Blizzard to remove the veil of anonymity

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
This is not comparable to any of the situations you're talking about. Generally speaking, outrage over nerfs and such doesn't really impact a game, but this isn't about nerfs, and nothing any MMO has ever done has prompted the response that Blizzard is getting now. The thread on the official US forum? Up to 37,025 responses as of the moment I write this. There is nothing comparable to this and your comparisons are invalid.
Oh, I know. This is anything that's happened here magnified by thousands, and invasion of privacy is a big issue for a lot of people (not just gamers). I used my analogies because there is NOTHING REMOTELY COMPARABLE and used the next best thing. In other words, lighten up, Francis.

Here's a fun link.

It's a brief history of Activision/Blizzard and should show how we got to this point. (And how a historically great gaming company may be on the road to ruin.)

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



How do I know if my problem is a data protection problem?

You might have a data protection problem if any of the following apply to you:
  • You have been denied any of your rights, including your right to see the personal information an organisation holds about you.
  • Personal information about you is used, held or disclosed:
    • unfairly
    • for a reason that is not the one it was collected for, or
    • without proper security.
  • Personal information about you is:
    • inadequate, irrelevant or excessive
    • inaccurate or out of date, or
    • kept for longer than is necessary.
Can anyone tell me how broadcasting my real name to all and sundry on the web is keeping my information 'with proper security'?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Can anyone tell me how broadcasting my real name to all and sundry on the web is keeping my information 'with proper security'?

Well technically if you don't post on the WoW boards then that doesn't happen. So you've the power and control to prevent it.

Something I think the WoW suits are thinking of, they don't WANT people using their boards. Official forums are costly to run and that place is a dank hellhole. I think all of this is mainly an excuse to let it slide into obscurity and become obsolete.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Can anyone tell me how broadcasting my real name to all and sundry on the web is keeping my information 'with proper security'?
Considering that you need to opt-in for your real name to be broadcast, this is a non-issue, though.

Plus, we really have no idea how foolproof this thing is. Chances are, there'll be a workaround found in no time that allows people to portray someone else's ID entirely. Unless Blizzard wants to walk the mile and visit everyone who signs up for their message boards to see if they're the real them at any rate.

Or am I the only person who has a cover ID they've been reliably using online when they don't want to enter their real details and has summarily gotten away with it? Of course you can't use credit cards with your fake ID unless you want to walk the mile and commit a proper crime.

Mind you, I don't even have anything to hide, and more than once I'd have welcomed some internet tough guy to come by and actually try to do what they said they would. But I'm just a rather private person. Kinda relaxed around here, but still.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
Considering that you need to opt-in for your real name to be broadcast, this is a non-issue, though.

Plus, we really have no idea how foolproof this thing is. Chances are, there'll be a workaround found in no time that allows people to portray someone else's ID entirely. Unless Blizzard wants to walk the mile and visit everyone who signs up for their message boards to see if they're the real them at any rate.

Or am I the only person who has a cover ID they've been reliably using online when they don't want to enter their real details and has summarily gotten away with it? Of course you can't use credit cards with your fake ID unless you want to walk the mile and commit a proper crime.

Mind you, I don't even have anything to hide, and more than once I'd have welcomed some internet tough guy to come by and actually try to do what they said they would. But I'm just a rather private person. Kinda relaxed around here, but still.
Actually opting into something doesn't mean that the Data Protection Act is null and void, it's a criminal not a civil act and thus can't be wavered away.

Secondly it now turns out any players realID is being broadcast in an unsecured format across Blizzards servers and can be picked up by people using the the 'right' add ons.

Thirdly Blizard have stated they will be clamping down and forcing people to use their actual identity for accounts. How they are going to enforce this I do not know, but they seem to be sure they can do so.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Well technically if you don't post on the WoW boards then that doesn't happen. So you've the power and control to prevent it.

Something I think the WoW suits are thinking of, they don't WANT people using their boards. Official forums are costly to run and that place is a dank hellhole. I think all of this is mainly an excuse to let it slide into obscurity and become obsolete.

There is a slight problem there... their in game support often prompts players to post their problems on the forums, if said problem is of a technical nature.

Either that or they can call a fairly costly support line...

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
... snip...
Plus, we really have no idea how foolproof this thing is. Chances are, there'll be a workaround found in no time that allows people to portray someone else's ID entirely. Unless Blizzard wants to walk the mile and visit everyone who signs up for their message boards to see if they're the real them at any rate.

Or am I the only person who has a cover ID they've been reliably using online when they don't want to enter their real details and has summarily gotten away with it? Of course you can't use credit cards with your fake ID unless you want to walk the mile and commit a proper crime.

Your ReaID is tied to your unique CD key(s) for the games there. If you don't have a CD key, you won't have the ability to post on the boards at all, apparently.

You could register your BattleNet ID under an assumed name, but if your ID there doesn't match the credit card info (or come close, in the case of a minor) the account will be flagged for review. If fraud is suspected, your account could be suspended under a ToS violation. Heck, it'd probably be even less effort to just put the burden on you to prove that the name-mismatch is for a legit reason...

Of course if you get a prepaid debit card, you can probably get around any chance of detection by that method...



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Actually opting into something doesn't mean that the Data Protection Act is null and void, it's a criminal not a civil act and thus can't be wavered away.

Secondly it now turns out any players realID is being broadcast in an unsecured format across Blizzards servers and can be picked up by people using the the 'right' add ons.

Thirdly Blizard have stated they will be clamping down and forcing people to use their actual identity for accounts. How they are going to enforce this I do not know, but they seem to be sure they can do so.
I guess they'll have to require a credit card, then. Otherwise, my game time card that I bought from says my name is John Smith.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Pendix View Post
I am an Engineer (Mechatronic to be precise, dont get me to explain)
You get to work on MECHA all day ?!?!?! What a great job.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I guess they'll have to require a credit card, then. Otherwise, my game time card that I bought from says my name is John Smith.
I just checked

- Even without a credit card number, the login requires a valid shipping address, complete with full name, address, and primary telephone number. Again, it is a TOS violation to provide false data there.

- You can add more than one shipping address, make it primary, and delete the new ones you made, but it doesn't appear that you can delete the original shipping address or change your name in it.

So you'd need to use a false name, false address, false phone number, and a prepaid card to get around the system, it seems.



Or simply not do online business with a company that deliberately sets you up for identity theft.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Good news guys! These boards will not be following suit (for the foreseeable future, anyway).

Originally Posted by Mod08
I would be strongly against this change. We have not even considered it however.
As a moderator, I'd suppose Mod08 has a voice of authority about it with regards to the forum itself, unlike Castle.

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch



Originally Posted by Super_Ready View Post
Good news guys! These boards will not be following suit (for the foreseeable future, anyway).

As a moderator, I'd suppose Mod08 has a voice of authority about it with regards to the forum itself, unlike Castle.
In other words, it hasn't been discussed with the community moderation team, and at least one member of the community moderation team would be against the change.

Those decisions would be made higher up. No disrespect to Mod8, but that's above his pay grade.

I am, however, glad that he's come out on the right side publicly.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I just checked

- Even without a credit card number, the login requires a valid shipping address, complete with full name, address, and primary telephone number. Again, it is a TOS violation to provide false data there.

- You can add more than one shipping address, make it primary, and delete the new ones you made, but it doesn't appear that you can delete the original shipping address or change your name in it.

So you'd need to use a false name, false address, false phone number, and a prepaid card to get around the system, it seems.
So hard, it'll take access to a phone book!

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



I was able to open a Bnet account with just my first initial as my first name and later enter my full name in my address area. The account still just shows the initial as my first name.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
So hard, it'll take access to a phone book!

As long as you're making a new account.

Which I would be... since I never played the game, but want a front row seat for THIS train wreck.

EDIT: So do I go for a generic "norm" identity, a political identity, or a random celebrity identity?



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post

As long as you're making a new account.

Which I would be... since I never played the game, but want a front row seat for THIS train wreck.

EDIT: So do I go for a generic "norm" identity, a political identity, or a random celebrity identity?
Found it. There are actually 7 people in the whitepages with the last name of "Spartacus." What better RealID battlecry then getting a bunch of people to declare "I'm Spartacus."



There is a business opportunity here... WoW account anonymization.

I'll set up a business, open a PO Box in its name, set up a phone line... for a small fee, you can enter its information when you start the account.

The name? Spartacus Smith.

Then, on the official WoW forums, you can start a wonderful thread... "No, I am Spartacus!"

Edit: I posted this before I saw Chase's reply. We think alike.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



please do would be hilarious...and further kind of demonstrate that the RealID thing is just a terrible, terrible idea.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
There is a business opportunity here... WoW account anonymization.

I'll set up a business, open a PO Box in its name, set up a phone line... for a small fee, you can enter its information when you start the account.

The name? Spartacus Smith.

Then, on the official WoW forums, you can start a wonderful thread... "No, I am Spartacus!"

Edit: I posted this before I saw Chase's reply. We think alike.
Yes we do.



Maybe this is a good thing.

The WoW players that are really upset could quit and join us.

Alts on all servers, lvl 50 of every AT:
lvl 50 Heroes on all servers but; Pinnacle, Victory
lvl 50 Villains on all servers but; Guardian, Pinnacle, Triumph, Victory
Current Projects: Tanks
Official MOM of Tribal Alliance



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
Two links so far on the Geek page.

This comment cracked me up:

It will be interesting how a gaming addiction interacts with nerdrage.
nah nerdrage is when there is a power adjustment, this can affect real world employment and safety, this is like blizzard released the pinto here. i think this may actually cause a population loss that is significant. it wont kill them, might not even drop them past 8 million, but i think this may be one of those massively ill considered moves that depletes a significant amount of good will that they have in the west. This is their Michael richardson moment here really.

now if coh marketing could time an ad blitz around the time that this gets implemented...stressing user privacy...



Originally Posted by Cinder_Flux View Post
The WoW players that are really upset could quit and join us.
New marketing slogan:

NCSoft: We won't reveal your personal information.