Incidental QoL Requests for GR




Any chance we could have the following QoL improvements by/shortly after GR:

1) Tailor Teleport Power
2) Tailor Shop interface for use/placement in Bases
3) Mission Architect interface for use/placement in Bases
4) Ability to sell enhancements in Pocket D
5) Extended period of daylight time (it gets dark way too fast and stays that way for way too long)
6) A "shawl" or "shoulder wrap" costume piece
7) Vet rewards: ability to assign Vet Pets to individual costume slots
8) A skateboard emote or travel power
9) Place Community Information Boards in the Rogue Isles
10) Allow Community Information Boards to provide "Matchmaker" services for players who are looking to join a random team *instantly* - no questions asked




Sunrise is at in game 6am which is 7.5 minutes past the hour real time...what time is sunset in game?



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
5) Extended period of daylight time (it gets dark way too fast and stays that way for way too long)
According to the wiki 1 real time hour = 2 in-game days.

I've never liked that. It gives me no sense of time at all, since if I enter a mission door at night I'll exit into daylight 15 minutes later. I also have to wonder how that will work with the new shadows in ultra-mode, which, as it stands at the moment, will move ludicrously quickly surely?



And the daylight is 15 of those 'hours', and nighttime a mere 9

Thats 18.75/30 mins daylight and 11.25 mins nightime.

I would be against extending the in-game 'day'. As if you have a task that needs one or the other at least you have at most 18.75 mins to wait.

Doubling that would make it more frustrating

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Not to mention it'd make hunting those mobs that only come out at night even more tedious than it already is. (Ghosts in Croatoa, BP Masks in Talos.)

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Any chance we could have the following QoL improvements by/shortly after GR:

9) Place Community Information Boards in the Rogue Isles
10) Allow Community Information Boards to provide "Matchmaker" services for players who are looking to join a random team *instantly* - no questions asked
It's a fairly safe bet that the CIBs are gone for good thanks to the spammers. As for using them as a "Matchmaker" for teams, it would suffer the same problems having them on had originally. RMTSpammer just signs up, is added to your team, spams you a few times with their macroed ad quits and does it again to another team.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
And the daylight is 15 of those 'hours', and nighttime a mere 9

Thats 18.75/30 mins daylight and 11.25 mins nightime.

I would be against extending the in-game 'day'. As if you have a task that needs one or the other at least you have at most 18.75 mins to wait.

Doubling that would make it more frustrating
It should be a change in day/night cycle every 15 minutes.

13 Minutes day.
2 Minutes transition.
13 Minutes night.
2 Minutes transition.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



If you add in skateboards everyone will want vehicles... again



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
If you add in skateboards everyone will want vehicles... again
Rumours say that they are putting vehicles into Champions Online... Which we all know means they'll be in CoH either a few months before, or a few months after they go into Champions.



I seriously hate the day/night cycle.
-Make it longer for both. Do away with mobs that 'only' spawn at night/day, and make them spawn in locations that make sense instead.

...Yeah, actaully. I'd rather just have that. Specific 'Only when-' stuff tends to suck horribly anyway. Like getting a mission to hunt, say, Hunt Longbow in Nerva, when ACTUALLY the damn thing wants you to hunt them specifically in the Longbow base.
Leviathan SF, go to hell with those hunt mission...>_<

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
1) Tailor Teleport Power
The GVE Edition Pocket D teleporter takes you to a tailor.

2) Tailor Shop interface for use/placement in Bases
Sure, as long as it's a NPC.

3) Mission Architect interface for use/placement in Bases
Actually, this would be useless as the current architect accolade will not let you modify missions in a SG base.

4) Ability to sell enhancements in Pocket D
Don't care one way or the other.

5) Extended period of daylight time (it gets dark way too fast and stays that way for way too long)
NO. I need to hunt vampyri.

6) A "shawl" or "shoulder wrap" costume piece
I'm indifferent.

7) Vet rewards: ability to assign Vet Pets to individual costume slots
This probably isn't possible. Standard code rant.

8) A skateboard emote or travel power
Don't you know that Paragon City enacted a city ordinance against skateboarding in public places?

9) Place Community Information Boards in the Rogue Isles
Since when has Recluse ever cared about his minions?

10) Allow Community Information Boards to provide "Matchmaker" services for players who are looking to join a random team *instantly* - no questions asked
Decent idea for teams to register as LFM, but if I can't filter who gets on my team, I do not want a level 3 on my level 40 team.

It's much better to have the search interface also show teams marked as LFM that players can send tells to.

You're welcome.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Rumours say that they are putting vehicles into Champions Online... Which we all know means they'll be in CoH either a few months before, or a few months after they go into Champions.
Sweet! That should be fun, of course it's just a rumor. Also if champions players can through objects, why can't COH? Is it the way the game was made?



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Sweet! That should be fun, of course it's just a rumor. Also if champions players can through objects, why can't COH? Is it the way the game was made?
How do you through an object?

Did you mean go through something?



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
How do you through an object?

Did you mean go through something?
argh! sorry typo, i meant to say throw. You can throw objects on champions.



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Sweet! That should be fun, of course it's just a rumor. Also if champions players can throw objects, why can't COH? Is it the way the game was made?
oig. The short version is: Our Engine Does Not Work Like That

Champions Engine works like that because it's not our engine, and hasn't been our engine since about a third or so through the development of Marvel Universe Online. Implementing a throw-able objects system would require significant changes to underlying world geometry as well as significant animation work. BAB's and Nelson would have to create an entirely new animation set not only for each body type, but would need also need to work with the coders to implement a grapple system. Remember, in City of Heroes you are effectively a bubble sphere to the game world. This is why objects that players can "interact" with in Mayhem Missions and Statesman's Task Force can only be attacked, but not actually "moved" from their places.

Now, if Paragon Studios got the money together to spend the next 3 years writing a new game engine for a new game, I'd be a little torqued off if they didn't include throwable objects. In the current game, and the current game engine? I'm not sure I can think of a way throwable objects can be implemented without raising the minimum processing requirements, something the development staff is largely reluctant to do.

Rumours say that they are putting vehicles into Champions Online... Which we all know means they'll be in CoH either a few months before, or a few months after they go into Champions.
See above, their engine is not our engine. Also, keep in mind that just because Champions Online does something, that does not automatically make it a good idea, or an idea that our developers should look at. If anything, the trend of Champions Online is such that our developers are probably better off using Champions Online as a template of what NOT TO DO.

Vehicles in City of Heroes has also been shot down on multiple occasions. Memphis_Bill has some of the better torpedoing posts around, such as this one from 4 months ago:

His best known one I think originated on 5/16/09:

Suffice to say, vehicles won't be happening anytime soon, and probably not ever in this game.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Rumours say that they are putting vehicles into Champions Online... Which we all know means they'll be in CoH either a few months before, or a few months after they go into Champions.
Yeah, because we had the Arch-rival system months before CO came out.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
oig. The short version is: Our Engine Does Not Work Like That

Champions Engine works like that because it's not our engine, and hasn't been our engine since about a third or so through the development of Marvel Universe Online. Implementing a throw-able objects system would require significant changes to underlying world geometry as well as significant animation work. BAB's and Nelson would have to create an entirely new animation set not only for each body type, but would need also need to work with the coders to implement a grapple system. Remember, in City of Heroes you are effectively a bubble sphere to the game world. This is why objects that players can "interact" with in Mayhem Missions and Statesman's Task Force can only be attacked, but not actually "moved" from their places.

Now, if Paragon Studios got the money together to spend the next 3 years writing a new game engine for a new game, I'd be a little torqued off if they didn't include throwable objects. In the current game, and the current game engine? I'm not sure I can think of a way throwable objects can be implemented without raising the minimum processing requirements, something the development staff is largely reluctant to do.

See above, their engine is not our engine. Also, keep in mind that just because Champions Online does something, that does not automatically make it a good idea, or an idea that our developers should look at. If anything, the trend of Champions Online is such that our developers are probably better off using Champions Online as a template of what NOT TO DO.

Vehicles in City of Heroes has also been shot down on multiple occasions. Memphis_Bill has some of the better torpedoing posts around, such as this one from 4 months ago:

His best known one I think originated on 5/16/09:

Suffice to say, vehicles won't be happening anytime soon, and probably not ever in this game.
Thanks that's what i thought it was
(my question may have seemed like a suggestion but i was honestly wondering if it was the engine in COH)