This Years April Fools
Jesus christ, four years registered and only six posts. I am in awe, good sir.
And in those six posts he's already gotten -1 rep! Spectacular!
I thought it was alright.
The problem with April Fools pranks is that the "holiday" is such a tired old joke that you can see any prank coming a mile away; everybody knew there was going to be a joke today and it only mildly lived up to our expectations.
Wasnt funny to me........especially when OB of i17 isnt today.
it was meh
The goal as a Scrapper is to mess things up just to the point of utter failure for the task at hand, but having the Defender/Controller pull out a win in the end. |

It was humorous. I didn't laugh but i smiled. It liked the quips part (Robin!)
April Fools' day as a general concept isn't funny. I don't think it has ever been. Maybe 200 or more years ago, if it's even that old, maybe whenever it was invented. But never in my lifetime has it been funny. Not even amusing, not for a giggle. It's just a trite obligation.
Then again, I find practical jokes themselves to be nothing more than childish inanity and distinctly unfunny, so maybe I'm biassed.
For what it's worth, obvious as it may have been, the concept of City of Sidekicks was at least amusing, and it did end up playing on a few of the tropes we created ourselves. The very term of phrase "City of Sidekicks" has been used by professional trolls a few times, right alongside "City of Civilians." So it shows a bit of thought and a bit of imagination. And that Yes/No letter shows quite a bit of insight into comic book tradition, both good and bad.
So, no, it wasn't funny, but I don't think it ever stood a chance of being that. But it was clever and interesting, and that's good enough for me.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
The problem with April Fools pranks is that the "holiday" is such a tired old joke that you can see any prank coming a mile away; everybody knew there was going to be a joke today and it only mildly lived up to our expectations.
A hoax tale about 'violent' national anthems being banned at this summer's World Cup proved rather too believable and was picked up around the globe. The hoax story in a South African daily newspaper detailed how FIFA officials and the Local Organising Committee for the 2010 Soccer World Cup were deadlocked in 'crisis talks' over the issue. It claimed that FIFA officials wanted to avoid any embarrassment over potentially hate-inducing lyrics, such as 'Grab your weapons, citizens! Form your battalions! Let us march! Let us march! May impure blood water our fields' from the French National Anthem, and Portugals call to arms: 'On land and sea, to fight for our homeland, to march against enemy guns ' And it was soon picked up by news websites and agencies around the world with journalists believing the story was true until football chiefs confirmed it was a complete fabrication. |
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
This could've gone in the existing thread.
Sometimes I find April Fools jokes funny or cool. Sturgeon's Law applies to jokes as well. The best one of all to me is the famous Legend of Zelda movie trailer by IGN, which not only showed some real effort but still gets people to this day. It's on the cool side. The CoH MUD one made me lol for real though. Neither of these is really intended to fool anyone, they're pretty obvious, but when they DO fool someone I admit it's pretty funny. For the "Visual Sounds" joke, there were people who said they were close to cancelling their accounts before they realized it was a joke, and you just have to wonder about them.
As far as pranks go, I've seen people go off on a Snipe hunt, and go looking for a left-handed smoke-shifter.
They can't all be FREEEM!!! You've got to expect that once in a while.
It made me giggle a bit. And, as Sam say, they did put some good thought into it. I'm sufficiently amused
Where am I?
There are still April Fools pranks that slip by; apparently, a hoax news story about the decision to ban 'violent' national anthems from being played at the World Cup competition was sufficiently believable to have spread worldwide by credulous journalists (from the UK Daily Mail website):
I am still waiting for FREEM
The only thing less funny than April fools jokes is the people who go around making a point of trying to convince people that things aren't funny.
The only thing less funny than April fools jokes is the people who go around making a point of trying to convince people that things aren't funny.
Okay, you didn't find it funny. You are under no obligation to laugh.
Didja really have to make a thread about it?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
It could have been much, much worse.
Like how the mods on DeviantArt thought it would be hilarious to change everyones avatar pictures and signatures to either Twilight or Lady Gaga. Oh, and making it so you couldn't change it back.
I thought my damn account had been hacked.
So, yeah, this was quite funny. It was innocent fun that made people lol. dA, on the other hand, has just finalised my conviction that it is run by morons.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I didn't find it funny. I didn't fall for it either, I knew right away it was April fools.
But that's just because there is almost nothing I HATE more than April Fools day. I mean I HATE IT.
The concept is just stupid. I don't mind getting pranked on, but it's so stupid to have a peculiar date, when I'm expecting it... It's just stupid.
Yeah, we all know that City Of SideKicks was just an April Fools Joke...but honestly I didn't find it all that funny. I mean, I get that some people might have found it funny and I can see why but...I didn't. So show of hands, who did or did not find it funny?