So... when does a Corruptor actually get fun?




Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
The strange thing is that after hitting 27 and adding a handful of damage slots to the single-target powers, everything just seems to work. Certainly, it's not the runaway bus full of freight trains that's a SS/SD Brute, but now I can actually fight bosses without using a Shivan. I haven't changed anythign that could actually explain this, but so long as it does work, I'm not going to ruin it by asking questions.

Energy/Thermal is still incredibly boring, though.
Yes, please continue playing an incredibly boring toon for another 20+ levels. Ill make sure to roll some incredibly fun ones to counter your axis of boredom.

Seriously though, if nrg/therm isn't your style, what do you have to lose by trying out a cpl of other powersets to figure out what you really like playing? I have a million abandoned toons that I ran into the 20s-30s to see if I would enjoy before I settled on something else.

AND this from Silas, "Just try a damn Fire/DM or Fire/Rad".

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
For every time you say that, I'm going to roll a petless Mastermind.

make sure its one using Pain Domination though.




Wish I could help but I cant. I've always felt Corruptors are optimal on teams ..and most wanted to. Every Corr I have has had a team focused support that heals. I thought and felt it was a corrs job to range dps and support ...with that in mind I have always carried the healer type secondary pools for that purpose.

As others pointed out you picked great pools for teams. So why not team more? A solid Corr can be the difference in a steam rolling team and a fail team. It has been very obvious to me last night playing GR. I rolled a Cor just to help a leader of a good team that needed heals. It turned a minor debt slow moving team into a steam rolling team ...all because I picked up Pain heals and share pain.

Play how you like good sir. This is not a You must play healer secondary post...just pointing out how valued those builds are that you did roll.

Have you considered using dark instead? Snare is a great tool..and tar is awesome with my DP. My favorite corr so far to. In teams he is great at bottlenecks with the tar + aoes.
Solo I can simply snare and use lethal shots to keep them in the patch as I shoot them down...and heal huge when needed.

I wish you luck finding the solo build that works for you. Corr's are not bad at all I think.. I really like them for their utility style they bring....great team members to have.



Originally Posted by DogTags View Post
Wish I could help but I cant. I've always felt Corruptors are optimal on teams ..and most wanted to. Every Corr I have has had a team focused support that heals. I thought and felt it was a corrs job to range dps and support ...with that in mind I have always carried the healer type secondary pools for that purpose.
Support /= must have a heal.

Damnit Jim I'm a doctor, not an elevator
I'm a doctor, not an engineer
I'm a doctor, not a historian
I'm a doctor, not a revolutionary
I'm a doctor, not a doorstop

Well I'm a corruptor, not a doctor



Originally Posted by Red Pirate Boggarts View Post
Support /= must have a heal.

Damnit Jim I'm a doctor, not an elevator
I'm a doctor, not an engineer
I'm a doctor, not a historian
I'm a doctor, not a revolutionary
I'm a doctor, not a doorstop

Well I'm a corruptor, not a doctor

yah ...that is the dark side of this...sometimes you feel like a Doctor vs a DPSer on some teams... that's when I demand the leader get more heal support so i don't get all the work i can use my well slotted DP butt kicking powers.



Originally Posted by DogTags View Post
yah ...that is the dark side of this...sometimes you feel like a Doctor vs a DPSer on some teams... that's when I demand the leader get more heal support so i don't get all the work i can use my well slotted DP butt kicking powers.
I think, for the most part, villains have learned to be self sufficient. I know if I get a string of unlucky hits on my widow, I hit f1-f5, whichever slot has a green on it. Oranges are great to use proactively as well.

I'm debating whether or not to make my corruptors rogue, as I've gotten my fair share of "r u healer?" tells on my trapper defender. (Trapper proudly wears "lvl xx Trapper defender, LFT" as her comment.) I have less faith in blue side mentality when it comes to being open / tolerant of powersets.



Originally Posted by Red Pirate Boggarts View Post
I think, for the most part, villains have learned to be self sufficient. I know if I get a string of unlucky hits on my widow, I hit f1-f5, whichever slot has a green on it. Oranges are great to use proactively as well.

I'm debating whether or not to make my corruptors rogue, as I've gotten my fair share of "r u healer?" tells on my trapper defender. (Trapper proudly wears "lvl xx Trapper defender, LFT" as her comment.) I have less faith in blue side mentality when it comes to being open / tolerant of powersets.
I certainly have no clue what blue side is like on Freedom. I hate solo so I have always built towards team work playing. For the most part teams with healer types are not low on Red for me. We get MM's with it and or Corrs for the most part. It's kinda normal to have a healer support around.

It was only obvious in GR there was a severe lack of any heal support if you have not rolled a AT with heal support...try it on Rogue cause they are in demand.

I have noticed in GR that the team work is more focused... and heals a must for the most part unless you want to progress slowly in 8 man pve.



Originally Posted by DogTags View Post
yah ...that is the dark side of this...sometimes you feel like a Doctor vs a DPSer on some teams... that's when I demand the leader get more heal support so i don't get all the work i can use my well slotted DP butt kicking powers.
I think his point was that the NON healing sets offer support as well(arguably better support in many circumstances).



Originally Posted by Durien View Post
I think his point was that the NON healing sets offer support as well(arguably better support in many circumstances).
Well I have to agree with that to. Heals are not the only thing Corrs can bring for sure. Though if I had to pick which had more value between two cors with exact same primary skills...if my team lacked any heals I would take the heals first. This statement isn't meant to devalue the other build though. I agree it's support is just as well desired on teams.



heals are pretty nice, I find as a tank I often prefer buffs/debuffs. Even on 8 man spawns if I find that earths embrace/dull pain is enough to keep me topped off on health(assuming there's some bffs/debuffs flying around) and I imagine fire/regen/willpower have it even better!

Though I bet defense based tanks love healers!



Originally Posted by Durien View Post
heals are pretty nice, I find as a tank I often prefer buffs/debuffs. Even on 8 man spawns if I find that earths embrace/dull pain is enough to keep me topped off on health(assuming there's some bffs/debuffs flying around) and I imagine fire/regen/willpower have it even better!

Though I bet defense based tanks love healers!
That's funny you mention that. My mace brute is defense focused attacks are a joke... I play with the intent to "tank" like in my other mmo Eq2... Run in Taunt...and cringe as the pain is incoming.

I do have times where I have those "oh Sheet moments" ..that's when I don't have a healer. And just noticed after I clicked taunt those pissed of Carnies.



I like to shift my thinking from "support toon" or "healer" to "force multiplier" and suddenly I enjoy my corruptors better. You're causing a CRAPLOAD of damage through your minions = your teammates. Corrs are definitely more team oriented than some other ATs, so you have to adopt the team attitude to really enjoy them. Luckily, they have some fun attacks as well, so they're never boring to me. But then, I feel all Villains are more team-dependent (yes, even Brutes) than their hero counterparts. MMs may be an exception.

Just keep telling yourself you're a force multiplier and watch the numbers fly when you buff the Brute, then Scourge the whole lot you've helped your team whittle down faster.



I'm playing an Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor, and it's been fun since the start. I'm at lvl 37 now and each new power just adds to the fun. I've been waiting for that combo on a corr for years though since I was frustrated with a lack of killing ability with TA/Archery Defenders. Anyway, I'd give it a try if you just want a fun corruptor.




To OP, I'd say try a Sonic/Rad. you get a good self/team heal early on, a good self/team buff early on as well, and the set murders a mobs' resistance.



Level 1 and onwards.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



My Radiation Blast/Dark Miasma solos like a fiend and is awesome in groups. I have fun with her, but she is a little to easy to play. My heal out ranks, many of the other healer sets. Although I really did spec Twilights Grasp for healing, and accuracy debuff.

Rad just makes it like pie. It's not as damaging but I use it specced for damage, recharge and defense debuffs.

It's like...insanity what she can do solo, and what she can do in groups. Shes fracking nutso!



Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
Level 1 and onwards.
I second this

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Yes, please continue playing an incredibly boring toon for another 20+ levels. Ill make sure to roll some incredibly fun ones to counter your axis of boredom.

Seriously though, if nrg/therm isn't your style, what do you have to lose by trying out a cpl of other powersets to figure out what you really like playing? I have a million abandoned toons that I ran into the 20s-30s to see if I would enjoy before I settled on something else.
+infinity. If it isn't fun, there's no point in playing it. I have yet to find a build that wasn't fun to become fun later on. Did it become more fun later on? Yes, but it was fun on some level to begin with. If a build can't make level 22, then I really must have not liked it. The real test is making it to 30. I've only deleted one that made it that far.

Originally Posted by DogTags View Post
I certainly have no clue what blue side is like on Freedom. I hate solo so I have always built towards team work playing. For the most part teams with healer types are not low on Red for me. We get MM's with it and or Corrs for the most part. It's kinda normal to have a healer support around.

It was only obvious in GR there was a severe lack of any heal support if you have not rolled a AT with heal support...try it on Rogue cause they are in demand.

I have noticed in GR that the team work is more focused... and heals a must for the most part unless you want to progress slowly in 8 man pve.
Assume Freedom blue side has it's share of "healers." GR lacks heal support because defenders aren't being rolled as much although corrs are. The real need for support for GR is the mobs are vastly harder for 1-20 groups compared to normal. Melee ATs have little to no defense against anything outside of S/L and then meet mobs of ranged energy attacks. The mobs that do S/L type of damage can hit for a truck load. The one bosses with SS as their attack set come to mind. I've been two hit more than once on a brute. And yes, one of the best teams I was on was an all melee(ideally brute) team. All those attacks got spread out so it was easier to take on.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
I've always had some problems playing Corruptors, but until recently I played it off to getting an Energy/Thermal to fifty solo-only back before you could drop missions. Recently, though, I've tried them again, having played the other Villain ATs to death.

Nothing has changed. It's still an exercise in frustration that serves no useful purpose. At no point during my attempt to play these characters has the game actually been fun. There is only so long I can tolerate having genuine difficulty with three even-level minions, and being forced to use Demonic against some Lieutenants is almost insulting. I've yet to beat a boss without a Shivan or a fistful of purple inspirations, and Elite Bosses are a lost cause.

Obviously, something is wrong. If this archetype was actually as unplayable as it seems, it wouldn't be played by any sane person. I can't figure out what it is, so I'm hoping someone else here felt similarly until they realised that they were doing something stupid and figured it out.

It shouldn't make a difference, since it felt equally unenjoyable across the board, but my current effort is a Dual Pistol/ Pain Dmination corruptor. Slotted with IOs, at level 26. If there's no reason for the game to be this painful to play he won't make 27.
It sounds like you might want to try some different Corruptor builds. At the risk of sounding redundant, you might find that such a change invites a power set combination that really turns your experience around. If you're interested in solo-play with a Corruptor, having your own heal (arguably the best in the game), the debuff arsenal to completely destroy EB and AV, and the ability to lay down some serious damage, try Fire/Dark. Don't take my word for it. Take the word of the author that wrote the guide found here:

Read all of it, particularly slotting advice and power summaries. When I read it, I completely changed my stance on Corruptors as an AT.



Yeah Fire/Dark is a good suggestion. I wouldn't recommend AR/Sonic in comparison. :P



The fun part about certain corrupters is the secondary aspects of their powers. For instance my rad/Dark uses most of her abilities to proc debuffs. Sonic blast is great for that as well because it increases your damage each time you use it, especially if you outfit it.

Fire/Dark is brutal, but I have never been a huge fan of fire, but it's great damage. Overall, I love Dark Miasma, because it gives survivability and more control than some of the other sets. But again thats just me.



I like how people judge entire archetypes designed around teaming by how well they solo... in a Massively Multiplayer game.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I like how people judge entire archetypes designed around teaming by how well they solo... in a Massively Multiplayer game.
If anyone could get a team at absolutely any time, 100% guaranteed, yes, it would be silly.

Since that's not the case, the ability of a character to solo is worth considering.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans