Non-Tanker toons that can actually hold aggro and taunt like a tank




I'm curious what other characters can really tank? No archetype is supposed to irreplaceable, but Tanks do a great job of well tanking... what else can?

By tanking I mean:

Pulling large amounts of toons, to one tight location, and then hold them there so the Area of Effects can unless heck. And live to see another day against the toughest mobs?

I'm betting we'll see some TankerMind builds that are pretty good at the job. What else would surprise us?






Well built scrappers and brutes can do that. Or they could just kill everything on their way.

Active 50's
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Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
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Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



scrappers for sure. My main corr can kiiiinda tank. He pulls +0/x6 groups and takes them out before most of them get to him, if they make it out of the RoF/tar patch. Brutes can tank almost as good as tankers.



Brutes are the closest analogue because all of their secondaries (sans EA) have taunt auras and all of their attacks have taunt effects added to them. They have the same threat modifier as Tankers (4.0) and the same taunt durations. A few differences between Brutes and Tanks:

1) Tankers have Gauntlet, so their single target attacks (from their secondary) have splash taunt. This helps hold aggro a bit, but I think it's a little overstated.
2) Tanker Taunt has -range applied to all 5 foes is hits, which makes it an excellent tool for clumping mobs together. I've heard that Brute Taunt only applies -range to the primary target. (I have not confirmed this.)
3) Brutes obviously do more damage. What isn't obvious about this is it increases their threat generation significantly. If a Brute and Tanker are playing the exact same (Taunting with the same frequency, same duration, etc), the Brute will win due to dealing much more damage.

Some Scrappers can hold aggro decently, namely those with strong taunt auras (Invuln, Shield), but they don't quite compare to Tankers/Brutes. They have a lower threat mod (3.0), their attacks don't taunt, and their Confront is a shorter duration/single target version of Brute/Tanker Taunt.

Other sets/ATs can generate a lot of threat, but they can't hold/control it like the above can. (Taunt effects are pretty much strong enough to override anything but other taunt effects.)



They don't herd, but Regen Stalkers are sometimes used to tank Hami during villain raids. This is normally much faster than setting up a stream of suicidal MM henchmen.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



It all depends on the skill of the player and the powersets he's playing. I can quite easily main tank the ITF with my BS/Shield scrapper. Admittedly I can do a better job with a true tanker but a shield scrapper built to the soft cap can do a pretty good job of tauntless tanking thanks to a very good aggro aura in AAO and some pretty phenomenal damage output. The only thing that scrapper's lacking is a ranged attention getter... that's occasionally problematic if you get loose aggro.

I suppose I can be probably 90% as effective as a tank with that scrapper as opposed to my tankers.

Another AT that can tank are Kelds... both Peacebringers & Warshades can do a decent job with their Dwarf form. They lack an aura, but they do get an adequate taunt... it does need to hit however. Both of them also have a decent AOE attack to assist in aggro. I can tank probably 70% as well with a Keld as with a tank.

Several controller builds can, well, not tank exactly but serve the same purpose in preventing the team from being attacked. A few well-built 'trollers can easily take the place of a tanker.

For that matter there's a number of defenders who can "tank" via debuffing mobs into the dirt; Dark is a classic example of this. Fearsome Stare can neutralize an entire room by cowering them in terror and hitting them with a huge -tohit debuff.

GOOD tankers are always an asset to a team, but there's many alternatives. In most cases a tank is useful, but not essential. If you lack a tank then adjust your tactics and keep on.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Every character can eat inspirations and take the Presence Pool.



SoA Crabs can tank well but there not as good on holding aggro.

Just about any well played MM can tank well.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I think with certain powersets other ATs can do a good job of being a crowd control mage.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
Every character can eat inspirations and take the Presence Pool.
But not every character has a 3.2k hp and 90% resistance cap



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
It all depends on the skill of the player and the powersets he's playing.

Another AT that can tank are Kelds... both Peacebringers & Warshades can do a decent job with their Dwarf form.
This, and this.

If the wetware sitting in front of the keyboard is TSTFO, then it doesn't matter what AT he/she is playing.

A friend of mine plays a kinkin' tank on his Kheld.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
By tanking I mean:

Pulling large amounts of toons, to one tight location, and then hold them there so the Area of Effects can unless heck. And live to see another day against the toughest mobs?

I'm betting we'll see some TankerMind builds that are pretty good at the job. What else would surprise us?
Based on this criteria, any well-played Storm (as well as many other debuff sets). Herd them together, keep them there long enough to be killed, if anything gets out toss (/taunt) it back in.

"Tanking" is a very loose criteria, and if the idea is just to grab aggro and get people to stand in a tight spot for 10 seconds at a time so the AoEs can destroy the spawn anyone can do it. My Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster does a remarkable job at collecting aggro, inspirations keep me alive through it, and any nearby corner means everything is bunched.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
"Tanking" is a very loose criteria, and if the idea is just to grab aggro and get people to stand in a tight spot for 10 seconds at a time so the AoEs can destroy the spawn anyone can do it. My Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster does a remarkable job at collecting aggro, inspirations keep me alive through it, and any nearby corner means everything is bunched.
I actually saw this for the first time on the last 2xp weekend. We had a Blaster, scarfing down Inspirations like House and Vicadin. But the Blaster tanked just fine and we killed so fast she was pulling enough inspirations to keep up her defense.

I guess I was kinda asking because I've seen some wild accusations of many toons "tanking" that I don't think they are really doing the job of a Tank, better than a tank.

That being said, I have seen Controllers do exactly that control such an enormous amount of a spawn that they were all trapped right their and easy to kill.

But are Tankers really replaceable for hard stuff? Those extra hitpoints and high resists let them take an enormous amount of punishment, a lot of the other combonations seem less resilient, more dependant on inspirations, more apt to get bad luck and just die because their soft capped defense failed for one reason or another. Without Gauntlet can other archetypes really allow Blasters to throw AoE after AoE without worrying about being hit back?



I tank consistantly with my Energy/Energy/Force Blapper, my FF/Dark/Dark defender, my Fire/FF/Ice controller, my Fire/Storm/Stone controller, and my Ice/Rad/Ice controller.

I'm in he process of leveling a Rad/Fire/Force blapper that will be tanking also.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
"Tanking" is a very loose criteria
No, no it isn't. It really isn't.

The thing is, real tanking is only required in like 2 or 3 situations in this game (the RSF, the STF, and maybe Hami, and that one is tanked by Scrapers/Stalkers). For general play and running missions you have many other alternatives to tanking (such as locking down the spawn with a Controller, debuff their tohit/damage into nothingness with a Defender, or just obliterating the spawn before it can become a threat with a burst of damage from a Scrapper/Blaster)

Edit: And even in those 3 situations mentioned there are still alternatives to tanking (you can have a bunch of cross-buffed Corruptors/Defenders and succeed with no type of aggro management), but tanking them IMO seems more safe and practical.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
"Tanking" is a very loose criteria, and if the idea is just to grab aggro and get people to stand in a tight spot for 10 seconds at a time so the AoEs can destroy the spawn anyone can do it. My Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster does a remarkable job at collecting aggro, inspirations keep me alive through it, and any nearby corner means everything is bunched.
I agree. It's hard to define when there are zero Task Forces and virtually zero content in the game that require a specific character to be the focus of enemy fire. Also, any character in the game can hold the enemy fire long enough to complete any Task Force and virtually all content.

Everyone and anyone can be the focus of any fire in anything.



My experimental tank (a FF Defender) almost fulfilled all your criteria.

I could survive pretty much anything (without PFF, I was softcapped to almost everything), and allow the AoE blasters to shoot with impunity due to the 45% Defence and mez protection they were packing thanks to me.

But I couldn't keep the enemy tightly in one place that easily.

If they were melee types and I took the alpha, I'd be fine, they bunch around me, but I couldnt stop CoT mages or Council running off and attacking from range. Repulsion Bomb was the best I had for that - mass knockdown every 15 seconds or so.

Was I tanking?



Most of the time tanking is just about being the first into the spawn and taking on the alpha. Then everyone unloads and after 10sec only the bosses remain, that pretty much anyone can survive anyway.

Now for AVs it's different and requires a bit more work as well as well played characters. That happens rarely enough that a tank if more often than not *needed*.

Dark armor lover.

The Claws/DA Scrapper guide.



If you want a tightly packed herd, my Dark Defender can do that better than any Tanker with an AoE debuff anchor and Tar Patch and then either hiding or backing out far enough. Even the ranged-shooting foes will run into the patch. Nothing aggravates me more than watching a Tanker standing in one spot Taunting a range-using foe over and over again with that range-using foe continuing to stand far away because...


Now, while herding a spawn into a tightly pack group on a Tar Patch won't satisfy the usual whine of "That's not Tanking because you're not locking down aggro and I might actually take some damage so therefore, you're useless to me!", I can also throw about 100% -ToHit on that tightly packed group and Immobilize them so that it's unlikely they'll ever hit you or run up to you, and if they do, I got that covered with -Damage and a powerful AoE Heal.

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Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
My experimental tank (a FF Defender) almost fulfilled all your criteria.

I could survive pretty much anything (without PFF, I was softcapped to almost everything), and allow the AoE blasters to shoot with impunity due to the 45% Defence and mez protection they were packing thanks to me.

But I couldn't keep the enemy tightly in one place that easily.

If they were melee types and I took the alpha, I'd be fine, they bunch around me, but I couldnt stop CoT mages or Council running off and attacking from range. Repulsion Bomb was the best I had for that - mass knockdown every 15 seconds or so.

Was I tanking?
I have a feeling you were pretty close to actually replacing a Tank. Were you able to take taunt? The added defense you were giving everyone else through your bubbles was also probably replacing the taunt a bit.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
While I agree that dark defenders are very useful, the above statement isn't totally accurate. There are many ranged attackers that will close to melee distance when you taunt them. The Council Marksmen are prime examples. They will hang back and take potshots at everyone else, but a tanker's taunt will often get them to close to melee range.

However, I've never seen a sniper move in response to a taunt (Nemesis and Crey have snipers). They will stand there all alone while the rest of the spawn closes to melee range.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
My experimental tank (a FF Defender) almost fulfilled all your criteria.

I could survive pretty much anything (without PFF, I was softcapped to almost everything), and allow the AoE blasters to shoot with impunity due to the 45% Defence and mez protection they were packing thanks to me.

But I couldn't keep the enemy tightly in one place that easily.

If they were melee types and I took the alpha, I'd be fine, they bunch around me, but I couldnt stop CoT mages or Council running off and attacking from range. Repulsion Bomb was the best I had for that - mass knockdown every 15 seconds or so.

Was I tanking?
Go with /Dark for your secondary. T_T lets you keep them in place.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson