Test Server Down




Originally Posted by alienone View Post
that's a nice thought in theory, but fails in practice. I had several friends in the last closed beta (for dual pistols) who had no access to the closed beta section--but they could log on to the test server. They would have never known they were in, had they not actually downloaded the patch, applied it, and tried logging in.

On top of that, it was also explicitly stated before that ultra mode would be a part of going rogue. The entire reason i participated in the loyalty program and dropped that huge chunk of money at one time (when i could barely afford it) was specifically to see ultra mode early.

So, now that ultra mode is now *seperate?* from going rogue, we can't get access to it, even if we qualify for going rogue beta?

That seems very faulty to me.

Just sayin'.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought DS was going to be tested separately?
DS is being rolled into i17 and so is Ultra Mode, which was an announced GR feature at the time of Loyalty program. Loyalty members should be invited... what is the harm of having people Beta TEST your program? I actually want to TEST it and help ensure quality as an end-user.

Really, I'm disappointed I did not get an invite yet with all the bug reports I have submitted :<.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
But i17 includes Demon Summoning, a part of GR. Therefore, I should have access to CB
And you may still.

Even with the Loyalty Program which guarantees you access to Closed Beta, that doesn't mean *ALL* of Closed Beta. As the Loyalty Program announcement was very specific in pointing out, Close Beta access happens in waves. No one is guaranteed entrance to any Closed Beta from day one.

If you get into Closed Beta before it becomes Open Beta, then you got in. Doesn't mean you get in right now.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you get into Closed Beta before it becomes Open Beta, then you got in. Doesn't mean you get in right now.
Excellent point.

Also, I find it interesting that all the Test Server patching didn't start happening until a time when most of the Dev team *normally* goes home...?

A little strange.

They may "continue" their closed beta process tomorrow morning when they go into work and unlock access for beta testers... Who knows.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought DS was going to be tested separately?
That was my understanding, too, GG.

And also, I can't access the test server either. Says public access is restricted.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
DS is being rolled into i17
Do you have any link to that? All I've found is them saying DS will be available on the live servers in April - nothing about it being part of the I17 closed beta.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do you have any link to that? All I've found is them saying DS will be available on the live servers in April - nothing about it being part of the I17 closed beta.
"The prepurchase option for Going Rogue is available NOW! Get Dual Pistols Immediately upon prepurchase and Demon Summoning with the launch of Issue 17."

Copied and pasted from the launcher. Granted, it's just as likely that they'll patch it in later, since they may want to do focus testing on specific features before they bring a brand new, potentially complicated power set into the mix. Otherwise, most testers might be too busy making their hawt erpeez succubi toons to provide quality feedback on the other features and changes.



I dont know about the whole email for 'your invited' thing. I've been in a couple, even the Dual Pistol one simply because I held my account active, yet i've never recieved a single email about it. /em shrug

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Originally Posted by Wuigly Squigly View Post
1 Thing i've noticed so far, the UI for the login screen, specifically the borders around the text, has changed. A little bit more squareular (Ill make that a word) but still Roundish.
The hero login screen music has been remixed, too. The percussion have more reverb, the background strings are more prominent during the crescendo of the main theme, and the overall loop is much shorter, making the theme heard more frequently. Nice little tweaks, I'd say.

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Just relax. In the past, Issue closed betas were sometimes open only to devs and their closest friends/family for the first few days, just to be sure everything was running smoothly.

Just because you're not in the closed beta yet doesn't mean you've been unfairly snubbed; chances are, everyone under the loyalty program (and/or have been subscribers since day one) will get their invites all at once, and soon.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I wonder if there'll be any other music changes for the actual zones?
Rumor has it that the music in Atlas Park is being changed to the Benny Hill theme.


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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Namely, Yakkety Sax.
Would be Appropriate

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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
On top of that, it was ALSO explicitly stated before that ULTRA MODE would be a part of Going Rogue. The entire reason I participated in the Loyalty program and dropped that huge chunk of money at one time (when I could barely afford it) was specifically to see Ultra Mode early.

So, now that Ultra Mode is now *seperate?* from Going Rogue, we can't get access to it, even if we qualify for Going Rogue beta?
They also at the same conference explicitly said they'd do their best to get Ultra Mode and some other things out in a small publish before GR. If you're going to try to base your nerdrage on specific details, at least try and account for all the details.

Otherwise the faulty logic lays with you, not the devs.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do you have any link to that? All I've found is them saying DS will be available on the live servers in April - nothing about it being part of the I17 closed beta.
I'd also like to see where Coming_Storms info came from.

There's so way of knowing if Demon Summoning is actually being tested at this moment. Unless you are a.) In the Closed Beta, or b.)Someone you know is in Closed Beta and broke the NDA.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I'd also like to see where Coming_Storms info came from.

There's so way of knowing if Demon Summoning is actually being tested at this moment. Unless you are a.) In the Closed Beta, or b.)Someone you know is in Closed Beta and broke the NDA.
Or has good logic skills. The test is for the next issue since DP was tested separate from it thin DS probably will to.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I'd also like to see where Coming_Storms info came from.

There's so way of knowing if Demon Summoning is actually being tested at this moment. Unless you are a.) In the Closed Beta, or b.)Someone you know is in Closed Beta and broke the NDA.
I can only assume The Coming Storm got the idea from the below quote. Rather or not Demon Summoning is being tested now.. or will hit test in a few weeks is unknown, but the folks who prepurchased Going Rogue will have access to it in April with the launch of i17.

"The prepurchase option for Going Rogue is available NOW! Get Dual Pistols Immediately upon prepurchase and Demon Summoning with the launch of Issue 17."
Given the fact that we haven't seen any* sneak peaks of Demon Summoning kinda worries me, and leads me to think one of two things. It's either still not quite ready for testing.. or it's so badass that the devs are keeping a lid on it right up until open beta arrives.

*I think there were some rough concept drawings shown at Comic Con..

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Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Given the fact that we haven't seen any* sneak peaks of Demon Summoning kinda worries me, and leads me to think one of two things. It's either still not quite ready for testing.. or it's so badass that the devs are keeping a lid on it right up until open beta arrives.

*I think there were some rough concept drawings shown at Comic Con..
Yes, you can see two of them at the Going Rogue website on the concept art page.

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Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Yes, you can see two of them at the Going Rogue website on the concept art page.
Actually, you can see all three tiers of demon. But the highest tier is only visible as a siluette in the background. it looks - craggy.

I really should do something about this signature.



I think test server is still down.



After the queue fiasco with the dual pistols beta testing, perhaps they are inviting waves of testers a little more methodically.

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Maybe the whole animated tails thing was a result of working on demon summoning.

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
DS is being rolled into i17 and so is Ultra Mode, which was an announced GR feature at the time of Loyalty program. Loyalty members should be invited... what is the harm of having people Beta TEST your program? I actually want to TEST it and help ensure quality as an end-user.

Really, I'm disappointed I did not get an invite yet with all the bug reports I have submitted :<.
Can you provide a link with the above information? Where on any announcement does it say that DS would be part of i17? I haven't read that anywhere. DS is part GR, but they are testing DS so you can use it in April if you pre-PURCHASE GR. No where have I seen anything that said DS magically, for no reason, became part of i17. It is not part of a FREE issue, it is part of a PAID expansion.

On the other hand Ultra mode is obviously not a GR exclusive. Like others said, the devs announced that if they could implement it before GR they would, which means its not exclusive GR content. If it is not GR only content they owe you nothing for your loyalty.

Sorry buddy! I wish I was in too, but you can only hope and wait. You won't have to wait that long to get in open beta anyway so no worries man!

I for one can't wait to see the awesome visuals and additions that take up almost 900MB for an update on a game that is only about 3GB!! Excited!!!



Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
Can you provide a link with the above information? Where on any announcement does it say that DS would be part of i17? I haven't read that anywhere. DS is part GR, but they are testing DS so you can use it in April if you pre-PURCHASE GR. No where have I seen anything that said DS magically, for no reason, became part of i17. It is not part of a FREE issue, it is part of a PAID expansion.

On the other hand Ultra mode is obviously not a GR exclusive. Like others said, the devs announced that if they could implement it before GR they would, which means its not exclusive GR content. If it is not GR only content they owe you nothing for your loyalty.

Sorry buddy! I wish I was in too, but you can only hope and wait. You won't have to wait that long to get in open beta anyway so no worries man!

I for one can't wait to see the awesome visuals and additions that take up almost 900MB for an update on a game that is only about 3GB!! Excited!!!
On the GR website it states that we get Dual Pistols in march(now) and Demons will launch with Issue 17. in April.

Seeing how little time is left before April, people are assuming that Demon Summoning will be tested alongside Issue 17.