Is it time to move on from Recluse and Statesman? (non-doom post)




I just wanted to say, the only time I've actually felt like an evil villian/mastermind in recent times on any of my villians was during the Mane Company arc.

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



You know, the worst part of actually liking Lord Recluse and Arachnos is that all the criticism about them makes perfect sense.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
It all started wrong with the tutorial. "You're only free because we freed you from prison, now you owe us." Not a great way to start a career, in debted to Arachnos for saving your ***.
I wonder what's going to happen when villains start coming over from Praetoria, who are not beholden to Recluse for breaking them out of prison and aren't on his list.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
As a fan of Ghost Widow, I have to point out that her archetype is Dominator. Scirocco is the Corruptor in Recluse's Five Bad Band.
Yes, they say she's a dominator, but she uses dark miasma, a support set for defenders, corruptors, and master minds.
She also uses dark blast lacking ANY melee whatsoever with the exception of a few PBAoEs.
She also does not use Domination, ever.
She also has grotesquely high HP like any other AV that makes the big challenge of her that she has a nearly irresistible hold, and has dark regeneration.

Long story short: GHOST WIDOW IS HAX! And so is Scirocco, Mako, Black Scorpion, and especially Lord Recluse! (I mean, he's supposed to be an MM and half of his encounters don't even involve him summoning pets!)

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



You do realize good and evil is based on public perception of your actions and not your own perception. Any writer worth anything knows that there is no such thing as a person who views what they are doing to be evil. They either view their actions as good or a necessary evil that will lead to good. Good and evil are relative terms... and clearly when we are calling someone good or evil in the game we are basing it on their relative position to Paragon City's "heroes". If we look at things from a more global stand point Paragon City could be considered the villains far more easily than the Praetorians, The Rogue Islands, or the Rikti.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
You do realize good and evil is based on public perception of your actions and not your own perception. Any writer worth anything knows that there is no such thing as a person who views what they are doing to be evil. They either view their actions as good or a necessary evil that will lead to good.
Yes, there are. There are people who are fully aware that they are acting for purely selfish reasons, and do evil things with no delusions that they are benefiting anyone but themselves.

The mercenary who will kill anyone for the right price.

The would-be dictator who is in it for personal power rather than trying to further any particular ideology.

The jerk who kicks puppies because he can.

The monster who realizes that's what he is and still enjoys it.

This game is full of them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I think the real flaw in the concept design for Arachnos is that it's set up like it's a super-mafia without the back story that makes actual organized crime syndicates work.

Recluse is the don/capo/godfather/whatever. He's got these four lieutenants who are each jockeying for position and they each have hundreds or thousands of soldiers working for them in a hierarchy of power. Your character is a soldier trying to work his or her way up the ranks of the organization while paying respect to those above you, until you can theoretically take their place one day.

Through it all, there's this idea that for better or worse, you're locked in to the organization and it's your first, best chance for fulfilling your personal ambitions.

The flaw is that the Arachnos concept does not imbue or even imply a common connection between you and all these other crooks. There's no real reason for all of you to be in the same boat together, unlike for example, a bunch of immigrants or low-caste people who have a common culture, a need for protection and few choices. It's just sort of expected that you'll go along with it for no particular reason.

I kind of like the four-factions approach to Arachnos mentioned earlier. If I could wave my wand and re-design CoV from scratch, I'd have four primary contacts in each level range, one for each faction. You initially choose which faction you want to join coming out of the training scenario, which would be redone as a "demonstration" of your power and will to get things done. Whichever faction your character has greatest standing with when they hit that range, that's the contact who offers you a primary story arc for those levels. BUT... I'd design each stage of each arc so that you can talk with EACH contact from each faction, who will each offer you different incentives to either complete the mission for the original faction or sell out in some fashion to one of the rivals. Standing with the faction would influence the offers/threats made or received.



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
I think the real flaw in the concept design for Arachnos is that it's set up like it's a super-mafia without the back story that makes actual organized crime syndicates work.
Organized crime is also organized.

I kind of like the four-factions approach to Arachnos mentioned earlier. If I could wave my wand and re-design CoV from scratch, I'd have four primary contacts in each level range, one for each faction. You initially choose which faction you want to join coming out of the training scenario, which would be redone as a "demonstration" of your power and will to get things done. Whichever faction your character has greatest standing with when they hit that range, that's the contact who offers you a primary story arc for those levels. BUT... I'd design each stage of each arc so that you can talk with EACH contact from each faction, who will each offer you different incentives to either complete the mission for the original faction or sell out in some fashion to one of the rivals. Standing with the faction would influence the offers/threats made or received.
I wouldn't put that choice to players right away. The first ten levels could have you working for various random hangers on, just to get a feel for the isles. As you get into the teens, you start having representatives of the factions take notice of you, and try to recruit you to their side. Once you hit the 20s you're actually doing missions directly for the factions (note that I didn't say faction) that your actions suggested loyalty to earlier. It's a more organic progression that doesn't shove a choice in the face of a potentially new player who doesn't know who these patrons are, picks Ghost Widow cause she's hawt, and is either stuck with consequences of that decision, or if the content is written so you can change sides freely and whenever you feel like it loses a lot of their sense of immersion.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



The part I do not like about Arachnos is that they are inconsistent. Arachnos is supposed to be an oppressive, totalitarian state but people with powers (including Natural origin) are allowed to do whatever. The player is a "destined one" but Arachnos troops still attack on sight, except in pvp zones where they act like they were always allies. Lord Recluse is stated to have a "hands off" and "survival of the fittest" approach to government but all the zones have a large Arachnos presence, keeping the order. And the contacts are all over the place in their attitudes, from "outside contractor" to "lackey of our great organization". Which is it already?

On a side note, we could really use a "All things writing" thread for discussions like this. Most GR content is probably locked in by now but there will be issues after it. And the storyline part of the new end game system is probably still up for change. Perhaps David Nakayama can bite the Story Lead to infect him/her with awesome ?

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



While some people might not like the flavor of CoV Story, it is a consistent storyline from level 1 to 50, which City of Heroes does not have. And the story makes sense. As a little Level 1 Villian yes, you are not very powerful compared to the major players in the story, but as time passes you become stronger and stronger until you exceed Recluse himself. Unfortunately for that story, at that point the story ends, so you have a difficult time seeing that you are now a powerful figure beyond the powers of Archanos.

Seriously, if you want your Villian to be ultra powerful from level 1 at the beginning of their career with no need to sacrifice anything for that...well we call that a "Mary Sue" in the roleplaying world...

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
While some people might not like the flavor of CoV Story, it is a consistent storyline from level 1 to 50, which City of Heroes does not have. And the story makes sense. As a little Level 1 Villian yes, you are not very powerful compared to the major players in the story, but as time passes you become stronger and stronger until you exceed Recluse himself. Unfortunately for that story, at that point the story ends, so you have a difficult time seeing that you are now a powerful figure beyond the powers of Archanos.

Seriously, if you want your Villian to be ultra powerful from level 1 at the beginning of their career with no need to sacrifice anything for that...well we call that a "Mary Sue" in the roleplaying world...
It's the same blueside... Except we're not told that if we want to get anywhere in Paragon we have to put our face in Statesman's lap, or even Ms. Liberty's, and she's the head of LONGBOW.
I understand that we don't start out powerful, but one thing I do like is that blueside, ironically, has more freedom.

What could really help Redside feel more proactive is maybe a repeatable contact, sort of like a newspaper, only instead, you got to him and tell him what you're looking for, and he helps arrange things for you.
Tell him you wanna bash some heads in?
He offers you a choice between Longbow, Arachnos, Freakshow, and tells you that the soup of the season is Gazpacho.
You want some dough?
He gives you a list of a bank that got a recent huge deposit, a pawn shop that got in some high value jewels, or that Malta's got a place storing some of their funding information that you can tap.
Need mystical artifacts, weapons, high tech gear?
He'll hook you up with that too.
Wanna fight with the big dogs?
He tells you which hero's in town today and if you'd like him to arrange a fight.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
The part I do not like about Arachnos is that they are inconsistent. Arachnos is supposed to be an oppressive, totalitarian state but people with powers (including Natural origin) are allowed to do whatever. The player is a "destined one" but Arachnos troops still attack on sight, except in pvp zones where they act like they were always allies. Lord Recluse is stated to have a "hands off" and "survival of the fittest" approach to government but all the zones have a large Arachnos presence, keeping the order. And the contacts are all over the place in their attitudes, from "outside contractor" to "lackey of our great organization". Which is it already?
It's just this new wacky concept called anarcho-fascism.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
It's just this new wacky concept called anarcho-fascism.
...or Arachno-fascism.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yes, there are. There are people who are fully aware that they are acting for purely selfish reasons, and do evil things with no delusions that they are benefiting anyone but themselves.

The mercenary who will kill anyone for the right price.

The would-be dictator who is in it for personal power rather than trying to further any particular ideology.

The jerk who kicks puppies because he can.

The monster who realizes that's what he is and still enjoys it.

This game is full of them.
My happiness is good. You think I'm evil. If i kill you that makes me happy, thus my killing you is good.

This is basic ethics and story writing stuff.

It's just this new wacky concept called anarcho-fascism.
Arachnos and how the Rogue Isles are ran is neither anarchy nor fascism nor anarcho-facism.

To explain these things I would have to talk about things that are unallowed on the forums so just... You are wrong will have to suffice.



"My happiness is good. You think I'm evil. If i kill you that makes me happy, thus my killing you is good.

This is basic ethics and story writing stuff. "

...except by killing another, you remove their potential to provide for the species, which is as basic as it comes. Our individual needs are an illusion when it comes to the needs of humanity as a whole and thus evil is that which conflicts with those needs.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
"My happiness is good. You think I'm evil. If i kill you that makes me happy, thus my killing you is good.

This is basic ethics and story writing stuff. "

...except by killing another, you remove their potential to provide for the species, which is as basic as it comes. Our individual needs are an illusion when it comes to the needs of humanity as a whole and thus evil is that which conflicts with those needs.
That's not true at all. You are making an assumption that the needs of a group are more important than the need of an individual. You are making a leap where there is no need to try to support a pre-held conclusion rather than thinking it through.

As I pointed out, can't talk about these things really in depth on the forums, so again, basically... you are just wrong.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
My happiness is good. You think I'm evil. If i kill you that makes me happy, thus my killing you is good.

This is basic ethics and story writing stuff.
Please tell me you're just playing devil's advocate and don't actually believe that.

Anyway, to be fair, for all the time you spend working with Arachnos, you spend as much, if not more, time working against Arachnos. The entire point of Time After Time is to tell Recluse "screw you, you got nothing on me!"

As for the LRSF, I give you guys that one. That SF's just weak and its badge basically contradicts what you did in Time After Time, which you need to do to unlock that SF in the first place and it's just, argh.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
My happiness is good. You think I'm evil. If i kill you that makes me happy, thus my killing you is good.

This is basic ethics and story writing stuff.
So everyone who has created a villain who realizes that killing for their own gratification is evil but does it anyway has moved into advanced ethics and story writing?

Not so much. Check out some bios sometime.

Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
That's not true at all. You are making an assumption that the needs of a group are more important than the need of an individual. You are making a leap where there is no need to try to support a pre-held conclusion rather than thinking it through.

As I pointed out, can't talk about these things really in depth on the forums, so again, basically... you are just wrong.
"I can't talk about it so you're wrong" is not an argument.

Nobody is making any assumptions about the NEEDS of an individual. CoV isn't about your needs. It's about your WANTS...or at least it should be.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Please tell me you're just playing devil's advocate and don't actually believe that.
Puts a spin on all the hating on me doesn't it? lol

It's not that Anti_Proton is wrong, it's that he is presupposing a position that just isn't accurate. The position is semi-correct, but not the way it is put nor the details involved. Basically, the reason humanity's "good" is good is not because it is humanity, but rather because it achieves the greatest amount of good for the individual.

It's one of those things that goes into various tangents and such...



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
"I can't talk about it so you're wrong" is not an argument.

Nobody is making any assumptions
Well I don't feel like getting another message from ocho for talking about politics, religion, and other such things which this would result in.

And yes, you are making assumptions.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yes, there are. There are people who are fully aware that they are acting for purely selfish reasons, and do evil things with no delusions that they are benefiting anyone but themselves.

The mercenary who will kill anyone for the right price.

The would-be dictator who is in it for personal power rather than trying to further any particular ideology.

The jerk who kicks puppies because he can.

The monster who realizes that's what he is and still enjoys it.

This game is full of them.
I think what he is implying is that those writers suck.

He has a point, to a point. BLAHBLAH I'M EVIL is not a motivation, and is almost always a sign of terrible writing, if not total ignorance of writing. Lots of players do it, as did whoever wrote Arachnos, which is why they suck.

It can work as a joke or an homage to bad writing, but only works otherwise if the story has considerable advantages in other ways.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



It's really great to come back to this thread I started and see such robust discussion going on. Thank you to all those who have posted so far!

The main thing I seem to be getting from the responses though is that it's not so much time to move on from Recluse and Statesman so much as it is to grow them up a bit and give them some moral complexity, which is interesting given both the T for Teen rating for the game and the upcoming release of Going Rogue.

Is it just that this playerbase in particular or the broader audience have started to see beyond the black and white perception that used to linger about superhero themed stories? If so, I'd probably be pointing at Dark Knight as one of the major tipping points. Not only did it financially succeed, but it also scored an Oscar for the late Heath Ledger. And it was genuinely morally complex. A true grown up comic book story.

So if we are 'moving on', what should we be moving on to?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Jake_Summers says that like it's a good thing:

While some people might not like the flavor of CoV Story, it is a consistent storyline from level 1 to 50, which City of Heroes does not have.
And that's exactly what I don't like about it. It's a rail. Not enough "choose your own path".

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
And that's exactly what I don't like about it. It's a rail. Not enough "choose your own path".
I hope that down the road, with GR we will have the opportunity to say, screw you Lord Recluse, I can be evil elsewhere.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
My happiness is good. You think I'm evil. If i kill you that makes me happy, thus my killing you is good.

This is basic ethics and story writing stuff.

Arachnos and how the Rogue Isles are ran is neither anarchy nor fascism nor anarcho-facism.

To explain these things I would have to talk about things that are unallowed on the forums so just... You are wrong will have to suffice.
Then I'll have to say you're wrong as well then.