How will the new inherent fitness pool be for Khelds?




Edit: Marketwise, oy, wonder how high this will drive up the Miracle and Numina uniques, and Performance Shifter's Chance for +End.
Considering how oddly cheap they are with HV merits.... I dunno.

Be well, people of CoH.



While I really like this change on my human form, I feel its hardly needed in the forms, but I ll take it. It can only help me +regen in dwarf. Seeing as how I only play one char and its a peacebringer all changes are important to me and I love the way my kheld plays now and with 3 more powers on top of what I have now is super sweet. I hope there arent any more changes to khelds coming thou, as I think this will top them off.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Considering how oddly cheap they are with HV merits.... I dunno.
This is true.

... hmm. Wonder how insane the marketeers will be with all this going on.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I have to admit... the forms just became a hell of a lot more attractive to me for both of my khels.

Late edit: I'm finding myself surprised at the lack of excitement about this. Is it because most of the forms users tend to form hop so much that you don't feel this to be as large a change as my brain is telling me it is?
I've never bothered with Fitness for my peacebringers or warshades because it wasn't carrying over into forms.

If Castle does get it working for us in forms I will be ecstatic because of being able to pop things like Numina's and Miracles, etc. into them and have it help me in forms where I spend most of my time.

If he doesn't, then I will just leave them sit and ignore them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

Calling the lack any mez protection or mez resistance in the human form just so that the dwarf form will have meaning a "smart design" is an opinion and in my opinion not an even remotely accurate one. I'm not stating that it isn't the design, I just don't agree that it's a smart one.

I agree on voids. I consider them extra XP.

As far as the passives not carrying over, your statement in bold of "any other pool power" is false. Hasten carries over. Had you left it at pool passives don't carry over, then your statement would have been accurate.
Mez Protection: Again, dwarf form is there for mez protection, but it has its necessary drawbacks. If the human form had its own mez protection, even a fraction of what dwarf provides, dwarf form becomes "not worth the cost" by a long shot. Even my warshade, who loves the dwarf mire, would probably drop the form entirely if the human form had mez protection. Making a key element of an AT obsolete cannot be considered smart design by any measure. Removing the drawbacks from dwarf is not an option either, as the drawbacks are there for balance.

True enough that hasten carries to forms only if clicked while in human form, but the power itself can't be used while in a form. I'm still at least half right.

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With I-19, one of the dwarf form's greatest drawbacks, its inability to benefit from fitness, is being removed.

Obviously, removing dwarf form drawbacks IS an option.

You're also ignoring the idea of adding mez resistance, not protection, to the human form. This would still give dwarf form its place as a break free but it would also allow more uptime and thus benefit to the human form toggles.

However, as I stated earlier, I'm certainly not going to push for any further khel changes until I've had a chance to properly test just how much of a buff inherent fitness is going to be.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
With I-19, one of the dwarf form's greatest drawbacks, its inability to benefit from fitness, is being removed.

Obviously, removing dwarf form drawbacks IS an option.
I would hardly call that one of its greatest drawbacks, but the point is valid. There is still the lack of range, limited damage, and inability to use other pool powers while in the form.

I could agree with adding some mez resistance. In my experience, I don't find that it is necessary, especially considering dwarf is there to rely on. That said, Kheldians are more melee oriented than even the wildest blappers, so their vulnerability to mez is much higher than other ATs with no resistance/protection. Perhaps they do deserve some inherent defense against mez. I still firmly believe that outright protection should not be considered, but resistance is a great compromise.

Unfortunately, it takes an inordinate amount of resistance to make a difference. Adding 100% resistance to mez sounds like a huge buff, but in effect only halves the duration of mez effects. I know you're aware of how resistances work, but the problem is making such a sizable number seem reasonable to ask for.

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<cynical>After launch, it will become apparent that the new Fitness passives are not being granted to Kheldians because the devs forgot. This oversight will be Red Name confirmed after three months of PMs and monitor punching and fast-tracked for correction. A bug fix will be pushed to live sometime early in I21.</cynical>

For my 'Shade I figured I'd grab those energy and elemental toggles and use them to mule a couple of the mez/psi resist uniques. Although the Leadership/Vengeance idea is good too. Time to crunch some numbers.

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While I am a happy follower of cynicism and pessimism, I will state that if I'm lucky enough to get into I-19 beta, I will do whatever I can to make sure that the new inherent fitness is functioning in all 6 kheldian forms come go live.

Be well, people of CoH.



I think the major mitigating factor is that we will still have a slot crunch to deal with. Again, I just can't see this overpowering Khelds.

In fact, I think it's funny how many threads have popped up with people running around, flapping their hands squealing "What about slots? Boo-hooooo...what about slots?"



I don't get the slot starvation argument for the other ATs either. There's no change for khels as we've always been slot starved.

Be well, people of CoH.



Personally, I would have said they would not effect the forms, as Brawl, Sprint and Rest cannot be used in the forms. However, if Castle directly contradicts that, then I'm sure as heck not going to argue with him.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
I think the major mitigating factor is that we will still have a slot crunch to deal with. Again, I just can't see this overpowering Khelds.

In fact, I think it's funny how many threads have popped up with people running around, flapping their hands squealing "What about slots? Boo-hooooo...what about slots?"
I don't know, I can see the slot crunch argument in some cases. Some are still going to slot stamina, of course - but now they'll pick some other powers, say, another attack, or they'll dip (or dip deeper) into Fighting, or want to pick up Medicine - and those will likely need slotting as well.

They'll just have to learn what we Khelds have learned long ago - prioritize your slots, and learn to love powers that can be single slotted (or even ignored.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
They'll just have to learn what we Khelds have learned long ago - prioritize your slots, and learn to love powers that can be single slotted (or even ignored.)
I foresee a lot more people taking maneuvers/CJ/Hover/stealth/whatever for LotG mules, and the self rez in a set.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I foresee a lot more people taking maneuvers/CJ/Hover/stealth/whatever for LotG mules, and the self rez in a set.
Well, they wont be taking hover but yea I agree alot of people will use the new power picks for procs.



Originally Posted by Hero_Jot View Post
Well, they wont be taking hover but yea I agree alot of people will use the new power picks for procs.
They don't have to USE hover to get the passive +7.5% recharge. My warshade has three powers that he will never ever ever ever use, just to slot LotGs.

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Dechs... kheldian forum... khels don't have access to the flight and tport pools. I think that's what HJ was alluding to.

Be well, people of CoH.



Wait, are they making fitness work in forms? I thought that was still an unanswered question.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Wait, are they making fitness work in forms? I thought that was still an unanswered question.
Look up several posts in this thread. BillZ asked castle.



Oh, wow.




Great news for Khelds. My WS & PB did not take fitness and now they get them for Free! Whee!

Do I get more bang for my buck by slotting a lvl 50 End Enhancment or Shifter +End Proc into the only slot of Stamina?

Best regards,

Tommy Truestar



Mids is stating that unslotted with stamina, you're at 125% or 2.09/sec
One level 50 basic IO bumps that to 136% or 2.26%

The PerfShif CF+E is 20% chance of 10% endurance which breaks down to... 2 end every 10 seconds or .2/sec

Looks like the perf shifter wins on average, I guess.

Rechecking with the passive accolades in place...

Base becomes 125% or 2.3/sec
1 basic IO: 136% or 2.49/sec

Perf shifter proc still wins by a bit.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Mids is stating that unslotted with stamina, you're at 125% or 2.09/sec
One level 50 basic IO bumps that to 136% or 2.26%

The PerfShif CF+E is 20% chance of 10% endurance which breaks down to... 2 end every 10 seconds or .2/sec

Looks like the perf shifter wins on average, I guess.

Rechecking with the passive accolades in place...

Base becomes 125% or 2.3/sec
1 basic IO: 136% or 2.49/sec

Perf shifter proc still wins by a bit.
I'm missing something here. With the accolades isn't the improvement .4/s (2.49-2.09). That seems to be twice as high as the proc. Why does the proc still win?

In the case that I'm not missing something, I would have to say I don't think the proc is worth the .03/s endurance it grants.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



The 2.09 doesn't exist if you have the accolades.

Recovery without stamina: 1.67

Recovery without stamina but with accolades: 1.84

Recovery with stamina but w/o accolades: 2.09

Recovery w/ stamina and 1 basic IO, w/o accolades: 2.26

Recovery w/ stamina, w/o accolades w/ Perf Shifter Proc: 2.29

Recovery w/ stamina, 1 basic IO, w/ accolades: 2.49

Recovery w/ stamina, Perf Shifter Proc, w/ accolades: 2.5

The proc always grants .2 end/sec when averaged out over time.

EDIT: IF the proc only buffs 10% of base and not 10% of current Endurance level. If so, then it's even better to use the proc if you have the accolades.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
The 2.09 doesn't exist if you have the accolades.

Recovery without stamina: 1.67

Recovery without stamina but with accolades: 1.84

Recovery with stamina but w/o accolades: 2.09

Recovery w/ stamina and 1 basic IO, w/o accolades: 2.26

Recovery w/ stamina, w/o accolades w/ Perf Shifter Proc: 2.29

Recovery w/ stamina, 1 basic IO, w/ accolades: 2.49

Recovery w/ stamina, Perf Shifter Proc, w/ accolades: 2.5

The proc always grants .2 end/sec when averaged out over time.

EDIT: IF the proc only buffs 10% of base and not 10% of current Endurance level. If so, then it's even better to use the proc if you have the accolades.
Looks like ima stick with my Perf Shifter then(w/accolades). I was wondering about this too, thanks.