Lord Ozi

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  1. Hello again Triumph!

    Lord Ozi here announcing our VGs monthly CoP Trial for the month of May. Darkness of the of the Apocalypse SG will be hosting a Cathedral of Pain on the redside (followed by a heroside trial) on Sunday, May 1st @ 8pm Est.We will begin forming the Trial in Pocket D.

    If the majority of league members are incarnated with all 5 incarnate slots, I doubt we need to prepare with Shivans and other temp powers since the trial is only lvl52.

    Please if you plan on attending post here and plan to make these necessary arrangements for us to be successful once again on the Triumph Server. Hope to see you there and Happy Huntings to all!
  2. Hello Triumph,

    It has been several years now since the Rikti Forces have terrorized Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, but they have harrassed the good people of Earth long enough. The Rikti's assault have become inevitable, however their tactics have become predictable. I propose that it is time we exploit it!

    On April 29th at 9:00pm eastern, Darkness of the Apocalypse VG will be hosting Triumph's first Rikti Drop Ship Raid. During the 2nd phase of the Rikti Zone Invasion a full league will be gathering together for a planned assault on the Rikti Drop Ships that terrorize the skies of Earth. This event will take place on the villain side. Everyone will be asked to gather at the Cap au Diablo black market and prepare for the next invasion after the completion of an LGTF. It is crucial that we ask that the majority of the league please be incarnated and have your incarnate slots unlocked and slotted. This is not meant to be an easy task, and hopefully something to challenge all players with their newly discovered incarnate abilities. We look forward to all your support and participation to make this first experience fun!
  3. Hello again Triumph!

    Lord Ozi here announcing our SGs monthly CoP Trial for the month of March. Darkness of the of the Apocalypse SG will be hosting a Cathedral of Pain on the redside (followed by a heroside trial) on Sunday, March 20th @ 8pm Est.We will begin forming the Trial in Pocket D.

    Please be aware that Warburg Nukes are disabled during this Trial, so to prepare for this event please promptly acquire some of the necessary prerequisites:

    The New +1 Level Shift Alpha Boost(Extremely necessary to make this easier on everyone)
    Shivan Shards
    Backup Radio
    Envenomed Daggers (Extremely Necessary)

    Please if you plan on attending post here and plan to make these necessary arrangement for us to be successful once again on the Triumph Server. Hope to see you there and Happy Huntings to all!
  4. Hello again Triumph!

    Lord Ozi here announcing our SGs monthly CoP Trial for the month of February. Heroes of the Apocalypse SG will be hosting a Cathedral of Pain on the heroside on Friday, February 25th @ 8pm Est.We will begin forming the Trial in Pocket D.

    Please be aware that Warburg Nukes are disabled during this Trial, so to prepare for this event please promptly acquire some of the necessary prerequisites:

    The New +1 Level Shift Alpha Boost(Extremely necessary to make this easier on everyone)
    Shivan Shards
    Enchantment of Serafina
    Backup Radio
    Envenomed Daggers (Extremely Necessary)

    Please if you plan on attending post here and plan to make these necessary arrangement for us to be successful once again on the Triumph Server. Hope to see you there and Happy Huntings to all!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg88 View Post
    Getting 2 level shifts vs. ms raid and CoP trial? more people would go with option 1.
    You can only slot one Alpha Boost at a time, so you are only getting +1 Level Shift at any given time (sucks I know...but im not complaining. What they have given us is awesome!)
  6. Thats not going to be an issue. The new WSTs are going to be releasing EVERY Tuesday meaning it ongoing so that should not cut down on the amount of ppl. wanting to do raids especially since the MS Raids and CoP Trials help toward Incarnate components.
  7. Players that have reserved spots on the CoP Trial:

    @Snow Globe
    @Turbo Starr
  8. Hello again Triumph!

    Lord Ozi here announcing our VGs monthly CoP Trial for the month of February. Darkness of the Apocalypse VG will be hosting a Cathedral of Pain on the villain side on Monday, February 7th @ 7pm Est.We will begin forming the Trial in Pocket D.

    Please be aware that Warburg Nukes are disabled during this Trial, so to prepare for this event please promptly acquire some of the necessary prerequisites:

    The New +1 Level Shift Alpha Boost(Extremely necessary to make this easier on everyone)
    Shivan Shards
    Snow Beast
    Vanguard Psionic Shields
    Enchantment of Serafina
    Backup Radio
    Envenomed Daggers (Extremely Necessary)

    Please if you plan on attending post here and plan to make these necessary arrangement for us to be successful once again on the Triumph Server. Hope to see you there and Happy Huntings to all!
  9. Lord Ozi

    Returning Player

    Welcome Back! A lot has changed since your absense from the game. Please feel free to send a tell to @Lord Ozi if you need anything.
  10. Yes we have our main VG Darkness of the Apocalypse, however we have a hero side SG as well that's just as active.
  11. Darkness of the Apocalypse is always looking for new members, just send a tell to any of our leaders at @Lord Ozi or @The Ancient. We'd be glad to have you!
  12. Happy New Year to all!!!

    To celebrate the beginning of 2011, Darkness of the Apocalypse SG will be hosting a Cathedral of Pain on the villain side on Saturday, January 8th @ 7pm Est.We will begin forming the Trial in Pocket D.

    Please be aware that Warburg Nukes are disabled during this Trial, so to prepare for this event please promptly acquire some of the necessary prerequisites:

    Shivan Shards
    Snow Beast
    Vanguard Psionic Shields
    Enchantment of Serafina
    Kinetic Dampener
    Backup Radio
    Envenomed Daggers (Extremely Necessary)

    Please if you plan on attending post here and plan to make these necessary arrangement for us to be successful once again on the Triumph Server. I will be forming an Ice Mistral SF Friday evening for the Enchantment of Serafina power, so please be on the look out for that in Triumph Watch/Triumph CoP Trial. Hope to see you there and Happy Huntings to all!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    Well hopefully you will get some people that want to do this on a Saturday and Sunday, but I know of way too many halloween parties and for those of us that have kids your timing is well lets say not so great. Also people will have to go afk a billion times to go answer their doors for the real trick-or-treaters.
    I 100% agree with that. I would suggest moving it back one week. You will most likely have a better turn out on ppl. than Halloween weekend.

    If you decide to move the CoP Trial back one weekend Darkness of the Apocalypse SG can host the Redside Trial definately.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
    Great entry Lord Ozi, gave me your back story. But you left me wishing to read more heh. So far I've read two great stories can't wait to see what else is in store from the other contestants.
    lol Thank You. If u want more of it, it will be soon playable in AE as a story arc. Its been made for about a year now; i just have to tweek it a little to match the new story!
  15. Note: Lord Ozi lvl50 Ninja/Dark/Soul MM

    ***Victor Ozi, the Supreme Sorcerer of Dark Magic, was imprisoned within the powerful minds of two very noble heroes of Paragon City Numina and Malaise. Unaware of this act, Victor trusts that what ensues in his mind is reality thus creating and shrouds darkness across his world known as Apocalypse under the name Lord Ozi.***

    The screams finally died out as the husk fell to the floor. Victor breathed in deeply his new soul. It squirmed within him but that was easily ignored. Centuries of taking others souls gets one quite used to their constant movements within. His minions waited for his subtle movements to bring another. He didn’t give the signal. He wished to feel this soul writhe a bit longer before he silenced it.

    When he opened his eyes he found his next victim. He smiled to himself. Their unused power would be his to wield. In this world none could stand against him. Those that tried only served to feed his hunger for more power.

    Lord Ozi flicked his fingers and the man held between his henchmen was delivered quickly. The man was bruised and badly beaten but alive. That’s all Victor Ozi ever commanded of his ninja minions. That and eternal obedience. He hovered over the unconscious man, looking him over. A hint of memory shifted within his mind but was gone quickly. The man almost seemed familiar but any memories of the man were gone. He stood and raised his arms.

    Intense power raced through his body as he began to chant: “Arise soul, heed my call, Arise spirit of innocence, Come to your master, Ride you my power home, Bring into me your power, your eternal life!” As his powerful, deep voice faded the man on the floor began to choke as his soul was ripped from him. As Victor drained the life from the man, his flesh grew younger. He became more invigorated and of course more powerful. The last person was weak, this one felt much stronger. As the chant came to an end the man, no longer a man but a dried husk, collapsed.

    Victor Ozi looked about him. His mind was clear as was his vision. He was so invigorated he could almost hear the heart beats of his ninja minions. Pure ecstasy flowed through his veins. He seemed almost at piece but there was something. A small thing surely but something was inkling at the back of his mind. The thought faded as he heard many voices converging outside of his beautiful castle. Lord Ozi smiled. This was the perfect time to test the power within.
  16. Hello Toxic! Im @Lord Ozi and i'll be sending in my entry in a few days.
  17. Hello again everyone!
    Well I have noticed that this didn’t go so well for me, my SG, and most importantly the server. To be truthful about the whole thing, I was just trying to help out the server before the free transfers end January 31st. I understood now that I went about the whole situation in a totally negative way, saying things about others server that should not have been said, so let me be the first to apologize for my incorrect accusations about the rest of the servers. People that know me on Triumph should know by now that I would never intentionally do such an act on purpose unless it was for a good cause. Once again, I intended for this to be for a good cause for the server (this post was not entirely for the benefit of my super group fyi). I not only play on Triumph, but I have toons spread out throughout servers, however this is my home server so I understand that they all may not want to leave their home servers just as much as I do not, which is what I should have become conscious of before I spammed that thread.
    Also I don’t visit the forums often enough to know the rules of posting and that cross forum spamming about something particular is against the rules, which is primarily my own fault. I do care about my home server and realize I went too far with the whole idea. I realize my rep may have went down drastically, being a vet and all, and you probably hate me now, but I just want to leave saying I’m sorry and I sincerely did not mean any harm by this at all. Happy Huntings Everyone, and sorry for the discomfort I may have caused any of you. Thank You.
  18. Lord Ozi


    If your looking for a Red side villain group, I would like to invite you and anyone else to join The Darkness of the Apocalypse! We are in the top 30 SGs on the Red side. We are very activeand have SG/Server events(recently honored for hosting a fantastic Halloween Costume Contest on a previous post). We also have a very active ventrilo server and have our own Sg website which the leader, myself, and Jaye Rogue a long time member of the SG publishes fan-fiction stories and are posted on the site about our active Sg members! If your looking for something active and fun to participate in, please feel free to send me an in-game tell to @Lord Ozi

    Thank you!
  19. Hey its Lord Ozi,

    Myself and the rest of Darkness of the Apocalypse thank you all with much appreciation! We enjoyed hosting and judging the contest just as much as you all enjoyed participating in it! There are much more to come with our Super Group, so make sure you watch for more events hosted by your newly Top 30 SG on the Villains side!
  20. Hey its Lord Ozi again,

    Just wanted to remind you that there is about 2 weeks until the Costume Contest and that this contest is open to everyone who wants to participate. This Event is being held in Pocket D which means Heroes and Villain Costumes will be judged! We Look forward to seeing some great costumes!
  21. Well how about this,

    I understand if you are committed to being in a Super Group that is fine. So if anyone who is still not interested in being in the Super Group, please feel free to join the event and have a chance at the great prizes! Even though this is for recruitment, I still want to accomplish the "Recognition/Promoting of the Super Group" part of the whole meaning of doing the costume contest. So again, please come and join us still if your not interested in joining the SG!
  22. Attention all CoH players

    Some of you may know me as Lord Ozi, main leader of Darkness of the Apocalypse super group. We are currently looking to recruit new members to our SG that is now in the Top 30 SGs on this server. To give recognition and to promote the SG further, myself and the other leader, Ogreblade, will be hosting an October Halloween Costume Contest Event in Pocket D.

    This event will take place @ 7PM EASTERN TIME on FRIDAY OCTOBER 30, 2009 in Pocket D. There will be 3 rounds to this contest. The event will be as followed:

    ROUND 1:

    This round will be judged on appearance and name. How well your name matches your costume and theme.

    ROUND 2:

    This round will be judge upon the appearance and display of your powers. A powerset that is able to activate many attacks without a target (PBAoE attacks) would be recommended. Power Customization is highly recommended as well.

    Round 3:

    This final round will be judged on the biography of your character. Be as descriptive and unique as possible when giving the bio of your toons theme and how the character got higher powers.


    1st place Grand Prize will get to choose from the following as the 2 runner up's get to choose whats left.

    --- 1 Free Month of Play

    --- 1 Billion Infamy

    --- 1 Package of Five Rare Invention Origin Recipes/ Proc's

    Note: If you have any questions please feel free to post comments here or send me an in-game offline message to @Lord Ozi
  23. Darkness of the Apocalypse

    All players are welcome!

    We have an Arcane type look that we are going for. The title of the VG corresponds with the base features and attitude we are aiming for...Darkness!

    : RP-lite

    : PVP-lite, but pvp friendly. Also, we have arena matches and events.

    We can a growing SG with moderate activity. We are currently gaining active members each day. We are active during weekdays afternoons and most active all-times on weekends. Coalition is another growing concept; we look forward to a few new VG to add to our coalition to help us help you!

    We have only 2 main rules in this VG, and thats play in SG mode at all times. If done so, there will be rewards for cooperating and playing actively. Rule 2 is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is a game with real people who have feelings just as everyone else does, so be respectful and cooperative and we will have a great time!

    Please contact the following players for more information or invitation to the VG or for tours of base.
    -Lord Ozi (@Soul Reaver)
    -War Fiend( @Fort Nox)
    -Mantek (@ Egypt Flame)
    -Forsaken Widow (@ Electrifiyoass)