no one is playing why the nerfs to xp

Ad Astra



Dangit now I'm having an existential crisis. Do I exist? How do I know I exist? What's real? Am I Real? What am I? Who am I? What is I? What is Who? THANKS A LOT OP.



Originally Posted by Psara View Post
Dangit now I'm having an existential crisis. Do I exist? How do I know I exist? What's real? Am I Real? What am I? Who am I? What is I? What is Who? THANKS A LOT OP.
No you don't exist, you are a figment of my imagination.

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Since no one is playing why make it harder for the ones that are here, why nerf the xp and why nerf the drops.
i think its another case of the devs diconnect with player base
I think it's a case of you being disconnected from reality.
What the heck are you babbling about? What nerfs are you talking about?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



O please explain i dont understand. What do you all mean.

Your not being fair. Just try to understand this game got really hard now with all the nerfs. Its not fair that the xp and badges are like totally impossible now.

U cant even get a team on freedom anymore how am i supposed to get the badges in the shadow sharp(the tfs and the explore ones)

I think they should nerf the badges that at least would keep people going.

Or maybe cap the prices of purples to like 25 mill so people could get them there are so many things they could do at this point to make it easier.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
O please explain i dont understand. What do you all mean.

Your not being fair. Just try to understand this game got really hard now with all the nerfs. Its not fair that the xp and badges are like totally impossible now.

U cant even get a team on freedom anymore how am i supposed to get the badges in the shadow sharp(the tfs and the explore ones)

I think they should nerf the badges that at least would keep people going.

Or maybe cap the prices of purples to like 25 mill so people could get them there are so many things they could do at this point to make it easier.
There are so many things wrong with these statements... I wont even bother to feed the troll.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Your not being fair. Just try to understand this game got really hard now with all the nerfs. Its not fair that the xp and badges are like totally impossible now.
This game is NOT hard, it's easy to the point of being boring at times, hence my major Altitus.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
U cant even get a team on freedom anymore how am i supposed to get the badges in the shadow sharp(the tfs and the explore ones)
I get invited to groups all the time, on Freedom, I see people looking for groups all the time, TFs/STF's ect. ect. all the time, many times a day, do you have your chat windows turned off? I could get ANY badge I wanted (if I cared about it) with just random looking for groups, try joining RF2009 or other popular chat channels.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I think they should nerf the badges that at least would keep people going.
They have done some of that already. But then again some badges are supposed to be hard, some you get for doing nothing but walking into the right area of the map.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Or maybe cap the prices of purples to like 25 mill so people could get them there are so many things they could do at this point to make it easier.
The market is a funny thing, RMT's have made INF meaningless for some folks so the prices can be sky high, I would like to see purples a little easier to get myself, but I don't claim to know what mechanic to use for this.

The point is that this game has gotten easier and easier not harder, the only thing really nerf'ed (other then ED, DOH) is AE and that was never meant to level you that quickly, someone discovers a bug that lets you gain XP fast, people use it for a while, the dev's catch on and fix it, it will continue to happen.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Or maybe cap the prices of purples to like 25 mill so people could get them there are so many things they could do at this point to make it easier.
You know, TopDoc once stated a truism. You are only entitled to the purples that you earn, any more than that, and you need to purchase them from other players. Other players can be unreasonable.

If you want more purples, start defeating mobs. It is only about 3k+ mobs per purp on average.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Except side-switching, which starts at 20.

And the new end-game system.

But nobody cares about those.
It seems kind of a waste to point out that my post was meant to be irony, except that in pointing out that I shouldn't point it out, that's irony as well.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
O please explain i dont understand. What do you all mean.
I think the most important thing to note here is that we have no idea what you mean.

Your not being fair. Just try to understand this game got really hard now with all the nerfs. Its not fair that the xp and badges are like totally impossible now.
What has become hard about the game? Trust me, it's a lot easier than it was when I started playing it, so I'm extremely curious as to what nerfs in particular you feel have made the game too hard. Please, quoting from patch notes where possible, confirm which changes to the game have made it "like totally impossible" to get badges and XP.

U cant even get a team on freedom anymore how am i supposed to get the badges in the shadow sharp(the tfs and the explore ones)
Since I play on the EU servers, I have no idea what it's like on Freedom, however my own personal experience on Union, which is nothing like as populous as Freedom, or Virtue (or some of the other US servers, according to some people), tells me that it is actually easy to get a team to undertake almost any task that exists. Further, there are precisely zero exploration badges in the Shadow Shard, so I'm not quite sure why they would be hard to get. I can get them all without even going into the zones.

I think they should nerf the badges that at least would keep people going.
They recently amended many of the badges to lower the requirements to get them, making them a lot easier to achieve. So they've already met one of your requests. They either did it by acknowledging some time ago that certain badges are unreasonably hard to get, or they read this thread and used their time-machine to go back and fix things.

Or maybe cap the prices of purples to like 25 mill so people could get them there are so many things they could do at this point to make it easier.
Why do you want to get Purples? I've had the grand total of three drop for my toons. I don't need them. I want them, sure, but I understand that I either have to defeat more mobs to do so, or I have to pay through the nose on the Auction House. It sounds to me as though you want to get the proverbial "Purpled out Warshade", which, so that you know, is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that anyone willing to devote the time and energy to getting one has to really put some effort into it.

Purples are Ultra-rare enhancements. They are not, and never were, meant to be available in significant numbers to casual players (which I count myself as). If you want purples, and if you want more than a few purples, put the time in to get the inf, or put the time in to get the drops. Take your pick.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
O please explain i dont understand. What do you all mean.

Your not being fair. Just try to understand this game got really hard now with all the nerfs. Its not fair that the xp and badges are like totally impossible now.

U cant even get a team on freedom anymore how am i supposed to get the badges in the shadow sharp(the tfs and the explore ones)

I think they should nerf the badges that at least would keep people going.

Or maybe cap the prices of purples to like 25 mill so people could get them there are so many things they could do at this point to make it easier.
You can get a team on any server by putting your LFT flag up and joining an appropriate global channel. Also by attempting to spell words correctly.

The only nerfs that ever made this game significantly harder took place back in 2005. Nearly every change since then has made things easier for the players. I could see them raising the drop rate for purples at some point in the future, but I wouldn't bank on it. Ultra-rare is supposed to mean ultra-rare.

And the game is very easy to play without them.



Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
Obvious troll is obvious.

*(makes me sad to admit I play on the same server as the OP)
wahhh whaaa server whaaa whaa



She can't hear you, she's got you on ignore. Which, I might add, is a really good idea.


Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Time to derail this thread. The only way to make a troll go away is take over his post and ignore him. Someone get Golden Girl and lets start a discussion of good vs evil.

Let The Winkie War Begin!

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



*uses the Magic GG Summoning incantation*

So I played a Trial of CO, and I found that the game was OK, maybe even quite fun...

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
wahhh whaaa server whaaa whaa
My, what a profound statement. That really makes your point. Well done.


The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
*uses the Magic GG Summoning incantation*

So I played a Trial of CO, and I found that the game was OK, maybe even quite fun...
I had heard the CO was fun but it looked cellshaded when I checked the cover and my all-consuming hatred of cellshading has only ever been overcome by one game, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. Other than that I heard that everyone plays cookie cutter tank mages and secretly plots to destroy the world from their parent's basement.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
When did they nerf xp and drops?
I think they are referring to the AE.
It appears they have a disconnect from playing the "the actual game" (aka "anything but AE missions") - none of which has taken nerfs to xp or drops.

I think what they meant to say was ::
"Me AE baby. Mean DEVs am make me cry. Why am DEVs so mean!?"

There is a world outside of the AE. HELLO! You can even leave Atlas! *gasp*
Really. You won't fall of the edge of the game map if you try to leave the AE building or Atlas!!!

I think the sad part of the original post is that there are probably far more players that are/will be glad about the changes to the AE (or don't care at all) than those that are going to be getting upset that their exploit-train has been derailed again.

Seriously, I don't know what the exploiters have to whine about. They will have a new way to exploit the changes probably the day that i17 drops.
Oh, wait...I guess they will have to take time to figure out their new exploits -

I'm so sad for them.

I have no compassion for the players that play only to exploit the game.
I don't want to team with them and I would really prefer that they found another game to abuse.

Be a hero. Go fight some crime.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
You won't fall of the edge of the game map if you try to leave the AE building or Atlas!!!
Or so it would have been, if certain modern theories concerning the shape of the game world had not proven to be disastrously wrong.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
There is a world outside of the AE. HELLO! You can even leave Atlas! *gasp*
Really. You won't fall of the edge of the game map if you try to leave the AE building or Atlas!!!
Blasphemer! If not for the fact that I'm sure I'd fall off the map if I left Atlas to do it, I would gather a horde of Luddites from Cap au Diable to burn you in effigy for that statement.


"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
*uses the Magic GG Summoning incantation*

So I played a Trial of CO, and I found that the game was OK, maybe even quite fun...
Their animated hair technology is especially awesome, I thought.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



graystar_blaster misses something:

U cant even get a team on freedom anymore
Did you ever entertain the notion that maybe people don't want to team with you?

Dec out.