is MA dead?
AE being dead is more of a preception issue, and part of reason why it looks dead is because its littered with prolly hundreds of thousands of invalidated arcs that nobody has cared to remove and the devs havent purged invalid arcs
if all of the invalid arcs were outright removed then it would be easier to see what arcs were around
if you want a fun and challenging story arc to play, try the arc listed in my sig (and if you want can submit feedback)

It seems its the same arc never changing in the MA top list all the time. Im so sick of playing the same arcs because theyre the only ones that give xp and loot.
If all you do is look at the first page then of course you will see the same arcs all of the time, the Devs don't seem to want to listen to our suggestion to move those arcs off to a separate tab and use the first page for a random listing of arcs from different categories.
I wonder why they keep developing something no one ever uses.
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An arc does not have to be Dev Choice to give XP, they just give tickets instead of drops (which is better in many ways as you can use the tickets to buy the exact drop you want in most cases).
If all you do is look at the first page then of course you will see the same arcs all of the time, the Devs don't seem to want to listen to our suggestion to move those arcs off to a separate tab and use the first page for a random listing of arcs from different categories. |
I'm talking about the arc completion exp is >>> the 20 or so tickets I get
also recipies
It seems its the same arc never changing in the MA top list all the time. Im so sick of playing the same arcs because theyre the only ones that give xp and loot.
and I much prefer tickets to 'drops' as a reward- as they mostly let you pick the reward you want, they're vastly more efficient at generating inf.
The biggest money in the game is in set IOs and tickets allow you to concentrate ALL your drop 'potential' on set IO recipes.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
No, the MA isn't dead.
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
I personally have been out of arc slots for many months. There have been no DC's since March and no Non-contest DCs since near the beginning of the year. Add to that the fact that Hall of Fame (the only non-DC way to get beyond 8 arc slots) is broken too and you have people like myself being locked out of MA authorship.
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
It definitively feels like it's on life support and I keep hoping for some word from the devs since MA is the addition to the game that stopped me from leaving when I reached near burnout. It is a wonderful and fun creative outlet.
I personally have been out of arc slots for many months. There have been no DC's since March and no Non-contest DCs since near the beginning of the year. Add to that the fact that Hall of Fame (the only non-DC way to get beyond 8 arc slots) is broken too and you have people like myself being locked out of MA authorship. WN |
can't you just unpublish a arc?
Interestingly, just last night I saw a toon who's search comment was something along the lines of "Looking for AE team only. Will NOT accept non-AE team invites". ...
most of the LF AE turns out to be LF farms
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
Issue 16
Mission Architect
- Experience rewards for custom mobs in Mission Architect have been changed.
- Enemies created using the Standard setting will reward 75% of normal experience.
- Enemies created using the Hard and Extreme setting will reward 100% of normal experience.
- The total amount of experience an enemy is worth is split evenly between their two power set choices. Their primary set adds an amount to the experience, and then the secondary set adds an amount.
- The specifics numbers for individual sets are as followed:
- Standard: 37.5%
- Hard/Extreme: 50%
- If a mob is created that has a standard primary and a hard secondary, it will be worth 87.5% of the normal experience (37.5% + 50%)
- A mob created with a hard primary and a hard secondary will be worth 100% experience (50% + 50%)
- Custom villain groups will suffer an experience penalty if they do not have at least one minion, lieutenant, and boss within them.
- If one rank is missing, there will be a 50% experience penalty applied to all enemies in the group.
- If two ranks are missing, there will be a 75% experience penalty applied to all enemies in the group.
- Players will still receive full experience for an enemy in their own unique groups if they are spawned in the "Fight a Boss" objective. This only applies to the specific enemy spawned in this manner and not the group spawned along with them.
- Players can now select any powers for custom mobs to have. However, if the minimal amounts of powers required for them to be considered standard difficulty are removed on either power set, the mob will be worth 0 experience.
- As an example, a standard minion with Broadsword has Slash and Throwing Knives. If either of those two powers are removed, that minion will be worth 0 experience, even if a secondary power set has all powers selected.
- This will not cause any custom mobs currently on live to be worth zero experience.
- New Enemy Groups
- Rogue Isles Villain (1-54) - Players can now use the villains you fight at the end of Safeguard missions in Mission Architect.
- Paragon Hero (1-54) - The heroes that are fought at the end of Mayhem missions are now usable in Mission Architect.
- Anti-Matter's Robots (40-54) - Anti-Matter and his minions are now available to use within Mission Architect.
- Arcs containing Bosses have a warning flag again.
- Custom Critters As with player characters, Claws and Stone Armor are now mutually exclusive at critter creation due to animation issues
- Custom Critters - Kinetics - Transference should now correctly drain endurance from players.
- Defender: Oil Slick Arrow no longer cons friendly and can again be targeted by player in a MA mission.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when editing a published mission.
- Fixed the waypoints for players to exit the map in the Carnival - Commercial map in Mission Architect and also to allow for escorts to be completed on it.
- Freakshow Sonic Bombs, and Hamidon's Mitochondria Electrolytes and Antibodies have been pulled from the Mission Architect due to exploits with these mobs.
- Removed the option to select location for ambushes - it wasnt doing anything.
- Removed a number of enemies from multiple enemy groups within Mission Architect that only had the Quantum Gun as a viable attack power.
Issue 17
Mission Architect Improvements
- Experience: Previously, if the player made any changes to make the enemies they face in Mission Architect easier, they would receive zero experience for those enemies. Adjustments have been made to allow players to handpick the powers for custom enemies and still receive experience for them, but not be able to exploit weaker enemies for unfair experience gain. Now, every power for custom critters has been weighted individually.
- New Maps: Twenty-five new unique maps:
- Atlas Park - Fashion Show - Atlas Park, Outdoor Maps
- Batzul Hell - Caves, Unique
- Bleak Future Tech
- Boomtown - Construction - Outdoor Maps
- Carnival Warehouse Warehouse
- Cesspool Warehouse
- Cimerora - Battle Map Cimerora
- Cimerora - Sybil Temple Cimerora
- Cimerora - Phoebas Point Cimerora
- Frostfire Office
- Grandville - Conference Room Grandville
- Grandville - Main Lobby Grandville
- Grandville - Main Square Grandville
- Grandville - The Fab Grandville
- Little Round Top - Generic - Outdoor Maps, Rikti War Zone
- Mercy Island - Clocktower - Outdoor Maps, Mercy Island
- Point du Hoc - Generic - Outdoor Maps, Rikti War Zone
- Port Oakes - Cargo Ship Yard - Outdoor Maps
- Steel Canyon - SERAPH Lab - Outdoor Maps
- Striga Isle - Bridge - Outdoor Maps
- Superadine Lab Warehouse
- The Abyss - Outdoor Maps
- The Bulge - Generic - Outdoor Maps, Rikti War Zone
- Tsoo Tattoo Parlor Warehouse
- Vanguard Base (Interior) - Rikti War zone
- Giant Monsters: Players can now add giant monsters to some outdoor maps:
- Arachnos Flyer
- Deathsurge
- Caleb
- Babbage
- Clockwork Paladin
- Stropharia
- Thorn
- Eochai
- Kraken
- Kronos Titan
- Jack in Irons
- Ghost of Scrapyard
- Exit Mission on Complete: Players can now specify that players have to leave the mission manually on completion
- Escort Missions: "Lead to place" technology allows players more control over escort objectives
- More Work Space: File sizes for missions have been doubled.
Issue 18
Custom Critters XP Costs
- fixed several small errors in the amount of XP weight certain powers were awarding in the custom XP calculations.
- Doppelgangers can be added to mission with a variety of preset costume changes (or random power selection) including...
- Shadow / Inverse / BlackAndWhite
- Demon / Angel
- Reverse
- RandomPower
See main article: Mission Architect Designated Helper New rules for how buffing NPC allies operate in Mission Architect were put in place.
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One of the reasons non-farmers were using AE was to experience new content they hadn't done a dozen times already. That's what I was using it for. Now I have a ton of new dev-created content to play through. So I'm on a break from AE, and I wouldn't be surprised if other people were too, for the same reasons.
And tickets > regular drops any day. My AE-only character (no farms, only story-based arcs) is level 32 and has earned over 600 million inf from crafting and selling bronze rolls. If I were running normal content I'd have earned...quite a few immob, confuse and fear recipes that nobody wants, a lot of commons, and a lot of common salvage that the market is saturated with. Ticket rolls are weighted to produce more stuff that people actually use while normal drops aren't, so I generate tons of damage and defense and heal recipes instead.
Of course if you're after XP then AE sucks. I personally don't care about levelling super-fast, especially if it means I don't have any inf without marketeering, which I don't enjoy all that much. It also means I don't have to cross three zones to get to my mission or run to Azuria or hunt 20 anything, ever. Playing arcs by forum regulars also eliminates the "defeat all enemies in the four-story map" missions. If you're a villain and don't want to switch sides, AE also lets you avoid Longbow and Arachnos when you inevitably get sick of them.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Back when the RWZ mothership raid was introduced, I could walk into the zone and get invited to do it, do it, then immediately get invited to another team for it. These days people actually have to schedule a time to get others to show up for it - insanity!! Does that make Rikti Mothership raids dead? No.

Plus right now everyone's all over Praetoria starting up a ton of new toons. New toons and AE don't mix quite as well as custom foes tend to be tougher.
The issue with "the same ol arcs at the top" is something we've complained to the devs about a number of times, in regards to ratings-griefing and the lack of Hall-Of_fame achievement due to the same. We can only hope those complaints haven't fallen on deaf ears...
I'm talking about the arc completion exp is >>> the 20 or so tickets I get
Plus there is no AE in Praetoria either.
I don't know what arcs you're running but when I test my own arcs most missions give much more than 20 tickets. I know that at only +0/x2 difficulty "The Portal Bandits" will easily give 1000 tickets per run.
with a lv 32 I get around 20-50 tickets with arc completion
I any case I like exp more. I can farm for inf, but I can't farm exp for my alts.
In the lowb range, both red and blue side, I would say for a all practical purposes the MA is dead. It was pretty much unused prior to GR, now I rarely see anyone else, and I cant remember the last time I read a broadcast for a MA group. I still see plenty of people and groups outside of MA though.
For me the MA was about creating and playing stories with Player created custom critters, and the Devs ****** this part of the MA (For a problem that was not even really related to custom critters.), and the Devs have yet to un-**** this aspect of the MA. Many of you comment about not building lowb custom critter story arcs; the problem with this is that you learn a lot of your habits in the lowb game (This is one reason newb Tanks have a problem jumping into groups when they have reached the upper levels. They learned in the lowb levels that they were pretty much just as squashy as any other AT.), and if you do not provide lowb custom story arcs, players will not get in the habit of using the MA. Of course if you do then you have the other problem of the players getting annihilated, or getting little xp, and getting the impression that the MA is just not worth the trouble.
I dont think the MA will ever get to the numbers that it had at release, and probably shouldnt, being it was broken at the time, but I also dont think it's going to get much use until the Devs go through and clean up the mission list, and get their heads out of their ***** when it comes to Custom critters risk vs. rewards. Despite the tweaks they have made this is still broken.
I still get about 3 plays a week on my arc in the MA.
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I don't know how many times we've said on the forums that the biggest problem with the MA is all of the undeleted farm arcs that are still present.
I regularly report arcs that have the word FARM in the description. When I do so I always get this email: "I am escalating your petition to a Senior Customer Support Representative to further assist you. Please be aware, however, that there may be a delay in reviewing the issue, based on ticket volume at the time your ticket was submitted."
Months later and none of the arcs I've reported have been deleted. That's how much attention they're giving the MA.
I think the best way to generate interest is to have the DEVS possibly add missions to the game canon/lore on a regular basis. These could become the paper and/or scanner missions so it doesn't disrupt the lore too much.
This may be a lot of work but if they set up strict guidelines and then look at the arcs, it may work out. Maybe state they would like to add one mission every two months for a while? I know it would get the MA interest way up!
Is MA currently dead? No but it isn't too active as far as I can see. It's tough for a player to find something well put together and fun.
I really like this as an item in the game to use and play. For some reason I have teamed with players that have a 'no AE' policy and others who complain about the lack of XP, rewards and difficulty. It's too bad but maybe one day the MA will get some legitimate interest and not rubbish missions and farms.
Anecdotal data: When my first arc was still in the 5-star range and it was on page 3 for a 'SFMA' search, I was getting multiple plays in a week; this was back in last October or so. On the other hand, I have received zero plays on my two arcs in the last 6 months (first one was at 45 plays, second one at 18 plays). I received a single play on them this week due to a SGmate, but that was it.

-- Z.
In my experience the only way to get 'random' plays is by having a DC arc, a HOF arc, or a 5-star-average arc with a LOT of plays; other than that it's up to advertising / fame / what-have-you. DCs are not really given out anymore, HOF is all but inaccessible (see Wrong Number's thread), and
5-star averages are almost impossible to attain without having the aforementioned 'LOT of plays' to begin with and avoiding the griefers (yes, grief 1-starrers exist; I saw at least 3 of them hit my arcs). |
Also, I have had arcs creamed by bugs that sometimes pop up with patches or new issues. The worst case was "My Hero in a Friend Indeed!" which got 2 1 star ratings and 2 3stars on the same day after never getting lower than a 4. I found out that the customs that were key to my final mission had been broken by the patch that came out that day. I fixed it quickly, but that one incident erased at least 20 5 star ratings the arc had gotten before the patch.
We all know what the problems are, but without Dev support we are just shouting at the wind.
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
It seems its the same arc never changing in the MA top list all the time. Im so sick of playing the same arcs because theyre the only ones that give xp and loot. And noone ever does anyhting but farm now. Even that's not that much.
Also this forums is like slow as hell.
What can they do to revive MA??