damage badges, need revamp?




these badges need a revamp because in this new day and age, its only made them even harder to get

since HP bonuses actually hurt you on progress for this badge, and with the introduction of IO set bonuses with adding hp, these badges need to be adjusted

willpower and shield also have powers which give you hp bonuses

why were dmg badges ever made so that in order to get credit for the badges you have to go below base hp for your AT?

is there some technical limitation as to why it was designed that way? can it be changed?

if it can be changed i propose one of 2 things need to be done:

  1. lower badge requirements for the 5th, 6th, and 7th badges (25 mil, 50 mil, 100 mil respectively), the first 4 are fairly easy to attain, but these are beyond annoying to get (the 25 mil isnt as bad as the 50 to 100 mil, but they are still SLOW if you have hp bonuses)
  2. change the way the badges are coded so they actually give credit when you take ANY dmg regardless if its above your base hp
IMO if you take ANY dmg it should count for the badge (as the badge implies), so unless there is a good technical reason for it (coding, ect), i vote that it needs to be looked at

the other epic badges are fine but the dmg badges are essentially cheating you out of points for the badges if you have accolades, IO sets, +hp powers in the sets (dull pain type powers, the auto powers in WP and shield, ect)



The HP bonus issue has been around for a long time and the badges were all recently lowered as part of the "Great Badge Change" a couple of issues back.

I'd rather see the extra HP issue resolved then another badge adjustment.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The HP bonus issue has been around for a long time and the badges were all recently lowered as part of the "Great Badge Change" a couple of issues back.

I'd rather see the extra HP issue resolved then another badge adjustment.
same, but i proposed an adjustment if they could not fix the hp issue



I've seen people keep the secondary build as unslotted and switch to that build for damage farming so that there are no HP bonuses from the IO sets. That could atleast help things along a little more.

Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)

SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force



Originally Posted by UltraBatz View Post
I've seen people keep the secondary build as unslotted and switch to that build for damage farming so that there are no HP bonuses from the IO sets. That could atleast help things along a little more.
i think i mentioned in my OP that even on secondary builds you will still keep accolades, which if you have all the passive accolades you will still have a good chunk of hp bonus (moreso than combinations of most IO sets), so even on a second build with no IOs, if you have ANY of the passive accolades thats still gonna hurt, on a mastermind, base hp is 803, with all the passive accolades they are giving the toon about 161 hp bonus (so even without IOs it still adds a lot, and this will affect toons with higher hp more such as brutes and tanks)

thats why i at least want the hp bonus issue to be looked at to see if it can be fixed or as a last resort adjust the dmg badges to compensate for the extra dmg needed to take to get the badges (in trying to earn the 25 mil badge, i prolly lost 5-10 mil in dmg pts due to the total amount of pts between current max and the base)



You can still get the damage badges in the space of one or two nights if you know what you're doing. I don't see why this is a big deal, especially since the requirement for Born in Battle was lowered in I16.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
You can still get the damage badges in the space of one or two nights if you know what you're doing. I don't see why this is a big deal, especially since the requirement for Born in Battle was lowered in I16.
the first 4 badges are easy to get, the 25 mil one isnt too bad, the 50 mil and 100 mil are what take forever

they wouldnt take as long if the stupid hp bonus issue was fixed

if i get 1% on the 50 mil badge per hour, or 500k pts of dmg per hour, even if i used an alt build but still had accolades, i could essentially have to take 750-1 mil pts of dmg to get the same amount of badge credit

lets say i make 500k per hour, but have to actually take 750k in order to get that much badge credit, im effectively losing .5% per hour into the void which i should be getting credit for, so after 10 hours of dmg farming i would have lost 5% or 2.5 mil pts of dmg (which is a lot), if this was for the 50 mil badge (all 50% for it, or 100 hours of farming at the given rate, it would result in a loss of 25 mil dmg pts that did not count, which is effectively 25% of the 100 mil badge, but instead of only needing another 25% for the 100 mil badge, now you have to gain a whole lot more) (this was just for all intensive purposes an example, actual results will vary)


my point is that this hp bonus issue is MUCH more significant in the latter badges which can essentially double the amount of time needed to get them



The last 3 badges are harder to get for a reason. Quit complaining about it. The devs aren't going to change a badge where you just sit in a lava pool or the like because you don't wanna work harder or smarter.

Good luck on your badging

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Got all of them both on my Controller and my Corruptor by resting in front of a Red conning CoT Guide. Went from under 10M damage sustained (Controller has been played for 5 years, Corruptor since CoV came out) to 100M in 21 days.

Was sustaining 332K of damage per hour. It all depends on how you decide to achieve them. And since the requirements have been lowered these are easier to get. If the requirements were still the same, I wouldn't have dreamed of getting them.

What I have issues with is the Inf one: only Inf you actually win through missions counts. And the last Healing one is being a pain, as I don't PvP and can't set up a heal farm...

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Went from under 10M damage sustained to 100M in 21 days.
I went from around 8.5 million damage taken to 100 million in about 30 days (lots of disconnects and such) resting in front of a CoT guide. I still don't think it is right. To me AFK farming should not be required for any badge. It literally is the only way to get the top three after playing a character for 5 years though.

I spent a LOT of time on my Empathy Controller, so much that after a few days of ITFs on a double xp weekend I was able to get the 500 million inf needed for the last badge.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
The last 3 badges are harder to get for a reason. Quit complaining about it. The devs aren't going to change a badge where you just sit in a lava pool or the like because you don't wanna work harder or smarter.

Good luck on your badging
I laugh at your "hard". There is nothing hard about being AFK while soaking damage, except maybe on a person's computer. If nothing else the only thing getting the Immortal badge did for me was to prevent me from playing the game due to lack of interest. I will never get these stupidly retarded* badges again.

  • retard - cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate; "This drug will retard your heart rate"
  • retard - be delayed
  • retard - check: slow the growth or development of; "The brain damage will retard the child's language development"
  • retard - decelerate: lose velocity; move more slowly; "The car decelerated"
The "epic" badges certainly fit the term "retarded" as they slow and delay growth of a character.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



In the past...

These badges were a lot harder to get because the requirements were much higher. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Immortal_Badge [Edited]. If the page was updated by the time you read this, to even get Immortal, you needed 1 billion points damage taken, not 100 million as it is now. Your request for another revamp may be possible, but I highly doubt it. I remember they revamped the empath badge twice, but 100 mill damage points seems reasonable to me.

If you had two accounts or had access to a range targetted healer, people used to farm Rikti Chief Soldiers. You were able to take in more damage than your actual Health Points because NPCs had to follow the "1-shot; no kill" rule. While on rest, the soldier would take 8-10 seconds to attack 1 melee blow (forgot the actual time, since it was long ago). Before he inflicted the next blow, the healer, already AFK spamming heals, would take your health back up to 100% before the next blow and you would never die. People got over 1 mill damage per hour.

The way I did it, since you couldn't change the level of those Rikti bosses, I actually farmed in the northern zone of Rikti Warzone. I knew that these NPCs had to follow the "1-shot; no kill" rule. So, I tried another method to take out the need for a third party healer. I went to Ouroboros and exemplared/malefactored to level 39 from level 50. This is not because 35 was the cut off point, back then, to enter RWZ. I did few experiments and, with the help of someone else to isolate 1 rikti soldier in Northern RWZ, I was able to damage farm solo. Because I was on TF/SF mode from Ouroboros, the game couldn't boot me because of my AFK status in open zone. Even with 1-slotted Health and Rest with a level 50 Healing IO, I experimented with my stalker, thermal corruptor, fire aura brute with their self heals off, the Rikti Chief Soldier just couldn't kill me. The % value u got from the level 50 Healing IOs on both powers was enough for the current HP you had (even with the other 3 accolades) to regenerate back to full health in time for each interval blows. The biggest kicker was that I was taking in about 9-10 mill damage per hour. I remember this specifically because it only took me an hour to get the 4th damage badge (10 million points back then) required for one of the villain accolades. It was also easier on my computer since I only had 1 computer at the time and me needing a healer on spam would just destroy its resources by dual boxing.


As some of the players mentioned, for a villain, the damage badge required for Born in Battle accolade has been reduced from the 4th to the 3rd damage badge. Even though these values never changed, the requirement of 1 million damage points as opposed to 10 million damage points is rather significant. But this is not what you were asking for...

As some players mentioned, people use the lava or a CoT guide to farm damage because it simply works. The CoT guide inflicts 1 melee attack for every 10 seconds. Within that time, you have to find a way with your toon to regenerate back up to 100% HP before the next blow or you'll die.

Depending on your ArcheType, you can push the values of a CoT guide damage by raising the level of difficulty and have a level 54 beat on your repeatedly inside a mission. I know my latest mastermind was not able to handle the damage, because I'm thinking of its low base HP. At 50, it has a base HP of only 803. With the 1-slotting I do to Health and Rest on that toon, I couldn't even take on a +0 level CoT Guide and had to have a -1 Guide beat on me.

Now, after explaining the level 54 Rikti Chief Soldier I used to farm - I wrote that in past tense because the developers added an extra ranged attack making it impossible for us to use them for damage farming now. There is a way you could still use the Ouroboros method to farm plenty of damage. This is specific to certain ArcheTypes only and is very dependent on zone-rules (as in Rikti invasion, Zombie invasion, and zone players ganking NPCs without knowing your intent). I've only worked this out on City of Heroes and not on City of Villains, but if you exemplar to level 34 and go to a level 50 CoT guide by Portal Corps., you can use that CoT guide for damage farming. I know someone mentioned they effectively farmed them taking in 332K damage per hour, but my value (assuming he does not miss) is 810K damage per hour. The level 50 Guide (specifically 50 because 49s deal less damage) inflicted 2250 HP on my scrapper (again, this is AT specific so I can not guarantee this would work with the intended AT you're intending to farm with) per blow. My scrapper, even with all the + HP accolades and the +HP set bonuses, was taking in the full amount of damage because, at that level, the Guide is actually inflicting more damage than my Exemplared HP. On City of Villains, I know there are CoT guides on the beaches of Grandville, but they are level 42-44. Again, isolating one guide will need someone to help you do that. I haven't tested specific malefactored levels to maximize the damage points taken on that faction. I have tried level 14, 19, 24, 29, 39, and 44 on that level 50 CoT Guide in Peregrine Island and 34 seems to be the best for my scrapper. At those other levels, I just was not getting the same nor higher amount of damage that I woudl get at level 34.

As far as the Rikti Chief Soldier farm is concerned, not all is lost. You will need a third party healer for this. I can not go further on this because I don't want to share.

I apologize for writing so much...



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
these badges need a revamp because in this new day and age, its only made them even harder to get
While I might agree the original requirements for these top epic damage badges were too high they were finally significantly lowered (as people like Nericus pointed out) a couple of Issues ago. I really see absolutely no need to further reduce these badges to make them any easier at this point.

Your concern about the "extra HP" issue is vaguely legitimate, but based on the data available on the major badge tracking sites literally hundreds of people earned all these badges back when they were pegged too high AND still had the "extra HP" difficultly associated with them.

Basically they were earnable before they were fixed and now they are that much easier. I'd rather this game have at least a few "epic" level badges like this that are still relatively hard than to have all these badges be almost trivial to get.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
why were dmg badges ever made so that in order to get credit for the badges you have to go below base hp for your AT?
Likely because the max base HP for each Archetype was a stable metric to measure against. No matter what else, max base HP for each archetype is the same no matter what powers or boosts are available.

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
is there some technical limitation as to why it was designed that way? can it be changed?
I think if could change, as the game does know what your current maximum HP is with bonuses (check the combat attributes). That is just as stable a value, and even easier to code for. Right now there are likely 12 different checks that could be replaced with one. As a programmer I would think that the developers would want to make the coding more efficient.

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
IMO if you take ANY dmg it should count for the badge (as the badge implies), so unless there is a good technical reason for it (coding, ect)
Just like inf earned, not all damage counts. Falling damage does not, by the way.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Basically they were earnable before they were fixed and now they are that much easier. I'd rather this game have at least a few "epic" level badges like this that are still relatively hard than to have all these badges be almost trivial to get.
The same arguments were made for the healing badges. Like the healing badges, the damage badges are still AFK badge, not game play badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



im not complaining they are hard to get as in like master of badges which actually take skill, but because they cheat you out of so many points on the later badges

i know inf doesnt count for everything (like market and such), but thats understandable, i understand why falling dmg should not count, but if you being legitimately attacked or dmg'd by an enemy (ie the afk dmg farming), you should get credit for ALL the dmg that you take from an enemy attack

i also agree with Snow Globe for the fact that the last few badges are nigh impossible to get without afk farming (the other ones, like inf are fairly easy to get after a long time of playing), healing badges are also in this category since only toons with heal focused sets will get these badges without any real time input

i do like earning badges, but i like to actually participate in the earning for them, i honestly HATE the afk farming, but if i just waited to get them, it would prolly take me 20 years (if the game was still around) to even get all 7 dmg badges through normal play (if i played the toon 100% of the time when i was logged on)

the mez badges, inf badges, sk badges (which are almost pointless now) are very easy to get through normal gameplay and thats how it should be (i usually get around 3-4 of each on the journey to 50)

i also think the original requirements were way too high (hence i never bothered working on them until now, i just got the 10 mil one for born in battle when it was needed for that, then just stopped worrying about it), now that they are somewhat more reasonable, i have started working on them again (that and they are the only badges i can get aside from MoLGTF), and like Snow Globe i will refuse to do these badges again since they take way too long to get

i am still not sure if there is some technically limitation as to why it doesnt go by your max hp instead of your toons base hp, it would seem easier to just check the max hp since it is listed in the combat attributes and your ID card, and if it changed to check the max hp it would make it more attainable during a normal course of gameplay

my point is that the dmg badges are still harder (harder as in taking longer to get) than the other series of badges for basic stuff in the game (like inf, mezes, heals, ect)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I laugh at your "hard". There is nothing hard about being AFK while soaking damage, except maybe on a person's computer. If nothing else the only thing getting the Immortal badge did for me was to prevent me from playing the game due to lack of interest. I will never get these stupidly retarded* badges again.

  • retard - cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate; "This drug will retard your heart rate"
  • retard - be delayed
  • retard - check: slow the growth or development of; "The brain damage will retard the child's language development"
  • retard - decelerate: lose velocity; move more slowly; "The car decelerated"
The "epic" badges certainly fit the term "retarded" as they slow and delay growth of a character.
Well, your the one that took the time to earn them the first time. If you earned them without exploiting a farm you would have worked harder. Instead you worked smarter. See how that works?

I agree the epic badges are insane so I just don't bother trying to earn them. I don't care enough to bother.

The badge system is just a time sink anyway. It keeps you playing and keeps you paying. So if you don't enjoy it, don't do it. You don't have to come into every badge thread and continue to bash every badge created because it isn't just handed to you. Maybe those badges weren't conceived with players like you in mind.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
Well, your the one that took the time to earn them the first time. If you earned them without exploiting a farm you would have worked harder. Instead you worked smarter. See how that works?
There is literally no way for anyone to earn 100 million damage taken during the 6 years this game has been active without a damage farm. None. No amount of work would get you the badge. The stated design goal was 5 years on an active character. Well they overestimated the amount of damage needed to be taken for that time frame. That makes "earning" the badge with an AFK farm a bug. Bugs that are not fun for players should be fixed.

Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
I agree the epic badges are insane so I just don't bother trying to earn them. I don't care enough to bother.
All the Issue 5 "Epic Badges" have had to be modified due to unrealistic goals. This is fact.

The mentoring series had to be reduced due to the players showing that those goals were impossible in 5 years of play. The top mentoring badge needed something like 32,000 hours of mentoring.

The debt badges were reduced when the debt caps were lowered.

The mez badges needed to be farmed to get them, and were reduced with the last major badge overhaul.

The healing badges were proven multiple times over to need around 30 years for a healing character to earn them through normal play.

The Inf badges could be earned, Beef Cake did earn it. The developers considered the what others had to do to get it "aberrant" though because the badges promoted Inf farming. In addition, when the developers closed many loopholes to inf farming (Rikti Comm Officers), they reduced the goal to keep the badges still possible to get.

The damage taken badge series is a problem in that they were required to get a villain accolade. It is noteworthy that 100 million damage was initially required for the Born in Battle accolade. Which is why there are plenty of people with Immortal now. People farmed it. So to prevent farming 100 million damage, the developers first reduced the accolades requirements to 10 million damage. This was still farmed, prompting a further lowering of the damage taken requirements for the accolade. To hopefully close the damage farming, the developers reduced the damage taken series with the last mass badge change. It didn't work, as the damage badges still need to be farmed to get.

Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
The badge system is just a time sink anyway. It keeps you playing and keeps you paying.
The point is that if your are in an AFK farm, you are NOT playing. Simple logic dictates that if you are not present that you are not playing.

As a further point to this, the developers have clearly stated they do not want to promote farming for any badge. As such the damage badges still need to be looked at.

Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
So if you don't enjoy it, don't do it. You don't have to come into every badge thread and continue to bash every badge created because it isn't just handed to you. Maybe those badges weren't conceived with players like you in mind.
And you've progressed to making personal attacks (ad hominem) because I don't agree with you.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



"These badges were a lot harder to get because the requirements were much higher. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Immortal_Badge [Edited]. If the page was updated by the time you read this, to even get Immortal, you needed 1 billion points damage taken, not 100 million as it is now."

Before you call me out on using an incorrect website, read further along, please. My intent with the link was to show the old requirements of the damage badges before its current status.



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
"These badges were a lot harder to get because the requirements were much higher. http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Immortal_Badge . If the page was updated by the time you read this, to even get Immortal, you needed 1 billion points damage taken, not 100 million as it is now."

Before you call me out on using an incorrect website, read further along, please. My intent with the link was to show the old requirements of the damage badges before its current status.
No, wikia is a very bad site, it isn't updated by players anymore, and contains some very nasty stuff.

DO NOT USE WIKIA. It doesn't matter what your intent is, wikia is a pile of nastiness that doesn't need to be inflicted on anyone.

The true paragonwiki.com is no longer associated with wikia. Paragonwiki.com also has the original information, "The Immortal Badge formerly required enduring 1,000,000,000 points of damage. This was changed in Issue 16." More to the point, most of us in this thread were around for the change, and several of us were here for their introduction.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
Before you call me out on using an incorrect website, read further along, please. My intent with the link was to show the old requirements of the damage badges before its current status.
I agree with Ironblade and Snow Globe.

The current and correct Paragonwiki page shows the previous value. Even if it didn't, you could just as easily click on the "History" tab and view the previous version of the page that shows the former requirement.

For example:
ParagonWiki - Immortal Badge (Revision as of 02:14, 10 June 2009)

There is no reason to ever need the old website, and it should not be linked to under any circumstances.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Basically they were earnable before they were fixed and now they are that much easier. I'd rather this game have at least a few "epic" level badges like this that are still relatively hard than to have all these badges be almost trivial to get.
The same arguments were made for the healing badges. Like the healing badges, the damage badges are still AFK badge, not game play badges.
I'm not arguing that the "AFK nature" of these badges is a good or bad thing. That’s going to end up being a personal opinion regardless. I'm just making the point that many of these epic badges have already had their original requirements reduced to 1/10 (or more) of their original values.

Whatever your position on HOW you earn these badges is I feel that the huge reduction in the requirements is a more than satisfactory compromise on the Devs' part to all the related concerns that these badges were unfair for whatever reasons people have traditionally complained about. Basically as far as I'm concerned the requirements reduction effectively "disarmed" any other outstanding argument against these badges. Frankly at this point the fact that there have been at least 4 badges lingering without their own unique artwork for years bothers me more than this. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I'm in agreement. I left the game for awhile, and came back. There's a lot of things the devs have done very well, and with regards to badges, there's some things that are just plain silly.

As a returning player, I see a progress bar for a badge, I'll see what's needed to fill the bar, and try and get the badge. But, I really don't think that's what I'm paying my money for. I'm paying to see the effects of a kheldian nova blast. To hear the bitter freeze ray of my blaster. All these things go together with many others to make up the game.

I think, if we find ourselves logging on, just to leave the keyboard so we can get a badge, then we're being a bit silly, aren't we?
I have to admit, I've done all these things - rest in front of a level 52 natterling, or a level 52 carnie or CoT, just to get all that damage. Ridiculous really. In fact, I was under the impression that a damage taken badge was a badge to disdain. It was, before badges got really popular, a badge that said, "Look at me, I am so bad at this game, I get beaten up alot!"

So, my character has logged in on patrol over 3800 hours now, and that's with about 3 1/2 years off.
For me, I'm going to just let the badges stand there and do nothing. I'm going to play the game for the fun of it.

If the quest for badges frustrates someone - they should stop worrying about them. There are so many badges now, that you pretty much need to have about 600 for any hard core badger to take you seriously. Might as well just roll a defender, and enjoy the game for the fun of the bad guy's dialogue, the mood music as you travel from zone to zone.

Have a nice day.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
