What are you making tomorrow for GR/i18?
Sweet, sweet love, to the tune of this song.
First I'll be making money. Then when I get home from that I'll roll my elec/elec dominator Loyalist - Praetorian of one of my alts. I might also roll my robot mastermind Resistance member. Then I might take a break to work on a Neverwinter mod, Then maybe I'll come back and see what I'll need to do to make my blaster a bad guy.
Not that I've thought any of this out...
see. now you got me thinking of bringing one of my Masterminds to Praetoria... Hmmm.. should I bring the Knave of Hearts.. or the Bishop... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
possibilities.. Ohhh the Possibilities!!!
and of course you haven't thought any of this out Darkfang
love the idea of making Money though.... gotta pick up on that
Kurse Darkstone
Station Manager for RadioFTW!
Member of the Legion Of Freedom!
Proud member of the Paragonian Knights
I'll be working on my diabolical scheme of moving all 5 of my Master Minds over to blue side so that I can contribute to the server lag of Blueside hami-raids.
Yes, I am pure adorable evil.
Rolling a Stone/Invul brute in Praetoria to eventually go blue with.
Let's see. Suave, rich ******* Warden Xander. Check.
Alternate version of Zero - simply to do the whole Praetorian thing. Check.
Content hopping Stalker Flea over blueside. Check.
Sweet loving to an attractive redhead.....still on the to do list.
Finding an attractive redhead.....also still on the to do list.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Definitely gonna be rerolling my main.. PrimalShot into PrimalFusion..a KM/Something or other :P scrapper..then probably take a MM into Atlas Park to do my part in crashing the zone.
Well, Tuesday, I'll go to work, then go to my friend's house for a few hours, then go to bed.
Wednesday, though, I'll be making a Praetorian Elec/ Dom to take heroside (Never again do I need to see a mezz-resistant Arachnos lieutenant/boss on a Dominator. YAAAAAY.) That will likely be my only new character for a while, since I still need to get my Traps/Dark Defender the last few bubbles to 50. And I can pick up playing my DB/Fire Scrapper again, with the Fire Armor buffs.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
haha.. spoken like a true agent of Chaos Omni Kudos!!
and Flea.. Good Luck with the Red Head Bub keep us all posted.
Kurse Darkstone
Station Manager for RadioFTW!
Member of the Legion Of Freedom!
Proud member of the Paragonian Knights
First, I'll probably need to make new character slots.
Then, I'm remaking my namesake into a DB/WP Brute. He is inspired by "some series of video game", and I feel like the fury meter better represents his ability to Break beyond a predetermined Limit and perform fancy feats of valor.
I'm remaking my WP/SS Tank into a SS/WP Brute. While I respect the Tanker AT, its' play style just isn't my thing, and didn't really fit the characters' personality. I still liked the character though, so I wanted to keep her, and Brute seemed like the next obvious choice.
Finally, I'm remaking my Kin/Dark defender into a Fire/Kin Corrupter. I'll be painting the "Fire" purple and blue so it still looks "Dark". Mostly, I don't like the way Dark Blast and Kinetics play together. Dark Blast wants to be off in the shadows far away from its' opponent to open up its' cone powers, and Kin wants to be up close and personal to take advantage of its' enemy radius powers. The result was a lot of me running back and forth to try to take advantage of the sets' warring range preferences. Ultimately I got sick of having to move around so much. I went with Fire because it was one of the few powersets I could make look reasonable "Dark" enough, and because most of its' AOE's weren't utterly particular about where I was standing. That, and I felt like "Does More Damage" and "Makes More Damage" had some obvious synergy.
I'm definitely going to make an EVIL Warshade, if only so I can run around screaming "NICTUS!!!" in large, fancily coloured fonts.
I'll be making a deranged "leprechaun", who, after years in a Praetorian testing facility, has decided to do whatever he can to bring Praetoria to its' knees with his sparkly rainbow powers. He's actually just a normal guy of Irish descent and shorter stature who decided to talk too much and thus won an all involuntary free trip to one of Praetorias finest housing facilities. He'll likely be an Energy/Energy Blaster who goes villain.
I'm probably going to make a Kinetic Melee/Fiery Armor/Blaze Mastery scrapper, and am still toying with how I want his build to go. I like the idea of using Power Siphon and a series of small attacks to build up into giant mess of Fiery AOE death. I'm leaning on making him a Rogue Clockwork who was designed to be a walking power source. Mostly, I just want to use their costume, but I don't really know about Praetorian lore on Clockwork enough yet to know why its' possible for him to defy his master. I suppose that could be part of the mystery of his character or something.
I might check out Electric Control, but I don't really have a character in mind for it.
LOG IN. I think the hamster just pooped a sparkle pony early...
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Not sure what I will roll today , so many possiblities
* head explodes Scanners style *
Heffroncm, what is that thing in your avatar? It's so fluffy!!!
But yes, it's an Angora Rabbit, the source of Angora Wool that those super-expensive sweaters and socks are made out off. There's a cheap knock-off Angora goat fibre that is sometimes sold as Angora Wool, but it's really mohair.
I made an elec/storm controller for fun.
Storm is awkward. I'm using Gale to tick off my level pact partner until she rerolls.
<coughs> He. Our team leader fell in love with Nimmy and thought he was a she.. hahaha. Oh Nim. Way to go.
Started a Pistols/Devices Blaster for the Resistance and got it up to 4 before I had to take off for work. On getting home I'll be either starting a Mind/Emp Loyalist or just getting to work collecting tips for all the characters I want to alignment shift.
Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators
Right now Nursey is just a little bit more naughty and MDK may be on Santas Nice list this year!
Either a earth/stone dominator hero, a mind/psi dominator seer or a fire/traps corruptor resistance member.
Scratch that.
Don't you just HATE it when you want to make a character but don't actually feel like it?
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
I'm making nothing. Can't afford GR.
Made myself a Kin/Regen scrapper and got to level 7. So far it's been fun, but damn those resistance guys are tough. Laid me out cold a few times early on, but I kept coming back to crush free will in the name of the Emperor. Good times.
Going to enjoy the Tip missions for a while first. They're everything peopel have always been asking for in missions, with not just proactive content where you're the one leading the charge for once, but also proper moral dynamics between Goody McTwoshoes and Doctor Baron von Evilsatan. The Rogue ones in particular I like they cater so well for the characters who don't care what they're doing so long as they get paid. Also, you can <i>finally</i> do something for the Scrapyarders instead of just ruinign everything.
I assume I'll roll a new character eventually, when I get tired of these.
((No no no the Orbital Death....er Asteroid defense and solar station needs the cleaning)))
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---