Radio missions causing stupidity




I present to you the following anecdotal evidence, both of which are amusing and sad.


Teamed with a PUG in Steel Canyon, the leader decides to do a "normal" mission and not just a random radio mission (i.e, one from a contact with an actual plot). It happens to be the Tsoo mission with the hacker, where you must first rescue him and then escort him to a computer to get some information.

Everything is going pretty well, there are a few deaths but we are making progress. We finally reach the hacker and rescue him, only for someone to escort him back to the entrance. I try to explain in team chat that we need to do take him to the computer(rest of the team remain silent), which is located on the map, however this guy ignores me and takes him down all the elevators and to the mission door. We then get a load of "???"'s in team chat while I try to explain again why the mission hasn't completed. After I explain, the guy says he is confused and quits the team, leaving the hacker on the bottom floor.

Eventually we do manage to get the hacker to the computer but I feel like im babysitting a team that has had Mass Confuse used on it.


After finishing a bank mission where I helpfully explained to someone how to get inside the bank (yes this person claimed he never could do bank missions), we travelled to IP for a bit of a change of scenery. We get the mission where we must go to Striga Isle. Of course most of the team have no clue how to get there and so I personally escort them to the boat.

Then we finally reach Ms. Peebles when the team starts to gather by the door to her left. "Aren't you going to click on her?" I said to the team lead, to which he replied "Everyone wait inside." Does the rest of the team challenge him? No, they attempt to run into the building behind Ms. Peebles. *Facepalm*. So I reiterate in caps that they need to speak to the contact.. but by then I had already given up hope on the team.

So, anyone else have any funny stories like this? I think its a real shame a lot of the population who probably live in the 1-30 bracket have such a simplistic time in this game. Isn't it about time we do away with the boring repeatable missions with no plot and instead open up all the contacts in this game (without having to be introduced to them) and show some of these players how great CoH/CoV really is.



Radio missions don't cause stupidity. In fact, they're probably the smartest way to get right to running missions, since every other way is, as you aptly described, more convoluted. It is rather unfortunate that the easiest and most convenient path to gameplay is also the one that offers the least interesting gameplay, but that's hardly the fault of the players.

I also have some doubts about citing familiarity with the poorly designed legacy systems of a pretendy fun time game as proof of intelligence.

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Some people want their gaming experience to be simple. They don't want to deal with the markets and timed missions and Fed-Exs and hunts, etc. They just want to long in and hack, slash or blast stuff into submission.

Are they missing a lot content? Yeah, probably, but as long as they are getting their money's worth and they keep paying that monthly fee, so be it. It can be annoying to team with someone in the 20-30 range that doesn't know some of the mechanics of the game that you or I find second nature, but 7 or 8 times out of 10, when I show someone something they didn't know they could do, the response I get is, "Cool!" or "Thanks, I didn't know you could do that."

But none of that is meant to rain on this thread. Funny PuG stories are fun to read, so hopefully we'll always have noobs to openly mock, and newbs to poke good-natured fun at.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Isn't it about time we do away with the boring repeatable missions with no plot and instead open up all the contacts in this game (without having to be introduced to them) and show some of these players how great CoH/CoV really is.
I'm pretty sure I would never play again if they got rid of paper and radio missions. Arcs have a tendency to be annoying.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Radio missions don't cause stupidity. In fact, they're probably the smartest way to get right to running missions, since every other way is, as you aptly described, more convoluted. It is rather unfortunate that the easiest and most convenient path to gameplay is also the one that offers the least interesting gameplay, but that's hardly the fault of the players.

I also have some doubts about citing familiarity with the poorly designed legacy systems of a pretendy fun time game as proof of intelligence.
This is so very true.

I PUG exclusively its all I do in this game I don't like SG's and honstly never found one that was worth sticking with. New players are often the same way often they only pay every month. Some times they may not even have the cash to do that so staying with the same group of people is a difcult thing to do. I like to lead teams and on redside I'll do a story line every now and then If I've done it before and know what to expect, but on blue side?

Forget it.

You advrage PUG dosent have the time or inclation to sit there wile you go 3 zones over for an intorduction. Just dosen't happen. Raidos are sadly the only real PUG content that can be done in the advrage PUG time frame. (1 to 2 houres). My playtime is about 4 houres continuness I start a team (full team I always try to keep it full) at 8p.m. and keep it going till 12:01a.m. Allmost allways by the time I log at 12 its a compleatly diffrent group of people than when I started. PUGs are fast paced and don't want excuses they want XP and they wanted it 10 min ago. What we need are mini stoy arks that are 2-4 missions long and STAY IN ZONE. Content like that would be great for PUGS.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Radio missions don't cause stupidity. In fact, they're probably the smartest way to get right to running missions, since every other way is, as you aptly described, more convoluted. It is rather unfortunate that the easiest and most convenient path to gameplay is also the one that offers the least interesting gameplay, but that's hardly the fault of the players.

I also have some doubts about citing familiarity with the poorly designed legacy systems of a pretendy fun time game as proof of intelligence.
Actually, path of least resistance does tend to retard a player's overall growth. You can't learn about the whole game when you're firmly entrenched in one small part of it. Or have the so-called AE Babies been totally forgotten?

Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
I'm pretty sure I would never play again if they got rid of paper and radio missions. Arcs have a tendency to be annoying.
Heroside this is true. Red side, I'm not so sure.

One instance I remember is when I was playing one of my defenders at level 30 and a teammate asked me where I got "all those badges" like Negotiator and Spelunker and Pwnz and Spirit Warrior and Redeemer and such (Accomplishment badges, basically). I told him I got them doing missions. He said he's never gotten badges for doing missions, outside of AE. Then I found out his usual character strategy involves doing sewers then radio missions, to the exclusion of all else (no TFs, no trials, no contact missions, just sewers and radios). I would chalk that up to ignorance, not stupidity though.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

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Yah anytime I see someone doing something truly "stupid", I remind myself that children as young as 4 and 5 years old play this game too.

Which also makes me look in the mirror and wonder what the hell I'm doing with my life.



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Yah anytime I see someone doing something truly "stupid", I remind myself that children as young as 4 and 5 years old play this game too.

Which also makes me look in the mirror and wonder what the hell I'm doing with my life.
Staying young, in spirit if not in body, just like the rest of us.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
I'm pretty sure I would never play again if they got rid of paper and radio missions. Arcs have a tendency to be annoying.
Arcs can drive one a bit crazy but as previously mentioned there are good reasons to do them..

1. Arc award Merits upon completion just like TFs and Merits = free enhancements, LARGE inspirations, salvage and recipes.

2. Arc offer up badges some of which are required for accolades which can add End and Hit Points to a character.

3. Certain arcs are required in order to obtain some game features. If you want access to the Midnighter's Club and Cimerora you have to do the arcs provided by Ashley (COV) or Montegue (COH). If you want to join Vanguard and start collecting Vanguard Merits you have to at least complete the first portion of that arc in the RWZ. Want to run a Hess TF in Striga? you need to complete Lars' arc there first. Want to run a KHTF you need to compete the final arc in Croatoa or find someone else that did.

Of course there are ways around some of this. Badge missions can always be run through Time Travel and actually award a small amount of reward merits for completion. As metioned anyone can do a KHTF as long as SOMEONE on the team has completed the necessary arc and can talk to Katy and the same is true of Hess. Vanguard is one exception if you want those merits you need to run the required missions but that only involves 1 defeat 10 Rikti mission and a series of FedExs to obtain.

Radio and Newspaper mission do work well with a PUG, or any team for that matter, with a limited amount of time because they allow you to stay in the same zone and don't require frequent trips back to a contact before they "finally" give up their cell phone number.

Okay now to share my own slightly (?) stupid moment as the OP originally discussed. Oh and let me state that confusing/insane/stupid behavior does NOT necessarily confine itself to radio missions. Now to be nice and protect the dazed and confused I will not reveal the Task Force involved. I was on an 8 man TF team and all went well the first few missions. We got to one where a rescue operation was required and several team members set off in Stealth or Super Speed mode. I assumed we'd wait at the door for TP and get a quick Mission Complete. After what seemed like an eternity it was revealed that NONE of these players had any method available to teleport so the remainder of the team starting fighting our way down to them. Eventually we caught up and finished. I couldn't help thinking the whole thing would have gone a lot faster if all 8 of us had simply started on floor 1 and battled down together. Then pure stupidity set in as one the very next mission we did the exact SAME thing? So apparently we learned NOTHING from the mission before at all? (please read previous sentance with tons of sarcasm attached lol). I had done this same Task Force earlier and completed in just under 2 hours and thanks to this "strategy" (?) the second took almost 3 hours. See its not just Radios you can find goofy players everywhere. LOL Fortunately, in my case, the good ones seem to outnumber the bad and TRUST me I team and PUG a lot. :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Wicked Wendy, when it comes to TFs my personal experience is that there are a LOT of players that try to stealth and speed run everything and they get confused when they discover that not everyone on the team is built that way. I've had a TF or two that worked just like your experience. Mission starts, a couple of people take off and expect the whole team to somehow keep up. I just shake my head in those scenarios. I remember one Sharkhead SF in which the team leader said, "Just run past the spawns and pop inspirations to stay alive if you don't have stealth." You can imagine how well that worked.

I've gotten to the point that I always ask when joining a TF/SF if they intend on it being a speed run or not.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Radio missions don't cause stupidity. In fact, they're probably the smartest way to get right to running missions, since every other way is, as you aptly described, more convoluted. It is rather unfortunate that the easiest and most convenient path to gameplay is also the one that offers the least interesting gameplay, but that's hardly the fault of the players.

I also have some doubts about citing familiarity with the poorly designed legacy systems of a pretendy fun time game as proof of intelligence.
Oh wow that post is awesome. More interesting scanners (maybe tips will provide such?), and less them darn kids these days. Pre-I8 hero arcs are ridiculously convoluted and not in an interesting or challenging way.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Wicked Wendy, when it comes to TFs my personal experience is that there are a LOT of players that try to stealth and speed run everything and they get confused when they discover that not everyone on the team is built that way.
I have run a lot of TFs on PUGs but I have not memorized the "optimal" way to do things. So when a couple of folks take off down the hallway without comment in a mission, I am left to wonder what is going on.

Are they going to the end and TPing everyone in? Are they going to a particular place in the mission? Should I follow? Sometimes they don't say.

I am a team player, and I play as smart as I can. I always look over the team composition and determine the best way to use my powers in light of what other folks have going, ie, I will not drop Rain of Fire unless someone else had dropped Ice Slick, Freezing Rain or an AoE Immob, etc. But I am lost if I am supposed to "know" to "run past baddies" like they are doing and somehow know where to go. And as you have noted, very often they have stealth or are Tanks, so THEY can get past the mobs... and when I try, I look like Swiss cheese before I can get four paces.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way around literally telling the team what to do at each point. It may be the 47th time someone has run the TF as a leader, but unless someone tells me which tower to assault or which mitos to defeat, I will not be on the same page as the leaders.

Speaking of radio missions, I have run a couple Safeguards with two or three folks, all of whom immediately departed the bank when the message came that the baddies were "getting away!" Mind you, the AV was right there, wailing away-- it was very difficult trying to type a message telling my teammates not to leave while the AV suddenly had no other hero to pay attention to other than ME. But the message that they are "getting away!" confuses folks, and it is hard to explain it in the midst of a fight. I just could not pull it off, since you cannot move while you are typing a message, and I doubt my team understood what I meant by "Dont leave AV is ssssssssssssssswwwwwwweeeeeeeessssss" in any event. But I did have plenty of time to explain it post-mortem. That sort of learning curve just happens.

PS-so I now explain it beforehand to any safeguard groups I lead

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Haha, sorry for the mind-numbing annoyances of that team

Radio missions don't cause stupidity.
Intelligence causes stupidity.

Unfortunately... those few of us who do not achieve stupidity must suffer for it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
I present to you the following anecdotal evidence, both of which are amusing and sad.


Teamed with a PUG in Steel Canyon, the leader decides to do a "normal" mission and not just a random radio mission (i.e, one from a contact with an actual plot). It happens to be the Tsoo mission with the hacker, where you must first rescue him and then escort him to a computer to get some information.

Everything is going pretty well, there are a few deaths but we are making progress. We finally reach the hacker and rescue him, only for someone to escort him back to the entrance. I try to explain in team chat that we need to do take him to the computer(rest of the team remain silent), which is located on the map, however this guy ignores me and takes him down all the elevators and to the mission door. We then get a load of "???"'s in team chat while I try to explain again why the mission hasn't completed. After I explain, the guy says he is confused and quits the team, leaving the hacker on the bottom floor.

Eventually we do manage to get the hacker to the computer but I feel like im babysitting a team that has had Mass Confuse used on it.


After finishing a bank mission where I helpfully explained to someone how to get inside the bank (yes this person claimed he never could do bank missions), we travelled to IP for a bit of a change of scenery. We get the mission where we must go to Striga Isle. Of course most of the team have no clue how to get there and so I personally escort them to the boat.

Then we finally reach Ms. Peebles when the team starts to gather by the door to her left. "Aren't you going to click on her?" I said to the team lead, to which he replied "Everyone wait inside." Does the rest of the team challenge him? No, they attempt to run into the building behind Ms. Peebles. *Facepalm*. So I reiterate in caps that they need to speak to the contact.. but by then I had already given up hope on the team.

So, anyone else have any funny stories like this? I think its a real shame a lot of the population who probably live in the 1-30 bracket have such a simplistic time in this game. Isn't it about time we do away with the boring repeatable missions with no plot and instead open up all the contacts in this game (without having to be introduced to them) and show some of these players how great CoH/CoV really is.
LOL , # 1 cracks me up



As far as Radio Mission only people and AE babies, what I want to know is what started the Rush Mayhem trend that I've seen waaay too much PUGing redside.

Not fighting to the bank. Nooo, that would be too easy. Now a lot of players seem to think that running/stealthing straight to the bank (a la Safeguards) is the way to do a Mayhem mission.

And, as I've had players tell me, it's a 50/50 chance you'll complete the mission because of the big Longbow ambush that magically pops up when you get to the bank, so it doesn't matter how you do the mission.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
As far as Radio Mission only people and AE babies, what I want to know is what started the Rush Mayhem trend that I've seen waaay too much PUGing redside.

Not fighting to the bank. Nooo, that would be too easy. Now a lot of players seem to think that running/stealthing straight to the bank (a la Safeguards) is the way to do a Mayhem mission.

And, as I've had players tell me, it's a 50/50 chance you'll complete the mission because of the big Longbow ambush that magically pops up when you get to the bank, so it doesn't matter how you do the mission.

If I had to guess, I'd say it is spill-over from Blueside-Minded players playing on Redside.
Completely just a guess.
Perhaps, after playing so much Blueside, it is ingrained in your brain that when you do a bank mission, you must race to the bank!

Of course... the beauty of the Mayhem Missions is... the mayhem!! So, it is a shame. Hopefully we can show any rushers the true nature of the mayhem! And then they will know and understand... and have boat loads of fun!!

Also, to the OPs PuG story... It's not really simply a newb sort of thing. The one is both reading is fundamental (Take the hacker to the computer, not the exit) and also listening to good advice. You may not know the advice was good at first... but after other ways fail... perhaps it is best to give that person's idea a shot, eh?
And then, apparently (And I believe it, because I see it so often) ignoring those words of advice even after it was not followed and confusion sets in and is displayed in the form of "????", hahaha. Sillyheads. Which, actually... goes back to the first point... try READING!! The mission says to bring the hacker to the computer... that one player said we need to bring the hacker to the computer... What is so difficult here? That's not simply newb stuff. That's... You deserve a kick in the **** stuff
You get three friendly kicks in the **** before we stamp your forehead and ship you off to World of Warcaft.

To the second scenario... Yeah, I don't know what makes it happen, but I often see groups of people listening to the wrong "leader". Person A has the right advice. Person B has the wrong advice. It seems that groups go with Person B more often than Person A (When person A is around... often times there are just a bunch of Person Bs)... And this isn't just in CoH or games or anything, hehe.

Must be some sort of DNA coding in humans. That's my theory.
A predisposition to listen to the wrong person.

(Half of this post is joking, the other half is mocking and the whole of it is very serious)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



It took me a while to get the hang of Mayhem missions. Our first one failed big time because we tried to do it like a safeguard. Our second failed when we took up the suggestion to have an "experienced villain" show us the ropes. We found a guy who said he had run it dozens of times with the vet badges to show for it but he ran straight for the bank too. On our third attempt we followed the advice I had gotten from a forum post and it worked like a charm. It really is easy once you know what to do.

But almost every PuG I join that does a mayhem is a disaster. Even if the leader has the right attitude it doesn't always help because the team scatters and the longbow end up picking us off individually. Then it turns into a jail break with 2-4 longbow ambushes milling in the police station creating a basically impassable barrier. I don't join PuG mayhems anymore. I've had enough of those.

Other than that, I don't have much trouble with them. The worst I'd say are the ones where the star is inexperienced and doesn't allow anyone else to take the lead (not the star, just the lead). They tend to be long stretches of milling confusion punctuated by moments of stark terror. Definitely fun in their own chaotic way.

I've been on a lot of PuG TF's and Melancton's post relates my experience with those exactly.



Originally Posted by RemianenI View Post
Actually, path of least resistance does tend to retard a player's overall growth. You can't learn about the whole game when you're firmly entrenched in one small part of it. Or have the so-called AE Babies been totally forgotten?
Reminds me of another fun PUG. So we were running Paper Missions in silent smash mode until someone broke the ice and the team got chatty.

One player then started complaining about how the game is tedious and there's no variety to mission types. It's the same thing, over and over, and so simple. The following conversation went something like this.

Me: The new I17 mission arcs are pretty cool. Have you tried those?
Them: There are new missions? Really?
Me: Yeah, the new contacts in Sharkhead. Dean MacArthur and the other guy.
Them: Who's Dean MacArthur?
Me: Those are the names of the new contacts.
Them: Contacts for what?
Me: The people you talk to to get other missions.

The player in question was complaining about simple mission design because all they ever did was Paper missions. This other player, and my guess is at least half of the team, had no idea that there were other ways to get missions in addition to the Paper and Radio.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



As far as the rushing ahead on a Task Force goes, communication goes a long way.

Example One: The SG I'm in, Hero Force on Virtue, run a LOT of TFs. I know when MG is running the TF we're going to stealth as much as we can (probably because we want to run 3 more TFs that day, heh). This is usually true when others in the SG are running too. But the leader will TELL people that we're stealthing this mission, MG's toons are almost always equipped with recall friend no matter the AT so that we can summon the rest of the team, and people in the SG generally know what to expect if they've been on more than a couple of TFs with the SG. (And when I respec'd Mouse Police I built her to have superspeed very early and equipped her with a stealth IO, and I have ATT so I can stealth and teleport the team at least once on a TF).

Anyway, results are, nobody is caught off guard or surprised at what we're doing. Usually.

Example Two: My two friends from another SG, who pretty much form a 2-man SG and do things together. They have exceedingly well-IO'd toons and can speed and stealth, and will do that when they run a TF. They aren't built to port others. They typically don't warn anyone else. The rest of the TF (apart from me and one other friend of theirs that sometimes is on) is made up of PuG members. As a consequence, people don't know what's going on, get mad, get into big arguments with the ones leading the TF, and their usual response is, "Don't worry! Enjoy the ride!" Because frankly they can duo the TF without help.

End result: people get mad, people think they're jerks. But it's mostly a communication thing. If they took ten seconds to say, "We're going to stealth this mission, hang on," that would solve most of the problem, and if they worked harder to include the rest of the team when it was appropriate (teleporting everyone in to face a final boss for example) then that would solve nearly all of the problem.

And if you say, "speed run" or "normal speed, kill most/all run" before the TF, which people tend to do for ITFs but not for other task forces, that would go even further towards keeping people from getting angry or confused later on.

But yeah, my favorite "newbie" comments are generally people on a TF who are really surprised after 3 missions that we're not already done, or who disconnect and come back and are amazed that they're still on the team. And then there was the one guy who suffered through a very long task force (Synapse I think), asking when we'd be done, and then as soon as we'd defeated the final boss he quit, before we'd cleared the room and gotten the task force completion message (and the rewards). All we could do was laugh, poor guy.

We ran a Hess TF yesterday with someone who was really impressed by how cool it was, seeing the robot through the window and then later fighting in the room where the robot was. I like it when I get to introduce cool parts of the game to people who haven't experienced it before.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Wicked Wendy, when it comes to TFs my personal experience is that there are a LOT of players that try to stealth and speed run everything and they get confused when they discover that not everyone on the team is built that way. I've had a TF or two that worked just like your experience. Mission starts, a couple of people take off and expect the whole team to somehow keep up. I just shake my head in those scenarios. I remember one Sharkhead SF in which the team leader said, "Just run past the spawns and pop inspirations to stay alive if you don't have stealth." You can imagine how well that worked.

I've gotten to the point that I always ask when joining a TF/SF if they intend on it being a speed run or not.
Except for the the Sharkhead part, that could have been the exact description of a Synapse TF I was in. Guardian, 4 years ago. Leader was an Ice Tank, I was a baby Fire/Kin. Last time I played the toon and virtually the last time I played on Guardian (Tank was also an SG officer).



AE missions cause ignorance. Radio missions enable ignorance.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
As far as Radio Mission only people and AE babies, what I want to know is what started the Rush Mayhem trend that I've seen waaay too much PUGing redside.

Not fighting to the bank. Nooo, that would be too easy. Now a lot of players seem to think that running/stealthing straight to the bank (a la Safeguards) is the way to do a Mayhem mission.

And, as I've had players tell me, it's a 50/50 chance you'll complete the mission because of the big Longbow ambush that magically pops up when you get to the bank, so it doesn't matter how you do the mission.
I've heard complaints about how to do mayhems since I started playing.

I like the slow fight and destroy on the way. Most chance of success too as well as the most fun I have as a villian.

But the fast way can work, which is probably why it hangs around as a method.

Now for every mayhem, nio matter how many great paper missions the pug has just done, I'll say how we doing it, or ask the leader how we are doing it beofre entering.

I dont really get the angst some players have when mayhems fail. Often you still grab the badge, you miss out on a temp power of variable worth (wow a jet pack). Seen a lot of teams disband 'cause we failed bank, or teamwiped along the way, when if that happened in a normal paper mission, it would be hositpal & reenter no drama.

edit: AE (and other mindless) farms cause ignorance. AE missions can often have more thought required most Arcs.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I actually kind of agree. The badge is the only really important part of the mayhem.

I dread mayhem/safeguard after-completion confusion on teams, though. You always seem to have somebody that is intent on doing the sides and the other half of the team just wants to exit.

Plus that all too common bug where parts of the Hero's ambush end up stuck somewhere instead of entering the bank. Generally because of those stupid bugged longbow eagles and their stupid slow hovering instead of flying. It's like having Vahzilok zombies shuffle at half speed towards something, and then forget what they were doing.