Considering a Praetorean RP (Staying in Praetorea) Group
I like the idea. I'd planned to roll a Kin/Regen scrapper, loyal to the emperor, and was working on the 'what's he doing cruising paragon/rogue isles' angle. On the one hand, staying in Praetoria would fix that issue, but then again, not levelling past 20 would be a big drawback since I do like progression.
Then again, I could just roll another Kin scrapper and level him up in addition to the rp one.
I like the idea. I'd planned to roll a Kin/Regen scrapper, loyal to the emperor, and was working on the 'what's he doing cruising paragon/rogue isles' angle. On the one hand, staying in Praetoria would fix that issue, but then again, not levelling past 20 would be a big drawback since I do like progression.
Then again, I could just roll another Kin scrapper and level him up in addition to the rp one. |
Who knows... maybe the level 20 limit won't be necessary... But it would be fun if we could still find action in the underground and/or anywhere else within our level ranges (And within Praetorea).
If we stick below 20, perhaps a slow static weekly thing is what is needed.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
This sounds fine with me, considering how terrible a leveler I am. I barely level, I'm 85% roleplay these days so keeping around 20 and roleplaying is perfecto.
(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)
I think the biggest obstacle to this idea is that Praetorians cannot join Supergroups or access Bases until they choose either Hero or Villain at the end of their arcs.
I think the biggest obstacle to this idea is that Praetorians cannot join Supergroups or access Bases until they choose either Hero or Villain at the end of their arcs.
I have characters who I don't plan on ever leaving Praetoria, but the restriction to Lv 20 and having to pick a side makes level progression difficult.
No, Praetoria has no AE, but Praetorians do have access to Pocket D so the Winter/Valentines Events would be a good way to level and not have to leave Praetoria. (Might be a little farfetched, but it's the only alternative that I can think of at the moment.)
On the other hand, I have two Resistance members that are up for grabs. But seeing as you guys want to create a Loyalist-based SG.....
Or at least until Issue 19 comes out is my speculation.
I have characters who I don't plan on ever leaving Praetoria, but the restriction to Lv 20 and having to pick a side makes level progression difficult. No, Praetoria has no AE, but Praetorians do have access to Pocket D so the Winter/Valentines Events would be a good way to level and not have to leave Praetoria. (Might be a little farfetched, but it's the only alternative that I can think of at the moment.) On the other hand, I have two Resistance members that are up for grabs. But seeing as you guys want to create a Loyalist-based SG..... |
You still earn XP when you EXP down. You could EXP down and play EXP'd all the time and level all the way to 50 in praetoria if you pleased.

Hail Emperor Cole!
(TurmoilX - 50, Fire/Emp Troller) (Emily Meyer - 50, PB) (Olias - 50, Necro/Dark MM) (David R. Scion - 50, Crab) (Haruaki Kaido - 50, SS/Stone Brute) (Chaos Bot - 50, AR/Kin Corr)
I think the biggest obstacle to this idea is that Praetorians cannot join Supergroups or access Bases until they choose either Hero or Villain at the end of their arcs.
It's a shame there isn't an AE building in Praetoria, because that would be the perfect tool to continue story and character development. Otherwise you could probably get to level 24-25 just by re-running other people's missions and various street hunting/Underground clearing.
I forgot, do we unlock a second costume slot in Praetoria or is that not available until the characters more to Paragon/Rogue Isles? I'm fairly certain there isn't a place to turn in Halloween costume salvage, so that's out.
Enhancements won't be a problem since we can e-mail whatever our Praetorians may need from other characters. Plus we've got access the the market. I'm not sure if there's a store that sells SOs though.
Anyway, I'm really interested in this group. Been dying to get into some good RP lately since my current SG is nearly a ghost-town. Though I can't guarantee I'd be able to participate every week if you choose to do a weekly static team. But I'd certainly try. I'll keep watching the thread for updates. Otherwise you can reach me @Silver Tooth in-game.
This sounds fine with me, considering how terrible a leveler I am. I barely level, I'm 85% roleplay these days so keeping around 20 and roleplaying is perfecto.

Yeah, I'd like to just absorb ourselves in the world of Praetorea and play around in it. develop our characters and interact like it is a stand alone game itself. It's such a rich world, really. I'm thinking 1984, A Brave New World... stuff that Equilibrium was certainly based off of. It's a rather fun concept for Super powers and such.
It's got a bit of a Star Wars sort of Empire and Rebellion as well.
It's just an interesting change of pace for playing within this game's world!
*ends babbling... for now*
I think the biggest obstacle to this idea is that Praetorians cannot join Supergroups or access Bases until they choose either Hero or Villain at the end of their arcs.
Not any worries for traveling to many zones. We'll have crafting tables and anything we'll really need (And yes, global emails).
Plus... The way the city is set up, I think there should be several great locations for any type of RP we want. Hopefully, I'm right about that.

Right. I am pretty sure that we'll all be able to enter and exit Praetorea eventually. If that is correct... we'll be able to access any and everything, including AE's, and the... fabric of the universe... is our only limit!
I have characters who I don't plan on ever leaving Praetoria, but the restriction to Lv 20 and having to pick a side makes level progression difficult.
No, Praetoria has no AE, but Praetorians do have access to Pocket D so the Winter/Valentines Events would be a good way to level and not have to leave Praetoria. (Might be a little farfetched, but it's the only alternative that I can think of at the moment.) ... |
On the other hand, I have two Resistance members that are up for grabs. But seeing as you guys want to create a Loyalist-based SG.....
Our interactions may be extremely limited (Depending on degrees of involvement, attitudes and character progression), but we should definitely keep connected OOCly. Even if our interactions only reach third parties in our mutual campaigns. Loyalists may capture a resistance member (NPC, or if someone were willing, a PC [That type of stuff, I am in favor of working things out between the respective players extensively... whether they want to leave it open ended or not is up to those involved, but agreement should be reached either way, well before going ahead)... Things one side does may affect the other side and we could have some great developments from all of that. And we may have some members on both sides who might interact peacefully, for whatever particular reasons may be involved.
So, I say resistance members are more than welcome to chime in here and contribute!
You still earn XP when you EXP down. You could EXP down and play EXP'd all the time and level all the way to 50 in praetoria if you pleased.
This could easily be solved by a private global channel for the members. At least to make communication easier. The other amenities provided by a base really aren't needed. Granted I know a lot of RP goes on in SG bases, but I don't think it would be that detrimental to this group. What better way to show your support of the Emperor and his city than to be in public take part in it?

Glad to see people interested in this and wanting to make it work.
I'd rather stay in public, do a lot of cleaning up the streets and/or underground and whatnot. We want to show the people of Praetorea that we are maintaining peace and safety for the good of all.

And we want to provide a solid RP presence within Praetorea. Let new characters come and go if they like... but this is our home.
It's a shame there isn't an AE building in Praetoria, because that would be the perfect tool to continue story and character development. Otherwise you could probably get to level 24-25 just by re-running other people's missions and various street hunting/Underground clearing.
Because, the original reason for the Mission Architect was to provide the players with alternative paths of progression... What better example than something like this?
I forgot, do we unlock a second costume slot in Praetoria or is that not available until the characters more to Paragon/Rogue Isles? I'm fairly certain there isn't a place to turn in Halloween costume salvage, so that's out.

Ah well... Yeah... Would be lovely if we're wrong about this one (Or they change it).
Again... I'm thinking it will open up for us to be able to leave and come back eventually... and/or further progression within Praetorea. We'll see... but yeah, a Halloween salvage NPC... Hmm... That's worth bringing up in the Beta Forums, actually.
Enhancements won't be a problem since we can e-mail whatever our Praetorians may need from other characters. Plus we've got access the the market. I'm not sure if there's a store that sells SOs though.
Anyway, I'm really interested in this group. Been dying to get into some good RP lately since my current SG is nearly a ghost-town. Though I can't guarantee I'd be able to participate every week if you choose to do a weekly static team. But I'd certainly try. I'll keep watching the thread for updates. Otherwise you can reach me @Silver Tooth in-game. |
Yeah, as everyone has surely noticed, there aren't very solid rules or anything about any of this (Other than staying in Praetorea).
So, anyone just interested in that aspect, of rooting your character in this cool world that they're giving us to play in, chime in and stay connected and come and play whenever you can.

I just want some quality, immersion and role-play with other people with similar interests and in this new setting.
Whether or not we form an SG or whatever... I do want to focus on the wider element of a deep and role-played community of Praetoreans.
Anyways, I just wanted to reply while I could just now.
I'm very glad to see the interest and I look forward to having the big time fun.

Keep it coming!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
So this new expansion only lasts for 20 levels? What about endcapped characters anything for them? Not that I have anything higher than a level 10...
Also: I read that you can download Issue 18 before it goes live (Im assuming its the same thing as going rogue)... and that it will start downloading when you exit the game. But the client closes completely and I dont see it popup with the downloading going on.
So how do you get it to download?
I am so very interested in this idea. Only downside for me is that I live in Ireland and play on normalish GMT hours. That being said, I'd still love to give it a go! I've been a bit RP starved for a while.
I also might join with this. Praetorea has such beautiful locals! Heck for a base there are many locations that have a base like setting already.
I also might join with this. Praetorea has such beautiful locals! Heck for a base there are many locations that have a base like setting already.
I just wish they had more areas. :P
Also, there's a place called Studio 55.
So this new expansion only lasts for 20 levels? What about endcapped characters anything for them? Not that I have anything higher than a level 10...
Also: I read that you can download Issue 18 before it goes live (Im assuming its the same thing as going rogue)... and that it will start downloading when you exit the game. But the client closes completely and I dont see it popup with the downloading going on. So how do you get it to download? |
And I think they are likely going to add more Praetorean stuff for higher levels in the future (No official declaration of that though).
About the download... I think you might need to exit by logging out the long way and then exiting from the sign-in screen... but I am not sure about that.

I am so very interested in this idea. Only downside for me is that I live in Ireland and play on normalish GMT hours. That being said, I'd still love to give it a go! I've been a bit RP starved for a while.

Hopefully we'll have others from nearby timezones and/or people who play in those times. I sometimes can be on in afternoons and such. My 7PM being your Midnight might not be good for you on a normalish schedule, but we'll see!
I also might join with this. Praetorea has such beautiful locals! Heck for a base there are many locations that have a base like setting already.

No doubt about that. There's an awesome park over at Imperial City, there's the bridges that connect Nova and Imperial, and some of the buildings allow you to go inside their doors and end up on the roof of the buildings, it's pretty awesome.
I just wish they had more areas. :P Also, there's a place called Studio 55. |
I've been so busy, I actually didn't get a chance to log into beta until just recently.
So, I need to do some catching up and exploring before I am fully aware of many of the locations and possibilities.
So, I am thinking I should create a global channel for this. I know some of us are dreadfully close to the limit of global channels if not already at the limit.
We'll figure it out, but I may as well get it up.
I was considering making it invite only, so as to use it like an SG chat... But... having an open OOC global channel for Loyalists and Resistance members alike... Players for playing in Praetorea... might be a good idea.
Like I said... I'm still percolating all of these things and collaborating with anyone and everyone interested.
I'm glad I changed my routine and opened up about it, as it's nice to talk about it with others.
Also, I don't think anything I've suggested is really any grand or original idea. It's really just about forming a tie between us who would enjoy playing out characters persisting in Praetorea... and the only way to do that is to get it started.

We'll start getting to brass tacks and all that in a bit!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
There is also the loyalist Lounge in Nova complete with gambling tables! Or for resistance the Resistance base in the underground.
Id also like to add that I am interested as well.
Something I thought of.
Perhaps someone should make a Name saver Super Group via Hero or Villain that way when/If Praetorea gets bases we would already have a name.
This looks interesting. I'd love to join. Although unfortunately fall semester starts the 18th for me, but I dont think that will effect the weekends or late nights.
I have been making serious consideration of forming a loyalist SG myself, keep in mind I am not an RP'er but I believe RP'ers and non RP'ers can coexist and make a very productive SG if handled correctly. If a strictly loyalist RP only channel was created and SG chat was used for OOC chat only, I think it would draw more people towards RP and promote the two "cultures" working together. I really adore playing with RP'ers, I appreciate their perspective on things. I've lead quite a few task forces with RP'ers on Pinnacle, I actually lead the first successful LRSF task force on Pinnacle server all done with RP'ers, it was a blast. I'll be honest I used to think RP'ers were not very good players, this server has made a liar out of people who say "RP'ers have no skills". So lets form up something when GR goes live, any ideas for names ? I was thinking something with "United" in it for the communist feel of the Praetoria.
BTW I have a ventrilo
As of now Praetorians can't form or join SGs. They have to wait until they leave for the Isles or Paragon.
I wouldn't mind staying in Pareatoria if it weren't for the fact that we can't get capes. But hey, if the devs ever decide to lift that stupid rule much like they lowered the level cap for epic ATs... >.>
Well it doesn't stop folks from picking out a name.
I was kicking around the name:
United Freedom Front, Kind of sounds like Freedom Phalanx whilst stinking of communism, and yes I reserved it so don't go trying to take it.
Thinking about rolling a DP/MM blaster for my loyalist. Ran into a few snags when coming up with a concept for him.
First one being the pistols. Aside from Maelstrom I haven't seen a single loyalist using pistols. They all prefer the power gauntlets. Granted the resistance uses guns (at least they look like regular guns) but shoot energy. I know BV on the resistance side has dual pistols as well.
Then there's the fact he's /Mental Manipulation. You'd think that would land him in the Seers program, except the Seers are only female. Though male psi users exist in Praetoria (just look at the Syndicate). I'm guessing since he's loyalist and psi he'd wind up in Powers Division.
Another is the name. Was considering a super-heroish name at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it wouldn't really fit in. Everyone in Praetoria goes by their real name. For the most part.
Thinking about making a SS/INV tanker Clockwork that speaks in a simplified Clockwork Primer. It would be a nice change in pace.
I've got a couple of characters who are getting rerolled as Loyalists, and would be interested in this. Can't decide which one I'll be playing more of yet, Chakamil Silverspot (Kinetic/Energy Brute) or Diabolesse (AKA Gwenhwyfar D'Shall, Demons/Thermal Mastermind).
Also expect Huntress Houlihan (AR/DM Corruptor) to show up on the Resistance side....
War Cat, EarthShade, BrightShard, Chakat Streak, Chakamil Silverspot, Mindora, Diabolesse, Jasper Baen
KGBSS8: Agent Ravage, Pestilence Girl, Umbral Claw, Howlback, Dr. Glit
Young Phalanx: Necril, Blazing Witch
I've been casually thinking about playing some Praetoreans with a group of people where we plan to stay in Praetorea.
Which, would possibly keep the characters limited to level 20 or thereabouts.
I am not positive that it is a great idea... but instead of just kicking it around internally, I thought I'd kick it out to others here, for a change.
I've been thinking about doing a Loyalist or Powers Division group of Praetoreans who believe in the Empire and the society we've been raised within. Using our powers and abilities for the greater good, to maintain peace and order for our great home.
Different personalities and shifting opinions would add nicely to the mix, of course.
The one thing that has been on my mind is the idea of delaying any drastic shifts and departures from that mindset and core belief of staying loyal to our roles within the Empire (Which may be difficult with the arcs), so that we can enjoy a long and continued RP existence within Praetorea.
Honestly, I plan to (separately) go through each of the arcs with some alts just to experience them somewhat OOCly... But I've been thinking more and more how it could be great to have a core of Role-Players that persist in Praetorea, as opposed to riding the arcs and heading for Prime Earth and the back and forth that may follow.
Honestly, having a Resistance group (From some of our members or other players interested) would be a lot of fun as well, and hopefully we can have great interactions among others who strive for continuous presence within Praetorea as either side (Both in conflict and perhaps some odd mutual endeavors or whatever may arise).
Some RPed espionage could be fun (Although, again, I'd like to focus on delaying major shifts... still, progression must happen, in whatever forms people and characters deem necessary).
So, yeah... very unfinished thoughts here, but... I usually percolate these things on my own and then share them... but... what the hell... I might benefit from reaching out and discussing it with others.
I'm not in a rush to put this together for GR's launch. I'm patient and am happy to do things however and whenever it works out.
Just a few notes about me and my playstyle (off the cuff here):
You can see some of my characters on VirtueVerse (linked in my sig).
That was all possibly more info than needed, but whatever!
Feel free to offer ideas and whatever you feel appropriate.
We'll see what, if anything, takes off.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan