Blueside Hami Raid Poll




Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
The more people willing to step up, the less it means that one person or a group of people will be responsible for making regular raids happen, so when RL does come up for those people, it doesn't mean we have to take breaks.
I agree with that, Amy.



Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
So, given there is always a better way to do raids...

But after reading that (yes I did read it) I feel as if you are knocking the way the "cool kids" as you put it ran them, even if you state you are not.
It's a shame that you "feel" or rather, interpret my message in that way. It has nothing to do with what I stated and meant. You can run raids any way you wish - there are many possibilities as long as you have cooperation.

Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
What is wrong with doing a raid in 20 min without the aide of nukes and pets?
Again, run it any way you wish - my initial response was to Cob's claim that evac-less raids he's seen have failed. I was offering a correction to that. Stop reading into posts and drawing out the most dramatic references. It isn't necessary.

Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
Granted it is late and I don't like being labeled a "cool kid."

Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
But with leading the raids by Amy, Cherry and even Angie's side for a year and a half we continuously looked for ways to make the raids faster and more efficient and to make sure more people could be involved without sitting on the sideline.
Sounds good. *thumbs up.

Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
I clearly remember the night where you decided to try and tell Cherry how she should be running the raid. Nothing was wrong with the strategy we used on that day, the problem was people not listening to the raid leader or the team lead's and voicing an opinion that was not wanted or needed.
I clearly remember that as well and don't recall you being privy to our private message session unless it was being fed to you directly via text or ventrilo. She and I discussed it - I asked questions and offered suggestions that I believed she was open to. If that was not the case then it's something she could have always told me and I would say nothing to help or give ideas in support.

Again, stop reading into things - Misconception breeds nonsense and gets people, who are removed from the factual details, get riled over nothing. I talk straight and can be blunt at times. So, it's ALWAYS better to ask me what I meant rather than assume my meaning if you take my post offensively in any way.



whats to say its not already been cracked? What if what we've all accomplished wasnt even on his radar at the time?
NCsoft continuously says it has not been cracked. In fact as recently as yesterday afternoon. As far as what has been accomplished being off his radar, that was achieved the very first successful raid of the newer hami encounter.

There have been dozens of different ways to do tested, and several successful. I am quite sure there are hundreds of others things that have still yet to be tested and probably dozens more ways that will be successful.

I can remember on test before a raid was ever successful hour after hour was spent trying all kinds of seemingly retarded things to break the code. Stacking vengence, doing group tp mito strikes, sniping at range, heal blankets and my all time personal favorite mass caging spikes.

While you may have been on vent you didn't have the full story, go pull out your history book for that night and I'll be sitting in the library, thanks.
I don't need to know the whole story to know that raid could have succeeded with the exact same participants in zone doing exactly what they were doing if the leadership had more experience and the lag / connection problems cherry was encountering wasn't happening. Hell CHERRY could have made that raid succeed that night herself had those 2 situations been different.

The continuous desire to blame a few people for different raids failing (not talking specifically about cherry's, i'm talking about across the board) rather than taking responsibility as leaders that perhaps we could have done a better job is ridiculous. If its the few peoples fault doing their own thing then explain to me why so many are successful while those same or different people do their own thing during raids ran by different leadership?



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
I find this interesting. Correct me if im wrong, but, when the merit system was put into place didnt they base the merit reward on the difficulity / time involved of the task at hand? If im correct, that would tell me that babs expected hami to be much more difficult.. based sheerly on the merits given.. perhaps we, not champions per say, but hami raiding as a whole, has far exceeded what "was intended". I would think had babs had an idea how quickly, and relatively easy it is to take down hami, the merits wouldnt be as high as they are.
A fair assumption, Cherry. But if we are going to base this zones' trial event on risk vs reward assumptions then consider that it's a larger event than other trials. It may be safe to factor that into our assumptions about why they awarded as many merits. I have never read anything from BaB suggesting that it should be MORE difficult to complete. Just that we aren't raiding as intended. It has been implied (or assumed) that the trial is actually easier to approach than we've perceived it to be with various strategies. Perhaps the trial should be worth more merits than currently awarded. When you think of it that way it adds some perspective.

Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
While I appluad your personal desire to uncrack babs hidden meaning and "what was intended" notion I think too much thought is being put into it... whats to say its not already been cracked? What if what we've all accomplished wasnt even on his radar at the time?
What if we haven't? And is the statement threatening the norm somehow? Many are finding new ways to approach hamidon by tweaking existing strategies and completion times are shorter and shorter. Have you ever done something new - like reading and writing and at first it seemed hard to do. But as you mastered language arts and applied it - soon it became second nature. It became easier and easier. We're all learning and growing - but you're welcome to discount the statement as you wish.

Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
OY@ the team make up.. seriously made me scratch my head and say huh?

Of course any thing you take a week to plan, and put the perfect team together should be a success.. and again, who is to say we've not cracked or blown apart hamis "correct format"..
I'd scratch my head to if I looked at something I didn't understand. Some raids in other formats have taken days and even weeks to plan just the same. It's a matter of getting people together to lead certain positions - people that you know will do a good job. And you want to ensure you have enough time outside of RL to communicate an approach they aren't used to. When you try to belittle the set up you fail to consider those important things. You're experienced, right? Ok, then let's act like it.

Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
Using this as a reason (wantin to crack this mysterious hami code) to not run raids live, imo, is a bit of a cop out. Raiding is meant to be fun, not something that takes weeks and weeks of planning and putting together the perfect team to pull off some "as intended" raid.

We raid, on the fly, with whatever wanders into the zone, and we do it quicky and efficently and as a team.. providing everyone is on the same page, which 95% of the time they are.
Many of us have done (on the fly) raids - it's not a new concept as you know. I support the effort of anyone willing to step up to bring the events forward in the community. Also, something you should know by now because I have support you several times. There is no "HAMI CODE' and you're being silly about my statements in reply to cobalt. Why is that? I challenge a statement he made - that's all it was and was nothing personal. So stop it!

And finally, I made no excuse for not running hamidon raids anymore. It's a pretty weak thing to ride on so you can let that go now. When i'm ready and my schedule allows i'll probably do some - maybe soon.

The Gulliver's Reign concept was a prototype strategy to build around - it allowed us to stand and draw the mito focus in various directions. The idea was to tweek it until we were able to approach hamidon with 14 people in the end.

6 tanks on yellows w/ emps backing them tied HAMIDON DOWN tight while a tank (taunt team) held hamidon directly (That's where 11 tanks came from) - 2 roving kin around the jellow allowed buffed emps to keep all yellow tank taunters standing easily against green, blue and primary yellow cons. IT WORKED! The thing to do next was simplify around that approach - that was the point of Gulliver's Reign (like Gulliver's travel where the human male was tied down by little people all around).

As with anything - you start with the larger idea and chip away at it until you only have what works. It was meant to incorporate the statement by devs that no set AT was necessary during hamidon raids. Unfortunately, for reasons i've mentioned (and reasons you are not privy to) I discontinued with the intention of getting back to it.

As C.L. pointed out (though, his date was off) I posted in my own forums for a Jan 23, 2010 raid. Tons of nonsense has happened since then and those plans changed. So, I will do them again - in my own time (Not yours) as my other priorities permit.

_Now relax.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
I don't need to know the whole story to know that raid could have succeeded with the exact same participants in zone doing exactly what they were doing if the leadership had more experience and the lag / connection problems cherry was encountering wasn't happening. Hell CHERRY could have made that raid succeed that night herself had those 2 situations been different.

The continuous desire to blame a few people for different raids failing (not talking specifically about cherry's, i'm talking about across the board) rather than taking responsibility as leaders that perhaps we could have done a better job is ridiculous. If its the few peoples fault doing their own thing then explain to me why so many are successful while those same or different people do their own thing during raids ran by different leadership?
I wasn't there, so I can't say that I know for sure what happened. All I know is that I was very surprised to hear that a raid failed, and I was surprised because:

- the raid leaders were not inexperienced at all
- they used the same strat that we had been using for almost a year at that point with no failures up until that point
- raid leaders DCing and lagging is something that happens very often, and doesn't seem like it would impact a raid to that extent

This isn't to say that there's not room for improvement or that raid leaders are infallible, but it stands to reason that if you've done the exact same thing with the same people over and over again with successful results and all of a sudden you fail, something must have been different. From the reasons you've given, none of them seem like anything that hasn't been dealt with before. I'm not trying to point fingers here, just saying that the situation seemed to be out of the ordinary, whatever the cause.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
- the raid leaders were not inexperienced at all
- they used the same strat that we had been using for almost a year at that point with no failures up until that point
- raid leaders DCing and lagging is something that happens very often, and doesn't seem like it would impact a raid to that extent
It happens, No matter how experienced or great a raid leader may think they are - it happens, ya know?

Kat's got a point about leadership and it's important that a leader is well organized, prepared and delegates as appropriate. We fail sometimes and we learn from it - that's all part of the fun. At least, that's what i've enjoyed anytime a raid didn't go smoothly. It happens.

And it's ok.

_Game On!



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
NCsoft continuously says it has not been cracked. In fact as recently as yesterday afternoon. As far as what has been accomplished being off his radar, that was achieved the very first successful raid of the newer hami encounter.

There have been dozens of different ways to do tested, and several successful. I am quite sure there are hundreds of others things that have still yet to be tested and probably dozens more ways that will be successful.

I can remember on test before a raid was ever successful hour after hour was spent trying all kinds of seemingly retarded things to break the code. Stacking vengence, doing group tp mito strikes, sniping at range, heal blankets and my all time personal favorite mass caging spikes.

I don't need to know the whole story to know that raid could have succeeded with the exact same participants in zone doing exactly what they were doing if the leadership had more experience and the lag / connection problems cherry was encountering wasn't happening. Hell CHERRY could have made that raid succeed that night herself had those 2 situations been different.

The continuous desire to blame a few people for different raids failing (not talking specifically about cherry's, i'm talking about across the board) rather than taking responsibility as leaders that perhaps we could have done a better job is ridiculous. If its the few peoples fault doing their own thing then explain to me why so many are successful while those same or different people do their own thing during raids ran by different leadership?

nice, i look forward to participating in future raids where new strats are tried..

as far as my failed raid, im going to have to disagree with you on a couple of points.. let me explain..

1stly.. i wouldnt exactly call my lack of exp as to a reason it failed.. granted im still new to raiding, but, at the point of that 1 raid, i had led numerous raids, sucessfully, with the same team leads..ive sat pretty mum on that topic because i have my own thoughts as to why it failed and havnt wanted to point fingers, thats pointess.. and my exp or lack of, as you feel, isnt exactly at the top of the list.. there were numerous things on that particular night that were different... perhaps lack of exp could be said given that i wasnt in my "comfort zone" as far as the people i was surround with and the environment i was in... i wasnt able to adjust to the surroundings I was in.. yes, i was nervous, and i should have expressed my discomfort straight away being on UHB's vent with all of the un necessary other people that were there feeding me their 2 cents worth in vent and when they felt they werent heard, they sent me tells.. at 1 point i looked in the vent channel and there were nearly 35 in the same channel as I was in... very loud vocal strong personality kind of people. Prior to and after that Ive been on RDLV's vent, with very few people.. it makes a world of difference with a handful of people vs 35+ in your ear. All the loud unnecessary chatter tends to get to you.. i think just in the short time we've been doing pvpec together youd agree that its annoying.. perhaps its just me.. i tend to focus better in a quiet environment.

My dc'ing shouldnt have been a huge deal either.. the people that were also team leaders, any 1 of them could have taken it over in the meantime and ran with it.. again.. not a huge issue imo.. thats what other team leaders are for.. to step up when needed.. every single 1 of them had the knowledge and information to pick the ball up.

There were infact griefers at the raid that night, and im sorry, but, all of you can sit there and tell me that a few people griefing the raid shouldnt matter.. i totally disagree 100% .. again let me explain..

It only takes a couple people doing stupid **** that will draw aggro away from the taunt teams, hami or yellow.. when aggro is takin away, the splash is re directed and that causes wipe outs.. we've all seen it too many times... or when a person with flight comes zippin around the yellows and hami... all kinds of aggro starts goin everywhere.. and wham, mass kills..

There are a couple raids in recent memory, that although they werent griefd, we did see this happen.. it was an accident, but the results were the same.. someone wandering with a taunt aura.. etc etc etc.. when you deal with total or near total raid wipes, it gets to be no fun trying to continue with them..

Ultimately it was my leadership, and it failed, and i do take responsibility for it.. but, to say it was due to my lack of exp/leadership is kind of insulting



Originally Posted by Steel_Brigade View Post
A fair assumption, Cherry. But if we are going to base this zones' trial event on risk vs reward assumptions then consider that it's a larger event than other trials. It may be safe to factor that into our assumptions about why they awarded as many merits. I have never read anything from BaB suggesting that it should be MORE difficult to complete. Just that we aren't raiding as intended. It has been implied (or assumed) that the trial is actually easier to approach than we've perceived it to be with various strategies. Perhaps the trial should be worth more merits than currently awarded. When you think of it that way it adds some perspective.

What if we haven't? And is the statement threatening the norm somehow? Many are finding new ways to approach hamidon by tweaking existing strategies and completion times are shorter and shorter. Have you ever done something new - like reading and writing and at first it seemed hard to do. But as you mastered language arts and applied it - soon it became second nature. It became easier and easier. We're all learning and growing - but you're welcome to discount the statement as you wish.

I'd scratch my head to if I looked at something I didn't understand. Some raids in other formats have taken days and even weeks to plan just the same. It's a matter of getting people together to lead certain positions - people that you know will do a good job. And you want to ensure you have enough time outside of RL to communicate an approach they aren't used to. When you try to belittle the set up you fail to consider those important things. You're experienced, right? Ok, then let's act like it.

Many of us have done (on the fly) raids - it's not a new concept as you know. I support the effort of anyone willing to step up to bring the events forward in the community. Also, something you should know by now because I have support you several times. There is no "HAMI CODE' and you're being silly about my statements in reply to cobalt. Why is that? I challenge a statement he made - that's all it was and was nothing personal. So stop it!

And finally, I made no excuse for not running hamidon raids anymore. It's a pretty weak thing to ride on so you can let that go now. When i'm ready and my schedule allows i'll probably do some - maybe soon.

The Gulliver's Reign concept was a prototype strategy to build around - it allowed us to stand and draw the mito focus in various directions. The idea was to tweek it until we were able to approach hamidon with 14 people in the end. As with anything - you start with the larger idea and chip away at it until you only have what works. It was meant to incorporate the statement by devs that no set AT was necessary during hamidon raids. Unfortunately, for reasons i've mentioned (and reasons you are not privy to) I discontinued with the intention of getting back to it.

As C.L. pointed out (though, his date was off) I posted in my own forums for a Jan 23, 2010 raid. Tons of nonsense has happened since then and those plans changed. So, I will do them again - in my own time (Not yours) as my other priorities permit.

_Now relax.
wow. just. wow.

brb.. counting how many times you insulted me..



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
I wasn't there, so I can't say that I know for sure what happened. All I know is that I was very surprised to hear that a raid failed, and I was surprised because:

- the raid leaders were not inexperienced at all
- they used the same strat that we had been using for almost a year at that point with no failures up until that point
- raid leaders DCing and lagging is something that happens very often, and doesn't seem like it would impact a raid to that extent

This isn't to say that there's not room for improvement or that raid leaders are infallible, but it stands to reason that if you've done the exact same thing with the same people over and over again with successful results and all of a sudden you fail, something must have been different. From the reasons you've given, none of them seem like anything that hasn't been dealt with before. I'm not trying to point fingers here, just saying that the situation seemed to be out of the ordinary, whatever the cause.
It was the raid leaders first raid of leading as the actual leader(I think, I could be wrong). I am not sure about the person leading the yellow taunt team that day because I don't remember who it was. I do however remember they for whatever reasons couldn't seem to get their teams organized on taunting the right mito's.

Her lagging wasn't in the normal sense of lag. She was clicking her instruction binds and some times they were spamming, not going out at all or were going out later than intended. Picture this. " Yellow taunters in", that went out later than intended and then the "ranged team in" went out immediately there after because of the lag. Thus yellow taunters didnt have aggro yet and ranged team went in. Face plant. Happened several times because of the type of lag she was experiencing.



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
wow. just. wow.

brb.. counting how many times you insulted me..
I was responding to you - and hadn't addressed you directly before you chimed in on me. So, while you're at it - re-read the way you attempted to handle me in this thread. And reconsider.

You can always talk to me live if you have an issues. We've never had a direct communication issue or any drama between you and I. So, how about next instead of us posting we talk directly instead?

_keep it real.



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
Ultimately it was my leadership, and it failed, and i do take responsibility for it.. but, to say it was due to my lack of exp/leadership is kind of insulting
Insulting was not my intention. Which is why I said the biggest factor I felt for the reason it failed was due to the lag / bind issues. I also felt at the time that the taunt leaders lack of either experience or organizational skills was a huge contributing factor. Your nervousness was another factor. When I made my post I didn't know what your nervousness stemmed from (which you just explained) but it was indeed a contributing factor.

You basically just reiterated my point though. There have been several raids where people were doing their own thing, aggro might have turned chaotic ect but the raids were still completed and successful. That reiterates the fact that under the right circumstances (leadership, lack of lag etc) it can and should succeed regardless of what a few people are doing or not doing on their own accord.



Originally Posted by Steel_Brigade View Post

Kat's got a point about leadership and it's important that a leader is well organized, prepared and delegates as appropriate. We fail sometimes and we learn from it - that's all part of the fun. At least, that's what i've enjoyed anytime a raid didn't go smoothly. It happens.

And it's ok.

_Game On!

lol @ this.

whew, thank god thats not at all insulting either... keep em commin steel youre on a roll!



I read the thread and at first I was like yeah, then I was like huh, then I was like wut?

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Insulting was not my intention. Which is why I said the biggest factor I felt for the reason it failed was due to the lag / bind issues. I also felt at the time that the taunt leaders lack of either experience or organizational skills was a huge contributing factor. Your nervousness was another factor. When I made my post I didn't know what your nervousness stemmed from (which you just explained) but it was indeed a contributing factor.

You basically just reiterated my point though. There have been several raids where people were doing their own thing, aggro might have turned chaotic ect but the raids were still completed and successful. That reiterates the fact that under the right circumstances (leadership, lack of lag etc) it can and should succeed regardless of what a few people are doing or not doing on their own accord.

Kat, no amount of leadership or expertise is going to over come masses of people that are getting frustrated by mass amounts of dying.. at some point people are going to say **** it its not worth it... if people arent of the same mindset as you, its just not going to work.. what is a person to do? bully them to make it work or get their way? stand on high and shout at people? There does come a point when all thats happening is mass deaths, people walk.. its just not fun.

over the weekend we had a redside raid.. it wasnt griefd but we did have an issue..

the hami taunter was midway between the outter rim and hami, taunting hami.. not only was he getting hami aggro, but yellow blue and green aggro.. the splash from all those waves were killing scores and scores of people.. when it was discoverd what was happening, it was corrected and it was smooth sailing from there.. all of this from 1, yes 1, misplaced person.. and it was accidental..

take away the accidental part of this, and replace it with 1 person thats hell bent on griefing.. it can and will happen.. and as ive said... it pisses people off, it stops the flow of the raid, and it just becomes no fun.

and when youre on a vent channel with 35 people telling me to pull the plug its not going to work, ya, i caved.. by that point i was so over it and tired of the channel i was on and the lack of respect most everyone had for the task at hand... it takes a team, not 1 person, to pull it off... you can be hami maestro and with that much going against it, its not going to fly.. its a team, not 1 person.



Apparently there must be some bad history or vibes between people because I am reading these posts and not seeing anything that warrants the aggression and animosity being thrown back and forth. :-(



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
lol @ this.

whew, thank god thats not at all insulting either... keep em commin steel youre on a roll!
It wasn't an insult, Cherry. As I stated before: I'm really not getting why you're choosing to read into things so heavily in response to me in this thread. My comment about Kat's point was meant in general - you're not the ONLY raid leader who has ever failed. No matter who we are or how good we think we are at something - being prepared etc. applies. This includes myself.

U done now, hun?



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Apparently there must be some bad history or vibes between people because I am reading these posts and not seeing anything that warrants the aggression and animosity being thrown back and forth. :-(
100% agree - lots of simple things are being taken out of context.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Apparently there must be some bad history or vibes between people because I am reading these posts and not seeing anything that warrants the aggression and animosity being thrown back and forth. :-(




Originally Posted by Steel_Brigade View Post

U done now, hun?

steel, this is a perfect example.


im over this subject.. its frustrating and stupid and has been a total waste of time..

peace, love, & granola.



I'm not going to wade into this, but I will try to make a couple salient points, and a little foreshadowing that might remind people why just putting raids together and doing them might be a good idea.

Point One: Hamidon always was, and currently is, intended to be the most difficult encounter in the game. His first incarnation was effectively just a big bully - a large group of entities, one stronger than the others, with loads of hp, lots of resistance, and massive untyped damage that made use of the best tech the mechanics of the game had to offer. It was that same philosophy that allowed him to be beaten - Once baked that way, it was a matter of playing by the rules and overcoming the numbers he had in each area of difficulty. Rinse, repeat. No one ever actually did it the way Emmert idealized, which was a massive, casualty-ridden struggle that could be barely overcome after much time and effort. We stopped seeing the Matrix, and broke the puzzle.

The second and current incarnation was intended to be both more difficult and less dependent on specific ATs. However, all that meant was that rather than making Hami a big, tough nut to crack however you try, they effectively made him a layered shell. Each layer needed a specific type of assault, each one available to all ATs in some form. The introduction of EoEs made it even more flexible. However, the raid retained the previous philosophy of “toughest encounter in the game”, and therefore took advantage of all the new tech it could.

The first incarnation of Hamidon took months for players to crack… in 2004-2005. The second incarnation took THREE DAYS from the time a raid-oriented tester started attempts to the first takedown. The first strategy wasn’t anything resembling what’s currently used, or what the Devs considered. It was completely crazy, utterly impractical, and used at least three totally unorthodox power combinations at the time that would have rendered it almost impossible to pull off publically (One of them leading to the famous “Oil Slick? WTH??” comment). How it worked isn’t important, but what is, is the comment that BAB had to say about it, which was that they had designed the raid to be zerg-proof, and this had proven them wrong. The first strat that ever worked on Hami 2.0 took all of three days to formulate and execute, on Test where raid groups are FAR from used to working together, and didn’t go at ALL as the raid was designed. I know this, because I ran it, and BAB said it to me afterwards – that and lots of laughing about the absurdity of how we went about some things

It also became clear, literally right after the defeat, that at some point in the future when the mechanics of the new entites became more clear to the players, that raids would be able to be done without regrouping, and probably in about 20 mins, through multiple teams adopting different tasks and consistently and autonomously performing them simultaneously. It also became clear that that would take quite a while for people to learn it by rote, and therefore, it was likely to stay as designed for a while.

In short, Hamidon has always been intended to work a certain way, and that way has pretty much always been blown out the door by the collective playerbase. I very much doubt that the Devs have a golden key strategy in mind – I have a hard time believing that the Dev team, smart as they are, can possibly come up with all the permutations that the players of this game can. We are the infinite monkeys on typewriters to their Shakespeare; no matter how hard they try, eventually we’re gonna find a way through what they give us through brute force, to the point where it’s too easy, and they’ll change it again. And when they do, they’ll adopt whatever new tech they’ve come up with to make him that much badder than before, and we’ll start all over again.

So arguing about methods here is actually pretty pointless… Not only are there very clearly a whole bunch of ways to do it, and do it well, but there always has been. Furthermore, the method matters little compared to the ease by which it’s done. The faster and easier it is, intended that way or otherwise, the more likely it is to change anyway.

And that’s the somewhat foreboding part of this epic-length post, something I already told Amy I was afraid of a couple months ago: They changed Hamidon the first time shortly after every server began consistently running raids in about 30 mins or less with around zero casualties and no gimmicks. We’ve managed to hit that mark, and, oddly enough, we have an entire issue (Issue 19) coming up that’s supposedly focused on end-game content. I sincerely believe that we’re going to see a new incarnation of Hamidon fairly soon, and if that’s the case, we as a server need to drop any and all bickering over raid times, methods, etc. and get ready to work together again from the ground up. Otherwise, we’ll just end up squabbling while other servers beat down the new baddy.

Just raid, people Have fun, get it done. Support anyone that steps up, trained or not, and just make them happen if you want the toys. But don’t get stuck on how. It’s not all that important, and I doubt it will matter at all in a bit. You might want to collect on the rewards while they’re still easy though


Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire



Here, here.

Thanks for one of the most sensible posts, Marut.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
Here, here.

Thanks for one of the most sensible posts, Marut.
Agreed. Leave it to Marut to always be the best post on the entire thread.