3 Ways Instant leveling Would Work




This idea is from BubblegumBomb I am just moving it here and to tell you guys how this will work without hurting our baby (referring to the game)

1. Make it so they need 2 level 50s heroes and villians that way you need to work for it.

2. Make them pay $10-$20 dollars, I know that is greedy, but so many poeple will do it they will get more money, all you need is money, that what love is : P

3. Make it a Vet Reward, we must play 6 years!

Trust me I HATE this idea, but if they have to work for it then it is ok. I hate playing with inexperienced and clueless players, I wish they would go in the dang training room that what it is there for lol.



NO! and if you hated the idea, there should have been no reason to post a suggestion on it power. come on man. you know better.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
NO! and if you hated the idea, there should have been no reason to post a suggestion on it power. come on man. you know better.
I know, but I was saying if we did do it the 3 ways would work ; ) the Second way would most likely give NCSolf lots of money, since poeple want to skip to level 50 so badly. At least I think 25% of them do : P could be wrong.




very bad idea

instant lvling should be used on the test server ONLY

now if NCSoft did want to put a way to purchase inf, then maybe, but still prolly not that good of idea



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
This idea is from BubblegumBomb I am just moving it here and to tell you guys how this will work without hurting our baby (referring to the game)

1. Make it so they need 2 level 50s heroes and villians that way you need to work for it.

2. Make them pay $10-$20 dollars, I know that is greedy, but so many poeple will do it they will get more money, all you need is money, that what love is : P

3. Make it a Vet Reward, we must play 6 years!

Trust me I HATE this idea, but if they have to work for it then it is ok. I hate playing with inexperienced and clueless players, I wish they would go in the dang training room that what it is there for lol.
Great job on making a coherent suggestion.

Now here's one reason why auto-leveling is a bad idea. I'm sure you have seen the posts made by people claiming the game is dead because they can't see anyone in the zones. This is because the game is heavily instanced (people are inside missions).

So if the devs were to add auto leveling the low level zones would lose everyone that chose to use it, which would make those zones appear even emptier. If it was restricted to a vet reward then zones like Atlas Park would lose the games most experienced players.

The only palatable compromise I've seen suggested in another thread was a vet reward that allowed the creation of 1 single character per account that could be auto-leveled.

This isn't taking into consideration all the extras people would start demanding and abusing.

People will want free inf and merits to buy enhancements and there will be people which will not think twice about paying $10-20 bucks so they can strip the character of loot and use it on another character. It's basically legalizing RMT which they can't get banned for.

But again great job on making an understandable post Power.



and what forbin said about the coherent post. good job.



As I said in the other thread (why couldn't this be kept in the other thread...?): go the route Guild Wars took; you can make characters which start at 50, but they're restricted to the PvP zones. The only thing you get at 50 besides a badge and the ability to slot purple enhancements is more PvP. Everything else in the game can be done before level 50.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
As I said in the other thread (why couldn't this be kept in the other thread...?):
Because Power actually made his suggestion in the Suggestion board, unlike Bubble's original suggestion in General Discussion. Therefore, I congratulate Power for attempting to move the discussion to the appropriate subforum (and using full, coherent sentences!), but I must still respectfully, emphatically disagree with the suggestion at hand.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



It seems to me that the devs have made the wise decision not to allow players to use real money to gain a significant in-game advantage. They should stick with that principle.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
As I said in the other thread (why couldn't this be kept in the other thread...?): go the route Guild Wars took; you can make characters which start at 50, but they're restricted to the PvP zones. The only thing you get at 50 besides a badge and the ability to slot purple enhancements is more PvP. Everything else in the game can be done before level 50.

About the only time I've been fine with "Just let me start at 50" is regarding PVP. If they could be restricted just to PVP zones and the arena (with some sort of recourse to the market, and of course bases if raiding ever comes back,) I'd be fine with that.

But generically "give me a 50?" No. No thanks.

(And yes, it's good to see Power posting coherently.)



While I'm not for it...

...could do it this way!

The ability to purchase a ONE time only lvl 50!

Then if they see so many people purchasing that one lvl 50 combo, they can NERF IT!

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The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If it was restricted to a vet reward then zones like Atlas Park would lose the games most experienced players.
Vets starting brand new characters are in Atlas Park proper about five minutes if they go into the sewers. They come out level 6 or 7 or 8, and then they go to KR, where they do four missions in another hour or so and come out with the jet pack at level 9 or 10, or possibly even higher if they're on a good team. They'll spend a grand total of maybe 15 or 20 minutes out in an open zone. Once they've got jet packs they can easily team with their higher level friends in more profitable missions (level 50 common recipe drops sell for 100K+ and are a great way to get a character seed money). Vets know how to get through the early levels very efficiently (we've done it a lot).

And that's the hard way. The easier way is for one vet to team with another vet's low level character, take them to FBZ via RWZ and PI and team teleport, buy the jetpack outright, then do level 50 missions in PI for 20 levels (which come very quickly if you're running at +1 or +2). And since they're vets, they don't need to doorsit: they can actually contribute without getting themselves killed every couple of minutes.

I like helping new people, but so many times I've gotten tells asking, "can u pl meh?" And I respond, "No, but I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have." And I have yet to have them ask me anything or start any kind of conversation that would lead me to want to team with them.

Perhaps there should be a new class of badges that you get for SKing new players for an hour or two. It would be sort of like the mentoring badges we have now, but would only work for accounts newer than, say, six months. That would give some segment of the vet population an incentive to "apprentice" some new players.



I mean this with no malice. Really.

I'm just wondering how in the heck can you take a bad idea and just make it hilariously worse? Power_NA, you my friend, have a gift. It may be a small gift, but it is indeed something.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I mean this with no malice. Really.

I'm just wondering how in the heck can you take a bad idea and just make it hilariously worse? Power_NA, you my friend, have a gift. It may be a small gift, but it is indeed something.
Actually Power has summarized a suggestion someone else has made in another part of the forums. He brought it here because this is where it really belonged.

He gave credit to the author and has stated he is against the idea himself. He also did a great job making sure it was easy to understand.



I'll just simply say no to this. I hope they never consider using this on live, test server is fine.

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Well, you at least tried to come up with ways it wouldn't be game breaking. I'll give you that. But the implementations you thought of would still be bad.

Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
1. Make it so they need 2 level 50s heroes and villians that way you need to work for it.
Level 50 is no big achievement. It's not even time consuming. In fact, basing requirements around having a 50 is a good incentive for paying RMTers for a PL. I suspect this is one reason they lowered the requirement for Epic ATs (a very good idea). So you'd still have inexperienced players getting auto-levelled. No way, Jose.

Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
2. Make them pay $10-$20 dollars, I know that is greedy, but so many poeple will do it they will get more money, all you need is money, that what love is : P
While money in NC's pockets is good, noobs running around with 50's they bought is not.

Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
3. Make it a Vet Reward, we must play 6 years!
While probably the more rational requirement, as this would infer game experience, the one thing that makes this a "NO" is that people sell their accounts. They shouldn't. Outside of the legal reasons, there's hundreds of reasons why they shouldn't. So a 6 year badge doesn't always prove something. Besides, I've seen people with 5 year badges who seem entirely inexperienced.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.




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LOL oh man it's instant level day and I forgot my PL shoes!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The only palatable compromise I've seen suggested in another thread was a vet reward that allowed the creation of 1 single character per account that could be auto-leveled.

My ears are burning......hey where's my lighter?



I'm generally against this idea.
While this might reduce the pay-for-PL side of RMT, those freshly minted L50s are going to need $Inf to enhance with. If they are PvP characters, they are likely to want metric boatloads of $Inf to IO out with. Not having actually played the game they won't have accumulated any wealth, so where are they going to be likely to turn for thier quick wealth?

If the answer is that buckets of $INF will be included, then this needs to be Test Server Only, for sure.



The only circumstance where instant lvling makes sense would be for PvP and that character would be relegated to Arena, raids and PvP zones.

If the developers ever did this, hopefully they would also institute a way for players to earn PvP credits to purchase IOs for that PvP character. Guild Wars has a similar PvP feature that the CoH developers should really take a loot at.

Hell, they should really look at how PvP is setup and zone raids are setup in that game.

Otherwise the purpose of lvling 1-50 in PvE is that its a time sink.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I'm generally against this idea.
While this might reduce the pay-for-PL side of RMT, those freshly minted L50s are going to need $Inf to enhance with. If they are PvP characters, they are likely to want metric boatloads of $Inf to IO out with. Not having actually played the game they won't have accumulated any wealth, so where are they going to be likely to turn for thier quick wealth?
Missions in Warburg.
Mobs in RV.
Player kills.
And, it has to be admitted - twinking by the person's other characters/sg mates/etc.



I like the idea but I'd make it a very senior vet reward and only allow one or two characters a year.

Additionally, it can not be used on new powersets.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Missions in Warburg.
Mobs in RV.
Player kills.
And, it has to be admitted - twinking by the person's other characters/sg mates/etc.
I don't have a problem with the twinking.
I just doubt that if a character is intended for Fully-IOd-to-the-gills PvP that those other wealth generation methods would be sufficiently fast for someone who just buys insta-50.