Discussion: Another CoH Team Update Congrats To David Nakayama!




Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
...or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings.
Not that I have any real desire to see a naked Maelstrom, but Issue 9 is going to help GG's case more than yours.. The goon butt-kickery takes place inside a strip club. >.>

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
lol. You win this round, Golden Girl. Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.

But before I throw in the towel completely, you might to check the last couple pages of Issue 8, where Back Alley Brawler suits up in his new uniform, or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings.
Do wha?



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
lol. You win this round, Golden Girl. Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.

But before I throw in the towel completely, you might to check the last couple pages of Issue 8, where Back Alley Brawler suits up in his new uniform, or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings.
But Beef Cake was in Issue 19...

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Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
lol. You win this round, Golden Girl. Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.

But before I throw in the towel completely, you might to check the last couple pages of Issue 8, where Back Alley Brawler suits up in his new uniform, or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings.
Yeah, not even close to a being an eye-candy shot comparable to the one GG provided.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Yeah, not even close to a being an eye-candy shot comparable to the one GG provided.
I dunno... let's do a more thorough comparison.

:Studies the one GG provided.
:Studies some more.
:Looks for the comics David referred to.
:Gets sidetracked, finding instead the comic with the shot GG snipped.
:Comes back to this thread, not quite remembering what he was supposed to be doing.
:Eventually remembers, but decides the one GG provided needs a fresh perspective...

Ok, this may take a bit longer than expected....



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
lol. You win this round, Golden Girl. Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.

But before I throw in the towel completely, you might to check the last couple pages of Issue 8, where Back Alley Brawler suits up in his new uniform, or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings.
Come on now, deep down, you know that isn't anywhere near the same as the bath picture.

And as for throwing in the towel - save it - you'll need it to keep your Maelstron shower pictures in line with the game rating.

EDIT: By the way, it doesn't just have to be Maelstrom - Manticore, Foreshadow or Synapse would also be quite acceptable alternatives

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Come on now, deep down, you know that isn't anywhere near the same as the bath picture.

And as for throwing in the towel - save it - you'll need it to keep your Maelstron shower pictures in line with the game rating.

EDIT: By the way, it doesn't just have to be Maelstrom - Manticore, Foreshadow or Synapse would also be quite acceptable alternatives
Or all of the above?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Come on now, deep down, you know that isn't anywhere near the same as the bath picture.

And as for throwing in the towel - save it - you'll need it to keep your Maelstron shower pictures in line with the game rating.

EDIT: By the way, it doesn't just have to be Maelstrom - Manticore, Foreshadow or Synapse would also be quite acceptable alternatives
Is there a 'McDreamy' in the pantheon of COH signature characters? If a poll was taken, I'm not actually sure who the fans would pick. Psyche and Ghost Widow are obviously popular female characters, but who're the top two male characters? Surely there must've been a thread about this at some point, right?

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Is there a 'McDreamy' in the pantheon of COH signature characters? If a poll was taken, I'm not actually sure who the fans would pick. Psyche and Ghost Widow are obviously popular female characters, but who're the top two male characters? Surely there must've been a thread about this at some point, right?
You know, that's a really good question.
I don't honestly have an opinion on that (Although, I suppose I might be able to look and make some sort of judgment call), I'll leave that for those who are attracted to males, however.
That being said... I think you/we/someone should hold a official poll on that.

Of course... I suppose The Electric-Knight does not count... Otherwise, it'd be a landslide...

(That's just my objective guess though...)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Is there a 'McDreamy' in the pantheon of COH signature characters? If a poll was taken, I'm not actually sure who the fans would pick. Psyche and Ghost Widow are obviously popular female characters, but who're the top two male characters? Surely there must've been a thread about this at some point, right?
Ghost Widow is just wrong

As for the boys, Manticore has hair you could lose your hands in, so that's often a big plus point - and Foreshadow looks like he could be fun - and Synapse too, as long as he slows down.
But quite a few of the signature heroes are too manly for my liking - BAB is too bodybuilder-ish, Infernal is too demonic, Woodsman is too hairy, Castle is too beardy, Citadel is too metal, Statesman is too old - although I'm sure he was quite the stud back in the day, and even if he doesn't look so old now, it'd still be way too "Twilight" to get invovled with him

Of course, like I said, that's all just my opinion - there'll be others who'll find them all drop dead sexy - so I think the best solution would be for you to draw a large selection of the male characters in various states of undress, and then we could grade them to find the winner of City of Hunks 2010.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
lol. You win this round, Golden Girl. Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.
Not just the ladies... you know.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Is there a 'McDreamy' in the pantheon of COH signature characters? If a poll was taken, I'm not actually sure who the fans would pick. Psyche and Ghost Widow are obviously popular female characters, but who're the top two male characters? Surely there must've been a thread about this at some point, right?
You, sir, forget the most obvious of the female hotties in this game. I speak, of course, of the lovely Swan, ever alert at Manticore's side in Brickstown.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Castle is too beardy
I...didn't know that was a problem o.o
*makes note to shave later*

@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)



Originally Posted by Incarnadine View Post
I...didn't know that was a problem o.o
*makes note to shave later*
That's just personal taste
Some guys can totally rock facial hair, but I just don't think Castle is one of them - his outfit is very nice, and the colors are distinctive, but the beard just ain't working

I think it might be a safety hazard too, with all those fire/kins running around

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's just personal taste
Some guys can totally rock facial hair, but I just don't think Castle is one of them - his outfit is very nice, and the colors are distinctive, but the beard just ain't working

I think it might be a safety hazard too, with all those fire/kins running around
Naw, Castle is flameproof. How else could he do his current job and stay (mostly) sane?



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
Naw, Castle is flameproof. How else could he do his current job and stay (mostly) sane?
I mean the in-game Castle, not the dev Castle

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Well, this thread has become completely useless. Anyways, grats to . . . um . . . whoever.

It's really too bad that a thread isn't deleted when it becomes so usless.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Is there a 'McDreamy' in the pantheon of COH signature characters? If a poll was taken, I'm not actually sure who the fans would pick. Psyche and Ghost Widow are obviously popular female characters, but who're the top two male characters? Surely there must've been a thread about this at some point, right?
Well as far as i can see, Ghost Widow would be borderline necrophillia lol. You missed out Ms Liberty, on Union there used to be a Ms Liberty's Protectors Squad SG, i think that would count as popular
No WarWitch? She will be angry at that

As for the male side, personally even though Back Alley Brawler is muscular, theres such a thing as being too muscular

Statesman I agree with GG when she said hes too old, but probably would have been cute in younger days.
Foreshadow is cute definately and in my top three favorites.
Malaise you cant really tell because of the mask.
Manticore im not really fond of, probably because the first time i met him he was betraying us and tried to kill us
Spark Blade, who i only just saw via cohwiki a few minutes ago, is definately number 1 or 2 very cute and cool, id be definately going for his phone number if i met him.
Woodsman and castle both have same issues, beards. No idea why men insist on growing them, they scratch you when there short, there like kissing a furball when there long. Yuck.
Positron, probably some peoples taste but not for me
Maelstrom is definately in top two along with Spark blade though

For those of you that dunno spark blade, image below



I think the only reasom Spark Balde hasn't been added to the game yet is because of his powers - he'd cause a frenzy of sword/pistol power set requests

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the only reasom Spark Balde hasn't been added to the game yet is because of his powers - he'd cause a frenzy of sword/pistol power set requests
Well that explains why i havent seen him lol Perhaps a Going Rogue thing? or has he been there way before that?

And I think just about everyone whos come to suggest powers at some point has asked for a sword and gun lol. I think maybe the jacket would need reworking in the actual game, no idea where that picture came from it was just on cohwiki. Trenchcoats cant wrap around the charecter it was said because of the engine, so it has to be a buttcape deal.

I think it would make an excellent Epic Archetype for people who get level 50 on the opposite side from what they started in Going Rogue, or level 20 if they want to follow the i17 update

Still, please add Spark Blade to the game so I can stand in front of him with my mouth open please, thanks



Well, so much for consensus. I thought there might be an obvious two, but it's sounding like that's not the case. On the other hand, who knew Foreshadow was so popular? That's not a character I would've guessed right away, but y'know what? I think we've learned something here today.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Well, so much for consensus. I thought there might be an obvious two, but it's sounding like that's not the case. On the other hand, who knew Foreshadow was so popular? That's not a character I would've guessed right away, but y'know what? I think we've learned something here today.
Would that lesson be: "Don't even TRY to guess what women like, but men are simpler- Sister Psyche bathtub scenes never get old."



David did you happen to notice that the favorites are Asian. good news for you.

Maybe your sig-character should be Foreshadow.