Just for giggles: What would you like to see in CoH2 ?

Adeon Hawkwood



I thought of one more I'd like to see:

Battle Damage - After a long fight or grueling TF/SF, it would be awesome to see bruising, tearing of cloth and dented armor/shields/hemlets on your characters. Of course, the damage is fixed when using inspirations or being healed.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
I thought of one more I'd like to see:

Battle Damage - After a long fight or grueling TF/SF, it would be awesome to see bruising, tearing of cloth and dented armor/shields/hemlets on your characters. Of course, the damage is fixed when using inspirations or being healed.
I think CoH has already shown that super spandex will never rip, stain or lose color, no matter what happens to it - that's why it costs so much at Icon

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
Perhaps some REAL zone invasions? Rather then having the sky turn a different colour every time something bad is going to happen and the players being the main spawn points for the invaders, maybe we could have things like Arachnos fliers landing in the zone, deploying troops, having the troops on the ground fight off against some Longbow soldiers that spawn when this happens perhaps? And have the Fliers face off in the sky against a large wave of Chasers? I dunno, just something to make it FEEL like an invasion as opposed to one that feels more dead then Ghost Widow.

Also, new factions, new baddies, new areas, new missions and arcs, and a full-sized Rularuu the Ravager!
Something like this perhaps?

Suggested a long time ago by yours truly and seemed to be a popular idea.



I think using the system for Zombie Horde and the Rikti troops where they are white ,yellow, orange and so on. Should be used for all foe groups so a level 50 can still have some fun blasting Hellions. At the very least have it for all out door foes missions can still be Level based.



I'd like to see a complete redesign for the zones. A lot of them have tons of wasted space, and it only gets worse when the filler is bland.

Atlas Park is awesome because almost everything you want is within easy reach, and there's a cool landmark in the middle just for hanging out. Its no wonder you find people congregating around there - it's how towns are formed in real life.

All of the zones should offer something similar. Any hard-to-reach content should be extraordinary to make it worth travelling to the map corners, especially when the route is ugly *cough* King's Row *cough*.

If you have to do a lot of travelling, at least make it gorgeous. Anywhere not regularly travelled should be unique and sexy.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
what features would you like to see make it to CoH2?
Zero furries.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
Zero furries.
Sorry no help with that one. If anything I can see more furries they multiply like Tribbles.



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
Zero furries.
The furry community is like the Force - there's a light side and a dark side - and they'll be with us, always.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The furry community is like the Force - there's a light side and a dark side - and they'll be with us, always.
They Taste good too... wait that didn't sound right. Um strike that from the record!

Another idea is more buildings we can enter! Just buildings with built in maps for RP reasons or contact reasons. Like the police departments but you can go in to say the Movies or the restaurants.

Think about it wouldn't it be cool to get a "Family" contact inside the Pizza place?



A multiplication based AT like Triplicate Girl or Jamie Madrox.



Firstly, please forgive me for making this post so 'I want I want I want'. I got a little carried away with the picture in my head.

The same weather in Paragon City and the Isles gets a little dreary after a while. I remember seeing a picture of St Martial while the Isles were bugged to have Paragon's sunshine. It was oddly beautiful and I'd love to see it occasionally. Not to mention rain.

More detailed character models.
The character creator is currently one of the best parts of the game, and what makes CoH so good, in my opinion. However, other games are catching up with us, and I feel that much more detailed models would almost be a must were there to be a CoH2; separate fingers, separate eyes, waists and necks that can bend independently of each other. Build all the new powersets from the ground up with as much customisation as you can cram in, while you're at it.

A more realistic world
I would love for the city to be a little more... lively than Paragon is right now. In an ideal world, I'd want each and every building to have a purpose. I'd want their interiors to be visible through the windows in the outside world, and to be the correct size for the building that contains it. I'd want each building to consistently use the same map. AE was a great example, but I'm hungry for more. Missions would still be instanced, but we could have a 'ghost' of the interior visible through the windows. I also want a greater variety of buildings, whether heroes use them or not. Markets, schools, clubs, libraries, and I want citizens to use them. I'd also want this new world to be more reactive. Certain big missions (such as finishing a task force) could result in a physical change to the area for a short time, perhaps ridding the area of crime for a while. I also want certain spots that could host a supergroup base. A sewer entrance, an office building, a cave entrance. A great deal many supergroups could share the same entrance so we don't run out of spaces, but having that choice of physical location would be nice. That isn't all, either. I would love for Apartment buildings to work in the same fashion; a building that can hold in as many apartments as necessary, but gives the hero a choice of location. One little thing I'd love here is if we had at least a single window in our apartment instance, where we could look out on to an instanced version of that part of the city, complete with citizens and cars and such. This brings me to my next point in world realism: vehicles. I'd love for the vehicles to behave that little bit more realistically, and even more so if we could have our own personal vehicles. This would be controlled by a vehicle creation system not dissimilar from our character creator.

A bigger world
If asking for a more detailed world wasn't enough, I'd want to expand a little. Perhaps now that Paragon City and the Rogue isles are nearing relatively stable control by their respective leaders, it may be a good time to expand out into the world. Small outposts could be taken in other parts of our world such as other cities, or perhaps outposts in wild terrain. This isn't' so high on my list of wants, but I certainly wouldn't say no. Especially if instead of just exploring to these areas, we could begin our character's careers here. I'd love to be able to play an international hero in their own country.

Nothing else comes to mind now, but I'm sure it will as soon as I've posted. Everything else that I can think of I want to remain fairly similar to its current state in-game. Please keep costumes as a cosmetic thing, and don't make us upgrade to higher 'gear' so we can keep up. I like our power system structure very much, and wouldn't really want to see that changed much either.

Edit some more!: Yes, I know that the game I'm decribing would require a small supercomputer to run. But we were sorta asked.



Merged Markets from the start.

Bringing over CoH1 characters and thier stuff, as I'd rather not build from scratch and abandon what I've already built.

Gore as a toggle option.

Hide/Show toggle option on badges that are incomplete.

More enterable buildings.



Better base editing tools. Consistent layout for doorways, the ability to lay out a base on a block-by-block basis rather than preset (and usually space-wasting) rooms. Built-in ability to set multiple levels in a room (and/or better yet the base as a whole).

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My list

-Weather. I want rain so bad.
-More powersets
-Better PvP. Current PvP is about the worst I've seen.
-Better game engine, so the "impossible" powersets can finally be made.
-More costume options.
-Better NPC humans walking around. Have them interact more.
-More random "heroic" or "villainous" events. Instead of fighting purse snatchers all the time, maybe add some new interaction between us and NPCs.
-Maybe another VEAT and EAT.

All I can think of now.




More seriously, branching missions that allow you to choose between being a standard super hero or an anti-hero/super villain or a complete monster. For example, a villain mission that involves disposing of the evidence or a crime where you get to decided whether that evidence includes the helpless labtechs or not.

Oh, I'd love to see all the costume parts be unisex.

-Recruited under Arachnos' "Equal-Opportunity Villainy" plan-



Yeah, fingers. I would so love fingers...

Also, we need to lose the war walls. They don't work and CoV has shown that you can have a city without war walls to set the boundaries. Sure we can have the same boundaries, but let us think that it is one seamless city. I don't think this is too hard of a thing to implement.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Many of these suggestions are pure win. I would also add the following.

Multi-level supergroup bases. Allow me to add multiple floors to my base, connected by elevators. Further, let me specify that only certain SG security levels have access to specific floors.

Seasons. Not just weather, but seasons. Snow during winter, leafless trees during fall, heat waves during summer, fresh growth during spring.

Pharmacies. Put pharmacists in hospitals to sell inspirations. AE gets really close to this with an inspiration vendor right outside the hospital. I don't see why we can't put one in every hospital in Paragon and the Rogue Isles.

Cell Phones for Detectives. There's no logical reason they don't have them or offer them, and it would eliminate pointless travel for bank missions.

A New City. Paragon is supposed to be Providence, RI. That opens up Boston to the North, or New York to the South. Or even New Jersey. Open up a whole new city, complete with zones. Make it a place where heroes and villains roam freely together, with their contacts intermixed. It's not a co-op zone, but not a PVP zone either. Their contacts simply exist in the same city together, putting everyone in the same place together. Don't get rid of the Isles or Paragon, just open up a new city.

Space Missions. We've hashed these over ad nauseum, so I won't go any further into them.

Underwater Zones. Same.



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
A New City. Paragon is supposed to be Providence, RI. That opens up Boston to the North, or New York to the South. Or even New Jersey.

I can see it now:

A new hero, fresh from the tutorial spots some Hellions pushing around an old lady. He runs up and yells his battle cry, only to get "HEY!! I'm robbin' here! What's your friggin' problem?!"

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
Firstly, please forgive me for making this post so 'I want I want I want'. I got a little carried away with the picture in my head.

The same weather in Paragon City and the Isles gets a little dreary after a while. I remember seeing a picture of St Martial while the Isles were bugged to have Paragon's sunshine. It was oddly beautiful and I'd love to see it occasionally. Not to mention rain.

More detailed character models.
The character creator is currently one of the best parts of the game, and what makes CoH so good, in my opinion. However, other games are catching up with us, and I feel that much more detailed models would almost be a must were there to be a CoH2; separate fingers, separate eyes, waists and necks that can bend independently of each other. Build all the new powersets from the ground up with as much customisation as you can cram in, while you're at it.

A more realistic world
I would love for the city to be a little more... lively than Paragon is right now. In an ideal world, I'd want each and every building to have a purpose. I'd want their interiors to be visible through the windows in the outside world, and to be the correct size for the building that contains it. I'd want each building to consistently use the same map. AE was a great example, but I'm hungry for more. Missions would still be instanced, but we could have a 'ghost' of the interior visible through the windows. I also want a greater variety of buildings, whether heroes use them or not. Markets, schools, clubs, libraries, and I want citizens to use them. I'd also want this new world to be more reactive. Certain big missions (such as finishing a task force) could result in a physical change to the area for a short time, perhaps ridding the area of crime for a while. I also want certain spots that could host a supergroup base. A sewer entrance, an office building, a cave entrance. A great deal many supergroups could share the same entrance so we don't run out of spaces, but having that choice of physical location would be nice. That isn't all, either. I would love for Apartment buildings to work in the same fashion; a building that can hold in as many apartments as necessary, but gives the hero a choice of location. One little thing I'd love here is if we had at least a single window in our apartment instance, where we could look out on to an instanced version of that part of the city, complete with citizens and cars and such. This brings me to my next point in world realism: vehicles. I'd love for the vehicles to behave that little bit more realistically, and even more so if we could have our own personal vehicles. This would be controlled by a vehicle creation system not dissimilar from our character creator.

A bigger world
If asking for a more detailed world wasn't enough, I'd want to expand a little. Perhaps now that Paragon City and the Rogue isles are nearing relatively stable control by their respective leaders, it may be a good time to expand out into the world. Small outposts could be taken in other parts of our world such as other cities, or perhaps outposts in wild terrain. This isn't' so high on my list of wants, but I certainly wouldn't say no. Especially if instead of just exploring to these areas, we could begin our character's careers here. I'd love to be able to play an international hero in their own country.

Nothing else comes to mind now, but I'm sure it will as soon as I've posted. Everything else that I can think of I want to remain fairly similar to its current state in-game. Please keep costumes as a cosmetic thing, and don't make us upgrade to higher 'gear' so we can keep up. I like our power system structure very much, and wouldn't really want to see that changed much either.

Edit some more!: Yes, I know that the game I'm decribing would require a small supercomputer to run. But we were sorta asked.
Good ideas. Have a rep.



Originally Posted by Genkio View Post
Oh, I'd love to see all the costume parts be unisex.
Even things like the bikini tops and skirts?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
More detailed character models.
The character creator is currently one of the best parts of the game, and what makes CoH so good, in my opinion. However, other games are catching up with us, and I feel that much more detailed models would almost be a must were there to be a CoH2; separate fingers, separate eyes, waists and necks that can bend independently of each other. Build all the new powersets from the ground up with as much customisation as you can cram in, while you're at it.
You forgot to mention the hair

A bigger world
If asking for a more detailed world wasn't enough, I'd want to expand a little. Perhaps now that Paragon City and the Rogue isles are nearing relatively stable control by their respective leaders, it may be a good time to expand out into the world. Small outposts could be taken in other parts of our world such as other cities, or perhaps outposts in wild terrain. This isn't' so high on my list of wants, but I certainly wouldn't say no. Especially if instead of just exploring to these areas, we could begin our character's careers here. I'd love to be able to play an international hero in their own country.
Two problems with that - first Paragon City is the City of Heroes - and second, for the same reason as they don't make flag capes for players, they'd either have to make every country available as a starting point, or people would complain.
Like think of all the countries in Europe - if they didn't make all of them, the players from the ones who weren't made would feel left out.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



@Golden: Yes. Especially the bikini tops and skirts. Paragon needs more fabulous.

-Recruited under Arachnos' "Equal-Opportunity Villainy" plan-



Originally Posted by Genkio View Post
@Golden: Yes. Especially the bikini tops and skirts.
Are Rocky Horror tribute avatars really that popular?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd like to see new ATs that do a better job of balancing team contribution and solo ability. The current ATs still have a lot of baggage from the Tank-Support-DPS trinity that they were originally designed around. However with the various changes since then (mostly in terms of boosting the damage of support classes) means that Support rules over all. So for CoH 2 I'd like to see new ATs where all characters have a mix of abilities to provide both solo power and team abilities. The VEATs are a good example of what I'm talking about they have strong attacks and nice self buffs for when they solo but they also have some nice team buffs for when they are on a team.

The advantage to this is that it means a team of X people will have a reasonably predictable power level which allows for more challenging content to be made without needing to balance it around extremely high end teams.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Are Rocky Horror tribute avatars really that popular?
No need to be so prejudiced against our GLBT players.

And yes, I've teamed with at least one Rocky Horror tribute character that I know of, and you never know what's in those other costume slots.