Idiocy in your /Search note
"Teams my level or higher" (with supersidekicking, whodoyouthinkyou'refooling?)
"not interested in teaming" (then why aren't you flagged as 'no teaming'?) Discuss/add. |
"not interesting in teaming", yet not flagged as "Do Not Accept Invites"?
Two theories:
1) We need a tutorial on how to use the Flag system we have ingame. Too many people fail to understand it.
2) It's someone who just wants to have a reason to snap at people for not reading search comments, so doesn't bother to red-flag. That way, they can later post about the "rampant stupidity ingame".
Theory 3 - your flag can get shunted to the default for no readily apparent reason, in which case they don't know.
Theory 4 - They teamed with friends for some reason and then forgot to reset their flag.
i.e. lots of reasons.
"SG ONLY" (why?) |
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
"Teams my level or higher" (with supersidekicking, whodoyouthinkyou'refooling?)
"not interested in teaming" (then why aren't you flagged as 'no teaming'?) "SG ONLY" (why?) Discuss/add. |
Not interested in teaming- Probably sick of all the people who don't notice/ignore the fact their flag is not set looking for team. I know the feeling.
SG only- i use this one on a few of my characters. Because sometimes i want to play the game with people i know and who i can count on to play their part. Not have to explain the finer points of tactics to some kid or gibbering fool who has no idea what he's doing. Also avoids the people who think i have nothing better to do then borrow my level 50 tank to carry their brand new toon around. Or i'm just feeling anti social and i don't want to spend time getting to know you, no matter how awesome you are. I Have some more creative forms of this too. MY main tank is something along the lines of "I am a warrior not a pack mule. I will not carry your butt."
I often "forget" to re set my flags.
In the search notes for many of my older and seldom played characters, I'm sure there are some that still say NO PAD/FILL/BRIDGE. I remember when levels 46 and 47 were the hell levels.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Well, my own search notes always state my power sets, followed by "No blind invites." I like to think that's pretty reasonable.
Anyway, the only search note that really annoys me is the "my level or higher ones", if only because if you refuse to go even five levels below your level, that being the treshold for keeping your powers, you must have some serious paranoia for lower-levels going.
Maybe some of these people think a level 40 joining a level 35 team gets less XP? Of course that's wrong, but I wouldn't wanna ask these people that only to have them snap at me, anyway.
All my search notes have the same format as well, albeit slightly different: "Set/Set. I don't do AE."
I have been called an idiot (or equivalent) a couple of times for that second sentence. Occasionally I'll join a team, find out they haven't noticed that part, and excuse myself, but it's surprisingly rare.
You left out the often all-important:
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
Badging in a PvP zone?
If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.
This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious
"Teams my level or higher" (with supersidekicking, whodoyouthinkyou'refooling?)
As others have mentioned, losing powers with exemplaring is still a big thing- particularly for people who just recently got something like Stamina and re-slotted their enhancements with that expectation.
Others put that in as an "anti powerleveler" message. - No, I'm not interested in helping a total stranger race to level, TYVM. Search notes are most often for strangers. Friends I KNOW can always send me a tell and ask for favors.
"not interested in teaming" (then why aren't you flagged as 'no teaming'?) |
Again, as others have pointed out, the search status changes often, but the message doesn't. Putting a message in there is a good way to catch those moments. *I* shouldn't be inconvenienced with constantly checking my search status when I really want to be left alone, and *you* shouldn't be inconvenienced by sending invites to people that are entirely uninterested in teaming with you. Why NOT do this?
"SG ONLY" (why?) Discuss/add. |
I'd assume most people don't mean "SG characters" but supergroup players. If you're on an alt, but in my supergroup with another character, an "sg only" status flagger is probably OK with that. Many PUG experiences are... well... crap. If you have screening criteria for your supergroup, then knowing that the person is a SG-mate means less unexpected crappiness.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
As others have mentioned, losing powers with exemplaring is still a big thing- particularly for people who just recently got something like Stamina and re-slotted their enhancements with that expectation. Others put that in as an "anti powerleveler" message. - No, I'm not interested in helping a total stranger race to level, TYVM. Search notes are most often for strangers. Friends I KNOW can always send me a tell and ask for favors. Reasonable: Again, as others have pointed out, the search status changes often, but the message doesn't. Putting a message in there is a good way to catch those moments. *I* shouldn't be inconvenienced with constantly checking my search status when I really want to be left alone, and *you* shouldn't be inconvenienced by sending invites to people that are entirely uninterested in teaming with you. Why NOT do this? Reasonable: I'd assume most people don't mean "SG characters" but supergroup players. If you're on an alt, but in my supergroup with another character, an "sg only" status flagger is probably OK with that. Many PUG experiences are... well... crap. If you have screening criteria for your supergroup, then knowing that the person is a SG-mate means less unexpected crappiness. |
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I normal put No bridge No Blind invites.
Why you ask because why should i power level some one i do not even know let alone carry them?
No Blind invites same reason i real do not want to waist my time being Sk down or do something i do not find enjoyable.

"Teams my level or higher" (with supersidekicking, whodoyouthinkyou'refooling?)
Most of mine just have their powersets and then a silly comment if I can think of a good one (i.e. my AR/Dev has "Have gun, will travel").
Silly search notes:
* Force Field Defender: "You have troubles? I have bubbles!"
* "TLDR"
* "Continued on next character"
* "You'll only kick me anyway"
* "Single blue hero seeks team for missions, story arcs and long walks on the beach."
* Defender: "I want to buff you like an animal."
* "No TFs; I have commitment issues"
* "Out of touch with reality: AE only."
* Tank: "I'm tired of being treated like a shield of meat"
* Scrapper or Brute: "aggro.... Aggro.... AAAGGGRRROOOOOO!!"
* Blaster: "Pull THIS"
* "Will team with heroes who don't clash with my costume"
* 50th level character: "PL = Please Leave"
* Mastermind: "Join a team? I AM a team."
* Pinnacle Server: "Will only join teams with a designated beer holder."
* Virtue Server: "OOC invites will be ignored; blind invites only accepted from characters who are mute."
* "Welcome to ignore."
* "Will buff for food."
* "<~~~ Has Tourettes Chat Syndrome... You have been warned."
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Frankly, sometimes I'm lazy and sometimes I just forget to go reset the flag.
Heck with as many alts as I have going, remembering to go set the flag every time a condition changes (such as logging in, under the current flag reset bug) isn't anywhere on my routine when revisiting a character.
Therefore, I put stuff in the Search Comment that is more or less permanent for the character, like "I have bubbles" or "looking for mainly TFs, but will join any fun team" or "Fire/Thermal Corr who can switch from blasting to buffing".
If the fact that my flag doesn't exactly match the comment really bothers you that much, you seem to be a bit overly stressed on the details.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
"Teams my level or higher" (with supersidekicking, whodoyouthinkyou'refooling?)
"not interested in teaming" (then why aren't you flagged as 'no teaming'?) |
"SG ONLY" (why?) |
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Funny notes Steelclaw i would not be shocked to see them ether.

Silly search notes:
* Force Field Defender: "You have troubles? I have bubbles!" * "TLDR" * "Continued on next character" * "You'll only kick me anyway" * "Single blue hero seeks team for missions, story arcs and long walks on the beach." * Defender: "I want to buff you like an animal." * "No TFs; I have commitment issues" * "Out of touch with reality: AE only." * Tank: "I'm tired of being treated like a shield of meat" * Scrapper or Brute: "aggro.... Aggro.... AAAGGGRRROOOOOO!!" * Blaster: "Pull THIS" * "Will team with heroes who don't clash with my costume" * 50th level character: "PL = Please Leave" * Mastermind: "Join a team? I AM a team." * Pinnacle Server: "Will only join teams with a designated beer holder." * Virtue Server: "OOC invites will be ignored; blind invites only accepted from characters who are mute." * "Welcome to ignore." * "Will buff for food." * "<~~~ Has Tourettes Chat Syndrome... You have been warned." |
I'm gonna have to use the TF one, I think.
<----- over 5 1/2 years in the game, and still a TF virgin.

I stopped doing Hami-raids (Virtue) when he started showing up at them, and posting along the lines that anyone who didn't wear a completely blank costume was in fact deliberately griefing the raid.
His stories about PuGs are amusing sometimes, whether he is or isn't the first one in the story to be a jerk.
I saw a scrapper with a note that said they were a healer.
"Teams my level or higher" (with supersidekicking, whodoyouthinkyou'refooling?)
"not interested in teaming" (then why aren't you flagged as 'no teaming'?)
"SG ONLY" (why?)
Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.