You learn something new every day




Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
I'm still unclear on what text fighting is. I checked and they only have 1 version...and it involves cell phones.
Check out that thread again, someone asked the same question you did and there are a lot of answers coming back.

Another nugget:
Local or team. Why would you textfight in broadcast? That's like jerking off in public.
I guess jerking off in local is wonder cho faps so much.




@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by arwendarkblade View Post
i don't understand why they pretend to fight in pocket d when there are arena terminals there where they can do it for real. I thought rping existed to make up for mechanics in game that don't exist.

That thread made my head hurt. It's like they play an entirely different game than i have been for all these years. And i must say that i like mine far better.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
I always knew that Virtue was the realm of catgurls and RPing.

But after reading this thread, I also learned what textfighting, assassination and emo drama truly is.

pfft - linkie no workie for me

My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

Needlepoint and Hobbytex Champion 1984

Blaming others since 2003



Originally Posted by Soliton_Wave View Post
pfft - linkie no workie for me
Looks like original thread was deleted...



Quoted before it gets nuked.


Man, Virtue seems to be the seedy side of the servers.

Okay, here's something that annoys me. There are certain people you run into in the roleplaying community, and I'm not gonna blow up the whole world over this one, mind you, but all the same if these people get ecoli and s--t themselves to death, then I'm gonna really laugh.

Well, we've got the roleplaying community here, and, well, what do you think of when you think of roleplaying? Well, let's see. We've got Pocket D, we've got roleplaying groups, and ERP. Yes, deny it all you want, but we do get online and type-f--k back and forth, and, it might be a sad thing, I don't know, but at least we're not out harpooning dolphins and gang-r--ing social workers, you know? So, yay for ERP. And hey. People might think it's weird to roleplay sex online, but s--t, they voted for Obama, right? So what the f--k do they know? These are the same people that spent twenty million dollars supporting the AIDS foundation, and a billion and a half dollars watching f--king Avatar. So they can kiss my a--, and go to hell.

So I was ERPing someone online recently. And that means I was pretend f--king, for those of you who don't know. And, there are usually better things to do with my time, sure. But after spending another day on this planet with a few billion a--holes who can't tell the difference between gourmet coffee and and Folger's f--king crystals, pretending to r--e a four foot tall catgirl with an eight foot long d--k is actually rather liberating, you know? Gurgling shrieks of ultimate suffering always brighten my day, even if they're just pretend.

So I'm ERPing this catgirl, and I'm trying to make this - this is supposed to be fun, right? That's the whole point. I'm not here for charity. This is not a March of Dimes F--kathon or something. There are no sponsors giving a dollar to some poor diseased wretch for every catgirl I rip apart with my p--is, I'm here for entertainment value, you know? So I'm trying to help make this fun for everybody. And I'm putting a little effort into this, you know? There's no reason ERPing can't be nicely written, right? Nothing with putting a little art into your pretend f--king. So I type a good four or five lines here describing just how exactly how I'm ramming my vast, throbbing love probe against her lungs, you know? I'm at least attempting to be descriptive here. And now it's the catgirl's turn, and she goes, "Oh yeah, baby, don't stop."

And that was it. Got a superhero love god screwing her to oblivion here and that's all I get. And so, I thought, well, you know, s--t, maybe he's hard to impress or something, you know? Maybe he's overdosed on his Prozac. For all I know, this guy could be getting f--ked by King Kong every Tuesday night and I'm just a one-inch wonder to him here. So I try it again, and I write this paragraph, and I'm killing pixies with this s--t, it's so nasty. I'm ripping a hole in the ozone, angels falling out of the clouds, dead. This stuff was so detailed, it could have made the entire world clinch their a--es shut. And the catgirl goes, "Ooh, yeah, f--k me hard."

So it's like, f--k, man, do you have like, two fingers or something? What, are you trying to type with your left testicle here? I mean, I'm not asking for Charles Dickens, you know, but can we at least move past Debbie Does Dallas? I'm trying to do some decent f--king here. And he says, "Well, I'm doing the best I can." Yeah, well, if that's the best you can do, well you shouldn't be allowed to f--k. I'm sorry, but you should be gassed before anyone else stuffs their d--k into you if that's the best you can do. I'm not here to write a porn novel for you, okay? I need some feedback, you lazy s--t.

It never fails. Every time I'm in the mood to play around, I wind up getting some ERPer whose about as passionate as a bridge game with Jeff Goldbloom and it's annoying the s--t out of me. Is it too much to bother being a little expressive here? Where's the romance? I might as well be screwing a bucket of dead accountants over here. I mean how would you like f--king a dead guy with a pull string on his chest? You know, you f--k him for a little bit, you pull the string, "Oh, do me baby. Oh, f--k me harder."

Though I guess it's probably hard to have pretend sex when you've never had any real sex. If you screw the same way in real life as you do online then your d--k probably got bored and fell off. Well, you know what? Get off the internet. Okay? Get off and go f--k a real person for once. It'll do you some good, and it'll do me some good too because I won't come away from an arena match with you feeling like I just tried to f--k a stack of catatonic sushi. Either learn to pretend f--k properly, or for God's sake, stop doing it.

Hey, it's just a stupid trivial thing anyway, right? You won't miss it at all. If you simply can't put a little effort into your ERP, just put a little note in your bio that says "I f--k like Michael Landon" and start a Virtue canasta group or something. But stop wasting everyone's ERPing time, because - well, is ERPing the most important thing on the planet or something? I don't know, I just felt like b--ching about it, god damnit. So everyone just pretend that I had a good moral lesson at the end, and we'll call it even.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Quoted before it gets nuked.


Man, Virtue seems to be the seedy side of the servers.

I can only say..... wow.....




Wow, they make Justice look...NORMAL...



Why am I only learning about this now ??

bye bye Justice....Im off to virtue to get my smeckzies on.

I now know Merms isnt doing it right

My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

Needlepoint and Hobbytex Champion 1984

Blaming others since 2003



To quote a movie I like:

"I'm sorry the Cohen brothers don't direct the p0rn I watch."

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



The "I'm killing pixies" line made me lol in the middle of the cafe at work.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Quoted before it gets nuked.


Man, Virtue seems to be the seedy side of the servers.
OMG Surely that was made up. It had to be... He was being a troll or something... right?



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
OMG Surely that was made up. It had to be... He was being a troll or something... right?
Given his reg date, most likely but who knows?





*looks up and rereads*




This is why we can't have nice things.

Discuss all matters related to the Justice server here.*
*Excludes most topics



Yeah, I learned something all right.



Here I was... sitting around wondering why BaB's turn off his PM's. Wondering if he is leaving CoH etc etc etc.

Checked out 'home', The Justice Server.
Looked at the pitifully few new threads and thinking.. wow.. talk about being dead!

Then I come across this thread, and ... that quote.. . Holy hell that was funny!

Thanks for the quote and thread.. sure made me laugh!

Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server



Glad I wasn't sipping coffee when I read this thread or I'd be cleaning it off the keyboard and monitor.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Glad I wasn't sipping coffee when I read this thread or I'd be cleaning it off the keyboard and monitor.
There should be a warning that comes with this post. "Fasten your seat belts and secure all containers of liquid and food prior to accessing this link."

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



hahahahahaha I was reading this thread @ werk and answered the phone and almost said "text fighting" instead of "tech support" XD






Man, things are so slow on the other servers that they can only get 2 people to do a task force...




I'd worry about getting neg repped but there's probably not enough people on that server to matter. Just kidding. Really.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Man, things are so slow on the other servers that they can only get 2 people to do a task force...




I'd worry about getting neg repped but there's probably not enough people on that server to matter. Just kidding. Really.
Another one:



Hmmmmmmm. That might be fun to try out. I'm not sure how well even my best builds would do vs. Romi as part of a duo, but neat!



Originally Posted by Bobitron View Post
Hmmmmmmm. That might be fun to try out. I'm not sure how well even my best builds would do vs. Romi as part of a duo, but neat!
I hear you on that one.