damage badges, need revamp?




Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'm not arguing that the "AFK nature" of these badges is a good or bad thing. ThatÂ’s going to end up being a personal opinion regardless. I'm just making the point that many of these epic badges have already had their original requirements reduced to 1/10 (or more) of their original values.
You are referring to outright typos (Empath) and goals that missed design (5 years of play) by a large margin. So what if the requirements were reduced to 1/10th or more? The fact remains that the developers guessed wrong when they set the goals. They overestimated the goals by a factor of 10-100. That kind of gross miscalculation demands corrections. They correct errors that favor the players, they should correct errors that don't as well.

I'll also point out that the Leader badge was only corrected by 1/4 of its original value.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Whatever your position on HOW you earn these badges is I feel that the huge reduction in the requirements is a more than satisfactory compromise on the Devs' part to all the related concerns that these badges were unfair for whatever reasons people have traditionally complained about. Basically as far as I'm concerned the requirements reduction effectively "disarmed" any other outstanding argument against these badges.
I disagree. Just like the Empath double correction, the damage badges need to be looked at to actually fit the design goals. If that means removing the restriction of the bonus HP not counting, lowering the values, or both something needs to be done about them.

The medicine pool might need looking at too for Characters that don't have heals in their primary/secondary.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Frankly at this point the fact that there have been at least 4 badges lingering without their own unique artwork for years bothers me more than this. *shrugs*
Considering that at least one badge has possible artwork in the game files, I'm annoyed about the lack of artwork for them too.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



i think Snow Globe understands what im trying to say, i have no beefs with the other epic badges for heals, inf, mez, ect, just the dmg ones

my stone brute which does NO afk farming for any of the epic badges (but regularly runs mishs on x8 spawn settings solo and runs sf's a lot) and has about 701 hours of play, as of now he only has:

  • about 7.7 mil dmg taken so almost has the 4th dmg badge
  • 87,000 pts on first heal badge
  • almost up to the 1 hour mez badge
  • all sk badges
  • all debt badges
  • and has earned about 308 mil inf (which is about 60% of the way to the current leader badge)
i have not done any specific farming to get any of the badges, the only way ive been getting heal pts is from casting veng on teams

for being a stone brute you would think this guy would have taken WAY more dmg being the lead brute on many tf/sf teams and running mishs set for 8 man spawns solo, not having a lot of progress on the heal badges is expected as i have no healing powers except for veng, and since running granite makes him immune to most mezzes therefore i dont get a lot of mez badge time

so from the example all of the badges are fairly attainable with no farming, but a stone brute who tanks sf/tf and regularly solo's normal mishs at x8 spawn sizes should have more than 7.7 mil dmg taken (hes prolly lost a tone due to having hp bonuses from some accolades and even moreso when earths embrace is on
  • without earths embrace on he has 359 hp bonus
  • with earths embrace he has 1251 hp bonus
with earths embrace on, it drastically reduces potential points to the dmg badge

with poeple who can perma dull pain type powers, they can have as much as 2000ish hp bonus, which is a LOT of points for the badge that your missing out on, 100 hp bonus is manageable, but for anyone who has normally like 300-500 bonus (or more) it becomes MUCH more detrimental to badge progress (being hp capped means you have to lose 2/3 of your hp in order to even get pts on the badge since hp cap is 3x the base hp)

that is why i propose to at least fix the hp bonus issue so you can still get credit for dmg taken when your legitimately getting dmg'd, if thats not possible due to code reasons, then they should be lowered (not significantly, but lowered enough to account for missing dmg, my first guess would be the last badge be either 25 or 50 mil)



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
Before you call me out on using an incorrect website, read further along, please. My intent with the link was to show the old requirements of the damage badges before its current status.
By directing people to a site that has been known to infect the computers of the people who visit it? Smooth move.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
As said.. do not refer to that wikia page please it is only run by gold sellers now. Use the Cohtitan one instead
And to make it perfectly clear to everyone....

You may see people refer to the CoHTitan wiki link: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page.
There is also the ParagonWiki direct link: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page

These are the SAME SITE and run by the SAME PEOPLE. The Wikia site is the bad one.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Cry me a river. Troll some more. That is something I didn't know. You make it seem like my intent was to screw others by clicking the link. Go ahead, cry some more.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the first 4 badges are easy to get, the 25 mil one isnt too bad, the 50 mil and 100 mil are what take forever
I have a toon who I play regularly (and even tried dmg farming w/) who is three years old now who doesn't even have the 10million dmg badge
1777 hrs

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
why were dmg badges ever made so that in order to get credit for the badges you have to go below base hp for your AT?
That certainly explains my (apparently) slow progress



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
Cry me a river. Troll some more. That is something I didn't know. You make it seem like my intent was to screw others by clicking the link. Go ahead, cry some more.
A Troll isn't a person that disagrees with you. Likewise when someone politely shows where you are wrong, they are not trolling.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



thats why i gave the example of my stone brute, did 0 dmg farming and still doesnt have the 4th dmg badge yet

most of my toons currently can make it to the 2nd dmg badge on the route to 50



Originally Posted by Desum View Post
Cry me a river. Troll some more. That is something I didn't know. You make it seem like my intent was to screw others by clicking the link. Go ahead, cry some more.
Go ahead, give us further demonstration of your character.
Rather than just say that you didn't know, or even apologize, get nasty.
It speaks volumes about you.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I agree with the OP that any damage taken should count towards the badge.

I disagree that they are harder to get. These badges are not "hard" to get, simply time consuming.

Proud to fight alongside:



Yes they do need a revamp. They should still have those 1 billion damage badges out there. Badges are not a required part of the game so why not put those back in addition to fixing the issue with only damage taken past your base HP counting.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Yes they do need a revamp. They should still have those 1 billion damage badges out there. Badges are not a required part of the game so why not put those back in addition to fixing the issue with only damage taken past your base HP counting.
No, they shouldn't. They really, really shouldn't. As several people have already pointed out in the thread, if after 4 solid years of playing the same character, you've not even achieved the 10 M badge, something is very wrong. And by playing, I mean playing, not farming for it.

Boring grind is boring.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Something weird is going on. I am currently farming for damage badges on my lvl 50 BS/WP Scrapper.

This toon has the following health-related bonuses:

Large Increased Health Set Bonus x 2 for a total of 3.76%
Moderate Increased Health Set Bonus x 2 for a total of 3%
Task Force Commander Accolade for 5%
Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member Accolade for 10%
(Total Health/HP bonus from above = 21.76%)

I have a total of 1951.7 HP, which is 613.1 HP more than the 1338.6 the wiki lists for a level 50 scrapper.

That means that if an attack hits me for 1060 points of damage, only 447 should count towards my damage badges. Yet I am currently resting in front of a lvl 53 Carnie Iron Strongman who is hammering me for 1060 points of damage with each hit of his mallet and I am getting credit for right around 1050 damage with each hit.

Also 1338.6 x 1.2176 = 1629.9 if the percentages are not compounded, or 1653.3 if they are. Neither is close to the 1951.7 listed for my character though.

What am I missing?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



In general it appears that if you have a health bonus (in your case 613) and the single blow damage is less than that you get nothing. However if the blow is more than the health bonus you get credit for all damage taken not a reduced amount. Some folks have reported getting less than the full amount after getting damaged for greater than their health bonus but always more than damage taken - health bonus. The Devs have not commented on the mechanism for counting damage for the badge.

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Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Yes they do need a revamp. They should still have those 1 billion damage badges out there. Badges are not a required part of the game so why not put those back in addition to fixing the issue with only damage taken past your base HP counting.
Because 1 billion is an unrealistic goal that should have been reduced in Issue 5 when it became immediately apparent that the developers grossly misjudged the amount of time needed to achieve that goal.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I have a total of 1951.7 HP, which is 613.1 HP more than the 1338.6 the wiki lists for a level 50 scrapper.

That means that if an attack hits me for 1060 points of damage, only 447 should count towards my damage badges.
As far as I can tell, it's not that simple. Based on my experience, it works as follows:
1) If you take damage less than your bonus hit points, you get zero badge credit.
2) If you take damage significantly exceeding your bonus HP, you get full credit.
3) If you take damage that exceeds your bonus, but only by a little (say 1-20% or perhaps a bit higher), the system is completely wonky and unpredictable.

I was never able to figure out the exact details of case #3, primarily because I didn't try very hard. Once I realized that there was some kind of 'edge condition' behavior, I just made sure I was taking MASSIVE damage. On a BS/regen scrapper, I would use a high level Rularuu Brute. They have one epic melee attack with a long recharge. A single hit would do around 80% of my total HP.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



What Ironblade said.. When the single blow of damage puts you under your normal hp cap, the whole blow will usually count.



I just got the last damage badge on my Blaster last night. I ain't going through that again. So tedious.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
While I might agree the original requirements for these top epic damage badges were too high they were finally significantly lowered (as people like Nericus pointed out) a couple of Issues ago. I really see absolutely no need to further reduce these badges to make them any easier at this point.

Your concern about the "extra HP" issue is vaguely legitimate, but based on the data available on the major badge tracking sites literally hundreds of people earned all these badges back when they were pegged too high AND still had the "extra HP" difficultly associated with them.

Basically they were earnable before they were fixed and now they are that much easier. I'd rather this game have at least a few "epic" level badges like this that are still relatively hard than to have all these badges be almost trivial to get.

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



Originally Posted by Lt. Frost View Post
I ain't going through that again. So tedious.
I think that is the most telling statement. The badges are not epic, just tedious.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Lt. Frost View Post
I just got the last damage badge on my Blaster last night. I ain't going through that again. So tedious.
Your current icon of the "dead" cartoon cat is most appropriate for this statement ^_^

Anyway, I just started farming for the damage badge myself on my troller. UGH this really sorta completely sucks ;_; Decided to park her in the shadow shard and work on my dayjob badge first instead. At least that won't jack up my electric bill...


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



i also finally finished the 100 mil dmg badge (i been nearly constantly dmg farming at least 2-4 days a week since i started this thread)

i finished the 25 and 50 mil before summer started and it took nearly all summer to finish the 100 mil

a LARGE reason why it took 5 months to finish those badges is due to hp bonuses (which i think is the biggest issue with the dmg badges is that they dont count credit at all or dont count it correctly)

i was running herostats while i was dmg farming so i could actually see how much i was losing, in an 8 hour period of dmg farming, i was taking ~8 mil dmg, but i was losing about half off that due to hp bonuses, so i was making 3-5 mil in dmg badge credit instead of the ~8 mil total dmg that i took

when you add that up, if i did say 10 sessions of 8 hours of gaining ~8 mil dmg per session

total dmg taken over 10 sessions: ~80 mil
total badge credit over the sessions: ~40 mil
lost credit due to hp bonuses: ~40 mil

which in that case i would then have to do ANOTHER 10 sessions of dmg farming to get to the original 80 mil dmg that i could have gotten if hp bonus issues didnt exist

hence the tedious issues because its taking approximately twice as long as it should to earn said badges



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i also finally finished the 100 mil dmg badge (i been nearly constantly dmg farming at least 2-4 days a week since i started this thread)

i finished the 25 and 50 mil before summer started and it took nearly all summer to finish the 100 mil

a LARGE reason why it took 5 months to finish those badges is due to hp bonuses (which i think is the biggest issue with the dmg badges is that they dont count credit at all or dont count it correctly)

i was running herostats while i was dmg farming so i could actually see how much i was losing, in an 8 hour period of dmg farming, i was taking ~8 mil dmg, but i was losing about half off that due to hp bonuses, so i was making 3-5 mil in dmg badge credit instead of the ~8 mil total dmg that i took

when you add that up, if i did say 10 sessions of 8 hours of gaining ~8 mil dmg per session

total dmg taken over 10 sessions: ~80 mil
total badge credit over the sessions: ~40 mil
lost credit due to hp bonuses: ~40 mil

which in that case i would then have to do ANOTHER 10 sessions of dmg farming to get to the original 80 mil dmg that i could have gotten if hp bonus issues didnt exist

hence the tedious issues because its taking approximately twice as long as it should to earn said badges
Yeah, that's just ridiculous. I have 2 "badger" toons, and I haven't been motivated at ALL to get that badge. Just not worth it.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Best thing to do is to find something that does only one type of damage and that does not do DoTs when you farm your damage badge. From my observations, this is how it seems to work.

If you have say 800 bonus HP and you get hit for 1000 points in one hit that should count for a full 1000 points for the badge.

Now if you get hit for say 600 fire damage and then 400 smashing in one attack, depending on what is counted first you would get either 600 or 400 points since that amount is the amount that took you past the 800 bonus HP. Same idea with DoT attacks. Only the attack that went past your bonus HP and aything beyond count.

Although if they ever get the badges fixed to show all damage, then they need to bring back the higher badge numbers.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Best thing to do is to find something that does only one type of damage and that does not do DoTs when you farm your damage badge. From my observations, this is how it seems to work.

If you have say 800 bonus HP and you get hit for 1000 points in one hit that should count for a full 1000 points for the badge.

Now if you get hit for say 600 fire damage and then 400 smashing in one attack, depending on what is counted first you would get either 600 or 400 points since that amount is the amount that took you past the 800 bonus HP. Same idea with DoT attacks. Only the attack that went past your bonus HP and aything beyond count.

Although if they ever get the badges fixed to show all damage, then they need to bring back the higher badge numbers.
i didnt use any kind of DoT type of dmg, and the enemies i used did entirely smashing dmg

and since the hp bonus thing also makes dmg thats above base hp count if it drops the hp below base for full credit, then that just makes it more broken or a vain attempt to fix the hp bonus issue