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Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
The problem is, the Devs might not be happy with it.

And if they're thinking they might overhaul the whole system at some point, that means they're probably reluctant to expend resources to make minor improvements to the existing one.

If that is indeed the case, they could make an incredible impact just by letting us know they plan the overhaul and an (approximate) time of arrival.

If it's something that keeps getting pushed back because they view everything else as more important, then it will never get done.

And it is important to us.

Gotta say, Star Trek Online had a few demo weekend last weekend. I tried it and loved the experience I had. It costs the same amount monthly as this game.

So right about now, I'm asking myself why I'm continuing to play CoH when the devs keep ignoring the needs of my favorite part of the game. I have been month to month for well over a year now (went for longer subscriptions before) because I went through a period when I was ready to quit CoH...I didn't, but I pay monthly now because I want to believe the Devs care as much for me and what the base builders need as they do for all the other subscribers in the game.

But after more than a year of waiting...I'm wondering why I'm even bothering anymore. That's not meant to be a threat, just my honest feelings.

I though Mission Architect would be an acceptable outlet, but because of the AE Babies (which were mostly kids out for summer break), the MA sustem has been nerfed to the point that I can't stand it anymore. The Devs have spent so much time nerfing it, that they have hardly made improvements in the system at all.

It's like they put something good into the game, then move on and ignore the idea of making it better...on nearly everything, honestly. If it needs work, they nerf the heck out of it.

Base Raids? Nerfed because it needed work. Mission Architect? Nerfed the heck out of it because people used it to farm (never mind that farming occurs anyway). Bases? Just ignore them and maybe the current generation of complainers will be replaced by a new one that is starving for ANY news at all.

I can understand nerfing exploits...totally. But when you do things like reducing experience in AE (for example) you just undermine the intent of the system.

All of which really has nothing to do with this thread though. I'm just sharing my frustrations with the direction the game is going.

I mean, let's be honest here. Going Rogue will be coming out soon. How long will it be before Demon Summoning is nerfed like crazy because players are bringing their DS toons over to blueside to farm BM?

It's like they promise a ton of stuff, give it to us, then nerf it so much they take the joy out of things. Let down after let down.

And still, bases are ignored. Neglected. CoH was the first MMO loyal to my favorite Genre (superheroes) and I have been playing it since beta. I have been commited through thick and thin.

But lately, I have been asking myself...why? Because the parts that keep me here, Base Building for example, are either totally ignored or totally nerfed to the point that they are useless (see MA).

I use to run multiple accounts...now I run one...month to month. Hoping...HOPING things will change and get better. But all I see are neat little things added that have no lasting thrill because of the nerfs that follow. At least base building is a long term enjoyment...and I DO enjoy it (it's the only reaosn I am still here), but frankly, after being ignored for nearly half a decade, I'm feeling more slighted then anything else.

So, Developers, stop avoiding this thread like it's the plague and show us you actually care. Let us know Base Builders are cared about...not with just words, but a commitment to action.

Or will you continue to ignore the issue as usual?



Just because they're thinking about it does not mean they've committed to it. Or even moved beyond casual internal conversation about it.

If that's the case, it'd be stupid to announce anything. EVERY time a game developer has done that, commented that they were considering some feature or another, folks inevitably read that as some sort of promise and become rabid angry if it isn't later implemented. It causes headaches. Better to say nothing until you either know you're at least going to definitely try to do it, or know for sure you're not going to do it.

Rabid fans tend to be their own worst enemies.

In the meantime, even if they are just thinking about creating a new base engine, they are certainly going to be reluctant to expend resources on improving the old one.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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I wonder how many resources it took to add beakers to the beaker rack. Did anyone ask for that? Would it take more effort to just add a couple of things that are already in game? Things that threads and threads of people have asked for? Really, where is the harm, and what is the valuable resource cost to add something while working in secret on some new and bright base shiny? When are people going to stop making excuses?



You know, when it's considered a bad change to make a thing more closely resemble the thing it's supposed to resemble, because people have been using that thing as a kludge to represent a whole bunch of other things it's not really intended to resemble... there are problems. Big problems.

When the current bases are so heavily reliant on completely unintended side effects of the original design, it becomes difficult to even tell when you're going to break something. All the bugs are now undocumented features. At this point, you have three options:

1) Never ever touch it again.
2) Go through a great deal of work every time you do touch it to make sure you don't break things you never intended in the first place.
3) Set it on fire and start over.

If you're a company with limited resources and a large installed user base who will jump ship at the first sign of trouble, you do number 1. If you're a big company, and you need to keep pushing updates to feed your product cycle but you also need to keep existing client software working even though it relies on dirty hacks into undocumented features of your API, you do number 2. And if your installed userbase is small, your application is crap, and you see the opportunity to gain a much wider audience by jettisoning the crud and starting fresh, you do number 3.

Right now, with respect to bases, PS has been sticking with number 1. In other cases, they've tried number 3, with mixed results. With respect to the game overall, they're pretty much sticking with number 2, whilst probably dreaming of the day they can start work on CoH2 and put plan number 3 into full effect. With respect to bases, it is up to (the tiny minority of) base builders to either convince the devs that if plan 2 can't work, plan 1 with tiny incremental improvements is better than plan 3, OR to leap with both feet and without the slightest complaint onto whatever new plan for bases emerges, accept that the old system is dead, dead, dead, and try to get as many of the features they want into the new system.

Of course, what is more likely to happen if prior experience is any indication is that the tiny minority who use the current system will pitch a fit, ragequit without testing the new system, and the rest of us will be left with an equally unwieldy if not worse new base system and no one to use it.

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It's like you're in the trash can of my mind and are spitting it out for me to read.

Not that what you said is actually trash (not at all), haha... But it's all the stuff I've kept in the dark and don't want to necessarily think further on... Because... Well, because of exactly what you said.

Well said.
Now, stop saying it!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
You know, when it's considered a bad change to make a thing more closely resemble the thing it's supposed to resemble, because people have been using that thing as a kludge to represent a whole bunch of other things it's not really intended to resemble... there are problems. Big problems.

When the current bases are so heavily reliant on completely unintended side effects of the original design, it becomes difficult to even tell when you're going to break something. All the bugs are now undocumented features. At this point, you have three options:

1) Never ever touch it again.
2) Go through a great deal of work every time you do touch it to make sure you don't break things you never intended in the first place.
3) Set it on fire and start over.

If you're a company with limited resources and a large installed user base who will jump ship at the first sign of trouble, you do number 1. If you're a big company, and you need to keep pushing updates to feed your product cycle but you also need to keep existing client software working even though it relies on dirty hacks into undocumented features of your API, you do number 2. And if your installed userbase is small, your application is crap, and you see the opportunity to gain a much wider audience by jettisoning the crud and starting fresh, you do number 3.

Right now, with respect to bases, PS has been sticking with number 1. In other cases, they've tried number 3, with mixed results. With respect to the game overall, they're pretty much sticking with number 2, whilst probably dreaming of the day they can start work on CoH2 and put plan number 3 into full effect. With respect to bases, it is up to (the tiny minority of) base builders to either convince the devs that if plan 2 can't work, plan 1 with tiny incremental improvements is better than plan 3, OR to leap with both feet and without the slightest complaint onto whatever new plan for bases emerges, accept that the old system is dead, dead, dead, and try to get as many of the features they want into the new system.

Of course, what is more likely to happen if prior experience is any indication is that the tiny minority who use the current system will pitch a fit, ragequit without testing the new system, and the rest of us will be left with an equally unwieldy if not worse new base system and no one to use it.
So thats it? We're supposed to accept these three choices? 1. Do nothing 2. Accept that doing something is too difficult or 3. Burn it? How about 4. Work with what you have, make small improvements in QoL and function until you have a product that keeps people interested in the system. Until you have something that will do for the "base using" NOT just "base building" community what AE and Ultra mode have done for the other players who petitioned for those game improvements. Because of the way the current system works, I will agree that the number of players who are "base builders" is small, but aren't the bases used by a larger majority of players? I'm not going to accept anymore the excuse that base concerns are the tiny majority and as such should be ignored. I'm not going to accept the these small requests for quality of life enhancements are too difficult. I'm not going to accept that adding functionality to bases, making them more popular to a large majority of players, requires too much of the developers resources. And, I'm not willing to accept that the only other alternative for a fix is to scrap the entire system.

Why can't we get a redname to actually show up and tell us what they want bases to be? Why do we have to keep guessing what the company's intentions are? I'm not asking for a timeline, I would just like to know there is a blueprint somewhere that gets dusted off every once in a while.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
You know, when it's considered a bad change to make a thing more closely resemble the thing it's supposed to resemble, because people have been using that thing as a kludge to represent a whole bunch of other things it's not really intended to resemble... there are problems. Big problems.

When the current bases are so heavily reliant on completely unintended side effects of the original design, it becomes difficult to even tell when you're going to break something.
There is a SIMPLE solution to this issue...just add to the Base Editor. Don't change existing items or affects. For example...adding a new beaker holder with the beakers would have been better than changing the old one.

Adding a choice to choose no SG Logo would give us transparent glass.

Adding 2 more Entry room sizes.

Adding Multiple door width choices.

Adding, Adding, Adding.

Not nerfing, nerfing, nerfing.

Simple solution.

EDIT: and while I'm at it...when it comes to second floors...simply making the floor tile non-tranparent from the bottom would go a long way.



Originally Posted by BlueTurbo View Post
Why can't we get a redname to actually show up and tell us what they want bases to be? Why do we have to keep guessing what the company's intentions are? I'm not asking for a timeline, I would just like to know there is a blueprint somewhere that gets dusted off every once in a while.
Well said, BlueTurbo.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Question for those who consider themselves Base Builders (rather than those who just threw together a functional base and haven't touched it since. I fall under this category, though with more tools and more variety I would be happy to be included in the designers category):

Any of you show up to a Con where Devs were present and try to talk about these things? HeroCon, PAX? Anything?. Sending PMs and missives and creating reams of threads pointing to other threads doesn't seem to be working. Any of you trying to communicate in person?

Base Builders aren't the most ignored/abused/whatever you want to call it group in the game. Ask a PvPer how they feel about the attention they got recently. I'm sure they'd gladly change positions with you. Ask the people who use the Architect regularly and have to make change after change to their arcs due to exploit fixes and other things. I'm sure they'd love to be ignored rather than have to constantly be editing arcs to keep them playable. Careful what you wish for.

That being said, keep calling attention to what would be good for the Base Building community (and even better, for those who might wish to join that group, but are put off by the learning curve), but keep the demands and the entitled attitude to a minimum. You might get further with the Devs that way.
PvP got the attention PvPers were begging for and they got i13. AE got the attention many designers have asked for and they recieved nerfs to awards and limitations to their design capabilities.

I don't think the question the Base Builders should be asking is "Do the Devs care about us." I think the question base builders should be asking is "Do we really want the Devs attention?"

Please don't touch my bases Devs. it's one of the few things I still enjoy in this game.



I have been playing for a while, and consider myself a Base Builder...but I never regtistered on the message board because I saw no need.

After reading this thread though, I had to speak up.

The Base Building community is not as small as everyone makes out...this message board community is a very small sampling of the players. Very few of us register on the forums when compared to the number of players in the game.

I see threats here. Tokyo says:

I don't think the question the Base Builders should be asking is "Do the Devs care about us." I think the question base builders should be asking is "Do we really want the Devs attention?"
In the 1940s, the black people were afraid to speak up because of the possible consequences...but a few brave souls did. Were they wrong to do so? No. Because what they spoke up for was the right thing.

Now, this situation here is nowhere close to rascism...but what you are saying is that we should fear "speaking up" because of the consequences?

I will not operate from a position of fear. Period.

The Devs need to start improving bases. AA is right. Don't change what's there...just add to it. That way things don't get broke and we get the attention we need.

And I have no problem with how AA approached this. Because NOTHING ELSE WORKS...it's time to try a new approach.

And he may not threaten to leave...but I will.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
So that's 3 votes for plan 1 then.
You're really going to start counting the players who would prefer that nothing get done to the base system? Do you think the other people posting here in this "Dear Devs" letter would really rather have nothing at all done? I am tired of the status quo, and I am not ready to go quietly. I think there are others who would also like to see features and items ADDED , not changed. I am adding my voice to those who would gladly attract the attention of any of the game developers, in this forum, in messages to them directly and in person at the many cons. Don't count my vote for number 1. There are other choices.



You know, I could argue the point - but when serious comparisons are being made between feature requests in a game and the campaign for civil rights, the discussion is more emotionally fraught than I am comfortable with. I am not a troll, and while it would be easy to needle people with that level of investment into wild emotional outbursts, I'm just not cruel enough to consider that entertaining. I don't think the expectations being expressed in this thread are realistic, but fortunately for me it is not part of my job to determine that.

I wish you all the best.

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Originally Posted by Tamara2 View Post

In the 1940s, the black people were afraid to speak up because of the possible consequences...

I stopped here when you made an appeal to emotions and compared my skepticism to the fears of a minority speaking out during the civil rights movement..really? Going to make a holocaust allusion next?

My statements weren't made on a platform of fear but of sober skepticism. i'm a base builder. If i'm not marketing i'm spending 2 hours or more planing out my base setup and design, implementing new things in my base,etc. I Mostly come onto the base building boards to get ideas and there are some FanTAStIC bases out there.

Look at the track record. i13 PvP, AE, market UI, Hamidon Green mitos, Base Raiding;

Consistently when players have asked for the devs to "Improve" or "fix" something of the game they enjoy the players wind up with far less than what they began with or something that's completely broken.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
So, Developers, stop avoiding this thread like it's the plague and show us you actually care. Let us know Base Builders are cared about...not with just words, but a commitment to action.

Or will you continue to ignore the issue as usual?
It's worked well for them so far... they throw us a tidbit here and there and then nerf things without warning.

Isn't that what they did this round? Ghost Widow mentions that bases will be getting love "soon" and asks that we consolidate lists for them to look at for ideas (which has been done for years anyway)... in return for doing so, they change items that were never a problem and give us nothing else.

After this long, i have to wonder what's the point of continuing to ask? After Going Rouge finally comes out, they'll just move on to the next shiny (mutant booster pack?) and we'll be left waiting.. again.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
My statements weren't made on a platform of fear but of sober skepticism. i'm a base builder. If i'm not marketing i'm spending 2 hours or more planing out my base setup and design, implementing new things in my base,etc. I Mostly come onto the base building boards to get ideas and there are some FanTAStIC bases out there.

Look at the track record. i13 PvP, AE, market UI, Hamidon Green mitos, Base Raiding;

Consistently when players have asked for the devs to "Improve" or "fix" something of the game they enjoy the players wind up with far less than what they began with or something that's completely broken.
"Hi, my name is BlueTurbo, and I'm a base builder." We're ALL base builders, the title of the thread includes "a letter from the Base Builders". We all have a level of passion for this aspect of the game. I think that's a good thing. Why is it so wrong for players who play a game to point to areas where they can see something that can be done better? Do the game developers really do everything that badly? They obviously started with a pretty descent product, we're all still here playing a pretty good game. Some players can now make heroes and villains that wag their tails. Did that get messed up and completely break some aspect of the game? What about all the booster packs that have come out? Don't they add something for the players that have chosen to purchase them? Is the game broken because of AE? I would like to give the devs some credit for continuing to improve on a great product through the years. No one's perfect and you can't please everyone, but do you really think that beakers is the best that can be done to bases? Just look through some of the other base suggestion threads, and you'll see that I'm not the only one who wants additions in design and function. Do you really think that a gaping hallway equals a door? I don't. So go ahead stack your desks, stick your head in the sand and keep telling yourself that doing nothing is the best option. I don't think these are unrealistic requests, and I don't think they are too hard to do. Maybe I'm spitting in the wind, but it's my spit. And maybe some of it will get on a developer and make them take a look at some of the posts in the base builders forum.



I'd like to leave a general word of advice for aficionados of any underutilized, underdeveloped game feature, whether that be bases, PvP, or anything else.

You do not want to position yourself in my-way-or-I'll-quit opposition to changes that the developers feel are necessary to meet their design goals, because once you do that, they no longer have any reason to listen to anything you have to say. The devs are going to do what they feel they need to do, and (rightly or wrongly) they will believe that the outcome is going to be worth the loss of the existing community. This is not a democracy; your only vote is with your feet, and they're already expecting you to leave and have accounted for it in their plans.

This does not mean that you cannot have a major and positive influence on the shape of the eventual outcome. If you can use your knowledge and expertise to demonstrate that the changes don't meet the stated goals, or that they create unintended problems, or that they can otherwise be improved upon, and if you can refrain from editorializing excessively about how the old system was better and the changes are terrible and those responsible should be sacked, then you have a good chance at having an effect. Sadly, history suggests that this line of thought will be ignored and the discussion cast as an ideological battle, the result of which will be a flawed new system, the majority of existing feature users leaving, no new players taking up the feature, and a few embittered kibitzers hanging around on the forum and bringing up how their favorite part of the game was Hard Done By at every opportunity. Please, please prove me wrong.

You will note that I'm not talking about the role of the developers in this. Of course they will make mistakes: they are human. No player action can prevent that from happening, though, so it's irrelevant to your decisions. Your options are to try to work with them to create a system that, while it will lack things that you loved about the old one, might still have much to recommend it - or to refuse to do so on principle, end up with crap, complain, and leave. You can't decide to have everything, but you can decide whether to have something or nothing.

And I'm out. Again, I wish you all the best.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Sadly, history suggests that this line of thought will be ignored and the discussion cast as an ideological battle, the result of which will be a flawed new system, the majority of existing feature users leaving, no new players taking up the feature, and a few embittered kibitzers hanging around on the forum and bringing up how their favorite part of the game was Hard Done By at every opportunity. Please, please prove me wrong.
Thanks for the good wishes Spitting Trashcan!!

When did someone suggest a new base system? Because I thought we were talking about making improvements to the current system by adding design and function elements to make bases more popular with the general playerbase.

God bless us, every one



I don't see anywhere in Trashcan's post about having to accept anything or whatever...
I just saw it as observation.
I think it is accurate observation...
The 3 bullet points in the post aren't all negative either.
Sure, 3 could turn out badly (Black Market UI, PvP), but it could be GREAT (Power Customization, a number of other things we all have grown to love in this game).

So... "Relax, Frances"

Small additions would be good with me. Those could fall under 1 or 2, depending on how far the changes go.
3 could be great. I think we need to focus on what we do not want to lose in bases, in the case that they do perform an overhaul.

We all know the bulk of what we want added... What don't we want to see go away?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm just gonna agree to disagree with Trashcan and Electric Knight regarding the merits of trying to bring attention to base improvements. There is really no point debating any of these points until a developer actually shows up and says what they want for bases.



Perhaps the Devs would be kind enough to start a base builders suggestion thread much like the costume thread, hosted by an actual Dev to communicate with. It's very understandable that Going Rogue is Paragon Studios number one priority at the moment, but base builders are a real part of this game. For many of us, it's an highly enjoyable feature, that definitely adds depth to the characters. Not only that but SG's (which bases are a part of) are one of the foundations on which our games communities are built.
There is definitely a need for a revamp of the base building system. And player feedback, which should never be discouraged, though should be properly represented, should be vital to not only this aspect of the game, but ALL aspects of the game. Say what you will, but we CoXers are a dedicated and passionate bunch of people when it comes to this game.



Originally Posted by Player D View Post
Perhaps the Devs would be kind enough to start a base builders suggestion thread much like the costume thread, hosted by an actual Dev to communicate with. ....

In the two years that I have been playing this game and been involved in the base building community, this has never happened. At least, not in the manner you are thinking. Sunstorm fielded some questions... once... when he was "assigned" to us for i13.

The best we really ever got were a couple of community reps who took it upon themselves to communicate our concerns to the devs and act as go betweens (*toasts to ExLibris & Lighthouse*).

We DO have, and have had for some time now, a consolidated list (see my sig) of concerns and requests that the base building community has repeatedly voiced over the years... and I do mean years.

The list was started by Mad Scientist in early 2008 and he kept it updated until i13. I've recently updated it yet again. Make no mistake.... the Devs are aware of this list. They have been aware of this list for quite some time.

If they haven't made the effort to come to us by now, I have very low expectations of it happening any time soon.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Weird... I must have walked away from the computer for a while yesterday and then come back and submitted my reply, because there were a few posts that weren't there when I wrote my earlier reply, hehe...

I had only seen Trashcan's 3 bullet point post and subsequent replies to that.

I just want to make it clear that I do not believe that a complete revamp is what they will definitely want to do, nor do I believe that it will be terrible (Or simply lack too much of what we like) if/when they did do a revamp.
Like I said before, I think these developers do some great things and I have no reason to believe that the changes would be more negative than positive, nor even negative at all.
All I said is that it is a possibility and that, perhaps we should all think about what we do love about the current system, so as to let them know, "Hey, I'd hate to see this changed".

So, no... I am not someone that says, "Keep quiet and hope they don't turn their attention to you". I've never ever suggested anyone not speak up, heh. That is quite the contrary from what I believe.

Anyways... You have people here that say, "why bother", people that say, "don't bother", people that say, "Do it this way" and people that say, "Don't do it that way".
All I am saying is... if you've got something to say... say it. If you might be able to cover all bases, cover them. We'll see if/when anything happens and I hope whatever happens... it'll be great. It's pretty great as it is right now... So, I would be happy if we just got additional toys to work with in bases... Then again... I'd like to see rotational control, finer control in moving things around (Not so broad of jumps from one spot to the next)... proper Y axis movement, etc, etc, we all know the lists
It has been intimated by developers in the past and it has been this team's credo often times... They don't want to do something without doing it right.
It's easy to see the base editor as one of those things that they feel the need to revamp it.
The word "revamp" doesn't scare me. I hope that IF they do a revamp, they will be super awesome in keeping to what works in the current system and not break our existing bases. *shrugs*
What I hope and what happens... I don't know if they'll be different.
And without direction from the developers, we're just discussing it amongst ourselves. Whether it's for sport, interest or whatever... I don't think that's bad though. If someone doesn't want to discuss it, so be it. The only thing I suggested was that everyone might want to think hard on details of what you don't want to lose. The earlier ideas are conveyed, the more likely they are to influence the design.

I'm not calling for people to list out these ideas or thoughts... But if anyone has them, you may as well. If you don't want to... Don't!

Anyway, this thing rambled out of my control, hehe. Hopefully it made some sense.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Well said, Electric.

My power supply went out and being poor, I had to dig through boxes to find a working one...running on a 480 watt right now (eek).

So I haven't been on to reply in this thread.

Here are the types of opinions I see in this thread:
- Total Overhaul
- Just add some easy items from the game and a few new features
- Shutup for fear of nerfing
- We PVPers deserve attention more
- Make more lists
- Be nice about it when asking
- Don't bother, it'll never happen

I don't think I missed anything...if I did point it out and I'll edit.

As I've said above...I actually do not need a whole issue to make me happy. I would be happy if they just added 1-3 items to bases that are already in the game (so the rendering is already done, it's a simple matter of pathing and pricing), say, every issue or every 2 months...and maybe a new feature here and there.

For example...adding textures to the bottom of things like floor tiles would be good, or adding the feature of being able to rotate objects with more control.

Simple thing to add really.

In base items are not hard either. Want a Trainer that sells or buys items? They are stationary and already in the game...heck, make it a bartender if needed. Or a simple Trainer in red and white.

Want computers like we see in tech control rooms that can be placed in any room? Easy. Just remove the restrictions. They don't have to actually work...it's decor.

Want water? It's already placed in pool form throughout the game. Just add it to the editior.

Want taller steps? Shoot, in RWZ they have metal steps that lead to rafters. Ramps that lead up 3 floors or more.

It's all there in the game. It's already pathed for the game. All they have to do is decide on pricing and placement rules in the editor. Not a huge challenge.

Tech, for example, has been hugely ignored. It's got far fewer options than arcane.

My best suggestion outside of this is a booster pak for base builders. This pack could be $10 and contain the Arachnos base items, along with tons of stuff from the game. And it could be tied in with the badge/personal items interface for placement...just like the vet reward items.

I would gladly pay for a base booster pack...and I suspect many here would as well. That way the devs turn a profit and can justify spending time on it.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
In the two years that I have been playing this game and been involved in the base building community, this has never happened. At least, not in the manner you are thinking. Sunstorm fielded some questions... once... when he was "assigned" to us for i13.

The best we really ever got were a couple of community reps who took it upon themselves to communicate our concerns to the devs and act as go betweens (*toasts to ExLibris & Lighthouse*).

We DO have, and have had for some time now, a consolidated list (see my sig) of concerns and requests that the base building community has repeatedly voiced over the years... and I do mean years.

The list was started by Mad Scientist in early 2008 and he kept it updated until i13. I've recently updated it yet again. Make no mistake.... the Devs are aware of this list. They have been aware of this list for quite some time.

If they haven't made the effort to come to us by now, I have very low expectations of it happening any time soon.

I agree, and if this is the case and it sure seems like it is... then it is up to us to keep doing stuff like this... mention it at meet and greets let them know it's important
there is a saying... "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" or something like that...
I understand that base building is low on the totem poll but the more you speak out the more they might listen and atleast give us an idea as to what is going on with it if anything at all...

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...