Revisiting the AoE Upgrade




So, this has been bugging me ever since I started replaying Masterminds since they changed them.

I understand it reduces setup time by a good deal to have the Equip and Upgrade powers AoE, but they're just so endurance expensive now. It makes playing pets like Ninjas pretty darn frustrating because when you lose one teir one pet, which happens every fight, you have to spend nearly your entire endurance bar to resummon and re-upgrade.

Now, I'm sure people land on both sides of the fence here. People like the new AoE upgrades. I personally prefered the old single target upgrade, since you could easily resummon a tier 1 pet and reequip, without having to rest. It makes playing a MM tedious for me because I'm constantly spending my entire endurance bar resummoning one pet.

But what if we reintroduced the power, by allowing you to have a choice between the old and the new equip, or perhaps even granting the ability to do either?

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Of the two cons, I would much rather not be spending my time standing around buffing all of my pets again. I'm more concerned with the situation where all my pets die and I need to apply their enhancements quickly than I am the minor annoyance of the occasional minion biting it every other spawn.

I typically don't even resummon minions until at least two of them are dead.



Before, we would spend just as much endurance upgrading all the pets. Although, I don't think the aoe change was needed personally. Setup didn't take that long before. One recharge SO in the first upgrade, two recharge in the second. And setup was pretty fast. Now setup includes "Wait for endurance". And if on a team that doesn't give me time to recover endurance, well let's just say I've had a few teams lately get mad at my ninja/poison because I'm unable to use Alkaloid.

Why do they get mad about it? Because it's very noticeable when I'm unable to heal my pets. If I can't heal them due to lack of endurance, my pets die. I also then can't afford to resummon them, so am standing around waiting for endurance. nor can I toss a heal or two at my team mates when their in critical condition. And the more of my pets are dead, the more likely a mission will go *****. Even a brute recently noticed the correlation between how many of my pets are dead, and how quickly the party gets wiped out in tough fights. If I have the endurance to keep my pets alive, we tend to survive. If not, we tend to die.

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Of the two cons, I would much rather not be spending my time standing around buffing all of my pets again. I'm more concerned with the situation where all my pets die and I need to apply their enhancements quickly than I am the minor annoyance of the occasional minion biting it every other spawn.

I typically don't even resummon minions until at least two of them are dead.
Right, it has pros and cons. Being able to resummon everything and rebuff the entire summon quickly is definetly a plus. Personally, I'm more worried about how fun the archetype is to play on an average basis.

From a 'fun' standpoint, I'm still spending almost my entire endurance bar every spawn or every other spawn resummoning a pet or two.

My line of thinking is we have the tech available (presumably) to make both an option. And considering some of us didn't like the change, why not make it available?

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Possible end-all solution:

Both upgrade powers are passive, always on, no endurance cost

Overpowered? How about:

First upgrade power is passive, always on, no endurance cost
Second upgrade power stays as its current form *OR* changes back to a single target power



Why not leave the powers AoE but have the endurance cost based on the number of targets it affects (like repel). First you'd have to make it so that you could couldn't recast the same buff on a pet that already has it, then make it so that it goes through and buffs each pet (that needs it) and costs you endurance each. If you don't have enough endurance to rebuff all of them it stops halfway (and you have to recast it again later at which point if buffs whatever pets are remaining that need it).

I realize that this is more coding but seems like a much more polished solution that having multiple powers.



Originally Posted by zombie man View Post
how about slotting the upgrades for endredux and making this all a moot point?



End redux in the upgrades

End redux in the summons

+recovery from the set bonuses

a blue inspiration or two after your initial summoning or pet wipe.

Right there are 4 things that make your end problems much more manageable.

You only have to do a "full" summon once, unless you die, and that I would think would usually be sometime before you are in mission and the team is waiting on you.

Summoning 1 or even 2 tiers of pets with both upgrades ,to "refill" your horde, should not be killing your whole end bar. If it is you have slotting problems.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I understand it reduces setup time by a good deal to have the Equip and Upgrade powers AoE, but they're just so endurance expensive now.
Current endurance to upgrade all six pets is 90 points.

It used to cost 260 or so points.

So, the change to the upgrade powers actually reduce setup time AND endurance cost.


"When Chuck Norris can't go on, Petra Majdič perseveres!"



I'll throw my vote in the 'let us pick' pile. I don't mind the AoE upgrade at the beginning, when i first log on (as pets follow us now.. makes me happy) but when a pet dies, like my assault bot, my survivability drops massively, as i don't have his damage to counteract all the mobs i fight. and then i have to spend 90 endurance to resummon, and reequip, and reupgrade him.. for 1 pet. Which, even with end accolades, recovery sets, and end reducts in my upgrades, thats still about 3/4 of my usable end GONE for 1 pet.

So letting us pick, would be a good idea.



I wish they made more MM buffs AoE. Its a total joke that some teams expect me to buff them when I dont even have enough time to buff my own guys. Making the shields and thaw in therm an aoe buff would make life so much easier.

Maybe they could program the powers to scale the end cost on targets hit by the buff.

I doubt they will make anything easier for MM's. I understand that choosing which pets really need what buffs (prioritizing) is likely seen by the devs as some form of balance for the beastly AT, and removing that may bring on the nerfray.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
How about slotting the upgrades for EndRedux and making this all a moot point?
I have been. And you know, it's still not a moot point. Dark Regen use to cost 50 endurance unslotted. It still costs a lot. With 3 level 25 IO's for end redux dark regen still costs 19 endurance to use. With two level 35 end redux IO's slotted the pet upgrades are still 36 endurance to cast.

Is it costing 36 endurance WITH slotting really a moot point? Or is it expensive as heck? Especially when you need to upgrade only one or two minions? Or if you have to upgrade them during a protracted fight?

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

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Originally Posted by Grizzle_Bok View Post
Current endurance to upgrade all six pets is 90 points.

It used to cost 260 or so points.

So, the change to the upgrade powers actually reduce setup time AND endurance cost.

Not exactly. Before I could buff up my pets without really losing too much endurance. And upgrading a single replacement pet was cheep. Now I have to pay the same huge amount no matter what. And mid fight, waiting around to be able to rebuff the pets due to no endurance can get you killed.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



IMO now that pets zone with you I'd rather go back to the old system.

But then I play a very aggressive storm so endurance is of a premium and losing a single pet is far more frequent than losing multiple/all pets.

Individual buffing was a major PITA when you had to re-summon every new mission, now for me at least the new PITA is tanking my endurance because a single pet dropped.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
IMO now that pets zone with you I'd rather go back to the old system.

But then I play a very aggressive storm so endurance is of a premium and losing a single pet is far more frequent than losing multiple/all pets.

Individual buffing was a major PITA when you had to re-summon every new mission, now for me at least the new PITA is tanking my endurance because a single pet dropped.
Very much agreed. Losing a pet now is a choice of do I want to resummon and be forced to chew 2-3 blues and/or rest, or do I want to just keep going with less pets.

Originally Posted by Nebuzaradan View Post
Why not leave the powers AoE but have the endurance cost based on the number of targets it affects (like repel). First you'd have to make it so that you could couldn't recast the same buff on a pet that already has it, then make it so that it goes through and buffs each pet (that needs it) and costs you endurance each. If you don't have enough endurance to rebuff all of them it stops halfway (and you have to recast it again later at which point if buffs whatever pets are remaining that need it).

I realize that this is more coding but seems like a much more polished solution that having multiple powers.
I very much like that idea. Not sure if they pull that off without much coding work though.

Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
End redux in the upgrades

End redux in the summons

+recovery from the set bonuses

a blue inspiration or two after your initial summoning or pet wipe.

Right there are 4 things that make your end problems much more manageable.

You only have to do a "full" summon once, unless you die, and that I would think would usually be sometime before you are in mission and the team is waiting on you.

Summoning 1 or even 2 tiers of pets with both upgrades ,to "refill" your horde, should not be killing your whole end bar. If it is you have slotting problems.
I have a Necro/Thermal with 2x End Reduce in the upgrades, ~65% End Reduction in each of the pets, and roughly 3.1 End Recovery per second from IOs, and unless I choose to lose a pet each mob, I drain my endurance bar resummoning after every fight and chew through blues like nothing other.

It costs me 75 END to resummon one tier 1 pet (3/4 my END bar) with reductions (110 END with no End Reduction), which I lose almost every spawn. I do not see how there is an slotting problem or how that does not kill my whole END bar. Under the old system would have cost me less than 1/3 of that.

If it was changed it to create two powers, similar to Kheld pool trees, with both a single target and an AoE upgrade, this would alleviate that problem by allowing the player to choose to either pay 45 Endurance to do an AoE equip, or 9 (if memory serves) Endurance to single Equip.

Granted, I understand I may just have to live with things as they are now, but I'm just putting this out there to see if other players have similar feelings who played a lot of Masterminds prior to the changes.

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I do like the idea of the upgrades being changed to something like Repel, and using endurance according to how many targets they upgrade. Given that it would also have to check the target to see if it is upgraded or not instead of just hitting everything in range like a normal power might make it hard to implement though.

That said, I prefer the present setup. One thing it lets me do that I couldn't with the old; when something wipes out most or all my pets at once, as long as the summoning powers are recharged I can resummon and upgrade in moments. That's important if it's something like Positron, or if I'm in the middle of a ship raid and just got rezzed.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
So, this has been bugging me ever since I started replaying Masterminds since they changed them.

I understand it reduces setup time by a good deal to have the Equip and Upgrade powers AoE, but they're just so endurance expensive now. It makes playing pets like Ninjas pretty darn frustrating because when you lose one teir one pet, which happens every fight, you have to spend nearly your entire endurance bar to resummon and re-upgrade.

Now, I'm sure people land on both sides of the fence here. People like the new AoE upgrades. I personally prefered the old single target upgrade, since you could easily resummon a tier 1 pet and reequip, without having to rest. It makes playing a MM tedious for me because I'm constantly spending my entire endurance bar resummoning one pet.

But what if we reintroduced the power, by allowing you to have a choice between the old and the new equip, or perhaps even granting the ability to do either?
Sorry to nitpick here but "tedious" would be having to cast upgrades on every individual pet as opposed to upgrading them all with 1 click.....ya.

There is a good suggestion in this thread about the cost of upgrading pets should correspond with the # of pets being upgraded.



What settings are you at that you drop a pet every spawn?



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
What settings are you at that you drop a pet every spawn?
Not directed at me, but I'm in a similar position to the person this was asked to. I run at +2/x8 for most content on my bots/storm. It is very rare that I'll lose more than one pet at a time, but invariably one will wander out of my buffs range while I'm jumping around hurricaning everything and it will splat. Not every fight mind you, but a few times a mission

As a storm spamming efences+nado+LS all the time my endurance bar can't handle rebuffing that pet. Granted I'm usually running ninja run for the fast movement w/ hurricane which doesn't help, but it is faster than cj+hurdle and only the best will do. The only time I'll make the effort to rebuff is if it was Crushinator that drops (assault bot). Unless I have some blues drop which admittedly insps rain down on that setting, but I combine them all into reds to feed Crushinator so it can kill entire spawns in seconds...

Basically, life is tough on this toon that is easily solo'ing AV's, cakewalked the +4 RWZ challenge and solo's missions on +2/8 with little personal risk and I want it to be a little bit easier when I lose a pet...

All kidding aside, the suggestion of a variable cost aoe buff made earlier would be ideal for all MM's in all scenarios across all levels and would really put the finishing touches on the AT.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Not directed at me, but I'm in a similar position to the person this was asked to. I run at +2/x8 for most content on my bots/storm. It is very rare that I'll lose more than one pet at a time, but invariably one will wander out of my buffs range while I'm jumping around hurricaning everything and it will splat. Not every fight mind you, but a few times a mission

As a storm spamming efences+nado+LS all the time my endurance bar can't handle rebuffing that pet. Granted I'm usually running ninja run for the fast movement w/ hurricane which doesn't help, but it is faster than cj+hurdle and only the best will do. The only time I'll make the effort to rebuff is if it was Crushinator that drops (assault bot). Unless I have some blues drop which admittedly insps rain down on that setting, but I combine them all into reds to feed Crushinator so it can kill entire spawns in seconds...

Basically, life is tough on this toon that is easily solo'ing AV's, cakewalked the +4 RWZ challenge and solo's missions on +2/8 with little personal risk and I want it to be a little bit easier when I lose a pet...

All kidding aside, the suggestion of a variable cost aoe buff made earlier would be ideal for all MM's in all scenarios across all levels and would really put the finishing touches on the AT.
Well... looks like I need to up my dfficulty a bit, mind you I am sitting at 39 on my Bots/Storm. I run at +2/5, and have to respawn a bot once a mish. Maybe. Hurricane is great for keeping the mobs pissed at me. I do agree it would be nice to have both options.

Just like it would be nice to turn all the aoe's on my spines/fire scrapper into harder hitting/less endurance cost single target attacks when I am fighting an +4 EB... Nice, but not very realistic is it?

If we have to pause a bit every couple of spawns to resummon and equip a pet, it only slows down the steamroll so much... even then, not by much.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Well... looks like I need to up my dfficulty a bit, mind you I am sitting at 39 on my Bots/Storm. I run at +2/5, and have to respawn a bot once a mish. Maybe. Hurricane is great for keeping the mobs pissed at me. I do agree it would be nice to have both options.

Just like it would be nice to turn all the aoe's on my spines/fire scrapper into harder hitting/less endurance cost single target attacks when I am fighting an +4 EB... Nice, but not very realistic is it?

If we have to pause a bit every couple of spawns to resummon and equip a pet, it only slows down the steamroll so much... even then, not by much.
Yes definitely turn it up. If 2/8 is too much for now go 1/8. That's what I ran at until I put the two def procs in the pets and got them up to a bit over 40% def. Assault bot likes lots of enemies to burn down and freezing rain plus some nice packing with hurricane lets him do it.

You'll be able to run higher than 2/8 when the build is done, but like anything you have to decide between speed and challenge. I find +2 a nice mix. You might like it higher at that point if you are already using 2/5.

MM's are in no way in need of a buff that's for sure, but I just figure the devs have created such an extremely overpowered class they may as well just make it so buffing pets in combat is as easy as it is out of combat.

I sort of liked the old buffing style just because it was like "here is this OP AT, but at least it takes you a while to get prepared and then crush everything in sight". Now that pets zone and you can buff them all in about 4 seconds it just seems like they have thrown what little was keeping the AT under control right out the window. It's nice, they are way nicer to play, but wowzers.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
But what if we reintroduced the power, by allowing you to have a choice between the old and the new equip, or perhaps even granting the ability to do either?
I could go for this. Dual Pistols shows the tech for a single power to have variable effect on the basis of a toggle. It would be possible to give MM's a toggle (granted with the first upgrade power) that switches the upgrades from AoE to Single-target.

I can't see any harm in doing so. Dev time would likely be minimal as well.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I have a Necro/Thermal with 2x End Reduce in the upgrades, ~65% End Reduction in each of the pets, and roughly 3.1 End Recovery per second from IOs, and unless I choose to lose a pet each mob, I drain my endurance bar resummoning after every fight and chew through blues like nothing other..
Is it the pets and upgrades themselves or the 15-26 end(depending on slotting) from your 2 shields and thaw, per pet, that is causing you to eat blues?

If you are summoning AND shielding 1 or 2 pets per fight I could see having an end problem. I run necro/dark (my thugs/FF is only 10 so I can't speak on it yet) myself so I don't have the shielding issues and I have more control. The only time I have end issues is when I get bored and start hitting attacks too much, even when they are not needed.

Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
It costs me 75 END to resummon one tier 1 pet (3/4 my END bar) with reductions (110 END with no End Reduction), which I lose almost every spawn. I do not see how there is an slotting problem or how that does not kill my whole END bar. Under the old system would have cost me less than 1/3 of that.
You could drop 8 (down to 67) end off the top with 1 more slot in each upgrade. Not earthshattering but a start. (assuming SO's here 66.6%(2) to 94.93% end reduction(3)) If your build is too tight to move 2 slots I don't know what to tell you. It's pets first me second for my MM's.

Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
If it was changed it to create two powers, similar to Kheld pool trees, with both a single target and an AoE upgrade, this would alleviate that problem by allowing the player to choose to either pay 45 Endurance to do an AoE equip, or 9 (if memory serves) Endurance to single Equip.

Granted, I understand I may just have to live with things as they are now, but I'm just putting this out there to see if other players have similar feelings who played a lot of Masterminds prior to the changes.

I like the possibilities of this idea (it would make my guys better)but wonder of the wisdom of it. I'm not against player choices here I just feel if they make it too easy for us (and you have to admit, with the right binds, MM's are a huge easy button) someone is gonna sneak up on us with a Nerf bat and smack us down.



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
Is it the pets and upgrades themselves or the 15-26 end(depending on slotting) from your 2 shields and thaw, per pet, that is causing you to eat blues?

If you are summoning AND shielding 1 or 2 pets per fight I could see having an end problem. I run necro/dark (my thugs/FF is only 10 so I can't speak on it yet) myself so I don't have the shielding issues and I have more control. The only time I have end issues is when I get bored and start hitting attacks too much, even when they are not needed.

You could drop 8 (down to 67) end off the top with 1 more slot in each upgrade. Not earthshattering but a start. (assuming SO's here 66.6%(2) to 94.93% end reduction(3)) If your build is too tight to move 2 slots I don't know what to tell you. It's pets first me second for my MM's.
That was just an example. The fact remains that even 3 slotted with end reduce SOs the cost to resummon if one pet falls is roughly 68 END. I am almost never summoning more than one or two pets, and this is what it costs. I have the same issues with a level 32 Ninja/Traps and a level 40 Thugs/Pain. I know how to reduce my end costs as low as possible, but it can only be reduced so far.

I might just have to get used to it, but I'm just seeing if others feel similarly to myself regarding the upgrades.

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