Tale of two cities or Why I don't PVP (Sorry just ranting)
I've been over this before in multiple locations; here in the forums; on Gamenikki.com (still down as RawServe will not respond to emails or phone calls and the situation is turning ugly); and zerias.blogspot.com
The basic problem is that the PvE game is based on inherent imbalance. Each of the archtypes in the game is deliberately weak in some areas, and deliberately strong in other areas, which is to say they are inherently imbalanced. The imbalances drive the team-based combat of the PvE system where players should work together in order to over-come each other's weak spots. The need to balance the majority of the game content against a teaming experience is why the developers sometimes have to take drastic measures to halt a particular play-style or holy-grail goal that a segment of the player base pursues.
An inherently imbalanced game makes for a incredibly imbalanced PvP enviroment. If you look at all of the good multiplayer games, they are based on two basic design principles: At Some Level the players are equal :: Skill matters
The concept is most visible in first person shooters such Unreal Tournament, Quake, Prey, Doom, Far Cry / Crysis, and so on. All players start out with a basic weapon, and while they can gain over-powering weapons or armors, skill is still a factor. A player with a sniper rifle or a rail gun is dangerous at a distance... but enough armor or good enough use of cover, and that range advantage can disappear in a heartbeat.
Even when looking at the kings of mixed-combat play; Monolith's Aliens Versus Predator 2 and Verant's Planetside; the concept still held up.
AvP2 with only two players could be a decidedly unfair fight depending on what avatars the players controlled, whether or not class based weapons were in play, and whether or not alien life-cycle was on. However, AvP2 allowed players to adjust the scoring for each defeat... so that a face hugger dropping a marine with access to the smart gun awarded more points than the marine with the smart gun dropping the face hugger. The result was a multiplayer experience that could account for whether or not the actual combat was balanced.
In Planetside, there was a spot for everybody. Even if you weren't in the league of VT-Grumpy-Bunny or Fatal1ty when it came to FPS combat, you could still find something to do in Planetside, be it a medic, a driver, a pilot, an engineer, or a combat strategist calling out which targets to hit and planning the battles. Even then, the actual FPS combat was still balanced against each Empire having similar weapon classes, even though those weapon classes behaved in different manners. The Vanu were terrors in water-bound and vertical combat situations. The Terrans ruled in open-field combat and more traditional FPS combat. In close quarters combat though, it was the New Conglomerate that held the advantage. Despite all of the different combat factors, Planetside's core combat still came down to who had the better aim. Skill mattered. A cloaker could take out a max armor. A skeeter pilot could down a BRF.
So, in order for City of Heroes to work in a PvP enviroment, in order for it to provide good PvP, things have to be balanced. The PvE combat is not conducive to PvP play... and if the developers want to retain the aspect of City of Heroes were each archtype is supposed to give a different play experience, the PvE combat is never going to be conducive to PvP play.
The design goals are diametrically opposed.
This is complicated by the fact that the majority of players who participated in CoH PvP were not interested in good PvP play. They weren't interested in a balanced enviroment, and there stands a stark disconnect between the likes of Macskull and Conflict, and the actual development staff.
The PvPer's largely want OMGWTFBBQ, I GANKED U HARD IN THE @$$ IM AWSUM YU SUK MAH... I'm sure you can fill in the rest. Ergo, the PvPer's, or rather the vocal PvPer's on the forums, want an imbalanced enviroment similar to Ultima Online.
Well, thankfully, Castle and the rest of the development staff is smarter than that. Castle seems to have a handle on good PvP requiring that the PvP game be different from the PvE game. Issue 13 was a step in the right direction for where PvP play needs to go.
That being said, there are other over-riding factors. My own personal opinion is that PvP play would be best served by it's own separate game with it's own separate development staff. That's my opinion.
That also isn't likely. NCSoft got burned badly by Tabula Rasa, an Inherently Imbalanced PvE game like City of Heroes. Tabula Rasa quite literally blew up, putting a smoldering crater into NCSoft's financial reports, as it chased after a very vocal PvP minority. NCSoft and Destination Games found out the hardway that the available market of gamers willing to PAY for PvP content in a PvE game was a lot lower than the vocal minority had indicated.
The fallout from Tabula Rasa will probably continue to have a large impact on the future of City of Heroes. NCSoft is likely not going to authorize funds for developing any further PvP content in City of Heroes. Basically, that means that NCSoft isn't going to pay Paragon Studios to work on PvP content, not that Paragon Studios can't work on PvP content.
Rather, NCSoft's reported desire is that they drive the players willing to pay for PvP content to AION and the Guild Wars series, driving players to games that were created and built with PvP play in mind... not added as an afterthought to appease a vocal minority.
So no, you are not wrong that CoX PvE and CoX PvP are two different games. They have to be two different games in order to achieve their design goals. Unfortunately, those competing design goals mean that future PvP development just isn't likely.
I'm not sure if this fits here or not but I'm posting my random thoughts.
I don't PVP in this game thought I would like to. The problem like many I don't like the PVP rules. Why? Well the basic is this from level 1-14 I learn a the game mechanics. I get used to said powers how they perform. What they can do to said foes. Then level 15 and going into Bloody Bay. WHAT THE HELL! What I spent getting used to changes. It's a whole new system to get used to. Much like driving when someone learns to drive an Automatic transmission and then they sit into a Manual Transmission car. This change is what bothers me I simply don't enjoy the changing systems when going from a PVE to a PVP Zone. Yes people had said the technical flaws in PVP I'm not going to bother with that. Really who does? It's how it FEELS how it PLAYS and the mentality we players get from it. The way it seems to me is we have not one City of Heroes/Villains but Two. The PVE CoX and the PVP CoX. Okay this Rant is over. Am I wrong? |
That also isn't likely. NCSoft got burned badly by Tabula Rasa, an Inherently Imbalanced PvE game like City of Heroes. Tabula Rasa quite literally blew up, putting a smoldering crater into NCSoft's financial reports, as it chased after a very vocal PvP minority. NCSoft and Destination Games found out the hardway that the available market of gamers willing to PAY for PvP content in a PvE game was a lot lower than the vocal minority had indicated. The fallout from Tabula Rasa will probably continue to have a large impact on the future of City of Heroes. NCSoft is likely not going to authorize funds for developing any further PvP content in City of Heroes. Basically, that means that NCSoft isn't going to pay Paragon Studios to work on PvP content, not that Paragon Studios can't work on PvP content. Rather, NCSoft's reported desire is that they drive the players willing to pay for PvP content to AION and the Guild Wars series, driving players to games that were created and built with PvP play in mind... not added as an afterthought to appease a vocal minority. |
TR started out *badly* in the hole, and didn't keep its population. It would have needed - well, Aion's numbers at US/EU launch, and to hold on to those numbers for at least its first year, before it even looked like it was going to pay back what it had consumed.
Contrasting that to the City Of... games, which have been profitable, reasonably consistent population wise (yes, we have the "slow bleed" of a 6 year old game, far better than the "Spike and crash" of TR) and enough of a following (and income) that NC *bought* the title and handed them more money to improve both the team (new offices, huge staff increase from 15 to 60+) and the game. I don't think saying "NC won't fund COH PVP improvements because of TR" is, frankly, any more valid than saying they won't do it because of Auto Assault.
This is complicated by the fact that the majority of players who participated in CoH PvP were not interested in good PvP play. They weren't interested in a balanced enviroment, and there stands a stark disconnect between the likes of Macskull and Conflict, and the actual development staff. The PvPer's largely want OMGWTFBBQ, I GANKED U HARD IN THE @$$ IM AWSUM YU SUK MAH... I'm sure you can fill in the rest. Ergo, the PvPer's, or rather the vocal PvPer's on the forums, want an imbalanced enviroment similar to Ultima Online. Well, thankfully, Castle and the rest of the development staff is smarter than that. Castle seems to have a handle on good PvP requiring that the PvP game be different from the PvE game. Issue 13 was a step in the right direction for where PvP play needs to go. |
Frankly, they pushed too many changes out there all at once, instead of tweaking just one or two things at a time to see how they'd help. It'd be like someone having problems with their computer and, to fix it, being yanked out of their house, told to move to another state, put in a new house with a completely different system. It doesn't really fix the old issues, and would cause a bit of resentment at being uprooted, wouldn't you think?
The SSK system added another nail to it, quite frankly, at least for the two early PVP zones, by creating an even larger power gap between the lowest and highest tier powers. Before, you didn't have to worry about (say) a Scrapper's Tier9 attacks, or a tank's godmode, until Warburg (unless they ran off, popped it and came back in - which was generally just seen as lame.) Blasters had no nukes, Controllers/Doms had no pets, etc. Now? ugh.
Quite bluntly, they should revert quite a few of the changes, and add to the PVP zone warning - "Yes, the classes are imbalanced. Your solution is to team." The same thing that's been said by PVPers pretty much since i4. However, at this point I'd say what affects development time and resources isn't "NCSoft timidness" or unwillingness to dedicate resources, but the fact the PVP population has been decimated. So many left after I13, it seems there's been a bleed off of more since, and replacement PVPers - having run across the same situation as the OP, where "Hey, my powers don't work the way they used to, WTH?" - aren't around to replace them.
I used to PVP and one of my favorite battles was in Bloody bay.
I was running a Dark/Dark Scrapper and ran into a group of Player Villains. A robot MM, A corrupter and a Ice Dom. It was a wonderful fight I had the challenge of facing three on one battle but my Scrapper was tough enough they had to work together to win.
I went after the Ice Dom because her powers was slowing me enough that I knew... I knew I would loose if I didn't get rid of her. In the end I couldn't take her out before I died so the Villains won.
We all had a blast! It was an epic fight a challenge for everyone and it came down to the effects of the Weakest member of the Villain's team powers. I still think it's fun that the person who had the least damaging powers in the team had the greatest effect on me. I doubt it would work after Issue 13.
I don't PvP because I don't have an IOed Psychic/EM blaster or Mind/Fire dom.
I've been over this before in multiple locations; here in the forums; on Gamenikki.com (still down as RawServe will not respond to emails or phone calls and the situation is turning ugly); and zerias.blogspot.com The basic problem is that the PvE game is based on inherent imbalance. Each of the archtypes in the game is deliberately weak in some areas, and deliberately strong in other areas, which is to say they are inherently imbalanced. The imbalances drive the team-based combat of the PvE system where players should work together in order to over-come each other's weak spots. The need to balance the majority of the game content against a teaming experience is why the developers sometimes have to take drastic measures to halt a particular play-style or holy-grail goal that a segment of the player base pursues. An inherently imbalanced game makes for a incredibly imbalanced PvP enviroment. If you look at all of the good multiplayer games, they are based on two basic design principles: At Some Level the players are equal :: Skill matters This is complicated by the fact that the majority of players who participated in CoH PvP were not interested in good PvP play. They weren't interested in a balanced enviroment, and there stands a stark disconnect between the likes of Macskull and Conflict, and the actual development staff. The PvPer's largely want OMGWTFBBQ, I GANKED U HARD IN THE @$$ IM AWSUM YU SUK MAH... I'm sure you can fill in the rest. Ergo, the PvPer's, or rather the vocal PvPer's on the forums, want an imbalanced enviroment similar to Ultima Online. Well, thankfully, Castle and the rest of the development staff is smarter than that. Castle seems to have a handle on good PvP requiring that the PvP game be different from the PvE game. Issue 13 was a step in the right direction for where PvP play needs to go. They have to be two different games in order to achieve their design goals. Unfortunately, those competing design goals mean that future PvP development just isn't likely. |
If you have any questions, concerns and or discussions on the subject of PvP you are best directed to the PvP section of this forum. Many in the PvP section have a wealth of knowledge and will be willing to help you with any question you may have concerning PvP.
Again, do not listen to this person. They do not PvP. They are ignorant.
Part of the problem of the old PvP mechanics was the nature of some of the powers.
Example: Your average scrapper stood little or no chance against a Mind Control Dominator of any kind. The reason for this was one power in particular that Mind doms have access to: Telekinesis, a toggle based hold power. If that Dominator stacked enough holds to get through your protection and then hit you with Telekinesis, you were pretty much helpless for as long as the dominator had endurance to keep the power up. (I never did figure out exactly how many breakfrees you needed to use to break the hold)
In the early days of PvP a stalker could kill a squishy in one hit. Which was just broken. An invisible assailant that can kill you instantly. The anti-oneshotting change was probably the first PvP nerf in the game.
Some of the changes were good, like the change to TK (I lack the words to adequately describe how much I HATED that power). Some of the changes were bad (travel suppression when attacked and heal decay comes to mind). But they are TRYING to bring some kind of balance to it so heavily IOed characters played by skilled players aren't completely unkillable in a PvP zone.
They haven't succeeded yet, but I'm willing to see what happens with it.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
You're not going to get fair, balanced PvP in an RPG. Ever. Not even in those DESIGNED around it. At best you're going to get an imbalanced, lopsided fight. But you will NEVER get an RPG where PvP plays like PvE. Ever. If your access to the ancient wisdom of PvP make you privy to some lost RPG that disproves this claim, feel free to state so, but just dropping "Ignore this poster!" does little to... Well, do anything, really.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
While I'm not the hardcore PvPer like others on the forum, I do PvP.
Just last night I logged into the game to have my toon drop a mission. She was parked in RV, so before I went to drop the mission, I decided to see if anyone was out...ended up staying in zone for and hour or two.
My only complaint about PvP, is that when you go to the effort to make a toon (any toon) kick butt in PvE, it's wasted in the PvP zone.
Now, this in and of itself may not be a bad thing. We have two builds. You can build for one PvE on one build and PvP on the other. Right?
No! You can't!
Some sets just suck that much in PvP.
Now mind you, I still PvP with concept built toons. I go around using ninja run as a main travel power on my corr. But I find this to be the reason I think PvP needs changed. To go from OMG to crash and burn is going to get on people nerves. And that's just from PvE to PvP.
Sucks more when it's issue to issue changes. :/ My WP/EM tanker used to feel great, not so much anymore.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Well, thankfully, Castle and the rest of the development staff is smarter than that. Castle seems to have a handle on good PvP requiring that the PvP game be different from the PvE game. Issue 13 was a step in the right direction for where PvP play needs to go. |
And for good reason. Despite your character assassination, I still agree with Saist. Of course, I don't PvP either, so feel free to brush my post under the carpet, too.
You're not going to get fair, balanced PvP in an RPG. Ever. Not even in those DESIGNED around it. At best you're going to get an imbalanced, lopsided fight. But you will NEVER get an RPG where PvP plays like PvE. Ever. If your access to the ancient wisdom of PvP make you privy to some lost RPG that disproves this claim, feel free to state so, but just dropping "Ignore this poster!" does little to... Well, do anything, really. |
But, I think that the old CoH PvP was very easily balancable around teaming...people just refused to do that.
I can kinda agree with you on the point of not having Fair and balanced PvP in an RPG. The nature of the game just makes it very very hard to do...Its not a FPS where everyone has the same speed/weapons and its all based on skill.
But, I think that the old CoH PvP was very easily balancable around teaming...people just refused to do that. |
Now, I don't know how it really was. But from my own experience, most people just wanted to one on one, with occaissional team vs team.
But even on teams, you tended to want to have certain things or you lost to begin with.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
While I'm not the hardcore PvPer like others on the forum, I do PvP.
Just last night I logged into the game to have my toon drop a mission. She was parked in RV, so before I went to drop the mission, I decided to see if anyone was out...ended up staying in zone for and hour or two. My only complaint about PvP, is that when you go to the effort to make a toon (any toon) kick butt in PvE, it's wasted in the PvP zone. Now, this in and of itself may not be a bad thing. We have two builds. You can build for one PvE on one build and PvP on the other. Right? No! You can't! Some sets just suck that much in PvP. ![]() Now mind you, I still PvP with concept built toons. I go around using ninja run as a main travel power on my corr. But I find this to be the reason I think PvP needs changed. To go from OMG to crash and burn is going to get on people nerves. And that's just from PvE to PvP. Sucks more when it's issue to issue changes. :/ My WP/EM tanker used to feel great, not so much anymore. |
I don't disagree that the major changes going between PVE and PVP are jarring. They are. Your tank *will* be held - for less time than that blaster there, but they will be held. Your heals will do progressively less good, and so forth. But some sets - and I'm talking individually - will always "just suck" compared to others in PVP. (I think my Earth/FF has one solo PVP kill. That took a long time.)
The answer, as mentioned before - and stated, really, from I6 (if not I4 - Colosseum) is... *team.*
... touching on the next reply...
But, I think that the old CoH PvP was very easily balancable around teaming...people just refused to do that. |
I have a Fire/Rad Corruptor. OK solo (pre-I13 PVP.) Teamed, though - I teamed (a PVP PUG) with two other Corruptors - or it may have been a Corr and a Dom. (Don't recall right now what they were.) The three of us pretty much held Siren's Call ourselves for a good hour, 'til we were just overwhelmed with numbers. *Massive* difference from any of us solo.
COH PVP has, honestly, always been team based. Yes, I've had some great solo fights and experiences (love my En/En brute being called "that (*#&$# Stalker!") but the only real "balance" we can get short of forcing everyone to use Brawl is teaming.
I hate PvP... but will, on rare occassions, do it if I'm with a team of friends and the team makeup is such that we "fill gaps" and compliment each other.
Personally, I'd rather put on the 16 oz gloves and spar vs. sitting at a keyboard and play pwn or be pwnd.
i13 killed PvP because the changes sucked bottom line. They did the complete opposite of what they were supposed too.
Prior to i13 you could run an SOd out toon in zone and if you had skill you could man-handle people. Now? Sorry, you didn't spend months farming to get those IOs so you are **** out of luck. To actually compete you can only select from a small pool ATs and powers in high end play. IOs just thinned out everything even more. Kins? Pfft.
Anyone saying i13 PvP is the better direction is high and clearly does not or has never actually PvP'd on a regular basis or at high end levels.
Castle should have been fired on the spot for being willing to implement those changes. It's not only that they implemented it with such negative feedback, but it has been proven that the changes didn't work. Still, people aimlessly justify the release. Brain check fools, pvp was decimated in numbers and quality, in the end, that is all that matters.
You could fight 1 on 3 and survive if you had skill. Now? GTFO.
"PvP Messiah"
Well, thankfully, Castle and the rest of the development staff is smarter than that. Castle seems to have a handle on good PvP requiring that the PvP game be different from the PvE game. Issue 13 was a step in the right direction for where PvP play needs to go.
(see also: lol, you're terrible)
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Part of the problem of the old PvP mechanics was the nature of some of the powers.
Example: Your average scrapper stood little or no chance against a Mind Control Dominator of any kind. The reason for this was one power in particular that Mind doms have access to: Telekinesis, a toggle based hold power. If that Dominator stacked enough holds to get through your protection and then hit you with Telekinesis, you were pretty much helpless for as long as the dominator had endurance to keep the power up. (I never did figure out exactly how many breakfrees you needed to use to break the hold) In the early days of PvP a stalker could kill a squishy in one hit. Which was just broken. An invisible assailant that can kill you instantly. The anti-oneshotting change was probably the first PvP nerf in the game. Some of the changes were good, like the change to TK (I lack the words to adequately describe how much I HATED that power). Some of the changes were bad (travel suppression when attacked and heal decay comes to mind). But they are TRYING to bring some kind of balance to it so heavily IOed characters played by skilled players aren't completely unkillable in a PvP zone. They haven't succeeded yet, but I'm willing to see what happens with it. |
2. You can still one-shot things in PvP under certain circumstances. The change so that a single packet of damage couldn't kill you was nice, yes, but avoiding an AS was usually as simple as moving and not getting locked into an attack chain in one spot, because that would mean a Stalker would be on you pretty damn fast (when I'm ASing, I pick targets that are locked into an animation, and AS them when they hit the ground because I know where they're going to land).
3. TK is arguably more broken than it was before, as you can't do anything about the hold anymore. It breaks when you take damage, but if the goal of the person using TK is to take you out of the fight (TK you so they can kill your teammate without you being able to heal them, for instance) there's nothing you can do except wait for the power to toggle off. Prior to I13, at least, you could do something about TK. Now, like many other things (mezzes, travel suppression, heal decay), you can't.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Personally, my opinion has always been that PvP in an MMO is (for me at least) a complete and utter waste of time. I have absolutely zero interesting in spending the time and effort required to make a special character just so I can PvP. If I PvP I want to be able to just jump in and do it with my regular characters. Therefore I am very unlikely to ever try PvP in an MMO and instead when I want to play against other people I'll play games like Team Fortress 2. That way I get a game where skill matters but I don't need to spend loads of time getting a character to the point where my skill matters. For me to be at all interested in PvP in an MMO it would either need to be balanced to the point where any character is competitive regardless of build or have some way to make a "PvP Character" for free (I think Guild Wars has something like this).
The biggest gripe people have with the PvP changes was that they went ahead and did it in spite of a ton of negative feedback.
The thing people aren't realizing when they complain about that is the fact that the negative feedback was coming from the people they were trying to shift the balance of power AWAY from in PvP zones: The highly skilled players playing heavily IOed characters on teams that are coordinated enough to damage-spike anyone they want any time they want.
A team of relatively new PvPers never stood a chance against those people. Unless a PvPer took you under their wing you were never able to figure out what works and what doesn't in PvP because the high end PvPers would never give you a chance to learn. People don't learn how to PvP when they die 15 seconds after the countdown stops every time they venture into a zone.
Not all PvPers were like that, in fact I'd say probably not even the majority, but enough were to give PvP a reputation as an elitist bunch of jerks who would gank you en masse before you got a handle on things. Even when the powers were largely the same PvP was much more fast-paced than PvE, and players making the adjustment would get repeatedly killed while figuring out what was going on.
The only thing they DID succeed in doing (IMO) is new players have a bit more of a fighting chance now than they used to. Since you will generally live long enough to get a few attacks off and move around a bit, someone new to PvP has a chance to learn what works and what doesn't.......as opposed to the old PvP where if you didn't pick it up in seconds flat you were doomed to be frustrated by your inability to do much of anything.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I'm not sure if this fits here or not but I'm posting my random thoughts.
I don't PVP in this game thought I would like to. The problem like many I don't like the PVP rules. Why? Well the basic is this from level 1-14 I learn a the game mechanics. I get used to said powers how they perform. What they can do to said foes. Then level 15 and going into Bloody Bay. WHAT THE HELL! What I spent getting used to changes. It's a whole new system to get used to. Much like driving when someone learns to drive an Automatic transmission and then they sit into a Manual Transmission car. This change is what bothers me I simply don't enjoy the changing systems when going from a PVE to a PVP Zone. Yes people had said the technical flaws in PVP I'm not going to bother with that. Really who does? It's how it FEELS how it PLAYS and the mentality we players get from it. The way it seems to me is we have not one City of Heroes/Villains but Two. The PVE CoX and the PVP CoX. Okay this Rant is over. Am I wrong? |
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
All I can say is "COnsider the source" (of what you're replying to.) Now, if that came from, say, Macskull? I'd give it far more weight.
You are NOT going to get the kind of PvP people like me like in this game, or indeed in any RPG. That's the essence of what Saist said. You are not. It's always going to be unballanced, because that's how the game is designed to be. Making PvP balanced will, by definition, make it a whole separate game, which is exactly what the OP doesn't want. Even leaving it as it was prior to I13, unballanced and unfair, it was STILL a completely different game, and one I actually dabbled in. You CAN'T make PvP play like PvE even if it were a good idea to try.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
But, I think that the old CoH PvP was very easily balancable around teaming...people just refused to do that.
Balanced, fair PvP requires a certain amount of simplicity that can allow for player interaction to be predictable and accountable for. In PvE, player-NPC interaction is easily predictable because you always know what the NPCs bring to bear, so you can design the difficulty of the encounter around that. But in PvP, you can't design every set or every team composition to be decent against every other one. And while some may find this acceptable, being killed with a massive handicap IS NOT FUN for me.
Back to Battlefield, I realise that, having picked the Assault kit, I'm not going to do much against a tank. It's balanced... But it's not fun at the same time. I can hide from it for a LONG time, but what the hell would that accomplish? Eventually I get bored, rush the thing, get instakilled and respawn as an engineer. I can't quite respawn my Blaster as a Scrapper, though.
Certain people enjoy lopsided, unfair, unbalanced PvP because of the unpredictability it presents. But this is both NOT like the PvP game and NOT everyone's cup of tea. And being of the position I am, I'm more inclined to side with people who share my preference.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I'm not sure if this fits here or not but I'm posting my random thoughts.
I don't PVP in this game thought I would like to. The problem like many I don't like the PVP rules. Why?
Well the basic is this from level 1-14 I learn a the game mechanics. I get used to said powers how they perform. What they can do to said foes.
Then level 15 and going into Bloody Bay. WHAT THE HELL! What I spent getting used to changes. It's a whole new system to get used to.
Much like driving when someone learns to drive an Automatic transmission and then they sit into a Manual Transmission car. This change is what bothers me I simply don't enjoy the changing systems when going from a PVE to a PVP Zone. Yes people had said the technical flaws in PVP I'm not going to bother with that.
Really who does? It's how it FEELS how it PLAYS and the mentality we players get from it. The way it seems to me is we have not one City of Heroes/Villains but Two. The PVE CoX and the PVP CoX.
Okay this Rant is over. Am I wrong?