So to make up for the markets being down Devs, how about......




A few free server transfer tokens?

It's painless and didn't end the world when you gave us two months of free transfers. Quite a few people have come back to the game because of the awesome content that's been added and are bummed out that they missed the transfers. Also, what about adding in transfer tokens into some of the sub-par vet rewards?

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They have to compensate people for taking something down so they didn't get inundated with a sh*t storm of "Waah my stack got deleted /ragequit!" and so they could fix it faster?

Wow...I shouldn't be surprised, but still...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Where's my /jranger button... >.>

My only problem with them taking the AH down is that they never bothered to tell us that we could have stacks of Enhancements and/or Inspirations with the new UI, so it never got tested, so the bug made it Live.

I hope they give Bug Hunter to every person who reported it.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Ignoring the question of whether people need compensating for the market being down; how exactly are server transfer tokens supposed to be appropriate compensation?



I17 compensations:

Another round of Free Costume Change Tokens due to the disappearing-custom-power bug.

Something (I don't know what) for the disappearing market stacks/market downtime.

Something (I don't know what for this either) for the disappearing Gleemail bug.

And a commitment to never to release an Issue until it's truly ready for live (attaching I17 to the 6 year anniversary date was a mistake).

This game has had a wonderful track record for polish up to this point (prior to I17 CoH was one of the most polished MMOs on the market) and I'm sure it'll quickly regain that reputation once this is all sorted out.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
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WARNING: I bold names.



In the meantime, I'll just switch alts whenever thier inventory gets full of stuff I don't want to vendor for peanuts.
I need to move them around for dayjobs anyway.



live server tokens dont work atm either..their also broke...

and dont complain the fanbois will hear you and call you whiny for wanting a working game.



Give everyone 3,000 merit tokens.

Problem (?) solved.



Originally Posted by Edana View Post
Ignoring the question of whether people need compensating for the market being down; how exactly are server transfer tokens supposed to be appropriate compensation?
Seems a bit "Apples vs. Oranges" to me.

Now if upon the Market coming back, the "TP to Market" purchasable power was decreased in cost by 90% and an equally cheap "Tp to Mission" power was added in the Fixed Cost items, that would be good.

While they are working on the problem, I do hope that none of my items for sale (or recently purchased and awaiting my pickup) get deleted. I would be a bit unhappy.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
live server tokens dont work atm either..their also broke...
Oh, yeah. And that happened on the same day the market had to be taken off line.

I feel sorry for the devs. They are great devs and this Issue's launch has been very rough. I suspect marketing forced the "must release on anniversary" thing. That's speculation, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised. In future, best to avoid that kind of thing and go the Blizzard route of "when it's ready".

Once the kinks are out, I17 will be one of the strongest Issues in the game's history. Bugs aside, it's a fantastic Issue.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I'm not too sure about the disappearing RMTmail, isn't this overreacting a bit?
Believe it or not, that's a real bug and people have lost valuable things to it. I myself only lost a Sleep Purple, so no big deal but I can only imagine someone out there lost something like a Panacea proc or a couple billion Inf to it.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
live server tokens dont work atm either..their also broke...

and dont complain the fanbois will hear you and call you whiny for wanting a working game.
tsk, tsk. No need for pre-emptive namecalling.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Give everyone 3,000 merit tokens.

Problem (?) solved.
I would be very, very happy to recieve a stack of 3,000 merits and it would make me smile.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
In the meantime, I'll just switch alts whenever thier inventory gets full of stuff I don't want to vendor for peanuts.
I need to move them around for dayjobs anyway.
That's what I've been doing. I'm halfway through the clone arcs on three characters now. Thankfully teaming slows the drop rate down considerably.

I see no need for compensation. Wouldn't turn it down of course, but it's not necessary at all.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post

Believe it or not, that's a real bug and people have lost valuable things to it. I myself only lost a Sleep Purple, so no big deal but I can only imagine someone out there lost something like a Panacea proc or a couple billion Inf to it.
To put it simply: Ouch.
Looks like I'll avoid using that feature for a few days, at least and will try to enjoy the improvements that have successfully been delivered.



I doubt you will have much luck with this, but I will back it.
Not that I will use the free server transfer tokens, but I think that they would be very useful to others.

I started a thread to try to keep the FREE SERVER TRANSFERS FOREVER, but not many forumites (We know that the forumites are just the very tip of the iceberg as far as the CoH player-base goes) seemed interested enough to get a good thread going.

So I hope you have good luck with this. I thought that free server transfers would have been a great thing for community events (It like to see a name lock feature that would hold your name for a day or two at least so you could move to an event and back again. I have character on every server so I really don't intend to move mine around; I do think it would be of great benefit to the game if it happened (in the limited form that it was available before.)



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
and dont complain the fanbois will hear you and call you whiny for wanting a working game.
Are you familiar with the fable of the self-fulfilling prophecy?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Where's my /jranger button... >.>

My only problem with them taking the AH down is that they never bothered to tell us that we could have stacks of Enhancements and/or Inspirations with the new UI, so it never got tested, so the bug made it Live.

I hope they give Bug Hunter to every person who reported it.
Do we know if enhancements/inspirations were supposed to stack? The true bug might be that they were never supposed to stack, so most of the UI can't see anything but the top one.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Are you familiar with the fable of the self-fulfilling prophecy?

Or as they would say on the Internet: "i c wut u did thar".



Look, Sonny, back when I was a CoH kid, we didn't HAVE markets. Hell, we didn't even have those fancy-schmancy recipes or IOs, either, that all you kids are raving about. Back in my day, a million influence could buy you baskets of anything you wanted. And you know what? We LIKED it!


Oh, crap, I just realized that that is actually true...

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Look, Sonny, back when I was a CoH kid, we didn't HAVE markets. Hell, we didn't even have those fancy-schmancy recipes or IOs, either, that all you kids are raving about. Back in my day, a million influence could buy you baskets of anything you wanted. And you know what? We LIKED it!


Oh, crap, I just realized that that is actually true...
Gee, Uncle Tony, tell us about the Good Old Days!
Is it true that you could only transfer a hundred thousand Inf at a time from one player to the next?

That you had to use goofy-named Enhancements like "Polonium Irradiation" and "Nuetronium Injection" and hoped that they enhanced the attribute you wanted?



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Look, Sonny, back when I was a CoH kid, we didn't HAVE markets. Hell, we didn't even have those fancy-schmancy recipes or IOs, either, that all you kids are raving about. Back in my day, a million influence could buy you baskets of anything you wanted. And you know what? We LIKED it!
Ah, those were the days. Now those dang dirty kids are always running around with their early travel powers and their Inventions, always hanging out at those filthy Markets and farming that damn Architect. They don't make 'em like they used to.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Is it true that you could only transfer a hundred thousand Inf at a time from one player to the next?
10 000, actually, or rather 9999 on four digit tumblers that you had to roll through using little clickable arrows. Yes, seriously.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Gee, Uncle Tony, tell us about the Good Old Days!
Is it true that you could only transfer a hundred thousand Inf at a time from one player to the next?
A hundred thousand? Hell, if you had a hundred grand, you were RICH! Why? Because we didn't even have fancy-schmancy Hami-Os or even Hydra-Os, either. Hell, when I was a CoH baby, we didn't even have level 45 or 50 enhancements. You wanna know why? Because we didn't even have level 45 or 50 heroes!

Yeah, back in MY day, you could only transfer TEN grand at a time, and even then, you couldn't just type "9999" in a box, no siree. You had to click little arrows. If the grand prize in a costume contest was 50,000, it would take you a few minutes to give it out. And you know what? People STILL jumped at the chance to win!

...And we LIKED it!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Oh, yeah. And that happened on the same day the market had to be taken off line.

I feel sorry for the devs. They are great devs and this Issue's launch has been very rough. I suspect marketing forced the "must release on anniversary" thing. That's speculation, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised. In future, best to avoid that kind of thing and go the Blizzard route of "when it's ready".

Once the kinks are out, I17 will be one of the strongest Issues in the game's history. Bugs aside, it's a fantastic Issue.
Honestly, I think the devs should just ignore the forum for a week or two after an issue is released. Not because they shouldn't care, but because pretty much EVERY issue gets filled with "ZOMG this doesn't work, why wasn't this ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, the game was ruined, /ragequit, I'm gonna sue, they should know this wouldn't run 100% on MY machine with my specific software mix," etc, etc, etc. on release.

No, not everything gets tested. Why? If we have (say) an AE-focused release, who's going to test whether putting negative numbers into the market crashes it? (Just to make something up.) And the closed beta pool of testers is smaller than the open beta, which is smaller than all those on live - so even if they DID make everything work perfectly, somehow, in everyone's machine in open beta, as soon as it hit live, someone would have a "ZOMG /ragequit T3h devz suk!" bug. Not to mention we'd be seeing years between issues.

And, of course, the test server *isn't* a perfect copy of live. For instance, we were having a problem with Mastermind pets (all pets, actually, come to think of it) despawning whenever you zoned, entered, or exited a mission in a specific zone, and that zone changed. Bug in the game? No. The timing wasn't synched, for some reason, between the machines that make up the test "server," as it was explained, so they kept despawning.

Issues release with bugs. They always have. They always will. The MOST serious tend to get caught and fixed in testing. (Yes, one slipped through this time - see mention of what people test.) Some take more time than others to track down, and the decision has to be made *sometime* on an issue being released.

If you don't want to figure out that's the way life is and instead want to /ragequit or spam multiple threads with Severe amounts of uninformed whining about everything not being perfect... your loss, not mine. And if you want to insist on compensation, show me the guarantee that everything will be up 100% of the time or they'll reimburse in some way. I can guarantee you won't find that.