Real Talk




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I resent the implication that being negative is "real talk". I mean, you're entitled to your opinion and back it up and all, but the thread title seems to imply that your negativity gives your post more merit, and that don't sit right with me.

As far as bugs: All expansions will have them. There's no way to test them all. And by no way, I mean almost literally. Ranging from tiny things that the developers would never imagine*, to things they couldn't test**, to things they couldn't fix in a reasonable amount of time***, things have to be let go. It's a matter of business and marketing. They could release one slightly better expansion with three or four more months of testing, or they could release it now and get all the publicity of saying that the game updated on its Sixth Anniversary. And frankly, I don't begrudge their choosing the second option.

Sure, it was imperfect, but there is a judgement call as to how long they can keep players interested. They felt that April 28th was the farthest they could push testing and still keep player interest. If it had gone on longer, there's the possibility people would have complained. They made their choice, and they will clean up the mess in a future patch.

But the mess is more of a slurpee on the floor and less like a nuclear reactor left unchecked. I approve heartily.


* When I go to Steel Canyon and stand on the lower east side and then scratch my left arm pit with celery, the game lags a lot!

** It's implausible to ask a developer to be familiar with virtually all potential combinations of video cards, computer set ups, operating systems, and personal settings on a computer that would have to fall in place for certain graphical issues.

*** If that costume piece clips horribly, and fixing it would delay the game another week... just ship the costume piece now with a warning, I say. Not enough people will really care.
I realise that i came across as bitter in my initial post but if you actually read my post i said that i expected bugs. It's more the reported bugs that were not fixed during beta and stealh changes such as the lacking protection fields in bb, sirens and wb that was randomly implemented(just an example) and not in any patch notes so not many actually tested them.
There are more stuff that are goign to surface. I'm not sure if the current LGTF issues with green mitos is a bug or a fix to prevent speedrunners.

For the record i have no problems with the last mission in spyhunt being fixed. I expected it and it was nt really hush hush as several threads on this forums have mentioned it.
Curious though why not some equal heroside arcs have not gotten the same treatment.

Remember when they decided to change the map on one of the hess missions and broke it entirely? Noone tested the hess tf in beta because they didnt say anything. That's why i don't like stealth changes.



Maybe he prefers red light because it screws with your night vision less?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
Which "stealth changes" would those be?

Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post

The only two I know of are changing Mastermind caltrops to only take targeted AoE IO sets instead of those and PBAoE sets; and they removed the timer from the last mission in the Spy Hunt arc. The latter being an exploit fix apparently.
Actually, there were a few changes to base items that folks are not exactly pleased about.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
Was it really worth releasing i17 with this many bugs that were reported in beta just so it could be timed with the anniversary?

Sure it´s a new issue and there are things going to be broken but a lot of the stuff was known and not dealt with.

Some things were stealth added and since noone knew about them they couldn't test them.

What's up with that?
Terror1, your post inspired me to make a new motivational poster:




This is the buggiest release ever?

Buggier than the one with the rollback?

Buggier than CoV which was incompatible with a much higher number of people's computer set-ups?

Buggier than the invention system which is still being repaired to this day from bugs from launch (this very patch corrected the enhanceability of supposedly unenhanceable special IOs)?

Buggier than the one with the ITF which was unplayable by a significant proportion of the player-base?

I think not.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
This is the buggiest release ever?

Buggier than the one with the rollback?

Buggier than CoV which was incompatible with a much higher number of people's computer set-ups?

Buggier than the invention system which is still being repaired to this day from bugs from launch (this very patch corrected the enhanceability of supposedly unenhanceable special IOs)?

Buggier than the one with the ITF which was unplayable by a significant proportion of the player-base?

I think not.
Did i say it was the buggiest?

Go ahead people continue to put words in my mouth.

Also Westley I'm glad i made you feel relevant



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
Did i say it was the buggiest?

Go ahead people continue to put words in my mouth.

Also Westley I'm glad i made you feel relevant
I'm sorry, let me rephrase...

This is a particularly buggy release ever?

Buggier than the one with the rollback?

Buggier than CoV which was incompatible with a much higher number of people's computer set-ups?

Buggier than the invention system which is still being repaired to this day from bugs from launch (this very patch corrected the enhanceability of supposedly unenhanceable special IOs)?

Buggier than the one with the ITF which was unplayable by a significant proportion of the player-base?

I think not.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
Was it really worth releasing i17 with this many bugs that were reported in beta just so it could be timed with the anniversary?

Sure it´s a new issue and there are things going to be broken but a lot of the stuff was known and not dealt with.

Some things were stealth added and since noone knew about them they couldn't test them.

What's up with that?
i have a soulmate for you.

If i didn't feel an urgent need for sleep i'd cut and paste the replies that were made there in this thread for you, but i really need to go sleep, so... you'll have to go read them there. Sorry.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by westley View Post

i like it!!!! :d



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
You're the first person I've met who's green-black colorblind.
A lot of black cloth dye is actually green (some of it is red or indigo, too, in my experience). This becomes easier to see when you try to stretch it to dye too much cloth, or don't get it to set properly. In comics, black objects are often given coloured highlights. Indeed, a number of things which are "black" technically aren't.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Beholder, indeed

Yeah, that wasn't exactly what I meant by adding more colour, since I typically want to add ONE more colour to a colour scheme, not ALL colours to it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
A lot of black cloth dye is actually green (some of it is red or indigo, too, in my experience). This becomes easier to see when you try to stretch it to dye too much cloth, or don't get it to set properly. In comics, black objects are often given coloured highlights. Indeed, a number of things which are "black" technically aren't.
Markers, too, tend to be blue or purple rather than truly black.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i have a soulmate for you.

If i didn't feel an urgent need for sleep i'd cut and paste the replies that were made there in this thread for you, but i really need to go sleep, so... you'll have to go read them there. Sorry.
What part about reported bugs in beta and untested stealth changes were you unable to comprehend?

Here is an interesting post

Only so much can be done in beta. In the last week of beta, hardly anyone was on. Those who were on got to let the devs know what kind of problems there were and a large proportion of those problems got fixed.
Bugs reported in closed beta are still in.

Also that crab reminds me of art attack haha. I like how the crab pack look though



If companies waited until all the bugs were fixed before releasing any software - no software would ever be released.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
If companies waited until all the bugs were fixed before releasing any software - no software would ever be released.
"There comes a time in the life of every project when it is necessary to shoot the engineers and go into production."

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers