7 -
I think one of the devs is an I-Robot fan... Don't they kinda look alike?
It's been a while since I posted anything up here, so I guess I'll grace you all with my 15 minutes of lame.
I will go as far as to say, I agree with both sides of this argument. I agree with the idea of an even playing field, but this nerf (one in which they stayed quiet about) did go a little too far. It targeted too wide of an area & those who were innocent of exploiting were punished as well.
I will say, I'm no saint. Have I farmed? The answer is, yes. But mostly I solo farmed... When I did help out others, I did it out of charity. I never charged anyone... But, why do people farm anyway? I think it's because we're tired of going through the same motions over & over & over again...
And while on this subject, and I know I'm going to get some heat for saying this, but the farmers do/and have, contributed to the game. For one, the markets. Everyone is getting rich. And you kinda have to be rich to buy what you want/need.
But when you create something, that is tied to something else & so on, you create a "domino effect." You can't throw one thing under a bus without throwing another. Supply & demand. Hero & villian count has dwindled because of the last few nerfs. Yes, mainly it was farmers that hung it up & left. Even some were banned... And that, hurt the market place. Supply went down, not as many to run missions. So, demand went up.
I do have a few AE missions that are, in fact, story driven & I was working on a new one that would've been much more in depth, but thanks to the nerf, it's now on the back burner.
AE, as I saw it, was meant to be about the freedom of expression & creativity. When AE first went live, the devs mentioned that there were going to be a few exploits... And yet, they left it. They didn't fix it beforehand, why? They knew what was going to happen.
After the first week or so, I heard that some people were getting banned. I don't know for how long, but I couldn't help but think, what's going on? I even heard that those that were innocent were getting band.
I asked myself, "Are they policing the game now?" We hardly got a straight answer, if any.
AE, freedom of expression & creativity for everyone. But now, freedom within limits... If I (or anyone) wish to make themselves into an unstoppable killing machine with the aid of multiple allies that buff my character to that level, I would think that should be within that freedom. You & some may call that an exploit that needs to be fixed, I call that stomping on our freewill & what I, and others thought, was the purpose of AE...
What's next, policing again? Going after the solo farmers & punishing them? Punish my friends because I (or some else) PL'ed them? Oh, better yet, lets go with a 1984 outlook. I can feel you breathing over my shoulder now... Lets have some redistribution of wealth while we're at it. That'd be great... Communism all the way, baby.
Why give us AE when you're going to water it down to the point of uselessness? Nobody plays it now. AE is now on life support... Bad enought that real life is slowly becoming more & more confined. Our freedoms are being stomped on everyday. And no, I'm not a damn rightwinger... However, I do know a "screw-job" when I see it.
To the devs, (if you read this) remember this, the buck stops with us. What you failed to do, was to notify your players of what you did on 4/7/2010 in the patch notes. You may not think it, or even care, but you are damaging you crediblity with your players.
This was nearly done in the cover of darkness. That was wrong. And you hinding it from us, makes it worse. -
Well, after spending a fair coin on my SS/Invul Brute, I added 2 pairs of Impervium Armor to my resistance.
This is what I have slotted for just recovery bonuses.
3 sets of Gaussian's Fire-Control for 2.5% recovery (0.04% x3 = 0.12%)
2 sets of Gladiator's Armor for 2.5% recovery (.04% x2 = .08%)
2 sets of Impervium Armor for 2.5% recovery (.04% x2 = .08%)
1 set of Preformance Shifter for 2.5% recovery (.04%)
1 Miracle: +Recovery 15% recovery (.25%)
1 Numina's 20% Regen / 10% Rec (.16%/.17%)
Combat Attributes/Base
Recovery Rate 3.12%/sec
Base 1.67%
Stamina 0.82%
Miracle: +Recovery 0.25%
Numina's: Reg/Rec 0.17%
Large Improved Rec Bonus 0.21%
Now, the problem. The numbers are not adding up. When I did the math, the Large Improved bonus should be (0.32%) or close to it... What I'd like to know is, have I hit a cap or is this a bug?
I workedd for my money & I hate to see it go in vain. -
Well, I don't want to think that I'm complaining about this person. I think this person was playing their ego & imagination a little far.
I have seen other Captain Planets in this game & I've heard nothing from them. And they've done a nice job on the costume too. They looked just liked them.
This person showed me their arrogance & spamming powers. This person may be a neo-conservative. No one knows what a neo-conservative is... I think it's someone who has watched the movie, The Matrix & they think it's real.
Or the person is just retard. -
Yeah, but he did a good job of annoying everyone in the zone.
For those of you wondering, this is a true story.
I was playing my Warshade one night & I was in Atlas Park looking for someone that may have had the Fortune Teller mission. While I was there, I saw what I thought was nothing short of laughable. Captain Planet 2.0... Like a broken record & spamming the Broadcast channel, he kept saying, "CAPTAIN PLANET!" over & over & over again. And like a cult leader, scorned those that heckled him & those that were "non-believers".
I unfortunately remember, (as many others do too) growing up during the time of C.P. I knew the day would come when someone would take it too far. Mind you, he didn't dress his toon to look like C.P. but annoying nonetheless. Also, he only had the 3 month vet badge...
How many drugs would one have to consume to think he can make C.P. real? Even in a "Virtual World", some lines should not be crossed. I've never done drugs, although from what I've heard from others, those that have taken L.S.D. have never gotten use to seeing their favorite chair transform into a 1000 snakes. Or try killing the spiders that seem to surround them... As far as C.P. 2.0 goes, I don't know...
Now when we are kids, you can only dress up in costumes for Halloween. Why? Because it's a children's holiday. A time where kids can be whoever they want to be. Now, you're parents wouldn't let you dress up in a costume everyday but as an adult, you can do whatever you want. If you feel like going into work dressed like Batman, you can. Sure, your boss might ask, "Who are you?" Then you proudly reply, "I am Batman. Who are you?"
I'm not sure (nor do I ever want to know) if C.P. 2.0 dresses like C.P. in real life. As I said, some lines are not meant to be crossed...
I had the unfortunate opportunity to speak with C.P. 2.0. I was standing on the sidewalk & he ran up to me & said,
C.P. 2.0: I'm Captain Planet.
I changed to Black Dwarf.
C.P. 2.0: Cool, but I'm Captain Planet.
While in Dwarf, I "howl"
C.P. 2.0: That's cool, but I own you.
I reply with, "Big deal."
How nice, an arrogant spammer. But from what I've told you all, you make the call.