Best Secondary to go with Martial Arts
I'd say at this point in the game, what with IO's and all, any combo of scrapper works well.
My MA is Willpower cause it went with his concept and I already have a Kat/SR.
I'm sure one of the number gurus will be along shortly to correct me though
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
MA doesnt really synergize particularly well or particularly poorly with any of the secondaries. Maybe don't go with regen because you might die from not being able to click a heal during MA's long animations. Dark might go well with it because you could stack stuns. Other than that, nothing really stands out.
I was thinking Dark Armor might be a good fit. I have never played DA, so is it a set worth investing 50 levels in?
Again, thanks for any input.
Darth Keiv DM/Reg, Crack'ed Justice BS/Reg, Crack'ling Cage Fire/Rad,
Crack'ed Earth SS/Stone, Crack'ed Brawler DM/WP, Crack'ed Legend Axe/WP,
Crack'ed Current SS/Elec,Crack'ed Ice Ice/Kin, Crack'ed Cacophony Son/Son,
Crack'ed Widow SOA, Crack'ed Bully Thugs/Dark, Broil-O Fire/Kin, iCrack'ed DB/WP.
Shields. It has +DMG to help with MA's relatively weak DPS, it also has Shield Charge which helps MA's low AoE. Plus, with IOs it's probably the best set around overall.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I'm not in Beta, so I can't confirm, but rumor has it that MA is getting some major buffs in GR. I would wait and see what these are, so we know what is going to actually synergize with it.
Again, pure hearsay, and I have no idea what these changes are.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I'm not in Beta, so I can't confirm, but rumor has it that MA is getting some major buffs in GR. I would wait and see what these are, so we know what is going to actually synergize with it.
Again, pure hearsay, and I have no idea what these changes are. |
1) MA has relatively low ST DPS
2) It also has low AoE DPS
3) Secondary effects are inconsistent so I can't even properly "stunlock" enemies or anything.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I was thinking Dark Armor might be a good fit. I have never played DA, so is it a set worth investing 50 levels in?
Again, thanks for any input. |

Dark Armor is good. Takes a little skill, but it has a stun to stack on your MA attacks.
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I did MA/WP but I've heard MA/SR is good too
MA doesnt really synergize particularly well or particularly poorly with any of the secondaries. Maybe don't go with regen because you might die from not being able to click a heal during MA's long animations. Dark might go well with it because you could stack stuns. Other than that, nothing really stands out.
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
And from the charts I remember seeing MA's ST dps is about middle of the road, not poor. I suppose I could be misremembering though.
Could also just be a pet peeve of mine how people tend to label as "poor" anything that isn't in the top 2.
I am going to start a Martial Arts Scrapper when GR hits, and I was just wondering which secondary synergies best with it.
Thanks for any input. |
Electric is a very good resist set. Martial arts, despite all the hate, does 'okay' damage and excels at soft mitigation. MA's mitigation will help keep electric armor alive.
Electric has an inherent speed buff (20 percent) and a very good damage aura to help with Martial Art's damage issues.
Electric is very good on endurance and has a self-heal, all embodied in the same power.
Electric benefits very much from +recharge, which is usually a plus.
Of course, all of the above arguments also apply to fiery armor, and rumor has it that the Dev's is lookin' to buff FA.
So, electric armor based on what we know, fiery armor based on what might be, and with the caveat that fiery armor will be a bit rougher on the old endurance bar until you get the right powers in place.
Some extra aoe damage helps, but isn't necessary.
I'm back. Again!
MA/Shields is a fantastic combo. The concept works well, whether you choose the kicks, the punches, or a mix (I was excited to see the new animations but ultimately just kept the kicks). It doesn't hurt to mix in a brawl when just grinding or bored, because you do get that nice shield-smack (even if it's hard to figure out if or how a Talsorian shield to the face would hurt).
The AAO damage boost and Shield Charge gives MA/Shield a great AOE combo that is also nice soft control with two bites at the knockdown apple. Even if they nerf Shield Charge considerably, it'll still be a nice and hard hitting combo. Not better than every other combo with shields for damage, but arguably the best in terms of its mitigation potential.
Honestly, I don't see what's so bad about MA's damage at all...the only thing is that its AoE sucks. As for single-target damage, it's pretty much just below Fiery Melee. It's definitely better than Katana and Broadsword since it's Smash and not Lethal damage. MA also crits a lot more often for me as well.
As for single-target damage, it's... definitely better than Katana and Broadsword since it's Smash and not Lethal damage.
Anyway, back on topic, I'd suggest Shield Defense. Even after the inevitable nerf, Shield Charge will add to your AoE. Shield Defense doesn't need help from the primary to be survivable. Against All Odds will buff your damage output to something reasonable. Hmmm, looks like I just said the same thing as DSorrow.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
I know it might feel otherwise when you're trying to take robots apart with a sword, but the vast majority of enemies in the game are NOT lethal resistant. On average, you're looking at 8% lethal resistance and 6% smashing resistance across all enemies in the game - not a big difference. Now, I do have Martial Arts slightly higher than Broad Sword for DPS at the top end. But both are put to shame by Katana running a DPS chain.
Anyway, back on topic, I'd suggest Shield Defense. Even after the inevitable nerf, Shield Charge will add to your AoE. Shield Defense doesn't need help from the primary to be survivable. Against All Odds will buff your damage output to something reasonable. Hmmm, looks like I just said the same thing as DSorrow. |
But in the 35+ Category, the part of the game that takes the longest? No, not even close.
Educate yourself.
Across the whole game? Sure, it might only be around 8%.
But in the 35+ Category, the part of the game that takes the longest? No, not even close. Educate yourself. |
Now yes, certainly, a simple average isn't overly useful. You have to look at which enemies you face, and basically what percentage of time you spend fighting them on average.
Unfortunately, that's a bit difficult with a list of 1600 or so enemies. So I've never bothered before, even though I've been confronted on this on several occasions when I've stated that lethal resistance isn't a big issue. So fine, I finally took the time. I estimated exactly how much time I've spent fighting every single enemy blue side, and from that calculated the average resistance I've faced.
My results?
The average enemy I've faced has only 5% lethal resistance, and 4% smashing resistance. And I highly suspect I spend a MUCH higher percentage of time in the 35+ game than the average player.
It has to be said, of course, that we can to some extent CHOOSE which enemy groups we face. I play a whole lot of lethal characters. Barring other considerations, I choose to fight enemies that aren't particularly resistant to lethal damage. It's not particularly high on my list of criteria, but I don't go seeking after 50% resistant robots either.
So thanks, I guess. I DO feel more educated now. I now believe that lethal resistance is even less of an issue than I've presented it to be in the past.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
I've always felt that lethal resistance is overstated.
My MA Scrapper was MA/SR, a nice thematic pairing but not much else.
My experience with this and a DA/Energy Meleee tank would lead me to believe that MA/DA would be an awesome combo, allowing you to keep a couple of bosses stunned pretty much indefinitely. So another vote for that one from me.
I am going to start a Martial Arts Scrapper when GR hits, and I was just wondering which secondary synergies best with it.
Thanks for any input.
Darth Keiv DM/Reg, Crack'ed Justice BS/Reg, Crack'ling Cage Fire/Rad,
Crack'ed Earth SS/Stone, Crack'ed Brawler DM/WP, Crack'ed Legend Axe/WP,
Crack'ed Current SS/Elec,Crack'ed Ice Ice/Kin, Crack'ed Cacophony Son/Son,
Crack'ed Widow SOA, Crack'ed Bully Thugs/Dark, Broil-O Fire/Kin, iCrack'ed DB/WP.