So... when does a Corruptor actually get fun?




I've always had some problems playing Corruptors, but until recently I played it off to getting an Energy/Thermal to fifty solo-only back before you could drop missions. Recently, though, I've tried them again, having played the other Villain ATs to death.

Nothing has changed. It's still an exercise in frustration that serves no useful purpose. At no point during my attempt to play these characters has the game actually been fun. There is only so long I can tolerate having genuine difficulty with three even-level minions, and being forced to use Demonic against some Lieutenants is almost insulting. I've yet to beat a boss without a Shivan or a fistful of purple inspirations, and Elite Bosses are a lost cause.

Obviously, something is wrong. If this archetype was actually as unplayable as it seems, it wouldn't be played by any sane person. I can't figure out what it is, so I'm hoping someone else here felt similarly until they realised that they were doing something stupid and figured it out.

It shouldn't make a difference, since it felt equally unenjoyable across the board, but my current effort is a Dual Pistol/ Pain Dmination corruptor. Slotted with IOs, at level 26. If there's no reason for the game to be this painful to play he won't make 27.



What difficulty are you playing on? What were you looking for out of the Corrupter? It sounds like you wanted a more survivable blaster, in which case you probably picked the wrong secondary; Pain domination relies on being on a team for the majority of its' powers to reach full effect.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
Dual Pistol/ Pain Dmination
There's your problem right there.

You're soloing with two of the most team focused secondaries corrs get, with blasts dealing mediocre damage that are likely to be adding to your frustration.

Dark, rad, storm and and to a lesser extent kin are better soloing secondaries. Dark, rad and kin also have a self-heal if that's what you've been after playing therm and pain.

Regardless of what combo you picked though, please let it be a wild exaggeration that you need to resort to demonic on normal diff...

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It's hard to know what to say when you don't post a build. Even with a build it could be an issue with playstyle. However, put simply, at level 26 a Corruptor can beat 3 even level minions without any use of the secondary and really without breaking a sweat. Perhaps you are exaggerating to add emphasis but again it's impossible to tell. It seems like your post is more of a rant than anything?

For soloing I would not use the secondary effects of your weapons (ie: no swap ammo). The knockback is pretty darn effective and quite reliable. If you plan on soloing you should be aiming for Suppressive Fire. Open with your stun and then proceed to hit with AOEs. You should immediately put one of your enemies out of it from the stun and be able to knockback another. Keep cycling AOEs (you should have two effective ones by now) and then hit the closest with Executioners Shot. Be prepared to dance around a bit if need be. Really, by the time you hit with executioners shot they should be pretty darn hurt from both AOEs if specced right, and you can just scourge them down.

I can't say I've ever had issues with levelling up corruptors, or any character, especially once I've hit SOs.



^ What Tangler said. Both of those combos are weak-middling on damage and much better on teams than solo.

Try something like a Fire/Dark or Fire/Rad. They're awesome from level 2-4 and stay strong right through.

That said, Fire/Dark and Fire/Rad are somewhat of an exception as Corrs go in how incredibly early they get their core powers. In my experience, most Corrs really get going in their 20s with SOs, their attack powers rounded out and starting to get their main secondary powers.

Thermal, Cold and Pain are on the opposite end of the spectrum to Rad and Dark, getting their offensive powers at 35 and/or 38.

Edit: shameless plug, I've got guides for all the Corr secondaries in my sig if you want to take a look

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
What difficulty are you playing on?
The second-easiest; what used to be called Villainous. I could turn it down to -1 mobs, but that would just be insulting.

Regardless of what combo you picked though, please let it be a wild exaggeration that you need to resort to demonic on normal diff...
No, it's not. That's the worst part. I know that some powersets are going to be better than others at what I'm doing, but I don't think it's outrageous to expect that any given powerset combination, used by a player of minimum competence, should be able to play the game at +0/x1 without ever being in legitimate danger short of Elite Boss fights.

Perhaps you are exaggerating to add emphasis
Unfortunately not. As much as I'd like it to be, everything I've said has been both accurate and representative of the play experience. I'd be ahhpy if it was just a colossal playstyle error, but I've learned enough from Dominators to know how to use my powers. I know enough to leave swap off save for when I'm not at any risk, rare as it is, because the Suppressive stun is longer than the hold, and the knockback is the only reason I can actually survive three minions. The Nemesis staff is one of the few reason I've even made it this far.

I'm close to level 27 now. I'll make it there, and reslot everything with level thirties instead of the half 20 half 25 I've got now. If it's still a futile exercise in sheer bloodymindedness I'll just delete it and stop. Obviously, I was never meant to play a Corruptor.



25 to 30 IOs won't make a noticeable difference, the %s are too marginal. It might be a build or playstyle you are using. I don't see the harm in you asking people you play with and get some tips, because asking on here it is very hard to know what is going wrong.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
[...]I'm close to level 27 now. I'll make it there, and reslot everything with level thirties instead of the half 20 half 25 I've got now. If it's still a futile exercise in sheer bloodymindedness I'll just delete it and stop. Obviously, I was never meant to play a Corruptor.
I really think its due to the nature of the secondaries you've chosen. Thermal offers nothing that helps you until 35 except for a self-heal. Pain is the same except for the +res aura you get at 28.

Even at 50 and IOd, those two sets are comparatively weak at soloing.

Try a Fire/Rad or Fire/Dark (or anything /Dark or /Rad, really, it's just Fire/ is the strongest). I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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You are playing sets that are almost exclusively designed for teaming. It is no surprise you are having issues soloing.

If you want to enjoy your Energy/Therm and DP/Pain, play on teams.

If you want to enjoy soloing, play a debuff set, like Rad, Dark, or Traps.



It's the sets you're playing (secondaries in particular). Try something like fire/dark or fire/rad.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
No, it's not. That's the worst part. I know that some powersets are going to be better than others at what I'm doing, but I don't think it's outrageous to expect that any given powerset combination, used by a player of minimum competence, should be able to play the game at +0/x1 without ever being in legitimate danger short of Elite Boss fights.
No. You should be in legitimate danger in every single fight, Boss/EB/AV or not. Though you really shouldn't be expected (unless you're solo and using a team-oriented power set like you are) to have to use a tray full of inspirations to get through regular fights.

Really, go to -1/x1 and turn off Bosses. You don't lose much XP (at least at L20 and beyond) for the -1, though you do for the lack of Bosses. Or team more, as your secondaries (Thermal & Pain) are demanding.



Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
No. You should be in legitimate danger in every single fight, Boss/EB/AV or not. Though you really shouldn't be expected (unless you're solo and using a team-oriented power set like you are) to have to use a tray full of inspirations to get through regular fights.

Really, go to -1/x1 and turn off Bosses. You don't lose much XP (at least at L20 and beyond) for the -1, though you do for the lack of Bosses. Or team more, as your secondaries (Thermal & Pain) are demanding.

This is a good summary. I love corruptors and played a number of them since they are fun. I am about to ding my 5th to 50 (DP/traps) and she is a blast - no pun intended!

I look for synergies too. Corruptors can do incredible things.

You talk about frustrations, but that is not how I view them. For example, my son/kin corr solo'd all of her patron arcs until the final mission again LR (EB settings since she is not IO'd out). And I had LR down to a sliver of health before getting defeated (bah! I had to grab a friend real fast and finish him off. ). Anyhow, what I consider my weakest corruptor (dark/therm) can solo missions, just takes longer.

As for team supporting power sets, that is their balance. You don't get a whole out of them solo, but boost teams greatly.



Try a thug/pain mm. You can shoot things and use your buffs effectively while solo.



Are you good with Defenders on blueside?

I'd go with what Silas mentioned. Fire/Dark is pretty powerful, especially after lvl 12 when you get rain of fire. My main is a Fire/Dark and he's Duo'd the AV at the end of Ice Mistral's SF, just him and a Stalker. I don't know how you play a corr but they're awesome.

Ice/Dark is a good combo too. Or anything /Traps.



I have a dual pistols / traps (lvl 18) corr, a traps / dual pistols (lvl 40) def, and a 50 IO'ed huntsman / bane for my guns & gadgets toons.

DP / traps is so much better to level than the traps / dp defender. I strongly encourage you to try traps. Not that rad / dark / etc. aren't good, but traps is just so much fun and you feel like a dominator with scourge with it



I've got a level 36 Sonic/Energy defender and I never had the trouble you seem to be having with three even-con minions.

I have two suggestions for playstyle for defenders and corruptors:

1) You need to learn to "juggle" enemies when you have a set like Energy. Defenders and corruptors usually need some kind of mitigating power that unconditionally holds/stuns/knocks back/sleeps, etc. For energy that power is Power Push. It does a great job of taking one enemy out of commission for a long time. Your other powers also have knockback, but it's much less reliable.

For you, hitting the spawn with Energy Torrent is probably your best option. Two of the three will be knocked back on average, and then you can blast the one left standing to smithereens. Apply Power Push to anything that gets near you. Slot for recharge on that.

Another bonus with Power Push is that you can slot four Kinetic Crash IOs in it and get KB -3 very cheaply. This will prevent almost all knockback from minion and LT level mobs.

Your three single-target blasts also have a high chance of KB, and that can help a great deal.

The juggling comes in when you have multiple targets attacking you. You need to switch targets constantly to keep knocking down the ones that get up. If you try to take them out one at a time, scrapper-style, they will hammer you. You need to switch targets frequently and remember what each target is doing, even when you turn your back on them.

It takes a while, but when you've mastered it, you can often keep three mobs at bay and never take a scratch.

2) Use your inspirations often. Whenever you fight a boss or higher, use a couple of purples before starting the fight, and reds during the fight. Don't "save them for later," because you'll always get more and you can combine them if you don't get exactly the ones you want.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
I've always had some problems playing Corruptors, but until recently I played it off to getting an Energy/Thermal to fifty solo-only back before you could drop missions. Recently, though, I've tried them again, having played the other Villain ATs to death.

Nothing has changed. It's still an exercise in frustration that serves no useful purpose. At no point during my attempt to play these characters has the game actually been fun. There is only so long I can tolerate having genuine difficulty with three even-level minions, and being forced to use Demonic against some Lieutenants is almost insulting. I've yet to beat a boss without a Shivan or a fistful of purple inspirations, and Elite Bosses are a lost cause.

Obviously, something is wrong. If this archetype was actually as unplayable as it seems, it wouldn't be played by any sane person. I can't figure out what it is, so I'm hoping someone else here felt similarly until they realised that they were doing something stupid and figured it out.

It shouldn't make a difference, since it felt equally unenjoyable across the board, but my current effort is a Dual Pistol/ Pain Dmination corruptor. Slotted with IOs, at level 26. If there's no reason for the game to be this painful to play he won't make 27.
It sounds like you are spending alot of your time solo, which is cool, but something that is certainly more challenging than being on a team. And as others have said, you have chosen less "solo-friendly" powersets to do it with.

With going Rogue I have decided to finally give Corruptors a try, since they are the flip-side of my Favorite AT (Defenders). All I can say is (not being snarky btw) you don't know how good you have it. Soloing my earliest defender was a serious let-down. Even one year ago, I was still very un-impressed with them solo, even though I LOVED what they brought to a team. My core feelings have always been that we should have fun both on teams and solo. On teams I prefer the support role, but Defenders made me feel that I had to have two characters, one for teaming and one for solo play. Not what I wanted.

My advice (worth the price you paid for it).

A) If you prefer to solo alot and team when you can, one of the more solo friendly sets could be a better choice; Radiation and Dark are my favorite ones, but Storm, and Traps would also do fine solo. Storm has a greater learning curve, which is why I would steer away from it as a starter set, but if you like a challenge....

B) One thing that helped me immensely with rounding the bend on Defenders was taking a Blaster to level 47 solo ! He was a hover-blasting Energy-Devices wannabe Defender complete with PFF and the medicine pool. I loved doing CIM missions with him. The whole journey taught me how to constantly manage my in-combat awareness and targeting strategies. Basically, what you need to perfect is how to approach each battle. Know which target MUST be taken out first. Move constantly, thus forcing your opponents to move as well. Think about it, if they are moving, they are not swinging. Those few seconds of running around may not seem like much, but it IS pure mitigation. Switch targets when needed, especially if you have mitigation built into your blasts (Energy, how I love thee).

C) Get some extra attacks into your chain. Doesn't really matter if its Air Superiority, Boxing, Kick, Sands of Mu etc.... Being able to chain single target attacks is a subtle, yet strong mitigating factor. At the early levels you can often get a spawn to spread out from each other, so "pick one off" with a full attack chain while your moving the spawn around.
Later in your career, you can respec out any extra attacks that you don't need anymore.

D) This last one was something I fought against for a long time (cause I am poor), and that is to USE the alternate build system. My original feelings were to save some money and make what is a called a "balanced" build, so I could solo and team with just one build.
Only one problem with this, you have to make compromises that "reduce" your team effectiveness in order to "prop-up" your solo capabilities and vice-versa. Several months ago I decided to end the "Balanced" charade and start dumping influence into two builds. It is worth every penny. My team build is better than before even though it is now further from completion and my solo build is "wonderful" in comparison to the previous build. All I have to remember now is to switch the builds before I join a TF. Yes, I have embarassed myself with this... ONCE ! It wont happen again... I promise guys!

Sorry for the long response, but I hope there is something in here that you can use to help out.

P.S. Everything Rodion said ^ hehe




Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
Try a thug/pain mm. You can shoot things and use your buffs effectively while solo.
From what you've mentioned in your posts, this actually sounds like the best advice. If you're not big on teaming but want team-centric powers, this seems like it would be a good idea.

Or you could try a bots/TA mastermind and rip everything apart. That's fun too. And the sets have surprising synergy (conceptually, as well! Techie MMs should love this set).

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Well, everyone's mentioned your secondary power set choices, being more team oriented, no need to rehash.

Like you, I noticed many of my older builds not performing as well as they used too. After a little poking about and questions asking - and this is completely unsubstantiated, I've found nothing official saying this - it is my understanding that the base-line difficulty of missions was increased 'round about when the difficulty structure was changed.

Playing with the setting of -1/x1 seems to bring about (generally) the same style of mobs that were normally spawning before the changes. On most squishy builds/ATs I've had a pretty good success rate with -1/x2.

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Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
I'd be ahhpy if it was just a colossal playstyle error, but I've learned enough from Dominators to know how to use my powers.
The problem comparing with Doms is that a Dom is a Dom, pretty much. Pick any powersets and you can still rely on having control to keep you alive and damage to finish the fight. And they all can have some mez protection when Domination is up.

There just isn't that kind of consistency with Corruptors simply because the secondaries are each fairly unique. They all bring something a little different to the table and that might work well for early soloing... or terribly.

I don't think that's a problem with Corruptors. I LIKE that they can be so different from one another. Unfortunately it does mean that you need to do a little homework before choosing to pick the one that is right for what you want to do. Although... anything /Dark or /Rad will do well on both teams and solo pretty much so you could just go with that if you want a safe pick.

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As other said it all depends on set.

My first corruptor was fire/cold. She was very hard to level solo in the beginning, but in time it become much easier (when she got debuffs). On teams... lets just say that I can't do LRSF on any other level 50 because everybody ask for /cold

Can't say much on fire/rad solo, because I have leveled her in team.

I can solo on ice/kin 0/3 without much problem as long as i have bf's. 0/3 is the maximum I ever rise difficulty on alts without sets (just SO's and plain IO's), except MM.

My corrupter that is most painful to level is A/TA, mostly because I am leveling her on all A/TA team, and before oil slick and RoA we did had lot of trouble staying alive. On level 38 now and we are getting better. Funniest of all is that we can take AV's and Elite Bosses without breaking sweat, but minions and lieutenants are to hard for us.

Finally my fire/dark is only level 5, but I think she is going to be fun to play. I have almost 50 Dark/Psi defender and she was fun to play. Her biggest problem solo was endurance, since I love to spam powers.

The same thing goes for defenders. Soloing on empathy/dark was painful, she had troubles killing even level minion, and in time when I were leveling her there weren't -1 setting.

On the opposite side I could solo 0/3 on traps/rad defender without much problem. Since I have sloted her she can solo +1/8 (maybe even higher but I haven't tried that).

And selecting set that suits you is important on any AT. For example I have 2 brutes - Claws/WP were fun to level from the beginning until level 50, but WM/SD to me is painful and although I have made her before other brute she still has long way to go.

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The strange thing is that after hitting 27 and adding a handful of damage slots to the single-target powers, everything just seems to work. Certainly, it's not the runaway bus full of freight trains that's a SS/SD Brute, but now I can actually fight bosses without using a Shivan. I haven't changed anythign that could actually explain this, but so long as it does work, I'm not going to ruin it by asking questions.

Energy/Thermal is still incredibly boring, though.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Just try a damn Fire/DM or Fire/Rad
For every time you say that, I'm going to roll a petless Mastermind.