Getting to know other players.
I'm me. Moved here from Protector 5 years ago to join some folks from the Blaster forums, now I'm just kicking around on my own, collecting art along the way.
I'm mousedroid, and I'm an altaholic.
Currently my most often played toons on Virtue are:
Waitress. (with a period, that I desperately want to get rid of) - lvl 50 Dominator
Stingshot - lvl 29 Corruptor
Tarantula Wasp - lvl 8 Corruptor
Officer Howard - lvl 35 Scrapper
Head to Head - lvl 21 Controller
Shenaniguns - lvl 8 Blaster
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Hey there, I'm a certified altaholic as well. My main toon is Radiant Knight. Well, you can pretty much look at my sig and see my most played toons ... Except for my two new static team toons, Incense N Peppermint and The Sapphyre Shield.
I am the guy that agroo the AV (or AV's), before the team even zoned.
I am the guy who lag RV, with a so called all MM event, just to annoy you.
I am the zone killer.
You think i'm here to provide you with a team!
You think i'm here to provide you with a lead!
You think i'm here to provide you with an event!
You have been fooled, I'm here to make sure you get your debt badges.
*** start a air guitar solo ***
I am the Zone KIIIILLLERR!!!! link
*** Piano fall from the ceiling, and crash on me ***
End of story
Since this had no point at all, here a vid, so you feel like you havent wasted your time, reading
OK nevermind, i just wasted even more of your time.
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide

I am the guy that agroo the AV (or AV's), before the team even zoned.
I am the guy who lag RV, with a so called all MM event, just to annoy you. I am the zone killer. You think i'm here to provide you with a team! You think i'm here to provide you with a lead! You think i'm here to provide you with an event! You have been fooled, I'm here to make sure you get your debt badges. *** start a air guitar solo *** I am the Zone KIIIILLLERR!!!! link *** Piano fall from the ceiling, and crash on me *** End of story Since this had no point at all, here a vid, so you feel like you havent wasted your time, reading OK nevermind, i just wasted even more of your time. |

There is also that other guy who have Xaeon as a global handle, im just glad he is havent played much, and we dont see him often...
Bunch of name thieves.
now lets waste more time here
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide

Wee bit of an alt-oholic here too. I'm primarily Redside, and my 2 current characters-of-the-month are Ahreman the Red and the Black Reckoner. My "main" and forum namesake has two versions; Agonus (Dom) and Lord Agonus (MM). Agonus is also the reason why some players call me Aggy. All characters mentioned are RP heavy, feel free to approach for teh arrpeez if you ever see me.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

My main character, and my namesake here on the boards, is Spectreblade, a Lv. 50 Broadsword/Dark Armor/Darkness Mastery Scrapper, and my main villain is Orochi Dragon, a Lv. 50 Ninjas/Poison/Soul Mastery Mastermind. My other 50's are Magatama III (Rad/Rad/Dark Defender) and Armorbound (Energy/Energy/Leviathan Stalker), and I have many other lower-level alts. I am a member of the Paragonian Knights, and have a few AE arcs to my name (See sig for details).
Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.
I don't have a 50 on Virtue but I've been playing only my DB/Elec scrapper (still 22) since I returned (like 4 days ago). You'll probably find me on the channels soon, haven't played much since I came back.
Heroes: Captain Rising Sun(scrapper)
Agent Weaver( lvl 49 Crab)
Arbiter Weaver (lvl 8 Soldier)
Global: Pedro Schwartz

Well, I just hopped ship from Justice in December because of the RP, and the free server transfers.
I have an alt of each AT (Except epics) on this server, but my main is Snaerr.
As for why I'm Tramontane, I wanted to name my character Tramontane but it was taken. Bloody name.
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
Oh good grief I can't list all those here.. I have terrible Altitis even my signature doesn't list all the 50s I own anymore. LOL But.. My Main and first ever Five O is Taxibot Sara2.0 [ILL/Emp]. Red side I just picked up my first ever 50 when Harley Babe (Thugs/Dark Maisma) dinged after a Imperious TF earlier this week. Yeah I know over 4 years in game and I JUST got a villain to 50? Old PC could not stand the lag and I only recently returned to the Dark Side.
After that I have a ton of characters from every Archtype except Peacebringer and at least one 50 level in each except my Warshade that is now level 49. Most notable would be Def Bot One my 50 level Rad/Rad Defender and leader of the Sisterhood of KFKA along with Mishu Gia another 50 level ILL/Emp and leader of KFKA Two. Sara2.0 is one of the leaders of the Paragon Taxi Service, or as most that remember us know us.. the Taxibots, and after that I have Tankers, Scrappers, Blasters, Defenders, and Controllers galore. Red side I play mostly Masterminds and Stalkers although I do have a dual pistol Corruptor now I enjoy and after hitting 50 I now have an Arachnos Soldier and a Widow I am enjoying. I ran out of character slot to buy a while back so I do have two accounts and both have Heroes and Villains I play.
Been here for just over 51 months now and I started on COv back in December 2006. I moved from infinity to Virtue several years ago following a number of good friends and enjoy all the people I have met and teamed with over the years.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
My table top group got me into CoX, so I started on Virtue where they were all playing.
My main is Siberian Spring, however I also have severe altitis (36 characters each, on two accounts, plus a couple of 50 transfers). Spring has a number of versions; Summer, Winter, Autumn, Twilight, Dusk, Dawn, Equinox, Noon, Night, etc. LOL.
If you come across me in game, if the character is in the KGB SS8 SG they're RPers; if not, they may or may not be but are all willing to join in.
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)

I, too, have Altitis, although I do have two 50s.
My current main (they tend to switch out) is Mellissandria (Sonic/Psionic Defender) who I think is at lvl 36 as of tonight...
Second main is Oryo Ryouko (lvl 50 fire/superreflexes scrapper)...
There are a few others..I rp on all of them to varying degrees, depending on who I am with and who I am playing at that moment..If the group doesn't rp, I'll drop the persona and be me.
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
I am @Perfekt, or as I was before a week ago, @Perfidus. Perfy works.
My main is Raine Heartfall, whose VV can be found in my sig. I haven't played her often lately as she actually has things going on out of game, rp-wise, and I never restrain my characters to the game.
I also play, in order of relevance/activity, Snowbelle, Kinzie Rose, Melanie Megaton, Aeka, Auriana Perfidus, Heavenly Sun, Lightsparrow, and Queensguard.
Gamewise, I tend more toward powergaming. I like expensive builds that do stupid stuff and then become unused for long stretches of time, negating the whole reason I just dumped a few billion inf on shiny crap. I love TF/SF's though, as xeaon can attest to.
RP wise, my approachability is solely dependent on the character I'm playing. In other words, you're not meeting me, you're meeting my characters and so you've gotta deal with their personalities. As a rule of thumb, if you want pleasant conversation from the start, Raine is to be avoided. :3
I'm also on the cusp of a much needed short break from the game, as I've been here non stop, heavily, since April 2007. I'll be gone only until GR hits, so if you don't see me for awhile, that's why! I just need a recharge!
"I do what I want." -- Raine Heartfall
Hellgirl. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
I play this server in tandem with Triumph (my original) and Freedom (where my friend played before he quit, though I try to convince him to return...) I'm quite new to the game myself and of twelve total characters (so far...), 4 are on Virtue:
Distray Zone - LV24 Blaster, Energy/Fire/Flight/Conceal. Current main, is a member of the Paragonian Knights.
National Capital - Tanker, Strength/Shield/Leaping. Member of a Canadian themed SG, the Northern Watch.
Crackglass - Stalker, Dark/Energy/Telepo. Member of the SG, Malicious Underground, but I neglect him more often than I should.
Tybroskvin - Brute, Mace/Stone. Has yet to hit 10, but I'm trying... (He's my boards avatar, though.)
I've got Virtueverse entries, but they still need to be updated and finished.
Looking forward to i17! Anyway, I think that's everything important about my activities on Vert. See you around!
My name is Mutant_Dream and I am a drunk. That's what an altoholic is, right? A drunk? Well, even if its not, I'm still a drunk.
Anyway, my main is a 50 DB/SR scrapper named Ghost Wake with a villainous stalker counterpart who will be switching sides come GR. He is a 50 DB/nin.
I have a couple other alts who are not worth mentioning save for The Emerald Sleuth, my martial arts/willpower homage to The Question.

I'm Gaelic_Reign and I'm not an altaholic. I'm currently playing three creations with any regularity:
Atom Basher, my kinetic powerhouse, EM/WP
White Centurion, my Greek warrior, SD/BS
Caledonian, my assassin, AR/Traps Corr
And in production:
Amazer, my DID suffering former circus clown, Ill/Something...I forget
Hi, I'm @Smersh, and I've been around a while.
I've got a half-dozen versions of my main character, Comrade Smersh. He's a Inv/Fire tank in his main incarnation, but I've got a few other versions.
I also have fun with my other favorite, Dr. Paladin. He's mostly a DB/SR scrapper, with occasional forays as a Kin/DP defender.
And, of course, I have a bunch of other characters that are fun to play.
Most of my characters are members of KGB Special Section 8, which is to be expected since I'm the guy in charge. It's a themed RPing supergroup that's usually within the top 50 on the server. We have fun.
If you see a friendly Soviet-themed hero, feel free to send them a tell as it just might be me, or someone else who's associated with my supergroup. We're all good people, honest.
I'm not a communist, I just play one on television!
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

Good gods....who am I today?
Most often I'm known as Absinth, or " 'Sin ". (aka Absinth Incubus).
I'm also the coal-burger chomping draconian named Jayson Pyre. (aka Draken Knight and Pyromaniac)
If you see a large steam powered techno-magical 'golem' named Skender...yup...that's me too.
Annnnd...if you happen to see a snowman running around Paragon handing you a cup of hot cocoa produced from his magic top hat... that's me, Jacques Frost, passing along Christmas Cheer all year long. (aka Winter Warrior, leader of the SG Lords of Winter)
These are just a few of the many many bad ideas in my head.
Find me @Original 'Sin.
Saw Jacques last night after that CC in AP. Love that name and concept.
Hi, Im Val, and Im an acolholic.
NO, not realy. Honest. I swear.
Val's also /not/ my /real/ name, obviously - its my character name. My one and only character's name. Ive been playing in various variations since I first dreampt her up ove a decade ago, across many games, and I've never wanted another. Cower before the mysterious, burning-eyed (soon to be demon-summoning) sorceress supreme! Better yet, buy her a drink - that always works .
As for what my real name /is/, Im afraid that would be telling - I never give out personal information of any kind over the internet.
Im a roleplayer and a PvPer - I grew up in UO and honestly cant imagine what we've come to where the two are seperable. I not a huge comic geek, but I do like the genre.
I was here in CoH once before for many a year, near the beginning, but my guild disintigrated around the same time I13 destroyed PvP, an, bereft of both the people and the gameplay I loved, I left, nad kicked around a few other games. I play Champions Online - shame on me, I know - and I like a love a lot fo the people Ive met there, but it simply doesnt have the community, or, more surprisingly, the strategic depth, I remember from CoH, so most of my gaming time is spent here now.
Except not that much, because my poor faithful video-card broke, but that I should have sorted soon.
Im a member of a wonderful supergroup called the Celestial Heroes of Paragon, who's leader, Kata Mari, is one of the most wonderful gamer girls I've ever hd the pleasure to strap on preposterously high heals and fght evil with. At least, I /hope/ Im still a member - with that videocard problem, its been a while since I logged on. They're not roleplayers OR PvPers though, and when I /do/ get back in game, with allmy abundant free time, I hope to hook up with more of both.
Finally, I always love t talk to fellow players, so give me a ring (proverbially speaking) either here, or in-game, where my global is @VaentynaPDG
Lady Valentyna Penderghast, Archmage
"Love her not, lovely though she be/
Watch warily: there lies/
A glint of ghoulish ancestry/
Deep in her green bright eyes..."
I am @The Flea.
Let me sum this up. I am Flea. I came here from Victory a long while back and haven't left since. (Fun fact, I came to play on Virtue as stress/anger/depression therapy from when my ex ended the engagement.)
I am aggressive. I am tempermental. I am sarcastic. I am the best gods damned SR you will ever come across and know it. (Fun Fact - Flea Mark Tempest can tank Reichsman.) I am also a RPer and have quite happily taken over Virtue's 'Lethal Protector' niche. And for those of you who want to hate on old-school Eddie Brock - pfffft. Shoo.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Hey guys I dont know if this has been done before, but i'm opening a forum to discuss who you are on the Virtue server
! To start off, my main is a level 30 blaster named Lyther. Who are you?