buff icons disappear when I go into a form..



Originally Posted by BadBad_Girl View Post
My warshade was the first toon I went for when i19 came out..

I have done a respec and I do not see inherent fitness functioning in forms.

Combat attributes or buff icons disappear when I go into a form..
Did you select fitness while you were leveling up through the respec?

It works for the three of us, at least, and I know I've talked to others in game with inherent fitness working in forms. I'm just trying to find out what you may have done differently to get different results.

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reading these last few post got me to log in my warshade. I have not done the respec yet, and did not have any of the fitness pool in use. The inherent fitness now shows with all 4 powers with empty slots. All 4 powers show on screen and in the combat attributes in all 3 forms. To see if they are active I dropped some enhancements in them and the values change accordingly in the combat attributes. Still going to do the respec, since I was just waiting on I19, to move a couple of slots. Hopefully no problems. I'll update after I'm done.

After completing the respec, every thing is the same, other than a small difference in total endurance recovery reported in the combat attributes and mids.



Alright inherent powers are active now!!!! So there had to be something that occurred from Wednesday to today.. ALL is good and me happy shade!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Did you select fitness while you were leveling up through the respec?

It works for the three of us, at least, and I know I've talked to others in game with inherent fitness working in forms. I'm just trying to find out what you may have done differently to get different results.
Well before the recent patches I respec'd most of my Khelds into the new Fitness. Today I went to the last one to respec it as time constraints kept me from doing so and when I looked at it's build prior to respec, I had a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot occurrence.......

It had Fitness previous to ish 19 and before the first patches after ish 19 hit. The patch from Thursday somehow switched it from Fitness to Inherent Fitness....... also lost the perf shifter proc that was in its stamina due to this. Bug report filed as I want that proc back.