Cannot build a good Stalker




I've been messing around in Mids, and I've concluded that making a tolerable Stalker is impossible. In order to have a build that I like, I have to do ridiculous things like skip a travel power or run with 3 attacks including AS well into the 20s. How am I supposed to play like that?!

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



I don't see the problem in getting 4 attacks before 20. Admittedly, it's because I have Ninja Run and can skip a travel power or leave it until late...

A quick example. Not the best power selection order (I know, for example, that many'd scream bloody murder about Focus Chi being so late), but mine's currently at 26 and having few, if any, problems...

1: Thunder Kick & Hide
2: Crippling Axe Kick
4: Ninja Reflexes
6: Assassin's Blow
8: Danger Sense
10: Hurdle
12: Placate
14: Storm Kick
16: Kuji-In Rin
18: Health
20: Stamina
22: Kuji-In Sha
24: Combat Jumping
26: Crane Kick
28: Smoke Flash
30: Focus Chi
32: Eagle's Claw
35: Cobra Strike OR Super Jump
38: Kuji-In Retsu



This is, actually, the exact issue I think I had regarding my Stalker issues. I admit I just powered through my low levels, choosing a primary that animated and recharge quickly. Alternatively, you can pick up a power pool attack that leads to a travel power, such as Air Superiority or Jump Kick. That gets both a travel power start, and an extra attack to balance your attack chain.

I admit though, I also use Ninja Run and Hurdle for my travel power, even though I finally got City Traveler and could pick any Travel Power at level 6. That was more of a choice to get Stamina at 20, and I may Respec it differently later on.

A problem I see it is that it's hard to resist the allure of Build Up, Placate, and AS in a row so early in the builds. I know I can't.



IMO the only stalker worth playing is X/Ninjitsu.

Honestly scrappers are better in every way, so pretty much stick to the unique set that is only available to stalkers.

After that if you are intersted in PVE, I suggest only taking the sets that have AOE:

Dual Blades

Not very good aoe:
Dark Melee

Martial arts
Energy Melee.

Scrappers have superior single target damage,
Nearly as good burst,
And superior aoe ability
Along with better survivability.

If you are going to play a stalker, Pick one of the aoe sets, so you can at least be able to say: "I wanted a bit more Single target on top of my AoE damage."

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Yeah, this is the Stalker forum. We don't give a crap whether or not Scrappers are better.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Dark Melee
I've been guilty of this myself (I could even link to a recent post of mine!) but DM actually does have an AoE in Shadow Maul, so it really should go into the "poor AoE" category instead of the "No AoE" category.

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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
I've been guilty of this myself (I could even link to a recent post of mine!) but DM actually does have an AoE in Shadow Maul, so it really should go into the "poor AoE" category instead of the "No AoE" category.
Bah yes it does, correct it should have gone to poor aoe.

Yeah, this is the Stalker forum. We don't give a crap whether or not Scrappers are better.
I can't see why anyone would want to pick a combo on a stalker that is much better on a scrapper, but whatever floats your boat.

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Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I've been messing around in Mids, and I've concluded that making a tolerable Stalker is impossible. In order to have a build that I like, I have to do ridiculous things like skip a travel power or run with 3 attacks including AS well into the 20s. How am I supposed to play like that?!
I have a DM/Ninjitsu stalker and it plays fine. I took Air Superiority and Flight and had four attacks at level 10. It will eventually have soft-capped melee and ranged defense outside of Hide, and pretty decent AoE defense. The down side is having only 35% defense debuff resistance, but it's not such a big deal since stalkers aren't usually targeted by large numbers of -def attacks.

The character is surprisingly robust in combat, and having two heals helps a great deal. Siphon Life can be slotted for decent damage, decent healing, decent accuracy and decent recharge. Plus, it crits often enough to make a real difference. The area placate is a life-saver, as is the area confuse (and that's a great set to put the Confuse purple set in, which is especially fine for a position defense-based character).

This build is relatively economical, using three Touch of Deaths, one Mako's Bite, and one Obliteration set. The other pricey things are the Steadfast: +Def, two -KB IOs (which are easy enough to get with AE tickets if you don't want to buy them outright), and the Coercive Persuasion set.

I find this stalker fun, and I'm someone who's hated stalkers since CoV came out.



So what you're saying is, there is no way around it. You have to go without powers you would never skip on another melee AT until around 30 to play a Stalker.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



To those above: if you think scrappers are better than stalkers, you aren't playing your stalker right. They are used in entirely different ways. The stalker isn't meant to stand in the crowd and take it. Learn to kite and use guerrilla tactics. Think of how you can tear a group apart instead of how to take all the targets down. Your method is to cause chaos and diffuse a crowd's abilities by spreading them around. Its why you can take an alpha but not much more. Duck in, duck out.

I normally hold off on placate and add an extra normal attack if I'm non-pvp. Placate is just gravy at lower levels and honestly isn't needed until the 20's in pve. If you want to add another attack or secondary power, there is no need for a travel power until your jetpack\zero-g dies. Do those bank missions and you are fine.

Ninjitsu is over rated.

Dark Melee is a great set once you learn its particular dynamic.

Playing a stalker is a change-up on what you think. Its an excellent AT.



Stalker builds are very tight early on since you really need to take AS, Buildup, and Placate at 6 8 and 12. It doesn't leave a lot of room to squeeze in things like extra attacks or travel powers. I have one stalker, Elec/EA, and I made him after Ninja Run came out. That one power let me skip a travel power and I was able to make a build I enjoyed playing.



Placate isn't necessary at lower levels, so if you want to fit in a travel power you can hold it off till later levels.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Placate isn't necessary at lower levels, so if you want to fit in a travel power you can hold it off till later levels.
Ditto for Build Up. Want to Assassinate a boss before then? Bring a couple of reds.



Originally Posted by Mephisto_Kur View Post
To those above: if you think scrappers are better than stalkers, you aren't playing your stalker right. They are used in entirely different ways. The stalker isn't meant to stand in the crowd and take it. Learn to kite and use guerrilla tactics. Think of how you can tear a group apart instead of how to take all the targets down. Your method is to cause chaos and diffuse a crowd's abilities by spreading them around. Its why you can take an alpha but not much more. Duck in, duck out.


Playing a stalker is a change-up on what you think. Its an excellent AT.
Agree 100%. If you learn the aggro radius of AS, and use the walls and geometry of the map, you can pick apart what initially looks like a big group to something much more manageable. The best ones have some mobs that walk around the edge of the group. Wait for them to get just far enough away and AS.

Stalkers sometimes require a play style that asks you to analyze the group before you attack. Never thought I'd say it, but I think I enjoy them now more than my perennial favorite, Blasters. One of the reasons I resubscribed after a long time away was to take a Stalker concept I have over to Paragon City.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Yeah Build Up is not needed in the low levels at all. I would never wait on Placate though.

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I guess we (OP & I) have varying definitions of "tolerable"

As for the Scrapper/Stalker discussion, I agree with the poster who said
they're very different - in terms of mindset, approach and playstyle.

If anything, I tend to play Scrappers and Brutes similarily, and I tend to
play Stalkers and Blasters similarily.

It's not a case of actual powersets, but rather mindset. Assuming your toon
wants to live (not always true with some of the Blasters I see out there ),
the latter two are about target priority and aggro management. They're much
more tactical generally speaking.

Brutes and Scrappers are about "Do unto them early and often so they cannot
do unto you" My Stalkers and Blasters can always skip a fight, my
Scrappers and Brutes just have to wade into the thick of it... YMMV.

I'm also not getting the issue with the stalker attacks either.

I grab the first two, AS, and typically Air Superiority all by L12 (when I
absolutely take Placate). L14 is a travel power. I tend towards Fly for my
stalkers, again, because it's tactical. I have a couple Super Jumpers, but
I still prefer Fly (even in PvP).

If I "defer" anything, it would be defense / heal. I'd much rather pop a luck
or a respite instead of limiting my initial attack chain.

If I have an issue with attacks, it's usually that I never get the later ones
so I miss out on higher damage hitters. But, by then, the ones I had earlier
are maxed, and are fast (decent DPS) and effective.

On top of that, I have vet attacks as well. Overall, they're not as good in
several ways, but early, they're pretty powerful, and good fillers. Later,
with Global Acc, they're still decent fillers albeit less effective overall.

Finally, how long does it honestly take to get into the L20's??? These days,
levelling is pretty quick and easy.

I guess I get back to the initial point - we must define "tolerable" very differently...


PS> I usually take BU early as well - BU + AS one-shots a Yellow con Lt.
That's too good not to take imho. It's tight, but it's equally simple too.

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Originally Posted by Mephisto_Kur View Post
To those above: if you think scrappers are better than stalkers, you aren't playing your stalker right. They are used in entirely different ways. The stalker isn't meant to stand in the crowd and take it. Learn to kite and use guerrilla tactics. Think of how you can tear a group apart instead of how to take all the targets down. Your method is to cause chaos and diffuse a crowd's abilities by spreading them around. Its why you can take an alpha but not much more. Duck in, duck out.
You misunderstand. What they're saying is that a Scrapper can put out more single-target damage in any fight that lasts longer than 5-7 seconds. This can be determined mathematically. If you kite you're going to lower your damage even more.

If you enjoy Stalkers and one or more of their play-styles that's an entirely different matter.



I loosened up my Stalker builds in the early levels by putting off powers from my secondary.

You're not a Scrapper, you don't need mez protection or ranged defence (or whatever) that badly during your teens.

Solo, you can hit and run, taking out any mezzers before they see you. Enemies only enagage you once you're in their face, so Danger Sense/Focussed Senses are pretty much just burning endurance.

On teams, your threat level pretty much guarantees you're not the numero uno target.



What they're saying is that a Scrapper can put out more single-target damage in any fight that lasts longer than 5-7 seconds.
Incorrect when on teams. Solo, sure (usually), but on teams the Stalker is superior in single target damage but usually still inferior in AoE capability (except for electric and maybe spines) which is the general problem since the vast majority of the game is AoE-centric.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Incorrect when on teams. Solo, sure (usually), but on teams the Stalker is superior in single target damage but usually still inferior in AoE capability (except for electric and maybe spines) which is the general problem since the vast majority of the game is AoE-centric.
No Microcosm is misguided.

What he describes only happens when 4-5 teamates are whithin 30 feet of the stalker.

And that pretty much never happens outside of an AV fight.

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And that pretty much never happens outside of an AV fight.
Whis is pretty much the only time you need higher single target damage/can notice it. All other times AoE is the name of the game, which is pretty much what I said.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



So we agree.

Stalkers have less damage and less survivablilty than a scrapper:

SINGLE TARGET: In that tiny sliver of the time during your career when you are fighting AVs.

Why roll a stalker again?

Ninjitsu (til they port it to scrappers).

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
So we agree.

Stalkers have less damage and less survivablilty than a scrapper:

SINGLE TARGET: In that tiny sliver of the time during your career when you are fighting AVs.

Why roll a stalker again?

Ninjitsu (til they port it to scrappers).
For more of a challenge! Or concept!

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