Getting to know other players.




((I'm Heroid. My global is @Heroid. I'm the guy who still uses double brackets on the forums years after everyone else quit because now and then, I still post in-character replies.

I'm an rp'er, but if I'm on an team with non-rp'ers, I adjust.

I hang out mostly with the gang from Maggie's Rock and the Other Guys.

I don't have a single main character anymore, and have lots of alts. I usually play whoever has a story going, or whoever someone else needs for their story.

I hate crunching numbers so hardly any of my builds are maxed out.

I like Polyphonic Spree, Grandaddy, the Arcade Fire, the New Pornographers, Queen, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Bad Company, AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, the Flaming Lips, and lots and lots of others.

The best Catwoman was Julie Newmar.))



I'm @Carnifax, a former EU sider who has jumped Virtue side in the last few months. The difference in terms of getting teams is staggering.

Loads of alts EU side obviously and the bug is spreading although I'm trying to resist making too many characters. At the mo my main is Bryophyta, a Plant/Empathy controller who I'm enjoying more than I thought I would. No-one has yelled at me for not healing or not having a rez yet (she's now level 34). She's a PuG specialist who hasn't run a single one of her own missions yet, just to see if I can.*

Villain-side I'm still casting around for a character which is new and fun. At the moment I'm playing RuntimeException, an Ice/Psi dominator whose concept is that it's an exceptionally buggy, virus-ridden robot which has a Clockwork Psionic Transmitter fitted to it. So anyone getting close almost shuts down due to the constant wave of psionic spam and Denial of Service attacks eminating from her. Bit of a slog at the moment but hopefully she'll start to bloom in her 20s.

At the mo I'm on most nights (about 21:00 BST onwards) and will be looking for a compatible SG/VG soon as well but given my relatively weird playtimes it's tricky to find a Group with events running at times which suit. Got a 3 year old and another en route so finding playtime can be tough, especially at weekends.



Greetings Programs!

I am the one and only SHECKY!

What do you mean you've not heard of me, I'm infamous!

Seriously though my global is @Shecky, and I am character DJ Shecky (Dee Jay Shecky when I broadcast from the Isles), DJ and Tech manager for The Cape Radio.

I also have a few villians such as Have (Brute), Leon Sharpe (Corr), and the Heroes Defcon 0 (Dark Def), and Eusinge (Ma/SR Scrapper).

I came to virtue about 4.5 years ago mostly due to the fact that it was easier on my old machine back then (Not as bad lag), and have just stuck here.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



I is the Twipper. Twip is one of my cats, my tuxedo boy.

I too am an altaholic, but have managed to get two scrappers and a MM to fifty. I've just recieved my 2 year badge (Yay!), and have been a member and lately an officer of the United Sentinels of America SG for about 19 of those 24 months. I've also a bouncer and a bartender working over at the Tavern on the Edge.

I play for enjoyment of the mechanics and for the light RP my SG friends engage in. Give me a shout at @Shaw Lwhon.



My home server is Infinity but I've got a full roster on Virtue as well.

Currently I'm falling in love with my
DM/Regen scrapper, Maestro Mavius all over again.
Was the 2nd toon I ever made, way back in 2005. Stalled out at 32 for years until last month. Just hit 41 last night!

Only other toon I really play on Virtue would be my new
SS/SR Brute currently level 11.
Deadweight Champion.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Been on Virtue forever (came from Infinity)...but anywho my fave char right now is my elec/regen Scrapper "Neowolf" w00f!!! Played my pistol guy "Smithereen" to lvl 50 during the 2xp weekend (well and some not 2xp). But came right back to Neowolf...just somethin' about the lil' werewolf/robot I dig.
Prestige Award
My DA page

@Fire Chief



Hey. Folks call me Than. I participated in the original CoH beta, and I've been here ever since. My hero main is my original first character. My villain main looks forward to going heroic. I'm in character about 98% of the time. I enjoy long dramatic roleplaying. Virtue 4 life.

I'm still around, just quieter.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.