New to Virtue? Vet introductions thread.
Fours years makes me veteran enough, right?
- Been here since May of 2006 after a friend of mine made me sit down and give the free trial a shot. Been hooked ever since.
- I like to think of myself as a Jack of all Trades when it comes to this game. I'm not known for any one thing, but take part in a lot of things. Whether it be RP, PvP, TFs, etc.
- Hopeless altoholic. I have 26 characters on Virtue so far and haven't finished a build for any of them yet.
- Global is @Silver Tooth, or I can usually be found in the VirtueUnited global channel, or when I get the chance hanging out during any of the Cape's shows.
-Been here since the game launched.
-Name a body part and a mission map, and I've taken a bullet in it, on it.
-There aren't too many powersets and play styles I'm not familiar with, but I have to say I'm best versed in Stalkers.
-I'm always around to give advice, whether it be on AT/Set choice, PvP, etc.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Yo. I was in the original beta for CoH, but I didn't really do anything productive. Rolled up my main, Than, for the three-day head-start and enjoyed hanging out with my friends. We picked Virtue because the only one of our group with any MMO experience said that Roleplayers tended to be more open, forgiving, and accommodating for noobs. These Are-Pee-Errs sounded pretty crazy, pretending to be somebody else and all that. Weird ***.
Then, I found the RPs.
The original crew is all but gone, except for Reiki and me. But I've made some crazy friends for life thanks to the RP on Virtue. Back at the beginning, it wasn't strange to be up to 3AM RPing in the Park. Not so much, now--too many IRL obligations. But I'm still here.
I used to be in the top 100 badgers for the game, top 25 for Virtue--I still enjoy recreational badging. I'm known for costume snobbery, forum tomfoolery, Jareth-centric avatars, and RP anyway I can get it.
As for the rest of the folks in this thread--I've known and played with Ara and Reiraku on and off over the years--they are both solid peeps. Seems like I need to do some quality teaming with Silver Tooth.
I've often felt that I've known more people who have played and quit than have played and stayed. I miss a lot of people. I think I really like this thread.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Hi. I'm crazy. >.>
Erm. Still have a few characters from Issue 1 running about. Anyone that knows me, likely knows Belle. Very few heroes wear more yellow than she does.
- I'm an on and off roleplayer, but I can mix it up a slight bit when I get inspired. Been with the game since Issue 1, and I'm still a noob compared to the beta guys.
- Used to hang in Gemini Park, being a wannabe. Now I hang out in the D, being a wannabe.
- I have 34 characters on Virtue, currently, with the last two slots going to Going Rogue characters - but Belle is the only one I play predominantly, and one of my two fiftys.
- I still remember the old Cape (pre-Templar, Tenchi era), and I'm probably their only remaining groupie.

Started in December 2005 on COV and switched to COH when my old PC couldn't handle the lag after they added Grandville. Lets see I have 2 accounts now with 34 on the first one and an addition 16 on the newer one (It just hit the 12 month mark in June). I have 24 fifty levels most on COH with 2 on COV. I have at least 1 50 of every AT on COH excpet a Peacebringer so I have a pretty fair idea how to play most Archtypes. I help run 4 different Super Groups on Virtue.. 3 hero side and a fourth on the Villainous side of things.
- Have done just about every Task Force or Strike Force in game and most a LOT more than once.
- I am the base Archetect/Engineer for all 4 SG so I am definately into base building
- I don't have anything in the "Hall of Fame" but I have several AE stories out there and all maintaining 4 out of 5 stars
- Not totally fanatical but I am a badger and have at least one on both sides with tons of bright shiny things and I am looking forward to Going Rogue so they can swap sides and add more.
-I'm a Taxibot, with 3 50 levels in that SG, so you can usually find me in Steel Canyon on Fridays after 8PM EST offering teleport to Tailors shop or anywhere in zone. We also run Task Forces and Taxibot Sara 2.0 is and ILL/EMP so when we do Stealth and TP are always covered.
- I generally keep Paragon Wiki up in the background so if I don't know the answer outright I can find it for you VERY quickly. :-D
Welcome to COH/V and feel free to send a tell and say HI!
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
-I'm a Taxibot, with 3 50 levels in that SG, so you can usually find me in Steel Canyon on Fridays after 8PM EST offering teleport to Tailors shop or anywhere in zone. We also run Task Forces and Taxibot Sara 2.0 is and ILL/EMP so when we do Stealth and TP are always covered.

Heya! I'm @The Wildcard
- I've been playing CoH since June of '04
- While I server hopped for a bit, Virtue has been my permanent home since '07
- I dabble in a bit of everything, but my favorites are TFs, Base Building, RP, Lore, Costumes, and Character Builds
@SkyRocker and @SkyRocker 2.0 - 60 and 36 months respectively. Been gaming for a looooong time, starting with the arcades back in the 80's, through the original Nintendo up to the PS2. Quake in the early 90's and other FPS's were my original PC games. First MMO was "Anarchy Online", played that for about 6 months before I jumped ship to CoH.
I love to team, most of my character's search box says "ANY team ANY time" or some variation of that. I haven't made any real friends in the game, I play odd hours and many different characters. Meaning I can meet someone on one character and by the time I get back to that one (alt-ititus) they're 10 or more levels above me.
It's cool though, I can find a team most anytime day or night and regardless of what some of the hard-core SG members will say, PuG's are NOT all knuckleheads. I PuG exclusively and have had 95% positive experiences with them.
I'm not a min/maxer although all of my characters tend to be IO'd out starting at level 27 so they tend to hold their own in any given situation. As a player, I tend to pay a lot of attention to my attack chain, synergy with the other player's powers, and filling the role in the team where my character best fits in.
Minus 2 accounts from back in day, that I gave away to friends, when I left(for a year)(Wish I didnt, durn vet rewards)
Ive been around since CoH Beta days,
I was originally a Triumph Player with side trips to Virtue. But at one point fully moved here.
You can catch me on @Darkmire. Yes I have done everything they could of ever put out on Both sides of the fence. Ive done it 100x over with everything you can think of. On my motto's are I've deleted more 50s, than you ever had
Though Im a very fun natured person & quite relaxed & quiet. I just tend to be a braggart & little turdhead on the Boards...cuz I can...nyeah!
Some Characters I have & have had(deleted) some may remember.(50s only listed)
Space Penguin(banished to Freedom)
Emerald Archon(banished to Triumph)
Raseri Rhineheart
Firestone Jack
Alpha Troll(Deleted)
Angelique Discord
Enforcer Blue
Frankie Peanuts
Golgari Hunter
Poison Bullet
Dr. Shivan(banished to Freedom)
Halcyon Dream
Cambyses(banished to Triumph)
Inquisitor Black(Moved to Freedom, renamed Wilson Black)
Inquisitor Salvation(Deleted)
Shiskabob(banished to Freedom)
Krell Dethbloom
Hotdog Cart
Glacial Adept
Tetsu Springsteen
Crunch Berry
Reason for listing these guys, more folks will recognize these names, then my global handle.
Those current within the last year. I don't even bother with listing 50s, Ive deleted over rest of years back.
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
Hmmm, what to say ...
I started in summer of '05 on Guardian and was there for like a year. I checked out Virtue and never looked back. Spent a bunch of dough transferring toons. Met a lot of cool people. I had only 1 50 on Guardian in a years time. 16 Now on Virtue. My first 50 was a Dark/Dark Scrapper cause I heard early on that they sucked, so I just had to have one. His name was Ahnix. Most know me as Xero now days. Not sure what else to say. I am down for teaming almost every time I'm on, old friend or newbie, don't hesitate to hit me up.
Here is a little advice to new peeps. Team ... and if you cant find one ... start one. Sooo many people just stand around broadcasting LFT ... but if you start a team and simply just run some contact missions or radios, you will meet people and over time there will be a few people you just click with. There are so many cool people on Virtue your bound to make friends fairly quickly.
Game on !
Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve
- playing since 09
- too many toons on Virtue both blue and red to count
- enjoy Rp, static teams, TF/SF and long walks on the beach
- not much of a pvp , but willing to give it a try
- on just about everyday , mainly later in the evening
- enjoy playing this game and can't see myself playing anything else unless it can top the Virtue community
Hi, I'm DJ shecky and I'm a Virtuaholic....
In all seriousness, I've been playing for jsut over 4 years. Started on Justice, but quickly moved to Virtue where all my chars reside. Few notes about me:
- I tend to fly by the seat of my pants as far as builds go
- I am no expert on any aspect of the game, but do my best to make a good teammate
- I am a DJ and the Tech Manager for The Cape and love doing it.
I've run through a numebr of the TFs and some of the SFs. I have done Mothership and Hami raids, but to me it all about who I'm with moreso than anything else.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
Here is my story and dilemma:
As an avid "Freedom Force" Player and Comic Book Reader, I watched as City of Heroes went through the development stage, waiting patiently for the release date to be announced . I was not a "Beta Player", but a "Beta Watcher" as I had no idea how one gets involved, or picked, to beta test a video game. The moment of Canadian release (which was about 2 days after American release), I ran out to pickup the game! I immediately created a character and begun to play.
It took about 2 months for me to find "my character". I tried to play a ice/ice blaster, got the character all the way to level 14, but it wasn't for me. It wasn't until my main Inv/SS Tanker "Dinah Might" was created that I had found my identity. (That was about the same time I joined the forums.)
I play on Champion. I have much invested on that server. Names, friends, and I even run a large SG called the "Pillars of Might". I believe I have contributed enough to that server to be considered a Vet over there.
However I am drawn to Virtue. There seems to be more "like minded" people on this server, as shown in character design, costumes, and attitude. However, the groups I have joined on Virtue are too small and can't seem to work with the fact I am pulled between 2 servers.
So, having said that. I'm looking for friends on Virtue. A group of people with similar interests, who will not mind that I have a life on Champion as well. Folks who will allow me to make use of their resources (base, etc) and let me play with them when I can, but are not DEPENDENT on my attendance. Likewise, I would share my resources on Champion.
If you, or your group, can accommodate my request I would be interested in hearing from you. Personally, I would love to hear from the Virtue forum folks! I hope my "veteran status", although connected to another server, will show the type of mature, active player I am.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
I suppose I may as well chime in, although nobody knows me.
I started with CoH, actually, with the way old boards that Aura moderated (if anyone remembers those.) I had no interest in any MMO before City of Heroes, because I generally dislike Ye Sworde Wizards and Sorcery fantasy games, and primarily RP superheroes, even in tabletop.
I waited and waited.. and one day, the CoH closed beta invite came. I made the character called Quickshot and from moment one, I was hooked. I also volunteered to make a high level test character, and chose Ice/Ice tanker from the list of what the devs wanted tested, and I named her Glaysha. This was back when you had to choose between toggles.. you couldn't have all your defenses up. I got killed so much that in the months of testing, I never got rid of her XP debt. Prior to that, CoH had no XP Debt cap. After I got through showing the devs how much a character could be killed, they added it in. These days, though, XP debt isn't even noticeable and the ice tanker can have all their shields on at the same time.
CoH was the only MMO beta I was in which had a large amount of RP, and the RP community came together nicely. When the poll came up for choosing a server that we would all go to, I also voted on Virtue, and then, at launch, made my characters there.
A tad of personal history: in August 2000, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and would wind up mostly bedridden and housebound for the next 10 years. City of Heroes helped distract me from my illness, kept me occupied and I also made many wonderful friends. Not just in-game friends, but people whom I have met in RL at conventions or who have come to visit me while in the area. Virtue's community is amazing, bar none.
These days, my health has improved that I am doing more RL things and less time for playing, but I have been here since the beginning, never stopped subscribing, and I will be here til the devs shut it down.
Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit
HI HI!! everyone.. just to intro myself, I'm a Veteran of CoH for over 61 months, I've seen and collected as many badges and merits made in the game, I've dabbled in the tailor shop none stop spending hours on end creating new costume ideas. And I enjoy having fun teaming up with people... I don't like PvP, although I will go into a PVP zone for badges only... I Started out on the Infinity Server first, than migrated to Virtue some 3 years ago. I love this game since the start and I wont stop now...and I can't wait for GR and Kinetic melee and electric control coming out for GR along with Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning and I can't wait to see new costumes..
Dark Sunstar aka Former Drk Phoenix
Freedom Girl - Freedom Server.
Skull Queen
Blood Lilitu
Miss. Saturn.
for anyone who wants to team with me any time they want I'm on almost every day on all hours except after midnite, so look me up @LadyStates

I miss all the Taxibots :'( was the absolute best thing about Virtue when I strted playing CoH in I2. Especially in the Hollows when you would be a thick headed newb and fall into the giant hole in the center.
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Hi, I'm DJ shecky and I'm a Virtuaholic....
Originally Posted by DJ Shecky
In all seriousness, I've been playing for jsut over 4 years. Started on Justice, but quickly moved to Virtue where all my chars reside. Few notes about me:
- I tend to fly by the seat of my pants as far as builds go - I am no expert on any aspect of the game, but do my best to make a good teammate - I am a DJ and the Tech Manager for The Cape and love doing it. I've run through a numebr of the TFs and some of the SFs. I have done Mothership and Hami raids, but to me it all about who I'm with moreso than anything else. |
To all concerned DJ Shecky is crazy.. LOL but its the good kind of crazy that makes you giggle. Love you Shecky even though I do spend more time listening to DJ Angel on the cape. /em runs and hides
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I waited and waited.. and one day, the CoH closed beta invite came. I made the character called Quickshot and from moment one, I was hooked. I also volunteered to make a high level test character, and chose Ice/Ice tanker from the list of what the devs wanted tested, and I named her Glaysha. This was back when you had to choose between toggles.. you couldn't have all your defenses up. I got killed so much that in the months of testing, I never got rid of her XP debt. Prior to that, CoH had no XP Debt cap. After I got through showing the devs how much a character could be killed, they added it in. These days, though, XP debt isn't even noticeable and the ice tanker can have all their shields on at the same time. |
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Cien Fuegos (aka Pup) :
- Picked up game 6 years or so ago ( or in vet reward terms 76 months ago) andthen got a second account 4 years ago (35 months?) ...didnt do Beta or issue 1 but was here in october ( around issue 2) I will always remmber this game because i had dial up (AOL) and a really bad laptop.After many frustrating crashes i upgraded to DSL and a new computer and played issue 3 to 16 with no holes in between.... Yes I speak badging,Task Forcing, Master runs, HAMI farming,events,BETA, and base-building fluently but hate to do them. Use to be on everyday 5 to 9 hrs ( its how i ended up with 46 50 and 72 toons) But not anymore know that i graduated from Masters i usually play 1 to 3 hrs,,,every so often.don't read forum email but can be found by private global messages (@Cienfuegos)
ack almost forgot i am Co-moderator for a couple of channels my favorites are:
started on protector for 4 years of the 6 or so years ( 76 months) but moved as soon as i could here and i love virtue. it is a great community
also play on truimph now
if u really want me to list my 72 + toons i will but its a very long list..maybe another time
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Partial Quote:
This was back when you had to choose between toggles.. you couldn't have all your defenses up. I got killed so much that in the months of testing, I never got rid of her XP debt. Prior to that, CoH had no XP Debt cap. After I got through showing the devs how much a character could be killed, they added it in. These days, though, XP debt isn't even noticeable and the ice tanker can have all their shields on at the same time.
- don't rage-quit right away, things change
- don't rage-quit over changes you don't like, eventually it changes again
- don't rage-quit without leaving us your stuff

Reading her post makes me think of the "Behind the Music" television show. Everyone with toggles can thank Ellis now.
Thank you, Ellis!
To all concerned DJ Shecky is crazy.. LOL but its the good kind of crazy that makes you giggle. Love you Shecky even though I do spend more time listening to DJ Angel on the cape. /em runs and hides |
And that's ok. you can like Angel better... *a single tear rolls down his cheek*
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
I'm about 50% RPer, 30% altoholic, 10% badger, 5% numbers build, 3% marketer, 2% PVP.
Been here on and off since about a year before the launch of CoV, though I've been more active the last 2 years when I decided to start running RPVGs.
I play redside 90% of the time, and on the whole prefer CoV to CoH. Even after all this time, I still barely know any of CoH past level 25. I'm considerably more familiar with CoV, but there's a lot I haven't done there yet either.
Some players call me Aggy, which is just a short form of the name of my main, Agonus.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

A friend of mine introduced me to the game in late Sept/early October 2004.
(Dude has introduced me to so many games, he's like the local game pusher. "Hey! The first hit's FREE!" We joke. )
I played on his machine over at his house for a few hours, making a character based on one of my old Champions RPG characters. I was hooked then, and when my next paycheck came around, I bought the game with my own account.
And joined up right in the middle of the very first Halloween event! LOL!
So yeah, memorable times.
Started out on Justice but mostly moved over to Virtue full time around mid 2006. Been here ever since. Seen just about everything and done everything, but STILL find little corners of the game that surprise me. And looking forward to Going Rogue!
I enjoy coaching new players on details of the game. If you ask me for help, I'll almost certainly give it.
For all the time I've spent in the game, though, I've only got 5 level 50s. I'm pretty hardcore about experiencing the content. And certain things I love seeing again on my lowbies. And yeah, altitus - I has it. :P I love the lore and the content, and I love doing AE missions. I'm not very good or creative at doing my own. But I love doing others and seeing what they come up with.
Yeah - I'll be here until they shut down the servers. (May that be NEVER!)

I am Flea. I've been here since launch, only missed 3 months due to crappy computer issues and moving house with my ex.
Essentially I am the Scrapper. I can do broken things with a scrapper. I tank with a SR.
I also will do broken things with my Stalker once I IO it out.
In short, I am short, nasty, aggressive and the best damn scrapper you will find.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Introducing myself as a veteran player since there are threads for SG info, raids/events and player-created characters but not so much on players themselves. This is the other side of the individual "I'm new to Virtue" threads. Veterans can give an upfront introduction of themselves to shy or lurking newcomers and future Going Rogue subscribers. Alrights then, here's my geek status. I:
PvP, RP, raids, market runners, mission writers, farmers, badgers.. each playstyle is thriving on this server so I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have.P.S. A vet is anyone over a few months who hasn't run away screaming, yeah?