Which Travel Power is for you?




I was looking at some build suggestions on /SD and I struck upon an idea. What if I choose Teleport over Super Speed on my BS/SR scrapper?

And that got me thinking further, what do other people pick.

Largely I assume Travel is a subject of personal preference, theme and style:

What did you pick and why?

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov



I pick Super Jump most of the time for Combat jumping. The 3%ish defenes it has helps a lot on /Sr and /SD builds. It is also a good place to slot the Karma Knockback Protection on my /FA and /DA toons.

If I don't pick SJ I pick SS mostly for Hasten.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
I pick Super Jump most of the time for Combat jumping. The 3%ish defenes it has helps a lot on /Sr and /SD builds. It is also a good place to slot the Karma Knockback Protection on my /FA and /DA toons.

If I don't pick SJ I pick SS mostly for Hasten.
That just about sums it up. If I need CJ but not Hasten, then I wind up with SJ. If I need Hasten but not CJ, then I'll have SS. If I take both CJ and Hasten then I'll usually pick SJ, unless I'm going for SS+Stealth IO invisibility.



Well I generally pick, based on individual toon concept, however my favorate is a mix of hurdle, super speed, combat jumping.

However I don't even worry about travel powers any more. Martial Arts, Ninja run is suffice. Mixed with hurdle. it works nice. Oh so what a SJ beat me to the door 10 or so seconds before me pfft. Gimmie the extra power slot plz!

protector-knight: lvl 50 invun/axe tank
Lillian Brick: lvl 50 stone/stone/pyre tank
Hybrid-knight: lvl 50 db/regen scrap
Vengful-Nature: lvl 50 spines/sr/bod scrap
Element-Wizard: lvl 50 fire/storm/stone troll



Ditto on the Super Jump bandwagon. Gives you enough z-axis flexibility and speed that its simply the one that most of my toons take for a primary travel power.

Looking in general at the Leaping Pool, Combat Jumping is a good, low endurance cost toggle that provides some additional defense. Heck, even Acrobatics is still useful in today's game if you don't have the funds/resources/luck to obtain knockback protection IOs.

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I tend to go with SS for reasons already stated; Hasten and the ability to Stealth missions with a Stealth IO. I always take Hurdle, and then use either the bank mission jet pack, the Jump Pack from the Good vs. Evil edition, or turn on Ninja Run. I rarely run into an issue.

My wife, however, is a SJ junkie. She hates the limited vertical on SS, and, though she has a few toons with TP, it's too clicky for her.



I *love* to go with superspeed + hurdle + combat jumping and most of the time sprint on top of that to be at capped runspeed (i don't waste slots on SS for that).

I just can't go with superjump. Mainly because it cancels combat jumping, and i like to use my travel power between packs of mobs, so with SJ i can't else i spend more time playing toggles than i want to. And SS is a lot more practical in most missions and maps. Feels a bit like a minigame to travel at capped runspeed and avoid things on the way, i even keep it in caves or offices maps for giggles. It keeps me on my toes and reactive at 100%. Going through stairs with SS + sprint is a nice challenge.

I love the teleporting concept but the whole pool is just useless and it needs hover to be comfortable as well, meh. If i was a vet and could take TP without a prerequisite i'd take it on some characters.

Fly is meh, though i like fly + combat jumping. It turns fly into a very reactive power and feels faster, though not as good as SS.

Sometimes i just spend time superspeeding through Steel or Skyway for fun and trying to stay on the tram path, follow the road or something. I tend to hate slow running and travel times in usual games so, nothing beats the fun of superspeeding. I dream to have it in other games. Vertical are not a problem most of the point, a jetpack will do it, or more often than not i'll just run around and still be faster than the flier to reach the mission door.

Dark armor lover.

The Claws/DA Scrapper guide.



Originally Posted by Mercator View Post
I was looking at some build suggestions on /SD and I struck upon an idea. What if I choose Teleport over Super Speed on my BS/SR scrapper?

And that got me thinking further, what do other people pick.

Largely I assume Travel is a subject of personal preference, theme and style:

What did you pick and why?
Ninja run all the way so now I get to take more of what I want

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



On most of my meleers, it's super jump because it requires little slotting, CJ provides an often-useful minor defense boost, and they can be slotted with BoTZ. It's also relatively concept-neutral and can be fairly easily waved away.

What I tend to use most often, though, is fly. It's one of the most iconic superpowers ever, and I really enjoy flying around. Air superiority is amazingly good for a pool attack and I often use it to fill out melee chains or for a bit of extra damage on controllers and the like, and hover is also often useful to avoid melee foes. The biggest reason, though, is that it's the only set-and-forget travel power. I play on a 4 year old laptop which (along with numerous other issues) has severe loading lag in outdoor areas, so the other travel powers frequently bring me to grief as I super speed off edges or fall from the sky into the middle of spawns due to my computer deciding to freeze for 5 seconds to load some random piece of geometry or texture. With fly it doesn't matter if my computer spazzes out.

Several of my newer characters, though, are forgoing normal travel powers in favor of swift+sprint+hurdle+ninja run. It only costs 1 power pick (whichever of hurdle or swift you weren't already planning to take) and is close to the effectiveness of super jump or super speed, which is great for characters with tight builds.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Hejtmane View Post
Ninja run all the way so now I get to take more of what I want
While I agree that Ninja Run is awesome for eliminating the need for a power pick to get a travel power, IOing out a toon for Defense keeps the travel power more than viable for it's ability to slot BotZ in them, and I always end up grabbing at least one.



Fly. I can't maneuver while using Super Speed because it is too fast, and Super Jump gets a bit annoying and I end up needing my jet pack sometimes anyway. I don't mind being slow if I can actually get there without getting frustrated.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Depends on the character. However the powers and/or bio go, so goes the character.

My absolute favorite is TP, and I'm really good at it. Mouse2 and Ctrl-C at the same time, aim, click, see ya! repeat Ctrl-C,Aim,Click until there, and then Mouse2 again to mouselook.


But honestly, it's character driven. Origin, powers, bio, all go into the decision, and once made, it's right, and I won't change.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
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Originally Posted by Gaidin View Post
While I agree that Ninja Run is awesome for eliminating the need for a power pick to get a travel power, IOing out a toon for Defense keeps the travel power more than viable for it's ability to slot BotZ in them, and I always end up grabbing at least one.
If I need that I go with CJ depends on the build so far with shields no need and my /sr had no travel power way before ninja run sprint + swift + quickness

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Combat Jumping + Hurdle + Super Speed for every character except one(FM/WP has SJ). Combat Jumping is the most picked power for me(only one character ever w/o it.)



I'm usually building for recharge and defense, so that usually dictates Combat Jumping/Hover, and Hasten on almost all of my builds.

I usually just default to Super Jump. I'll take Super Speed to stack stealth, or because I'm sick of Super Jumping for awhile.

Fly only comes in for concept, in which case I ignore Combat Jumping since I can slot Hover exactly the same.

I like Hover on ranged characters, and will usually *force* concept to get it.

I really don't like Teleport. I know it's the fastest travel power, but I can't make quick escapes very easily within enclosed areas, which I dislike. On the plus side, I can TP away despite having Immob's on me. Still not enough to make me like it though. I also don't find TP friend or TP foe as useful as Combat Jumping/Hover or Hasten, so I feel like I'm sacrificing something in order to get something I don't like anyway.

*Edit*- Also Ninja Run. I simply *like* this power. Super Jump is totally better, but it's just so flippin' cool looking.



I'm also quite fond of Ninja Run, and tend to use it on my more acrobatically-inclined characters (my katana and claw scrappers and my DP blaster, notably).

That said, my favorite travel power--the one I come up with concepts specifically to use--is Fly. If I can find a reason for a character to fly, they're going to fly.

I generally hate superspeed, mostly because of the sound, though I do have characters who use it as it suits their concept.



I agree with Protector_Knight:

My travel choices always keep the character's concept in mind
as a base. My Tank has Super Jump. As a result of the Tank's
tree-trunk sized legs, it made more sense that bounding over
low flying aircraft be the travel mode of choice.

I suppose that if I wanted to review all the bonus options of each
individual power set, I could custom craft an ideal character to make
the most of the choices..

But I like flaws in my Characters. The possibility that each encounter
could end in defeat makes me really enjoy the times when a villian is
soundly defeated.



Originally Posted by Mercator View Post
I was looking at some build suggestions on /SD and I struck upon an idea. What if I choose Teleport over Super Speed on my BS/SR scrapper?

And that got me thinking further, what do other people pick.

Largely I assume Travel is a subject of personal preference, theme and style:

What did you pick and why?
Personally I wish I didn't have to take a travel power, they're all so ugly looking. I can't wait till we can personalize pool powers and I can eliminate that dumb glow underneath my character's feet from Super Speed.


Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread