Discussion: The Clockwork Revealed and a New Dev Diary!




Ever wanted to know what makes the Praetorian Clockwork tick? Well head on over to the Going Rogue site and read all about the latest friendly and helpful group to be highlighted: The Clockwork! This message is brought to you courtesy of Neuron Technologies.

Also make sure to check out the latest Dev Diary, and learn all about the shocking secrets of Electric Control from Floyd "Castle" Grubb and Keetsie Braz da Cunha. It'll make your hair stand on end! And as though this weren't exciting enough, PCGamer is also giving 30-day Jetpack codes so you can look your best while whizzing through Paragon City or the Rogue Isles.

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Twenty eight stickies in the announcements forum... several of which no longer apply (NCsoft account issues, etc.)...

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



can't wait for this !!

* Head explodes Scanners style *



Over nine thousand home care routines? There's no way that wasn't intentional. Especially not in all caps like that.

Birth of a Villain Group (Arc ID 60573): Designed for villains level 1 - 10. Found a villainous organization on Mercy Island. Find a base, recruit some minions, gather valuable equipment, and destroy your enemies!



*reads write-up on the Clockwork page*

You have no idea how much you've just helped me with my main character's post-GR bio.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



The Praetorian Clockwork look really nice. Can't wait to see them in action.

Hmm... meet the demands of tomorrow, today? In that case, I demand you let me into the beta... tomorrow.

Hey! It was worth a shot!

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



I think one of the devs is an I-Robot fan... Don't they kinda look alike?



Originally Posted by MaxXavier View Post
Over nine thousand home care routines? There's no way that wasn't intentional. Especially not in all caps like that.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



I wish they would have done something a little more creative with the models. They're just the same 3 standard "people" forms we've had since day 1...they might as well be someone's recolored Phantom Army. Even the clockwork in the Anti-Matter missions from 6 years ago made an effort to be visually interesting.

This game really needs new assets in terms of skeletons, mission maps etc. Consistently churning out stale looking art assets because of stubborn refusal to upgrade the basic elements of the system isn't going to make for long term profitability.



Can I get the Twonky model that doubles as a television ?



Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
That reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




The Clockwork reminded me of Replicants...who will be our Decker?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Over 9000.. wonderful edbz reference..

but the type 40 being a reference to the doctor's tardis I thought was alot more interesting.

not to mention the TELLURIAN PLAGUE OUTBREAK reference to Macross that took out the Foxbats squadron that I took particular laughs from..

Considering Foxbat is also the name of one of the signature heroes from Champions Online.

Either intentional or not.. well played devs. Well played indeed.


Arbie Fab

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Originally Posted by Equation View Post
Over 9000.. wonderful DBZ reference..

but the type 40 being a reference to the doctor's tardis I thought was alot more interesting.

not to mention the TELLURIAN PLAGUE OUTBREAK reference to Macross that took out the Foxbats squadron that I took particular laughs from..

Considering Foxbat is also the name of one of the signature heroes from Champions Online.

Either intentional or not.. well played devs. Well played indeed.
This. I love fanservice. Thank you Devs!



Originally Posted by Jack_Jeckel View Post
I think one of the devs is an I-Robot fan... Don't they kinda look alike?
Actually, their faces make me think of Tron.


Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



The HOME COMPANION comes preprogrammed with OVER NINE THOUSAND home care routines: meal preparations, school lessons, repair and refurbishing skill sets, and CONVERSATION TOPICS
The HOME COMPANION comes preprogrammed with OVER NINE THOUSAND home care routines: meal preparations, school lessons, repair and refurbishing skill sets, and CONVERSATION TOPICS
The HOME COMPANION comes preprogrammed with OVER NINE THOUSAND home care routines: meal preparations, school lessons, repair and refurbishing skill sets, and CONVERSATION TOPICS

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



The write-up on electric control was kinda cool, but the stuff on the clockwork was awesome. Amazingly creepy though. I mean, if we never have to do anything for ourselves . . . what does that leave? Also, what if the government DID become oppression? With one of these things in most homes we would be screwed!

Awesome Paragon Studies!



After reading this, my main thought was "I want to name mine Fess"

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
The write-up on electric control was kinda cool, but the stuff on the clockwork was awesome. Amazingly creepy though. I mean, if we never have to do anything for ourselves . . . what does that leave? Also, what if the government DID become oppression? With one of these things in most homes we would be screwed!

Awesome Paragon Studies!
That's why you buy only one and make sure you can easily overpower it.
Also, I recall it saying that all the leisure time means that arts and so forth have flourished in Praetoria, which is the in-story reason why it honestly looks like a real city, and apparently needing to worry about essentials results in Paragon's architecture being restricted to blocks with windows painted on.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
That's why you buy only one and make sure you can easily overpower it.
Also, I recall it saying that all the leisure time means that arts and so forth have flourished in Praetoria, which is the in-story reason why it honestly looks like a real city, and apparently needing to worry about essentials results in Paragon's architecture being restricted to blocks with windows painted on.
Easily overpower one of these clockworks? Are you serious? Superheroes are "slightly" challenged there, how would a normal person do it. Anyways that really doesn't matter.

Think about this though. How much has technologoy really made your life easier and given you more time for leisure? I'll use the example of a cell phone. It is great! You can look up how many calories your dinner is going to be when the waiter brings it to you, if it has internet. Of course by the time you find that your dinner is cold and even less calories since you don't want to eat it then anyways. That made your life easier right? How much of the movie did you miss the last time you went to a theater thanks to that handy dandy gadget? Nice to be able to get a hold of anyone at any time, but they now have the same capability with you.

I love my technology gadgets, but I have absolutely NO illusion it is making my life any easier and anyone that does is playing themselves for a fool.



GMan3 luddites:

Think about this though. How much has technologoy really made your life easier and given you more time for leisure? I'll use the example of a cell phone. It is great! You can look up how many calories your dinner is going to be when the waiter brings it to you, if it has internet. Of course by the time you find that your dinner is cold and even less calories since you don't want to eat it then anyways. That made your life easier right? How much of the movie did you miss the last time you went to a theater thanks to that handy dandy gadget? Nice to be able to get a hold of anyone at any time, but they now have the same capability with you.

I love my technology gadgets, but I have absolutely NO illusion it is making my life any easier and anyone that does is playing themselves for a fool.
Frankly, you're cherry-picking your examples there from the "frivolous" category. Technology makes our lives easier all the time. One quick () counterexample is a microwave oven. Or even stoves themselves. Transportation of goods using technology (especially food) makes your life easier every day. The electricity that powers your gadget examples? Technology making your life easier and better all the time.

Just because there are technological things that don't make your life better and don't give you more leisure time doesn't negate that there are such things that do.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Frankly, you're cherry-picking your examples there from the "frivolous" category. Technology makes our lives easier all the time. One quick () counterexample is a microwave oven. Or even stoves themselves. Transportation of goods using technology (especially food) makes your life easier every day. The electricity that powers your gadget examples? Technology making your life easier and better all the time.

Just because there are technological things that don't make your life better and don't give you more leisure time doesn't negate that there are such things that do.
Your forgetting as well Decorum, that the "easier" we make our lives, the more junk we try to fit in to fill them.

Want a different example? OK, accountants 50 years ago had a very small base of clients because of the lack of "techno" gadgets. Today they have a much larger client base than then. Last I read by about 2,000%. Also the level of stress in that job field has also dramatically increased. Is that making life easier? (look it up, it's actually fairly easy to find in a few hours of on-line searching)

Stoves make life easier? Ever try to make a holiday meal with one stove? I have, it sucks. Somehow I convince myself I can do it all for 15 people and almost don't make it. The stress I feel from these events is ENORMOUS, and I like cooking.

Electricity makes our life easier? Maybe, but at the expence of adding pollution and carcinogens into the atmosphere that are killing us and our environment. I'm not even a green freak and I can recognize that.

And Microwaves make my life easier sometimes I will admit. Except when I am trying to figure out what settings and times I need and how to program that in. The designers of these devices seem to think that the more "programming" they can fit in, they better the machine. Personally, I disagree and I think many will agrre with me.

Now, transportation of goods or even people . . . have you even tried to mail something cross country lately? How about take a trip? Travel in any form SUCKS. The bus or train takes forever, driving a car you have to deal with other crazy people on the road, and a plane? I don't even need to go into the hassle of airports thanks to some fanatics out there.

You completely ignored my most important point in my previous post, so I'll repeat it - "I love my technology gadgets, but I have absolutely NO illusion it is making my life any easier and anyone that does is playing themselves for a FOOL."