So... when does a Corruptor actually get fun?




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
fire/dark is an epic machine of destruction.

The only toon I ever deleted because it was too good............



Personally, I've had a crapload of fun on my corruptor since level 1, and I'm at 33 now. I'm fire/pain domination - and much like the OP's power sets, it's team oriented. I pretty much suck when I'm solo, just like you. I picked team-centered power sets - and invested in skills and slots to further support team play; that's the price I pay.

When I'm teamed up though, I couldn't possibly have more fun, or be more useful. Best way to describe the corruptor AT is "a defender on pcp"; we get the attacks as primary, and scourge to boot. How does that not translate into barrels of fun?

As for solo pwnmobiles... I don't know if corruptors can make good pwnmobiles. We have support as secondaries, not personal defence; we are the main villain support AT, with only MMs as competition. We might never be up to par with certain other ATs as solo chars. We aren't designed for it in the same way. On the other hand, we provide things no pwnmobile could ever dream of in a team environment.



For me anyways Corruptors, Defenders, Stalkers, Peacebringers and Dominators have been the hardest for me to really find enjoyable. Getting better I think since I have a goal of getting one of each AT to 50 and IMHO Peacebringer was probably the hardest.

I have the corruptor I find fun now. DP/Kin I have lots of defenders in the mid 30s but that is where they mostly stall. I have a Traps/AR I am looking forward to trying out.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



So basically what the OP is saying is that my Emp can solo much better than he can on a Corr? Incompetence?

If you dig yourself a hole at the starting line you probably won't get very far.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post

As for solo pwnmobiles... I don't know if corruptors can make good pwnmobiles. We have support as secondaries, not personal defence; we are the main villain support AT, with only MMs as competition. We might never be up to par with certain other ATs as solo chars. We aren't designed for it in the same way. On the other hand, we provide things no pwnmobile could ever dream of in a team environment.
I can only imagine you've never really had experience with corruptors. They are among the best solers in the game, assuming you do not take secondaries that rely on teams to be at their best, like /Pain. They were designed to 'pwn' as well as support, so please roll back the preconceptions of corrs as weak, mushy support priests.

Here's a partial list of combos that solo well, some virtually breaking the game:


And that's just a partial list. There are Archery Combos and a whole bunch of others I haven't mentioned.

If you go Pain, Thermal, Sonic, Trick Arrow, yeah.. you're gonna solo worse. But don't paint the whole AT with a broad brush, check out the other combos, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



These are some of the corrs I've done and I note at what level they started really 'clicking' and could start blazing through solo missions.

-energy/rad (lvl 8, had 3 st attacks, 1 good aoe, and rad infection). Unfortunately this toon sort of got weaker over time, but started out with a bang.
-sonic/rad (lvl 8, full attack chain, good survivability)
-fire/rad (lvl 18, full st chain, great aoes). Just keeps getting stronger and stronger (like adding in LR+rain of fire in the early 20's).
-ice/rad (same as fire/rad, just less damage and more endurance burn, but very survivable due to freezeray)

-fire/cold (lvl 35, sleet)
-dark/cold (26 w/ lifedrain made things easy, but still slow. Sleet at 35 is again the ticket)

-fire/dark (lvl 10, all 3 aoes, tarpatch, dark night, and huge heal. Melting huge spawns like nothing).
-rad/dark (lvl 10)

-fire/traps (lvl 22 w/ SO's made this toon like a light switch in terms of solo'ing)
-sonic/traps (lvl 22 w/ SO's)

-dark/storm (16 w/ freezing rain)
-fire/storm (lvl 16 w/ FR+rain of fire)

-sonic/kin (easy at 18 with siren's song)
-ice/kin (35 with transference to feed the endurance drain).
-elec/kin (never clicked, took it up to 35 and quit it)

-rad/therm (never really clicked solo)

Anyway, I recommend for fun from an early level:
sonic and fireblast paired with /dark, /rad, /storm, or /traps.

Of the possible pairings from the recommendations I prefer fire/traps. It is probably the slowest starting of the bunch, but not that slow and is (imo) by far the most powerful (probably the most powerful solo corr you can make) once it is fully built.



Originally Posted by Chill_Out View Post
I can only imagine you've never really had experience with corruptors. They are among the best solers in the game, assuming you do not take secondaries that rely on teams to be at their best, like /Pain. They were designed to 'pwn' as well as support, so please roll back the preconceptions of corrs as weak, mushy support priests.
I'm Thaumator, and I approve of ^ this ^ message.

To the OP - whatever you do, don't roll an energy/dark... they're TERRIBLE

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



If you want to solo a Corruptor (or Defender, for that matter), I am of the opinion that Kinetics is the only option for secondary (or primary, as appropriate). I have a 50 Kinetics/Dark Defender, and a Fire/Kinetics Corruptor sitting at 30-something. Both of them are awesome in their own way.

My Kinetics/Dark, even with my horrible IO'ing skills, has successfully brought a solo fight with:
Clockwork Paladin
Devouring Earth Monsters (the ones on the islands north of PI)
And I forget who else, to a total standstill. They can't kill me, I can't kill them. Maybe I could kill them if I didn't suck at IO'ing. >.> I tried to take out Chimera, but he(she? I forget) does too much damage per hit for Transfusion/Siphon Life to keep up.

From what I can tell so far, Fire/Kinetics (still speaking of Corruptors, mind you, not Controllers! ) is possibly unmatched in it's ability to destroy large spawns. And I don't even have Inferno or Fulcrum Shift yet, and haven't even considered IO's at this point. It needs a little bit of support at the lower levels to contain the aggro from what you DIDN'T defeat between Fire Breath, Fire Ball, and Rain of Fire, but... Hey, you can't be perfect at the low levels.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
As for solo pwnmobiles... I don't know if corruptors can make good pwnmobiles. We have support as secondaries, not personal defence; we are the main villain support AT, with only MMs as competition. We might never be up to par with certain other ATs as solo chars.

Dark/Dark Corruptor, mission set to +2/x4. There's no way to tell, but that pile of dudes is what hadn't already faded away of the entire ground-floor population of the room you can see in the background.

There are builds that would readily take on higher difficulty settings. This character's main limitation there is that she's not built for sufficiently high +defense.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
Devouring Earth Monsters (the ones on the islands north of PI)
And I forget who else, to a total standstill. They can't kill me, I can't kill them. Maybe I could kill them if I didn't suck at IO'ing. >.> I tried to take out Chimera, but he(she? I forget) does too much damage per hit for Transfusion/Siphon Life to keep up.
To defeat those things, you're going to need high-strength -regen. Such entities have so many base HP and sufficiently high regen that you need over 300 damage per second just to break even with their HP regen rate. Your main soloers for such entities are all ATs like Corrs, Defenders, Controllers and MMs, who all have powersets with -Regen debuffs in the 1500% or higher category, some of which can be made permanent and stackable.

Such immense debuff percentages are needed because GMs and AVs have extremely high resistance to the effect, especially for high-level critters. (Even critters with no displayed level actually have a level. For GMs it's usually around the upper end of the zone in which they spawn.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
There's your problem right there.

You're soloing with two of the most team focused secondaries corrs get, with blasts dealing mediocre damage that are likely to be adding to your frustration.

Dark, rad, storm and and to a lesser extent kin are better soloing secondaries. Dark, rad and kin also have a self-heal if that's what you've been after playing therm and pain.

Regardless of what combo you picked though, please let it be a wild exaggeration that you need to resort to demonic on normal diff...
Gah! Energy doing only 'mediocre' DMG?



Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Mike View Post
Gah! Energy doing only 'mediocre' DMG?
Yep energy blast is pretty much middle of the pack in every capacity.



/Pain and /Thermal are primarily support sets. They really help a team, but they do little for you while solo (especially before you get your debuffs, which those sets only get at high levels). In addition, Energy Blast is only an average set and Dual Pistols is one of the worst blast sets in the game (performance wise, it looks great). Essentially you are playing a gimped Blaster with a self heal and a bunch of team-only powers until you hit the 30s.

I would suggest a high damage primary (like Fire) or maybe a high utility primary like Dark or Ice. Pair that with a good debuffing secondary like /Dark or /Rad, or /Storm if you like it (some love Storm, some hate it). /Traps can also be good... you lose the self heal and have slightly lower debuffs but you gain defense and mez resistance. Fire/Dark is probably the nastiest solo Corruptor... you get the highest possible damage plus massive debuffs and an excellent self heal. Or go Dark/Dark for so much stacking to-hit debuffs that you might as well be softcapped... though in that case I'd go Defender instead of Corruptor for even nastier debuffs. Honestly, the prime advantage Corruptors get over Defenders is that Defenders can't get Fire Blast... Fire plus a good debuff secondary is the way to go for a solo Corruptor unless you just want something else for theme.

Gah! Energy doing only 'mediocre' DMG?
Energy Blast is pretty much the standard template for a blast set. Standard four and eight second recharge blasts, short range high damage tier 3 blast, average damage cone and targeted AoE, a snipe, Aim, a control power (Power Push), and a full nuke. It's pretty much right at the average in all respects, to the point where it is the best blast set to use for comparison purposes.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
To defeat those things, you're going to need high-strength -regen. Such entities have so many base HP and sufficiently high regen that you need over 300 damage per second just to break even with their HP regen rate. Your main soloers for such entities are all ATs like Corrs, Defenders, Controllers and MMs, who all have powersets with -Regen debuffs in the 1500% or higher category, some of which can be made permanent and stackable.

Such immense debuff percentages are needed because GMs and AVs have extremely high resistance to the effect, especially for high-level critters. (Even critters with no displayed level actually have a level. For GMs it's usually around the upper end of the zone in which they spawn.)
I know this. I do about 10K damage to Babbage before his regen catches back up and all progress is lost. lol

If they would reduce the cast times for powers, I could do more... >.>



Originally Posted by Chill_Out View Post
I can only imagine you've never really had experience with corruptors. They are among the best solers in the game, assuming you do not take secondaries that rely on teams to be at their best, like /Pain. They were designed to 'pwn' as well as support, so please roll back the preconceptions of corrs as weak, mushy support priests.


If you go Pain, Thermal, Sonic, Trick Arrow, yeah.. you're gonna solo worse. But don't paint the whole AT with a broad brush, check out the other combos, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
See I find that to be a contradictory statement. While there may be some specific builds that are great at soloing, the AT of "corruptor" is the least solo friendly of the redside ATs. Let's look:

Most Solo-friendly:

1a Brute
1b Mastermind

It it almost impossible to create non-solo brutes or masterminds unless you do something incredibly stupid (6-slot rest, etc).

2. Stalker (always been good at solo, better at teams with recent buffs)

3. Dominators-Damage and control = solo. True, no heal and you can make difficult or "late-blooming" builds. But overall, fewer places to go wrong.
4. Corruptors-A minefield for the solo player. Sure if you can navigate it you're fine, but otherwise it's series of humiliating kicks to the crotch.

Now, I am not saying that something is wrong with the AT. If you can be a force-multiplier on teams, you should have to pay a price for that.

It's just that I would hate for a new player to see the quote "They are among the best solers in the game" and get frustrated.

I think the statement "Corruptors are some of the most difficult to solo, BUT if you are careful..." is more accurate than "They are among the best solers in the game, BUT be careful..."



20ish is where it got real fun for me.

I have two Corrs. I have an Ice/Rad and Fire/Kin and they're beastly.

All the debuffs you get from Rad combined with the damage from Ice is a great combo. You debuff npcs for your team and yourself, you can buff and heal your teammates and also still do tons of damage. Its a real versatile build.

The Fire/Kin is pretty much the same deal only not as much debuff but its got cool perks like a great heal for those near the enemy you anchor off of and the speed/stamina buffs are great as well.

And I agree with what most said, the builds you chose are going to be challenging.



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
If you want to solo a Corruptor (or Defender, for that matter), I am of the opinion that Kinetics is the only option for secondary (or primary, as appropriate). I have a 50 Kinetics/Dark Defender, and a Fire/Kinetics Corruptor sitting at 30-something. Both of them are awesome in their own way.
To each his own. I have a 50 Fire/Kin Corr and a 50 Fire/Dark Corr. Of the 2, I found the Dark to be far easier to solo.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



QR --

My DP/Rad Corruptor is my highest-levelled ranged damage character. It's completely soloable and pretty fun to boot.

However, DP is a little weak on damage to make up for the added soft-control that's so abundant in the set, which means that it takes an extra hit or two to take out your targets compared to other ranged damage sets.

You'll note that most everyone here is recommending you play Fire as your primary with Dark or Rad as your secondary. The reasoning is that Fire does the most damage of all ranged sets (and has good AoE, for taking out multiple enemies at once) while simultaneously debuffing your enemies (making them do less damage, take more damage, and/or move and attack slower), ensuring that you'll mop up every group with minimal effort.

But really, it just boils down to what you want to do and your definition of fun. Do you want to mow through enemies with little effort? That can be fun, sure, but it's not my cup of tea personally... (I prefer to handicap myself a hair and thus have more active battles. To each his own, right?)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!