I need a volcano!
Fire / Fire melee.
Bringing the heat!
Plenty of sets could work. The only archetypes that I can think of that would have trouble with it are Defender, which lacks a Earthy/Fiery set, and Mastermind (which you said could work with Demon Summoning/Thermal).
fire/earth dom
or really an earth/ dom or troller - with customization it is easy to make it lava-like
Earth/fire dominator. Accept no substitutes.
Fire, Earth (stone), Electricity would all be solid choices.
Stone/Fire/Mu brute would work well. I also tried a Fire/Earth/Mu dominator.
Seconding Earth/Fire Dom over Fire/Earth Dom. Earth primary has the most non-sleep/confuse aoe control. /Fire secondary is the most damaging Dom secondary in the game.
Runners up:
Fire/Kin/Stone Controller: The best farmer in the game when soft-capped to smashing/lethal defense. You can run around with rock armor and hot feet for a volcanic appearance.
Stone/Fire Tank(Fire/Stone Brute) One of the best tankers in the game for a combination of taking damage and dishing it out. The Brute version is a great +3/X8 farmer for Nemesis Farm. Also Rock Armor and Brimstone Armor make a great Volcanic design when you change the color tints. (You can actually see the lava flowing on their rock armor)
I'm actually working on a Volcano toon too and for right now he's Stone/Fire Brute. I'm strongly looking at Earth/Fire and Earth/Earth Dom too. I know /Fire is best for damaging but I'm in love with that lava hammer now from playing the Brute and it'll be hard to give that up if I reroll into a Dom. But the idea of fire breath is super nice too. :P
I don't think you can go wrong with any of those.
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The Queen's Menagerie
Loads of damage, loads of control. Pretty good solo and fantastic in a team. I heartily recommend.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

I like my fire/earth dom. If the lava graphics on seismic smahs hitting a fire caged enemy getting burned by your lava hot feet don't give you a volcano feel, something is wrong.
And if fissure on lava graphics doesn't make you feel like a volcano themed toon, you may very well need help with your mental stability.
My bro-in-law has a volcano themed stone/fire tank named "Sakurajima" who's level-pacted with my mind/kin controller - they're both currently at 43.
So, yeah, I'll second the stone/tank combo. Oh, and the long beard in red with the stone skin and lava armor looks phenomenal.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
I love my Earth/Fire "volcano powers" dominator. Solid control, good ranged damage, and I used the Leviathan powers of Water Spout and Hibernation to give it more of a "fury of the elements" feel to it. It's good fun.
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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
I considered that one too. Either one is good. I went with Leviathan mainly for Water Spout (which is actually a really handy power, since it's Knockup rather than Knockback, and looks cool). Shark Skin is a bit bleh (who uses cold damage? Seriously?), but Hibernation is a good panic button.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
..themed powerset/AT combination. Doesn't matter if it can solo. I actually have a very specific volcano in mind, but I think that would just wind up being a Demon Summoning/Thermal Radiation, so I'm wondering what other "volcano" sets there might be. Some combination of earth and fire is an obvious choice, but what else? And what powers specifically?

He fits the theme very well. Rock skin helps.
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
I'm quite proud of my Volcano themed Kano Kilauea, a fire melee / shield scrapper. Shield customization allows you a nice chunk of flaming lava and fire melee has plenty of face meltingly awesome attacks. I'll try and remember to get a pic of him and post it next time I get a chance.
My Stone/Fire Tanker is called Easter Island.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
You could also try using Dark somewhere in there, to represent the smoke and ash.
..themed powerset/AT combination. Doesn't matter if it can solo. I actually have a very specific volcano in mind, but I think that would just wind up being a Demon Summoning/Thermal Radiation, so I'm wondering what other "volcano" sets there might be. Some combination of earth and fire is an obvious choice, but what else? And what powers specifically?