Ryan Reynolds Deadpool/Green Lantern Twitter Debacle




Green Lantern has just wrapped and Ryan Reynolds is off dong other projects before he's scheduled to return to the super hero fold next year as Deadpool. But according to Rob Liefield, creator of Deadpool, Warner Brothers wants Reynolds back for the sequel as soon as possible so he's unable to film Deadpool. Or is it Fox that's acting weird? I don't know. Conversations on Twitter are hard to follow.

Here's what Rob wrote:

Bottom line about Deadpool film is that if FOX doesn't pull the DP film together with Ryan Reynolds between GL films-they should Hari Kari
about 6 hours ago via web

Ryan Reynolds is the new Will Smith, if FOX can't maximize this window of opportunity with this star, this character, that script=MASSV FAIL about 6 hours ago via web

You have it reversed @GeekTyrant it's Warners that wants to film back 2 back GL's and disrupt Deadpool. Not FOX!! Get it right! about 1 hour ago via mobile web in reply to GeekTyrant

Ok, so basically WB wants to get Green Lantern 2 going soon as possible. But is it because of Deadpool? Pretty sure Reynolds can do both. I think maybe WB has other films they want to get going like Flash and Superman and they're just trying to iron out scheduling.

Or Rob's right and they're trying to f over Fox which actually makes more sense because this is Hollywood and studios love themselves some dirty old fashioned shenanigans. Making sure Ryan isn't available to Fox for Deadpool means one less super hero movie they have to worry about competing with and keeps Reynolds on their team.

Course, this could all just be Rob thinking out loud after drinking some awesome margaritas.

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I actually visited Liefield's Twitter page and was half expecting his page to be covered with pouches

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I say it is all of the above:

WB wants to keep RR close in case the film is a success and they want to crank out a sequel fast to capitalize on that wave of good feeling and be able to still concentrate on other superhero films and try to delay DP as much as possible.

But guess what? Fox doesn't need RR to do Deadpool. Yes, he was in Wolverine and he is a might fine choice, but they can always recast if they feel like WB is heroblocking them.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Thing is, Reynolds wants to do Deadpool. He's made it clear in the past that he loves the character and is looking forward to doing the movie. I know WB wants to get started on another GL movie (since they're already working on a script), but it'll be a while before they can be sure it's going to be a hit. Hell, I suspect it will be another month before said sequel script is ready, at least. I'm sure Reynolds can easily go do Deadpool, wrap that up, and go in for prelim work on GL2 before the premiere of the first one.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Considering how badly Reynolds apparently WANTS to do Deadpool... I hope this gets paved over and he gets to. His job as DP in Wolverine was that movie's only redeeming quality and then they managed to fark even that up at the end.

Be well, people of CoH.



Unless he's already signed a contract for Fox along the lines of "You will do a Green Lantern Sequel regardless of whatever other things you want to do", he'll probably put more of his energies on the Deadpool movie (which is the one I care about), and shove GL off to the side.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Unless he's already signed a contract for Fox along the lines of "You will do a Green Lantern Sequel regardless of whatever other things you want to do", he'll probably put more of his energies on the Deadpool movie (which is the one I care about), and shove GL off to the side.
Accept for all intents, GL stands to possibly be a bigger film that Deadpool. Yes marvel started out strong with a decent hulk movie and a great ironman film, iron man 2 was ok, but wolverine was absolutely terrible. And RR was a part of that. Reynolds IMO would be stupid to put deadpool as the priority in that mix. There is way more likelihood that Deadpool is going to get farked up then Green Lantern.

Marvel i think with this inititive to make a movie universe, has kinda dropped the ball. They are taking the same approach to movies as they did with their comics, which is basicly a character will sell a movie, even with substandard plots. It remains to be seen, but capt A and Thor are really going to either be the make or break for marvels movies IMO.



Also, consider the relative success of Marvel movies versus DC movies recently.

Marvel is making a lot of movies and even if Deadpool is a hit, he will be at least fourth in line behind Spider-Man and Iron Man and X-Men. And really, unless Thor and Capt. America absolutely bomb, he won't even be that.

DC, because of its limited success, if Green Lantern is a hit on the lines of Iron Man or even the Hulk movies, he will become the second go-to property for them (and we are already seeing this, with sequel talk). So RR has a chance to be a flagbearer, a diamond in the rough with DC and GL. He will get a lot more exposure, a lot more money with GL.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Yes marvel started out strong with a decent hulk movie and a great ironman film, iron man 2 was ok, but wolverine was absolutely terrible.
As it's been said many, many times over in this forum; Marvel had nothing to do with Wolverine. Or the X-Men movies, Spider-Man movies, Ghost Rider, Punisher movies, Fantastic Four movies, etc... The only films Marvel has actually produced are the Iron Man movies and the Incredible Hulk; with Thor and the Avengers coming up soon.

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Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
As it's been said many, many times over in this forum; Marvel had nothing to do with Wolverine. Or the X-Men movies, Spider-Man movies, Ghost Rider, Punisher movies, Fantastic Four movies, etc... The only films Marvel has actually produced are the Iron Man movies and the Incredible Hulk; with Thor and the Avengers coming up soon.
It's very important to keep that separation. The movie rights to the X-men chars belong to Fox currently, and for the most part, those non Marvel Marvel movies have sucked. That being said, RR being a huge Deadpool fan (and i saw somewhere that Robert Rodriguez *might* direct) bodes very well for the movie. I really hope these behind the scenes shenanigans don't screw it up.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
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Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2




Minor nitpick: Accept means to include or agree, Except means to leave out.

I can't really follow your logic, either. People aren't going to want to see the Deadpool movie because of Ryan Reynolds, but they are going to want to see the Green Lantern movie which has... Ryan Reynolds.

I guess the decision will boil down to if Reynolds can be swayed by money or passion. I'm hoping for passion.



I seriously doubt I'll bother seeing Deadpool if it doesn't have RR.

Be well, people of CoH.



Other than Batman and the first Christopher Reeve Superman what DC movies have been as successful as the Marvel titles, movie wise? I realize that Deadpool is not the most widely known Marvel toon but he IS an already established toon thanks to W:O. And one that people enjoyed up until the screw job at the end. So to assume more people would watch GL over Deadpool doesn't make sense to me. I don't think GL will do bad by any means. I have high hopes for it to be honest. But I really don't think Deadpool would be as good with another actor. RR has already shown he's passionate about this character and that makes a better movie usually.

To me this sounds like some studio jockeying that in the end could hurt them more by trying to alienate the audience. I don't really care when either movie comes out as long as they are both good.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I seriously doubt I'll bother seeing Deadpool if it doesn't have RR.
I think that'll be true for most of the non-comic book movie going audience too. For non-fans, which is where the real money is, the star is the bigger draw than the comic book movie part.



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
Other than Batman and the first Christopher Reeve Superman what DC movies have been as successful as the Marvel titles, movie wise? I realize that Deadpool is not the most widely known Marvel toon but he IS an already established toon thanks to W:O. And one that people enjoyed up until the screw job at the end. So to assume more people would watch GL over Deadpool doesn't make sense to me. I don't think GL will do bad by any means. I have high hopes for it to be honest. But I really don't think Deadpool would be as good with another actor. RR has already shown he's passionate about this character and that makes a better movie usually.

To me this sounds like some studio jockeying that in the end could hurt them more by trying to alienate the audience. I don't really care when either movie comes out as long as they are both good.
There is a possibility of oversaturation of Marvel characters in the public's eye. Plus, Marvel already has a full slate of properties to take care of from Capt. America, to Thor, to the Avengers movie. Most of their promotional push will go towards those movies.

And while GL isn't the most popular character DC has, I would believe he has the same amount of pull in the pop culture arena that Deadpool has, if not more, even including Deadpool's appearance in W:O. Remember, GL (though not Hal Jordan) was in JLU and GL (Hal Jordan) recently had a direct-to-DVD animated movie released and shown on Cartoon Network. If you didn't already know who Deadpool was going into Wolverine, chances are you probably weren't too impressed (or too distraught) over his appearance in the movie. Remember, he was one of many side mutants.

The fact that DC may be putting all its eggs into GL's basket because of failures means that if it is a success, RR will be plastered every where for a while and will get paid handsomely. While over on the Marvel side, Deadpool may get lost in the shuffle, somewhat.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Remember, he was one of many side mutants.
"You're NOT a mutant!"
-An X-Man, usually Cyclops, at some point, whenever Deadpool teams up with them and proclaims that "We mutants have to stick together." Because he's not a mutant.

Also, yeah, Ryan Reynolds has more than enough money to afford turning down GL2 if he can play his favorite Marvel character. Hell, Warner Bros. is bluffing, anyway. They'd never go on to a sequel without the star of the first. So, unless they have him in a binding contract (and since he accepted Deadpool before GL, I doubt it), they can just wait until after Deadpool wraps.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Plus, Marvel already has a full slate of properties to take care of from Capt. America, to Thor, to the Avengers movie. Most of their promotional push will go towards those movies.


Deadpool is NOT a property that Marvel themselves will be pushing. Deadpool is Fox, not Marvel Studios.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Deadpool is NOT a property that Marvel themselves will be pushing. Deadpool is Fox, not Marvel Studios.
Alright, then Fox has their slate full with the other X-Men properties.

Point I was trying to make is Deadpool's promotional push will probably be somewhere in the neighborhood of a "Kick-***" more so than a "Spider-Man" or "Iron Man." Not too heavy, but not that skimpy either. Fox isn't going to invest a lot, they aren't really going to aim for a franchise, and hence, if it is a success, RR gets some notice, but it isn't going to turn him into an A-lister.

Make no mistake, Ryan Reynolds is a rising star, but he has yet to open a movie by himself. If GL is successful, he become an A-lister like a (revitalized) Robert Downey Jr. and Christian Bale. Not so much for Deadpool, because DP isn't going to be set up in the same way as GL is.

Also, keep in mind, RR probably signed a multimovie contract to play GL (lots of studios are doing that nowadays for potential franchises) which I would imagine would be a lot harder to get out of than a deal for Deadpool.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
Also, yeah, Ryan Reynolds has more than enough money to afford turning down GL2 if he can play his favorite Marvel character. Hell, Warner Bros. is bluffing, anyway. They'd never go on to a sequel without the star of the first. So, unless they have him in a binding contract (and since he accepted Deadpool before GL, I doubt it), they can just wait until after Deadpool wraps.
Chances are WB signed RR to a multimovie contract because of the potential franchise GL represents and WB's eagerness to become more like Marvel. This is probably why they are already talking about doing a sequel, they at least have their star under contract (of course, this doesn't mean he can't break it, but it would be costly and look unprofessional). For a similar case, look at what happened to Tobey Maguire, both for the second Spidey movie (he was under contract but wanted more money, Sony nearly replaced him with Jake Gyllenhaal) and the fourth movie (Tobey was under contract for only 3 films, which spurred the reboot talk, then he signed, then they decided to reboot anyways).

I doubt Fox signed Reynolds to a more than one movie deal for Deadpool. For contractual reasons alone, I am sure WB's stuff is more ironclad than Fox's.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Chances are WB signed RR to a multimovie contract because of the potential franchise GL represents and WB's eagerness to become more like Marvel. This is probably why they are already talking about doing a sequel, they at least have their star under contract (of course, this doesn't mean he can't break it, but it would be costly and look unprofessional). For a similar case, look at what happened to Tobey Maguire, both for the second Spidey movie (he was under contract but wanted more money, Sony nearly replaced him with Jake Gyllenhaal) and the fourth movie (Tobey was under contract for only 3 films, which spurred the reboot talk, then he signed, then they decided to reboot anyways).

I doubt Fox signed Reynolds to a more than one movie deal for Deadpool. For contractual reasons alone, I am sure WB's stuff is more ironclad than Fox's.
The bottom line is that Ryan Reynolds really, really wants to do Deadpool, so there's no way he'd let someone else box him in and prevent him from doing it.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
The bottom line is that Ryan Reynolds really, really wants to do Deadpool, so there's no way he'd let someone else box him in and prevent him from doing it.
This. The man may not command a Will Smith type payday on each movie he does, but I'm sure he's got enough cash that "throw money at him" isn't an effective negotiating tactic to keep him away from something he *really* wants to do.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
The bottom line is that Ryan Reynolds really, really wants to do Deadpool, so there's no way he'd let someone else box him in and prevent him from doing it.
Oh, I am sure he does. And I think this is all just posturing from the studios. I don't think the choice is going to end up being made by him personally when these movies get made.

But, if it does come down to him, although he may really want to do Deadpool, that doesn't mean he will. In Hollywood, actors and directors leave projects they are really passionate about all the time. And for the reasons that RR may face: legal, image, the stars don't align properly. RR does not have enough collateral yet in Hollywood to dictate movie roles on his own terms.

Nic Cage wanted to be Superman and was briefly signed on to do a Supes film. It didn't work out, but Cage didn't abandon other potential projects to concentrate on Supes. This is a man who named his son Kal-El. He's a fan. Yet he still was able to "move on," so to speak.

In a void, would RR choose Deadpool over GL? No doubt. But the decision won't be made in a void.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




You make excellent points BBM and I really believe this is a posturing by the studios for sure.

It's funny, my wife has gotten me watching the Entourage series and this whole thing is exactly like the storyline from there. The main character is an up and coming potential A-lister, he does a few things becomes popular then gets signed to a major Superhero movie (Aquaman) and then wants to do another movie between sequels and the studio squashes it with a timing problem. I mean it is exactly like this. So obviously this happens AAALLLLL the time.

For our sake and for RR's sake I hope they work it all out so we can all get our cake....



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
The bottom line is that Ryan Reynolds really, really wants to do Deadpool, so there's no way he'd let someone else box him in and prevent him from doing it.
The bottom line is that RR really wants to do a faithful to the comic book, deadpool movie. He is a fan of the mouth, breaking the fourth wall, having DP know he is in a movie etc. Now if you think about it, a studio being so single minded is going to either want a comedy/actionish(say like how Green Hornet looks now) movie that accomplishes that, or will want a summertime action blockbuster which wont allow for that kinda of traditional approach to the characters origins.

In some interviews i have seen from before and after his wolverine appearance, RR sounds kinda disappointed with how the character was used in the movie. So if a script comes in that doesnt appeal to his fandom for the character, i could definately see him shy off of it to do a GL sequel rather then do something for a character he likes, that he would not be proud of.



It's also pretty obvious that he likes BOTH characters. GL was even written FOR him to be Hal Jordan. Though RR is keeping the writers at Fox in line by keeping to the spirit of Deadpool, it does not mean the same thing to an actor. He already has the credit of being able to say "I helped make that happen" to Deadpool if they release it without him and stick to what he told them. But GL, it's his role. He is part of both and he only needs to be in one. Creatively that's amazing.

It's been stated before on the career aspect regarding GL and it's true. GL stands to be to RR that Superman was to Christopher Reeves, or Batman was to Michael Keaton. Two good movies at least - and doing something that he enjoys while getting paid for it.

Fox will make Deadpool regardless and I think the only thing that's truly important to RR about it; is not being in the role, but just making sure Fox doesn't screw it up again and instead remains true to the character. He'd be proud if they just take his advice and run with it.

That and GL means that RR gets to be the icon for countless children as a well known superhero. He gets to be the association of live action to comic book for their parents. Deadpool is wacky and strange and offbeat. It appeals to a pretty specific demographic, but Green Lantern could go much farther. The character has deeper roots going back decades, deals with noble themes and will be much more accessible to a wider audience.

Don't get me wrong, I like 'em both - but if faced with the choice, I'd choose to be the true superhero, than a violent, masked merc with a name that guarantees that most parents won't take their kids to see.

But hey, that's just the grown up in me.



Hmmm... a classic DC icon, or a poor man's Deathstroke. Easy choice for me.

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