Recovery Cap Question




Well, after spending a fair coin on my SS/Invul Brute, I added 2 pairs of Impervium Armor to my resistance.

This is what I have slotted for just recovery bonuses.

3 sets of Gaussian's Fire-Control for 2.5% recovery (0.04% x3 = 0.12%)
2 sets of Gladiator's Armor for 2.5% recovery (.04% x2 = .08%)
2 sets of Impervium Armor for 2.5% recovery (.04% x2 = .08%)
1 set of Preformance Shifter for 2.5% recovery (.04%)
1 Miracle: +Recovery 15% recovery (.25%)
1 Numina's 20% Regen / 10% Rec (.16%/.17%)

Combat Attributes/Base
Recovery Rate 3.12%/sec
Base 1.67%
Stamina 0.82%
Miracle: +Recovery 0.25%
Numina's: Reg/Rec 0.17%
Large Improved Rec Bonus 0.21%

Now, the problem. The numbers are not adding up. When I did the math, the Large Improved bonus should be (0.32%) or close to it... What I'd like to know is, have I hit a cap or is this a bug?

I workedd for my money & I hate to see it go in vain.



Also, the Recovery cap is 500%-750% (depending on archetype), which translates to 8.34%-12.51% per second (what the IOs and CA window tell you). So you're nowhere near that cap.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Ouch. You've got a 2.5% bonus eight times, so only five of them count.
The good news...You'll most likely be able to sell your excess for a profit.....I hope so anyway.



Originally Posted by Jack_Jeckel View Post
2 sets of Gladiator's Armor for 2.5% recovery (.04% x2 = .08%)


People HAVE those?

People have TWO of those?!