Questions to ask the Devs @ PAX East

Adeon Hawkwood



I am lucky to be going to both the Saturday PAX East CoX panel AND the meet-n-greet that night.

What questions do you want answered? Post here and I will do my best to get answers.

Go Team Venture!



to DEVS-

Could you discuss pvp please? You made a lot of promises with the i13 "upgrade" yet there has been complete silence on the topic since.



Originally Posted by Charnell View Post
to DEVS-

Could you discuss pvp please? You made a lot of promises with the i13 "upgrade" yet there has been complete silence on the topic since.
Ahahaha...Ahahahha *deep breath* AHhahahahahaha....*wipes tears from eyes.*
Good one.

I'm glad i'm not going to PAX, I'd be throwing shoes. :P

My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"

Also: "Is there any new content for villains forth coming that ISN'T also hero content? and why has it taken this long?"

Though the answer to my first question will probably be enough to answer my second.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"
Nice to see I'm not the only one.

Since that question is already being addressed, I'll pose one of my own -

"Can we expect the change of anniversary event badges being tied to our account vice our individual characters soon?".

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
I am lucky to be going to both the Saturday PAX East CoX panel AND the meet-n-greet that night.

What questions do you want answered? Post here and I will do my best to get answers.
Here's one that I hope they can answer -- Is there a chance in the future that CoH can implement a system of cross-server teaming? Much like the WoW LFG system (or Battlegrounds system) -- what about something for arenas or PvP in general? (cross-server)




Questions for the Devs, lets see:
Base Editor: There is a lot of items in the game that is not in the base editor. Will we ever see those or similar items in the baseeditor? (Like beds? Ex. The current bed in the editor has plenty of chains on it. Since few heroes are into s&m... maybe its time to add more choices?)

AE customization: Will the power customization tool be applied to the MA engine?

Maps: Will we have Map customisation possibility for the MA (missions, outdoors, the works?) or new maps on a regular basis as the issues come?

Graphic Engine (Think it would go there):
Will we see an increase of polygons on our character? (aka updating character models, more details?) Since I do feel that the graphical engine of our characters needs to be updated a little (but not too much)
Will we have more costume piece places, like Arm accessories or leg accessories?
(I do believe we soon will be able to have tail & belt?)

Pvp: Will we have more pvp scenarios, minigames that we can join like in other games. (Instanced area that you must join, either through a machine (like in Arena) or touch of a button). Warhammer had some nice ones, even Co had one: Zombie Apocalypse scenario. (In short everyone but a few starts on one side, goal is to protect the cottage from zombies. If the zombies overrun and there are no heroes left to defend the zombies win. The fun part was that there was a few players that was made automatically zombies and well it turned quickly into a fun pvp scenario.)

Public quests: Warhammer had these lovely public quests where several players joined in to fight in a scenario, will we be seeing this or something similar in the (near) future?

Temp Powers:
Could we get a new permanent temp power or Vet reward power (like we do with Blackwand or Nemesis Staff): The nice Croatoa Spell vs the Fae named Rune of Warding? (I love the animation etc on it)

If you see anyone who could be the person with the power to decide about Server list merge between the US and EU, do ask about that. (See my sig thread "We are one") The devs with War Witch already know about this, but I was thinking that the person with the authority might be present on such a gathering.

Going to ponder of new questions.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"
I think it's a bit ironic you laugh about a question to PvP, yet honestly believe this. (Yes, villain side could use more SFs, but I don't think the "neglect" is out of bias or hate, but business sense - bang for the buck and all that.)

Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Temp Powers:
Could we get a new permanent temp power or Vet reward power (like we do with Blackwand or Nemesis Staff): The nice Croatoa Spell vs the Fae named Rune of Warding? (I love the animation etc on it)
It's not permanent, but you can get this power from a Day Job Accolade. I forget the exact combination, but it's Graveyard + something else. You can store up to 20 charges.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"
I think the answer would be "because we hate Villains"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



When and where are we getting more villain content including more sf's and when can we expect a merger



I think the question I'd most like to know is have they reconsidered their position on a Red/Blue market merge given the changes over the last few Issues and probable changes in GR? If they aren't planning a merge, are they planning to do anything to improve conditions on the redside market?

Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"
*Objection* That's a loaded question your honor. (sorry, been watching to much Law and Order recently ).



It sounds like the Devs won't get credit for any TFs (PFs?) in Praetoria, because both Heroes and Villains will have access to them...

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Ahahaha...Ahahahha *deep breath* AHhahahahahaha....*wipes tears from eyes.*
Good one.

I'm glad i'm not going to PAX, I'd be throwing shoes. :P

My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"

Also: "Is there any new content for villains forth coming that ISN'T also hero content? and why has it taken this long?"

Though the answer to my first question will probably be enough to answer my second.
How are devs biased for heroes? They are absolutely not.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
When and where are we getting more villain content including more sf's and when can we expect a merger
A merger of what?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
A merger of what?
Server lists, I think - 15 servers open to anyone anywhere in the world

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'd just like to know when we're going to get more trailers for I-17 and GOING ROGUE. I wanna see spiffy stuff in Ultra Mode. And if they show one at PAX? Please see if you get it onto YouTube?


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Questions that I would like to ask

1) With Positron as lead dev for end-game content. What can we be expecting or what hints can they give us as to what to expect for future end-game content?

2) With I17 players can now have a character at lvl 20 to unlock current EATs. Does this mean we will be seeing more EATs later down the road?



What's the Marketing Dept's plan for getting more subscribers?

Will we ever be able to buy game related swag without having to be physically present at a convention? You know, because a lot more of us wearing T-shirts around town with spiffy attention grabbing graphics is typically easy to implement and pays for itself.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Ahahaha...Ahahahha *deep breath* AHhahahahahaha....*wipes tears from eyes.*
Good one.

I'm glad i'm not going to PAX, I'd be throwing shoes. :P

My question would have to be: "Why do you let your bias for heroes affect game content and mechanics?"

Also: "Is there any new content for villains forth coming that ISN'T also hero content? and why has it taken this long?"

Though the answer to my first question will probably be enough to answer my second.
Err maybe you heard of something called GOING ROGUE?
10/10 for being obnoxious though.



Are there any plans on giving people upgrading to GR free character slots?

At this point I'm not really holding my breath, but I still have hope.

Post +1



Question re: the Marketing Dept.

Is there one?

No...I mean REALLY?

Like...they get paychecks 'n everything?



Devs: What's going on with PvP? Almost everyone I talk to hates the new system. Are you planning on changing it at all?



Nice to see all the questions across many different topics. I will do my best to ask as many as I can on Saturday.

Now I just need to work on the wording of certain questions....

Go Team Venture!