Moderator12, just out of curiosity...




...why was this thread locked?

I'd send a PM but for some reason the board doesn't like that feature right now.

Other than the fact it was a necro post (which is better than yet another thread on the exact same topic), I don't get why it should be singled out to be locked. There's some interesting information in there, as well as helpful advice. The question comes up a lot, so the "burying this thread" comment comes across as flippant for no real reason. If anything, I'd think it would be stickied rather than locked.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Because it was a necro'd thread.

You know, he kinda explained that in his post in the thread.

There were over two years between posts. Now, I understand that someone had a question related to the original question, but that's now how things work on these forums. For whatever reason, the mods don't like thread necromancy.

EDIT: Also, you can send a PM to Mod12. Just click his name; the drop downs include "Send a Personal Message to Moderator12." I just tried it. I didn't press send because I don't have anything to say, but the boards let me get that far.

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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Because it was a necro'd thread.

You know, he kinda explained that in his post in the thread.

There were over two years between posts. Now, I understand that someone had a question related to the original question, but that's now how things work on these forums. For whatever reason, the mods don't like thread necromancy.
Yeah, I don't get that. Most forums would prefer old threads revived for a relevant question rather than new threads being created.



Thats the point of Searching the fourms.

Searching the fourms brings up old posts with the information instead of swamping the fourms with repeated stuff



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Thats the point of Searching the fourms.

Searching the fourms brings up old posts with the information instead of swamping the fourms with repeated stuff
It does seem weird to encourage using the search feature, and then locking old threads at the same time...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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It's not like any new or relevant information was being added...

Oh, wait.....



In this situation i think the thread made sense, but often times Necro'd threads have old and outdated information in them. Often people don't realize that the thread is really from three years ago and believe that it is current information about the game. Just to be safe, I think they've adopted a blanket policy of locking necro threads. I seem to remember at least one instance of Mod8 locking a thread and saying as much: that he would prefer new threads to necro'd threads...I'll see if I can find it...

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



I can see locking necroed threads that old. I have to laugh when people start yelling "NECRO!" when a thread is only a month or two old (and the devs don't lock those...people are just reactionary ).

Dec out.



You can pin it AND lock it, ya know.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
I seem to remember at least one instance of Mod8 locking a thread and saying as much: that he would prefer new threads to necro'd threads...I'll see if I can find it...
found one at any rate:
Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
Necroposting is a common tactic for trolling, I'd explain more but I prefer not to give trolling lessons to anyone who is interested. Let's just say that I am all for a software solution that auto locks threads after a certain length of time has passed without a reply. Until I get around to that, I just manually lock them.

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here




Yes, I closed the thread since it was a necro post and I do believe there were other threads about in-game screenshots. I also waited until the question was answered! (I try to be polite at least some of the time!) Also if you do have any questions about moderator actions please do not post on the forums, feel free to message one of us and we will explain our actions.



Could you explain the thinking behind the locking of Necro threads? or is it as said above from Mod 8?



Basically what mod8 said, if you have a question that you do not believe was answered in an old thread just create a new one, it will get answered more efficiently I am sure.



While you're here...Mod12, where do babies come from?



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
While you're here...Mod12, where do babies come from?



Your wisdom is infinite.



I suddenly get the feeling we got a Mod12 so Mod08 could go to the convention.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I suddenly get the feeling we got a Mod12 so Mod08 could go to the convention.
I like our new Mod12.

Originally Posted by Moderator12 View Post
This is why.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
While you're here...Mod12, where do babies come from?
I wish someone had asked a more pressing question - what happened to Mods 9 through 11?



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I wish someone had asked a more pressing question - what happened to Mods 9 through 11?
They failed to answer the babies question and were... let go.



Mod12 is 50% more than Mod08. Math doesn't lie we just don't know more what.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
While you're here...Mod12, where do babies come from?
When I asked my mom that question at the age of 5 she handed me "The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality," a medical text book. It had a chapter on abnormal sexuality.

Suffice it to say I had interesting conversations at school and the Principal and Councilors requested I not "share" my insights with the other students. And they called my mom into the Principal's Office.

(True Story)

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Originally Posted by Moderator12 View Post

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I wish someone had asked a more pressing question - what happened to Mods 9 through 11?
Well, we know that seven ate nine...

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
When I asked my mom that question at the age of 5 she handed me "The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality," a medical text book. It had a chapter on abnormal sexuality.

Suffice it to say I had interesting conversations at school and the Principal and Councilors requested I not "share" my insights with the other students. And they called my mom into the Principal's Office.

(True Story)
I sympathise with you, my Mother was a Nurse , I and my brothers grew up using only the correct medical name for personal body parts and bodily functions. Hilarity and hijinks ensued in first grade when I told the teacher I needed to void my bladder.