Discussion: City of Heroes Super Booster V: Mutant - Unlock Your Ultimate Potential!




5-15 people out of over 100K saying they won't buy another booster pack because they didn't like /this/ one..doesn't really mean all that much.

- Are you sure there is that many people still playing this game? also: It means more than it seems. Imagine the unhappy people that are active in the forums, you can see/debate with them, but what about those that don't use the forums? Might want to get a good solid census before saying "it doesn't mean all that much" An old business practice was instilled in me: for every 1 customer that complains you have 60 that share that grief that aren't speaking up.<most people don't like confrontation, so they quietly pack their bags...>

why is it.. that no matter what the devs put in the game, its never good enough?

- Paying customers want a finished quality product. Simple.

Complaining about little things like the neck and tail joints? Really?

- Really. Don't sell an incomplete product or you wont be taken seriously by your customers, the websites that are supposed to advertise, the stores that are supposed to advertise and the competition. Word gets around quick. Bad word gets around quicker.

Who the hell has their camera zoomed in that much enough to notice something like that?

- the same people that pay for the high end systems and video cards required to run this game. After forking out all that money do you think that they wouldn't?

Looks to me like people just like to complain and nic-pick about whatever they can.

-especially when they pay for it. Its their right to do so as the people complaining are paying customers. By track record its been happening every time something comes out that is incomplete.

I'm done venting and rambling..sorry.

- don't apologize. It's good to rant. + rep to you.

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I think the original plan was gonna be to give the wolf tail for free but so many people complained there was no furry bits in the mutant pack...they added it. so you can thank everyone who complained for making you pay



Originally Posted by Vr2LRose View Post
I think the original plan was gonna be to give the wolf tail for free but so many people complained there was no furry bits in the mutant pack...they added it. so you can thank everyone who complained for making you pay
still cant wrap my head around the whole "thank everyone who complained" when its actually "someone that saw an opportunity to make a quick buck"

Another not so clever way to scold people for vocalizing their dissatisfaction.

not a very savvy business move either.

Why would you try to do that to people?

the devs do read the forums. I am also seeing what looks like their alt accts posting as well.

That's fine and I encourage more of it. Its a good way to directly challenge the complainers and snuff rumors without risking their jobs. I totally support that and if I were them I would do the same thing.

The competition also reads these forums.

Know what they see?

Mistakes to learn from when designing THEIR product(s).

Make a product that's above and beyond what is out there and people will change their tune.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I'm kinda new here so maybe I don't understand the issue or something. But my way of looking at it is this - there was a couple cool things and a couple of lame things, so if you liked it more than you dislike it then buy it and if vice versa then don't buy it. But it seems kinda silly to keep saying the same things over and over and over and over and oh, your still reading? Well, I think you get my point.

I will say that I think I have to agree with MrHassenpheffer's last two posts in the overall though. But who am I to judge, I haven't even finshed high school yet (ughhh!).



Heh, welcome aboard!



Originally Posted by Seth Fist View Post
I'm kinda new here so maybe I don't understand the issue or something. But my way of looking at it is this - there was a couple cool things and a couple of lame things, so if you liked it more than you dislike it then buy it and if vice versa then don't buy it. But it seems kinda silly to keep saying the same things over and over and over and over and oh, your still reading? Well, I think you get my point.

I will say that I think I have to agree with MrHassenpheffer's last two posts in the overall though. But who am I to judge, I haven't even finshed high school yet (ughhh!).
I have now seen both of this kids two posts and I have to say that if he is 14 like he claims, then he is one of the most mature 14 year olds I have ever seen. He even makes me a little ashamed about some of my snippy comments in the past.

Good for you kid for being more mature than a lot of the adults playing this game (myself included sometimes).



Originally Posted by Seth Fist View Post
I'm kinda new here so maybe I don't understand the issue or something. But my way of looking at it is this - there was a couple cool things and a couple of lame things, so if you liked it more than you dislike it then buy it and if vice versa then don't buy it. But it seems kinda silly to keep saying the same things over and over and over and over and oh, your still reading? Well, I think you get my point.

I will say that I think I have to agree with MrHassenpheffer's last two posts in the overall though. But who am I to judge, I haven't even finshed high school yet (ughhh!).
Thank you very much. Welcome to the forums and the game. I hope you stay here a very long time and I wish you the best adventures!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
It's 100% against policy for rednames to post using a non-redname account.
Are you sure about that? As in, you've seen Paragon City's policy on that?
How would we know anyway....

This packs power seems most meh to me. Its a self buff, so thats nice, just seems least creative of all the different power, all the others have felt quite unqiue.

I liked the pieces enough to buy it though

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
Granted..the bushy tail /should've/ been given as a freebie to everyone..
why, exactly?

Picked up the pack and had a chance to mess around with it and it's a nice bunch of kit to mess around with.

There are complaints with some weight in this thread- those joins are just fugly. Biolum as a pattern would be fantastic. the lack of new monstrous bits is a little depressing, as is the continuing could shoulder given to Katana.

But from where I'm sitting it measures up nicely with previous origin packs. Some cool stuff I'll use a lot, some situational stuff I probably won't, some nice emotes and a fun power. As with any pack there are nits to pick, but I'm very happy with my purchase.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
It's 100% against policy for rednames to post using a non-redname account.
Even if that were true I would still support disregarding that policy.

I want to know what their intentions are and how they feel about things like players attitudes, where the game stands as a whole, what their limitations truly are and maybe even something players aren't aware of such as other departments that have communication breakdown that the devs often wind up getting blamed and flamed for.


We can learn a-lot from each-other and get more good things said and done without the red tape getting in the way.

I haven't seen anything on policy that forbids them from posting with alt accts...

they can put whatever they want into whatever package they want and sell it.

My beef is I want a finished quality product... and a new record player because I think mine is broken.

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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Even if that were true I would still support disregarding that policy.

I want to know what their intentions are and how they feel about things like players attitudes, where the game stands as a whole, what their limitations truly are and maybe even something players aren't aware of such as other departments that have communication breakdown that the devs often wind up getting blamed and flamed for.


We can learn a-lot from each-other and get more good things said and done without the red tape getting in the way.

I haven't seen anything on policy that forbids them from posting with alt accts...

they can put whatever they want into whatever package they want and sell it.

My beef is I want a finished quality product... and a new record player because I think mine is broken.
I agree completely, though I will point out that "we" the players would have almost no way of knowing if "Company" policy forbad them to post under a non-Red Name post.

It would actually make more sense if they were allowed (in a limited manner of course) and that is how we sometimes see someone hit the nail square on the head with a supposed guess. This way we get "warned" ahead of time without officially giving anything away.

Anyways, just a thought.

Oh, and welcome to the forums Seth Fist



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I agree completely, though I will point out that "we" the players would have almost no way of knowing if "Company" policy forbad them to post under a non-Red Name post.
Except if they told us. Which they have, previously.

It would actually make more sense if they were allowed (in a limited manner of course) and that is how we sometimes see someone hit the nail square on the head with a supposed guess. This way we get "warned" ahead of time without officially giving anything away.
Marketing would never let them do such a thing, I'm fairly certain.

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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
5-15 people out of over 100K saying they won't buy another booster pack because they didn't like /this/ one..doesn't really mean all that much.

- Are you sure there is that many people still playing this game? also: It means more than it seems. Imagine the unhappy people that are active in the forums, you can see/debate with them, but what about those that don't use the forums? Might want to get a good solid census before saying "it doesn't mean all that much" An old business practice was instilled in me: for every 1 customer that complains you have 60 that share that grief that aren't speaking up.<most people don't like confrontation, so they quietly pack their bags...>

why is it.. that no matter what the devs put in the game, its never good enough?

- Paying customers want a finished quality product. Simple.

Complaining about little things like the neck and tail joints? Really?

- Really. Don't sell an incomplete product or you wont be taken seriously by your customers, the websites that are supposed to advertise, the stores that are supposed to advertise and the competition. Word gets around quick. Bad word gets around quicker.

Who the hell has their camera zoomed in that much enough to notice something like that?

- the same people that pay for the high end systems and video cards required to run this game. After forking out all that money do you think that they wouldn't?

Looks to me like people just like to complain and nic-pick about whatever they can.

-especially when they pay for it. Its their right to do so as the people complaining are paying customers. By track record its been happening every time something comes out that is incomplete.

I'm done venting and rambling..sorry.

- don't apologize. It's good to rant. + rep to you.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
the devs do read the forums. I am also seeing what looks like their alt accts posting as well.
That would be a very...strange thing to do.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Except if they told us. Which they have, previously.

Marketing would never let them do such a thing, I'm fairly certain.
Ok you got me there.

my only response to that is everyone in marketing needs to be fired.

-that was a joke.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That would be a very...strange thing to do.
Maybe I see strange things because I am a strange person.

One thing is for sure, Throughout my life I have never been good at following rules that don't make sense. I try with the best intentions oh but I do, it just works out That no matter what happens those rules will be broken either accidentally by me or by Proxy.

So I quit trying to follow rules it just backfires and makes everything worse.


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Looks like I'm gonna pass on this one.

I have a toon that could use the wolf tail, but I'm not paying $10 for just one costume part for one character.

The other boosters that I bought had decent powers, but this one seems meh to me. And the chance of turning into a rikti monkey? TOTALLY breaking of my RP. I would never use the power because of that. Given the awesomeness that is Ninja Run, or the mission teleporter, this weird disadvantage is a deal-breaker for me.

Ah well. Plenty of other new stuff in 7 weeks.

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Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
Looks like I'm gonna pass on this one.

I have a toon that could use the wolf tail, but I'm not paying $10 for just one costume part for one character.

The other boosters that I bought had decent powers, but this one seems meh to me. And the chance of turning into a rikti monkey? TOTALLY breaking of my RP. I would never use the power because of that. Given the awesomeness that is Ninja Run, or the mission teleporter, this weird disadvantage is a deal-breaker for me.

Ah well. Plenty of other new stuff in 7 weeks.

perhaps a patch that would give the user of said packs the options to "disable unwanted side effects"

they should have taken a poll on including that "chance to turn into a rikti monkey" in this booster.

I think everyone that is a tank would say - NO.

I can see a tank about to go into a deathtrap of a mob, and while in that mob... hits the power seeking a temp boost to survive, and instead turns into a monkey

keyword: team-wipe.

When that happens <and it will> that person is going to say "Why did I buy this?"

I'm sure someone <for whatever reason> will say "you are supposed to hit the power before you go in"

Any tank will tell you, combat situations typically don't allow for such planning. Keyword : Ambush.

Any power that inadvertently works as a sabotage should not be included in a package labeled "booster"

That includes temp powers that de-buff.

It doesn't fit the definition of what a "booster" is.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
perhaps a patch that would give the user of said packs the options to "disable unwanted side effects"

they should have taken a poll on including that "chance to turn into a rikti monkey" in this booster.

I think everyone that is a tank would say - NO.

I can see a tank about to go into a deathtrap of a mob, and while in that mob... hits the power seeking a temp boost to survive, and instead turns into a monkey

keyword: team-wipe.

When that happens <and it will> that person is going to say "Why did I buy this?"

I'm sure someone <for whatever reason> will say "you are supposed to hit the power before you go in"

Any tank will tell you, combat situations typically don't allow for such planning. Keyword : Ambush.

Any power that inadvertently works as a sabotage should not be included in a package labeled "booster"

That includes temp powers that de-buff.

It doesn't fit the definition of what a "booster" is.
Yes: "You are supposed to hit the power before you go in". Any person, tank or otherwise, should be able to tell you that. Inspirations would do more good than a random effect if there is an ambush. Or is the +movement buffs going to stop a wipe from an ambush.

Also I have a tank, (I'm not a tank or any of my other characters) so your everyone doesn't fit.

The person wiping from a devloution should say 'why did i do that then' not why did I buy that pack.



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
Yes: "You are supposed to hit the power before you go in". Any person, tank or otherwise, should be able to tell you that. Inspirations would do more good than a random effect if there is an ambush. Or is the +movement buffs going to stop a wipe from an ambush.

Also I have a tank, (I'm not a tank or any of my other characters) so your everyone doesn't fit.

The person wiping from a devloution should say 'why did i do that then' not why did I buy that pack.
Good points!

I did go out on a limb there with the whole "every tank" thing. Sorry about that.

alot of the times I was tanking or with tanks, I have seen plenty of misfires and mob stumbling when everyone was trying to rest and recover from wounds. Ive been in enough combat that went from 0 to "omg we are overwhelmed" to click on anything I could for the team to survive. Most of the time self destruct was used to buy everyone the few seconds they needed, yeah, ambush.

For me its a matter of "this thing I bought should have made me more powerful"

not "might turn me into a monkey when I least need to be"

but that's just me and I'm sure that I'm not alone there.

+rep to you

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Well, this is the second least useful booster in terms of cossie pieces for me (the least useful being the science pack from which I only use a few pieces very rarely), but the temp power makes it worth it for me. Very useful for lowbies, still useful for high-level toons. And the setback from devolution is easily avoided by hitting the power while on the way to the mish, after a team wipe while everyone is recovering etc - waiting out one minute in such cases is no problem.



I have to say that I like most of the things about the Mutant Pack, though I still feel the furry dog tail should have been a freebie for everone. The special power is probably my favorite part for a couple reasons, but the biggest reason is that chance for a mis-fire.

I mean, we always see the occasional mis-fire in a comic or a cartoon and yet most of our powers never allow for that. This gives me a personal sense of "OH *****!" every time I use it and for me anyways, it makes it more fun and even a little more realistic.

I don't like using real world examples much, but for this one I will. While in Marine Corps Boot Camp in 1992, we got the chance to "train" with live hand grenades (dummy grenades too, but that is another story). We were told how to hold it, how to disengage the safeties, how to position for a throw and throw it, and what to do if it was a bad throw (you really prayed it wasn't a bad throw even though you had a much older and more experienced Marine Drill Instructor there to help save your A$$ if you screwed it up).

Now I have to admit that having that kind of destructive power in your hand (and a little too close to the rest of my body as far as I was concerned) was AWESOME. But, a big part of the thrill was the chance you might screw up. Then what the heck would you do?

As it turned out I did screw it up, but thankfully in a good way. The adrenaline got pumping (and fear gets the heart moving it around pretty good) and I threw the grenade the wrong way which sent it WAY to far, out of the "normal" bounds of the grenade range. It made it all the way to a dead 80 foot oak about 30 feet beyond the range and managed to blow the dang thing up and make it fall into the "kill" zone of the range.

After taking a butt chewing from every single Marine Drill Instructor out there that day (and there were a lot more than usual it seemed), they decided the easiest way to clear the debree from the range was to blow it up some more and so every single recruit after me that day (about 250 since I was the second person to throw) got a stern lecture on what his target was that day.

All in all, we had a blast (no pun intended) that would not have been possible if I had not screwed up my throw. So this whole "get turned into a Rikti Monkey" thing is not only fine by me, but I can't wait for it to happen to me.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Good points!

+rep to you
Sincerly, Thank you