Sincere Apologies Everyone!
To be truthful about the whole thing, I was just trying to help out the server before the free transfers end January 31st.
..... Also I dont visit the forums often enough to know the rules of posting and that cross forum spamming about something particular is against the rules, which is TOTALLY my own fault. |
1. Triumph is fine as it is. Thanks tho.
2. Fix'd for ya and ignorance of the rules is not an excuse to break them.
Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper
Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."
I have held my tongue regarding this incident because, frankly, there is a great deal of history and dirty laundry involving Lord Ozi that I do not want to air here. Old wounds are best left healed.
I commend everyone that worked damage control. My first instinct was to do the same but everytime I tried it spiraled into a rant that would have served no good purpose.
I will simply say this was extemely poor judgement by a young man and sincerely hope a lesson was learned.
The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!
Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!
Shhh! Rangle is plotting.
If you are dissatisfied with the population, the attitude, the playstyle, the silliness or any particular aspect of the Triumph server, then you must consider this: the reason it is currently that way is because the predominance of the population LIKE IT LIKE THAT! Trying, as an individual, to alter any element of a server that is in the moderate population category (we are NOT the lowest population server by far) means that you are misrepresenting a lot of people for your personal opinion. To break the forum rules means we as a server have to bear the heat of your poor choice, which is even more inconsiderate and annoying.
The tl;dr of the above... if you don't like it on Triumph, leave.
The tl;dr of the above... if you don't like it on Triumph, leave. |
Recluse_NA, I dont know you, but I understand where you come from and I accept your apology.
The dude is apologizing and there is no need to be a JERK. He made a mistake and learned from it. It is harder to say "I am sorry" than do nothing at all. He has shown that he didnt mean to give Triumph a bad name and he took 100% of the responsibility for his action. We are supposed to be the Friendly Server and people within the server are so quick to tell people to leave. This truly gets me hot that we are quick to turn our backs on someone who made a mistake.
Recluse_NA, I dont know you, but I understand where you come from and I accept your apology. |
Rhynwa is one of the most friendly people that are on this server and takes a lot of pride on our pantless server. So do not jump to conclusions about this. That is what pisses me off a lot. you know the entire story on this or are you just jumping on this one thread from last night. If you do not, then you should learn a little bit more on what happened over the last couple months.
Rhynwa is one of the most friendly people that are on this server and takes a lot of pride on our pantless server. So do not jump to conclusions about this. That is what pisses me off a lot. |
Zomg moar dramaz plz!kthnxbai!
I do know most of the drama on triumph because I have been here since 2004 and I had been following this situation since last night. It PISSES me off that you think I dont know what is going on around my home server.
I would like to point out that -- the ones that are jumping on the OP - who is apologizing for their actions - are rep PL'd posters; and those that are accepting the OP's apology have their rep turned off.
To the OP, don't be brow beaten by the in-cliche. You learned from your mistake, now move on. I don't even know what you did, but the point is that you seem to have learned a lesson from something that you did was wrong.
It seems from my play on ALL the servers that those that are in the big server in-crowds on every server are isolationists and don't interact with the server population in general as they are too busy with their in-crowd status - which obviously demands telling people that they are on the "outside" if they aren't a member of their in-crowd (posts related to high rep here apparently being an example).
I can honestly say this as I PuG 95% of the time that I'm on teams. I'm playing with different players/characters/archetypes all the time. I do have a feel of the general population of players that aren't involved with the in-crowds or big, isolationist supergroups.
I wouldn't have stepped-in to post on this thread until I noticed how the general feel of posts seemed directly related to rep levels/status of posters.
It is likely that you had NOT seen my prior interaction with Lord Ozi on TW, since that doesn't get posted for posterity like the forums do. However, he has been complaining vociferously about the server nickname, the server attitude, the server population for months now on Triumph Watch 2. Every time he has voiced his opinions in TW and he is provided feedback - some polite, some not so polite - he remains unmoved and unconcerned that *his* opinion is not the *prevailing* opinion. He states that this forum breach of conduct was for all of us "...was just trying to help out the server" and " ...was for a good cause" yet no one else appears to have supported this, even in concept. So, I stand by my statements in my prior post. While I am content that he apologized for his breach of nettiquette as well as forum rules, I do not appreciate that he still feels like he did this for 'us' when it is something that 'we' apparently don't want.
The phrase you have specifically quoted while calling me a jerk was in direct relation to the fact that this has been carrying on for several months (at least since November) on the server chat channel (TW2) and culminated in this forum 'event'. He has clearly demonstrated intense dissatisfaction with the server as it stands. It is this unhappiness that I am addressing by recommending that he consider going to another server that meets his needs - rather than trying to change the server that has resisted all of his efforts so far.
So yes, the tl;dr *was* rude of me... but, despite rumors to the contrary, I *am* human, and I *do* occasionally display emotion. I generally try very hard not to be rude, but this was one of those times it just came out.
Wot is tl;dr and how do I get one?
Also I have a New Going Rogue Praetarian Clockwork costume code. I will be glad to show it off. Just send tell if you see @Frankie foster
"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432

like the cake
the rep is a lie
Just look at mine
"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432

Wot is tl;dr and how do I get one?
Also I have a New Going Rogue Praetarian Clockwork costume code. I will be glad to show it off. Just send tell if you see @Frankie foster |
Gratz on the code!
I am aware of the fact that somepeople want to give Triumph a new name and lead it into a differernt direction. So I am aware of the "Off Topic" conversation in reguards to that issue. So I was a bit ticked when people assume I didnt know what was going on. I like the low server population since I solo a lot and I dont interact well with others and I like the server the way it is. Just because I dont post a lot on the forums doesnt mean I am not up to date.
But I am sorry, Rhynwa for calling you a jerk; but I do have emotions too and seeing someone kick a man when he is down just upset me for the moment. I am better now and I drop my pants as a sign of peace.
I am aware of the fact that somepeople want to give Triumph a new name and lead it into a differernt direction. So I am aware of the "Off Topic" conversation in reguards to that issue. So I was a bit ticked when people assume I didnt know what was going on. I like the low server population since I solo a lot and I dont interact well with others and I like the server the way it is. Just because I dont post a lot on the forums doesnt mean I am not up to date.
But I am sorry, Rhynwa for calling you a jerk; but I do have emotions too and seeing someone kick a man when he is down just upset me for the moment. I am better now and I drop my pants as a sign of peace. |
I think the main reason for people's reaction (including mine) was from the shock of seeing someone spam the boards AND trashtalk other servers in the process. We've been called "The Friendly Server" in the past, so it wasn't a good showing of that nickname. The corresponding haterade toward Ozi may seem over-the-top to people who haven't had other encounters that resemble this from the same player (and I mean things outside of any global channel drama).
Ozi's not a bad guy, but he skirts the courtesies of social interaction a bit too much at times.
P.S. Nice undies.
This is more to the point however;
It is likely that you had NOT seen my prior interaction with Lord Ozi on TW, since that doesn't get posted for posterity like the forums do. However, he has been complaining vociferously about the server nickname, the server attitude, the server population for months now on Triumph Watch 2. Every time he has voiced his opinions in TW and he is provided feedback - some polite, some not so polite - he remains unmoved and unconcerned that *his* opinion is not the *prevailing* opinion. He states that this forum breach of conduct was for all of us "...was just trying to help out the server" and " ...was for a good cause" yet no one else appears to have supported this, even in concept. So, I stand by my statements in my prior post. While I am content that he apologized for his breach of nettiquette as well as forum rules, I do not appreciate that he still feels like he did this for 'us' when it is something that 'we' apparently don't want. |
I would like to point out that -- the ones that are jumping on the OP - who is apologizing for their actions - are rep PL'd posters; and those that are accepting the OP's apology have their rep turned off. |
Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper
Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."
Nevah fere, for I iz hear!
*steelz yo flagz!*
*run home*

I missed the whole thing but this is why i love tri.
tri is fine the way it is. I left and played and iod 4 toons to 50 on another server. More and bigger isnt better. Ask my wife shell tell ya...(wink)
Also the other servers are boring. Time to go farm more bye.
When is gr im getting tierd of making billions by not playing
What's "telling" to me is that he apologized to/on his own server, but did not apologize to/on the servers he spammed.
Considering how long his "advertisement" was, it's obvious he put more thought (and at the same time no consideration) into that piece of work.
Draw what conclusions you will, it certainly doesn't inspire a sense of sincerity with me.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
The Players' Guide to the Cities

As punishment, like the Man in the Iron Mask, you too shall be punished much the same way.
You will be forced to to wear these Iron Pants. Thus you will be known as the Recluse_NA In the Iron Pants.
Yes, forcing you to wear pants is a little extreme for most, but those are the rules. Only then sealed in these Iron Pants and locked away. Will you be forgiven or forgotten about until 3 Musketeers and one SemiMusketeer come save you.
Until then.
May Hero-1 Have Mercy On Your Soul.

Hello again everyone!
Well I have noticed that this didnt go so well for me, my SG, and most importantly the server. To be truthful about the whole thing, I was just trying to help out the server before the free transfers end January 31st. I understood now that I went about the whole situation in a totally negative way, saying things about others server that should not have been said, so let me be the first to apologize for my incorrect accusations about the rest of the servers. People that know me on Triumph should know by now that I would never intentionally do such an act on purpose unless it was for a good cause. Once again, I intended for this to be for a good cause for the server (this post was not entirely for the benefit of my super group fyi). I not only play on Triumph, but I have toons spread out throughout servers, however this is my home server so I understand that they all may not want to leave their home servers just as much as I do not, which is what I should have become conscious of before I spammed that thread.
Also I dont visit the forums often enough to know the rules of posting and that cross forum spamming about something particular is against the rules, which is primarily my own fault. I do care about my home server and realize I went too far with the whole idea. I realize my rep may have went down drastically, being a vet and all, and you probably hate me now, but I just want to leave saying Im sorry and I sincerely did not mean any harm by this at all. Happy Huntings Everyone, and sorry for the discomfort I may have caused any of you. Thank You.