Moderator12, just out of curiosity...




Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I suddenly get the feeling we got a Mod12 so Mod08 could go to the convention.
I think it's more likely they're hiring extra staff ready for the upswing in forum usage on August 17th

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I wish someone had asked a more pressing question - what happened to Mods 9 through 11?
They failed to survive the indoctrination process for joining the Mod Division.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post

Well, we know that seven ate nine...
I wanted to respond 'They were delicious'



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
I sympathise with you, my Mother was a Nurse , I and my brothers grew up using only the correct medical name for personal body parts and bodily functions. Hilarity and hijinks ensued in first grade when I told the teacher I needed to void my bladder.
I knew some of that at a young age as well, though it was for a much different reason. At the time, kids were getting kidnapped/molested/(r-word, apparently it's censored here) quite a bit so my parents taught my brother and I the proper names (since there's so many "kid-friendly" names), in case something ever happened and we had to describe the event to the police.

However, as far as other kids were concerned I was cursing.... did we get on this subject again...?

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
...why was this thread locked?

I'd send a PM but for some reason the board doesn't like that feature right now.

Other than the fact it was a necro post (which is better than yet another thread on the exact same topic), I don't get why it should be singled out to be locked. There's some interesting information in there, as well as helpful advice. The question comes up a lot, so the "burying this thread" comment comes across as flippant for no real reason. If anything, I'd think it would be stickied rather than locked.

Mod 12 is a bit eager.



Originally Posted by Moderator12 View Post

Yes, I closed the thread since it was a necro post and I do believe there were other threads about in-game screenshots. I also waited until the question was answered! (I try to be polite at least some of the time!) Also if you do have any questions about moderator actions please do not post on the forums, feel free to message one of us and we will explain our actions.
As I mentioned, I tried to PM you but the forum wouldn't let me. I don't know if that was a temporary glitch on my end or the forum's side, but that's why I asked in the general forum. Also to see if there was an actual policy regarding it.

Does "locking necro posts" apply to everything or just certain kinds of topics? Because my Alt Alphabet thread is a number of years old yet comments still trickle in every once in a while and I wouldn't care to have it locked.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



A good rule of thumb is that after a thread has been inactive for more than 3 months, it is "dead" and revival of such a thread would be necromancy.

So why is necro posting against the rules? Well I don't want to get into it too much, since I'd prefer to avoid writing a primer on trolling, but there are a lot of nasty little trolling techniques that can rely on necro posting.

I've seen a couple of forum add-ons to automatically lock older threads but there are occasions where there is a legitimate reason to post in an older thread rather than creating a new thread with a link to the old thread so we haven't gone down that road.

I know it can be a hassle, but it's better than the alternative of allowing some meaner sorts of forum behavior free reign.

Anyways discussion of moderator activity is always best kept to PM's, so I'll lock this one.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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