Blueside Hami Raid Poll




Originally Posted by Marut View Post
I hate to say it, but LS was also responsible for one of my favorite experiences in game. After much huffing and puffing about Daytime raiders and how evening raids not on his schedule were bad for the community, he swore that he’d grief every one of them. To the point where he vowed to cause a yellow dawn at one. However, when the time came to gather for the raid, there was less than a full team with him in the Hive… Not really a real threat, as far as griefing goes.

A couple mins into gathering, though, I got a tell from one of my SG members that there were a LOT of SFers in Warburg, gathering nukes it looked like. Odd, but considering how handy those could be, it wasn’t really concerning. Until, that is, I got two tells out of the blue from SF members, or more specifically, former SF members. Apparantly, LS had called out the SG to gather nukes for the purposes of nuking Hami during the hold phase, specifically to lag the raid out and cause a yellow dawn. They’d never liked the griefing behavior, but they liked the SF group, so they’d tolerated it. Having the SG turn out like that for the purposes of sabotaging a raid that wasn’t his was too much for them – they were out of there, and just wanted to give a heads up.

This was a problem – Bud and PON had turned out in force to provide manpower for the raid, and we had a strong veteran presence as well, but it’s hard to prevent a mechanical lagging of the zone. What do you do about that? Then I got a tell from the same SG member that told me about them being in Warburg, saying that he was taking out as many as he could with his Stalker, but there were just too many of them to stop them getting keys. Light bulb! Looking at who was online, I found Ping, and asked if he could help said Stalker out. Ping replied with something akin to “We’ll see what we can do”, grabbed a few others, departed Eden, and started whacking SF in Warburg.

Unfortunately, a little later, I was informed that it was just slowing them down, not stopping them. There were a LOT of SF in Warburg, and numbers added up; they were killing em left and right, but it actually looked like all that had done was call more SF into the zone to help. So, with about 10 mins to raid time, I put up a Hail Mary, and sent another SGmate to Test. Why Test? Because that was where our at the time almost universally hated coalitionmates were spending all their time.

A few minutes later, I remember seeing “PVP?” pop into Arena chat as a team of HVND loaded into Warburg and began swatting bumblebees with extreme prejudice. And of course, when they showed up, a whole bunch of ESK and VORI dropped whatever they were doing and piled into WB as well to fight them, with more SF collateral damage . I never had the pleasure of seeing it, but I’m told that the carnage in that zone that night was epic.The raid went off without a hitch. Despite LS’s best efforts to taunt Hami (no one steals UMann’s agro), there was no yellow dawn.

Next to the first successful raid on this server, this raid was my favorite. Not because it was a particularly amazing raid, or because of anything I'd done myself, but because it demonstrated just what this server community can do as a whole when differences get put aside. Everyone may have had different reasons for participating, but the end result was the same. It reminded me of the fact that Superman’s greatest power (according to him) isn’t super strength, or invulnerability. It’s his friends. And this community has those in spades No SG, no matter how willful or angry, can beat that.


"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)



The old man with bad hair said hi to me on the forums today. I got all tingly inside.



See what happens Amy when you ask yes or no questions?

Member of The Stoned Templars

"If you can't eat it or smoke it, I'm not paying $100 for it" - Cherry Cupcakes



Peterbilt's Wednesday night = epic fail!

Sorry for not being there. Glad the raid went well.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



bad cajun!!!!!



Hey all, I havent been able to get on as much as id like and i apologize for this.starting up raids sounds cool and i hope this efort goes well. as I 17 is hating my puter prety hard( and solving it is getting frustrating) i wont be on for a little bit till i get this sorted out. in the mean time i do thank all the people that came and helped with the hami info camps( some even brought marshmellows . )So i hope you all learned enough to have confidence to start alot more raids in the have all that i could find information wise. It would be aswome if you put it to use.And thats not just on those that want to lead. we all need to put aside differences and support thease raids however they run, as different people have different styles of running them smoothly. If we all cooperate it will always go well.I guess thats my two sense on this. hope your raids go well and ill be back as soon as i get stuff fixed. Good luck and good hunting to you all.



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
Here's a rough outline of the teams you'll need:

1. Hami Taunt
- Usually use 1 Tank, all Emps in zone add said Tank to Friends list, keep them AB'd throughout the raid. Add Emps on this team to taste.

2. Yellow Taunt
- Ideally 6 Tanks, 1 per yellow mito. Add Emps to taste.

3. Yellow Assault
- Scrappers +/- Emps

4. Blue Assault
- Blasters

5. Green Assault
- Can be several teams (2-3 depending on how many show up). One team should focus on Controllers for holds, the other teams can be any damage (Blasters, Defenders, Tanks, Scrappers, etc.)

General Raid Procedure

1. Form up teams
2. Defeat monsters for EoEs and spawn Hami
3. Gather at safe rock, allow time for team leaders to go over each team's role/questions/assign yellow taunt targets
4. Call for buffs: Single Target Buffs, ABs on Hami Tank, RAs
5. Call in teams: Hami Taunter, Yellow Taunt, Assault Teams (once aggro is controlled)
6. Clear mitos: Yellow Assault attacks yellow mitos, Blue Assault attacks blue mitos, Green Assault teams attack green mitos in a clockwise fashion until they are defeated. Start with the closest of each respective mito to safe rock for convenience.
7. Defeat Hami to 75% (35340 of 47120 total HP). If evac-less, call for EoE and RA buffs at around 37000 HP to give a little time. (At 50% he will be at 23560 HP and at 25% will be at 11780.) If evac-less, yellow taunt can stay in position around the bowl and wait for their yellow to respawn to catch aggro quickly.
8. Rinse, repeat, etc.
9. Defeat Hami
10. Merits/HOs

Of course there are other ways/set ups but this is the bare bones version of the one we have been using.

Amy, thank you for the brief primer on Hami raids.

I would like to Volunteer to lead a Green Assault (Damage) whenever you need me.



at Champions

Ps: I been to the Stormwrek school of Hami leadership :<)



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Amy, thank you for the brief primer on Hami raids.

I would like to Volunteer to lead a Green Assault (Damage) whenever you need me.



at Champions

Ps: I been to the Stormwrek school of Hami leadership :<)
I have not forgotten about you and still have you on top of the list if you want to lead this Saturday. I'll give you the lowdown and such and let you invite the team and give out the instructions and such. I think we will start with that then we can add Green Targeting in at another raid if you want to do that as well.




Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
I have not forgotten about you and still have you on top of the list if you want to lead this Saturday. I'll give you the lowdown and such and let you invite the team and give out the instructions and such. I think we will start with that then we can add Green Targeting in at another raid if you want to do that as well.

I do!

Will make sure I got all of my binds in order! And I agree, much rather crawl first, then sprint later!

